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STUDIO AIR 2016 Semester 2 Yingyi Wang




















My name is Yingyi, and I am in the third year of the Bachelor of Environments, majoring architecture at the University of Melbourne. Ever since I was a little kid, I loved drawing and many creative toys like lego. I used to draw on the wall at home and built many various kinds of buildings by lego units. I also imagined about my ideal houses and drew on the paper countless times. The opportunity that made me recognized about architecture was a movie that two kids got escaped from the gangsters through several floor plans of the building. It was amazing to me that there was a way we could see all the things of a building on the paper at the first time. Since then, I loved to draw the plans of my home, classroom and the community I lived in. Fortunately, I can do what I am really interested in at present, learning architecture in the University of Melbourne. The first time I touched digital design was in a first year subject Virtual Environment, but it was a terrible experience. Because I didn’t know how to deal with those software like Rhino, SketchUp and AutoCAD at all. So I had to start from zero and try them one step by one step by myself. SketchUp was the most easiest for me and quickly got a result which was applied into my assignment in Water Studio. Gradually, I found that digital design is a totally new way to explore the designing world for me. And then, I had a further study on Rhino. It broaden my views and thoughts about architecture. There is no which is better between physical design or digital design, but only both good and necessary methods to support our design career. I hope that both my physical and digital approaches could be improved to create more fabulous and creative outcomes.



A1 Design futuring 01 Mobile art chanel ZAHA HADID




The Mobile Art Pavilion for Chanel is built to celebrate the iconic work of Chanel and inspired by the Chanel’s quilted bag. The cross-disciplinary design has been a trend all over the world among various fields. This pavilion is one of the most representative outcomes in this trend and has further influence on this design mode. This mobile museum also had been displayed in different places, Hong Kong, Tokyo, New York and Paris, to inspire and communicate with people from different cultures and environments. This pavilion is totally organic forms driven by new digital design and manufacturing processes, which is another trend in architecture field. Digital design and manufacturing have now been used broadly in architecture design and help people to explore various future possiblityies. The latest digital technology was also applied to this pavilion, not only in the manufacture aspect but also in the visitor’s experience aspect. We can see that more and more coorperation between technology and artists will appear in the future. Also, the transparent parts of this pavilion is another noticeable feature of building arrangement, which make use of natural and aritificial lights tactfully to enhance visitor’s experience and emphasize the theme of this pavilion. Also, the individualility of Zaha’s design is so strong, we can see many obvious features from this project. The individual design characteristics of an architect might be a good thing to be distinguished from others. But it may relate to some problem like the outcome could not accomandated to its surroundings. However, this kind of individuality might also inpire other designers to explore their own style and broaden their sight. Once an outstanding outcome like this pavilion built, many related industries could get inspired and create new approaches or products. Definitely, this mobile museum is an icon of fashion and architecture, a mark of digital design and new manufacturing proceeses, inspiring visitors and industries to explore future possibilities.


A1 Design futuring 02 Bosco Verticale designed by Stefano Boeri, Gianandrea Barreca and Giovanni La Varra



Bosco Verticale is also known as ‘Verticale Forest‘, which is a pair of residential buildings in Milan, Italy. All four sides of these two building were decorated with various kinds od shrubs and floral plans helping to depollute the city, which created a micro-climate that provides xygen and shadings for inhabitants. Not only the residences of these buildings, these buildings might also benefit those surrounding inhabitants with more fresh area and more natural elements. The more important impact is to advocate the sustainable urban development and drive others to explore future patterns of living. This pair of buildings combines high-density urban development with natural plants, which is a great example to inspire people to research on the conbination of urban and nature. It is an outcome under the theory of sustainable development, through multidisciplinary partnerships. Not only architects, horiticulturalists and botanists were also engaged in the designing process. In this project, trees are the key element, which have to fit the project and the local natural environment . Therefore, the choice of the types engaged the knowledge of many other subjects. Multidisciplinary and sustainablility are two important trends in present and are two popular theories that many designers are exploring and using. Bold attemps and imagination are necessary and positive for design futuring, just as ‘Verticale Forest’.



a2 design computation


Computation provides a contunious logic process from deisgnt to fabrication. It largely changed the fabrication process and made it much more efficient, especially broaden the range of conceivable and achievable designs. It helps make many bold, novel and impossible design become reality, which those could not make by traditonal ways.



Beijing National Stadium which known as ‘the Bird’s Nest‘, is a typical outcome of computational design techniques. A large quantity of comtemporary cutting-edge techniques were applied to this project. Not only the dramatic design and complex steel structure were finished by computation, the structual calculation and fabrication of the steel structure were done by computation as well. In 2006, there was a big problem that how to make this massive, huge steel structure become reality. It was so difficult for workers to build the structure only by plans and modeling pictures, without accurrate statistics of each angle and distance between each steel column. And even they knew about the detailed statisctics, it was too difficult to create and merge the steel structure pieces on site. However, the intergrated simulation software for structural calculations helped sovle these problems. It divided the structure into many pieces and produced them by computer orders. And then, workers only needed to install these pieces on the site, which saved a lot of time to make this stadium finished on time. In this way, the ideal structure could be come realistic and exactly as the same as its design. From the designning process to fabrication process, computation provide a continuous solution for this stadium and contributes to the result that raditonal ways could not do. It largely broaden the range of conceivale and achievable geometries and gradually changed the fabrication process.





