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林映萍 作品集

Lin Ying Ping Portfolio


1990生 明志科技大學 視覺傳達設計系 台南高商廣告設計科

2013年7月~2014年4月 臺邦商旅 設計專員


陳永基設計有限公司 實習生

Born in 1990 Ming Chi University of Technology Dept. of Visual Communication Design National Tainan Commercial Vocational School Dept. of Advertisement Design Jul. 2013~ Apr. 2014 Taipung Suites- Graphic Designer Sep. 2011~ Aug. 2012 Leslie Chan Design Co Ltd- Design Intern

丁媽媽包子- 品牌設計

Ding Mama vegan steamed bunsbranding design

黃德記天才乾麵- 標誌與名片設計

Talented Huang noodle restaurantlogo & business card design

都蘭手手屋民宿- 文案與攝影

Guest house La maison chiu chiucopywriting & photograph 顧城有這麼一首詩: 喜歡自由的人 在大海中航行 喜歡安全的人 在高原上耕耘 喜歡自由和安全的人 在海邊的陸地上 建造城鎮 島上有這樣一個地方: 沉穩的山 定立著生命的根 無覊的海 翻動著內在的歌 這之間有個憩所 安然自在 來的人可以添點新意 住的人可以舒適自在 在海與山之間的靜巷中交換著彼此的故事 我們邀請您來感受土地的美好 在這裡串起生命片段 一起來都蘭生活吧!

There is a beautiful saying: People who love freedom go sailing on the sea, People who need security cultivate their life on the high land, People who love both sea and mountain find themselves a home along the coast. There is a place in this island: With mountains around supporting our soul of life, With ocean ahead celebrating our inner songs, This beautiful humble village is embraced by the Pacific ocean and mysterious mountains and It is La Maison Chiu Chiua small house hides itself inside the residential street La Masion Chiu Chiu- a place for you to come and stay , a place for you to create your life stories here, a place for you to exchange your voice in life. Welcome to the wonderland, we invite you to enjoy your life and staying in Dulan!


Logo & business card design


Entrance of the guest house


Taipung Suites La Pausa restaurantfatehr’s day poster design


Taipung Suites La Pausa restaurantnoodle buffet instruction poster design


Taipung Suites La Pausa restaurantmenu design


Taipung Suites Tour bar- table tent


Taipung Suites- Tainan city guide map


The peoples' top 30 favorite books poster design


Typography design


Andersen bakerycorporate identity system design manual /layout copy-edit


Nintaro japanese teaching materialbranding position, visual design and textbook design


Hand made wooden plate design

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