A2 DESIGN COMPUTATION 02 ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2014-15 The Institute for Computational Design (ICD) and the Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design (ITKE) devote themselves to the debelopment of computational design, simulation and fabrication processed in architecture, at the intersection of the two insititue’s research fields. The initilly flexible pneumatic formwork of this pavilion was gradually stiffened by reinforcing it with carbon fibers from the inside through a novel robotic fabrication process. This pavilion is a typical outcome of computation design, which were generated by computational methods like fabrication constraints and structural simulation, from design to construction process. These computational approaches are necessay for this project. Because the initial idea of this design was inspired form water spider’s underwater nest, which ralated to a large quantity of biologic work need to be done by computional analysis. Also, the designers had to transfer the biological formation sequence into a building construction application. The industrial robotic work improved the efficiency and accuracy of the fabrication. The robotic fabrication appoarches have been a part of the architectural process, which indicated that parametric design need the development of computational fabrication methods. It also showed a comtemporary change in architectural theory that more and more atterntion and foucs have been given to the continious logic work from design to fabrication. Compuation creates many oppotunities for related industrials and were supported and deveopled by them as well. The computation technique make many disciplinary get crossed and enhance the development between each other, which largely broaden the conceivable and achievable geometris.






A3 COMPOSITION/GENERATION 01 Times Eureka Pavilion by Nex Architecture

NEX Principal Alan Dempsey says: “We extended the design concepts of the garden by looking closely at the cellular structure of plants and their processes of growth to inform the design’s development. The final structure was designed using computer algorithms that mimic natural growth and is intended to allow visitors to experience the patterns of biological structure at an unfamiliar scale. The primary structure is timber sourced from sustainable spruce forests with a glass panelled roof.”1 This introduction of Times Eureka Pavilion shows that a series of mature generative approaches were applied to this project, related to the thoeries of computation and multi-disciplinary workship. It was argued that computation was used by many designers to simpilify their work but not used to explore and deal with more complex situations. However, this project shows the perfect use of generative approaches to finish a multidisciplinary project. It helps analyse the biological patterns and turned it into structural geometory. As Peters said, generative approaches and algorithmic thinking enhance the coorperation among different industries by simplifying communication through scripting cultures. 2

1. Times Eureka Pavilion / Nex Architecture, Arch Daily, 2. Peters. Brady, Computation Works: The Building of Fig.3.1 Algoritmic Thought, Architectural Design, 83(2013), p. 10.






01 Ribbon Chapel By Hiroshi Nakamura

It is claimed that computational tools may resitrict designers’ imagination and choices and those geometories cloud not adapt to its enviroments. However, Ribbon Chapel which was designed for weddings shows people a uniquely Japanese stlye on the interactoin with nature and modern features, through algorithmic thinking and parametric technique. It is said that ‘The Ribbon Chapel is both a literal and metaphorical embodiment of the union of marriage. The intertwining spiral staircases represent the journey of marriage, crossing paths and supporting each other as they ascend to become one at the summit. ‘1 This novel and expressive chapel benefits from computational performance and simulation, which help designers explore the building experivence and create more responsive designs. However, the generative approaches are not only benefit people as tools for calculation, simulation and modeling, but also providing various ways for designers to explore more opportunities and innovations. Generative approaches help people explore more and various relationships between human and architecture and future development of multidisciplinary architectural literature and practice. More and more elements and theories could be given to a building and shown to people by these modern appoarches.



1. O’Hanlon. Tim, Hiroshi Nakamura’s Ribbon Chapel,






Part A introduced and illustrated a far-reaching revolution in architectural literature and practice and many related industries. Computational design techniques provide various possibilities of future development not only in architecture and contruction, but also in the whole human society including lifestyle, development direction and workflows. With the development of technology, people did many thing they could not do in the past and fasten the speed of development day by day. Meanwhile, the direction of future development became controversial debate. Modern techonology provides us more and more opportunities to explore the future development, which could be diverse and bold. Design approaches no matter traditional or modern computational should not be restriction or block fro designers. Both of them are opportunities for people to catch and could be applied in various ways. Anyway, each person could benefit from designing approaches, just depending on how you engaged and use them.



My understanding of the theory and practice of architectural computing developed a lot from Part A learning. At the beginning, I thought it was to use software to model the idea and to calculated the statistics. However, I realised that it’s actually a huge revolution in architecure and its related industries. Also, through a series learning of grasshopper, I had a deeper and clearer understanding of parametric medelling and algorithmic thinking. I think the learning of Part A might be very useful in my future study and work. I would apply the new skills I got from Part A to future study and explore more possibilities of my own design.






IMAGE BIBILIOGRAPHY Fig.1.1 Zaha Hadid Arhitects, 3ce22f6e2569fb36764f8_zha_chanelmobileart_drawings2.jpg [accessed 18 March,2016]. Fig.1.2 Halbe. Roland, 0db123ce22f6e2569fb36764f8_zha_rolandhalbe_paris2.jpg [accessed 18 March,2016]. Fig.1.3 Dezzen Magazine, [accessed 18 March,2016]. Fig.1.4 Nebuloni. Luca, Bosco_Verticale_from_UniCredit_Tower%2C_Milan_%2817591709258%29.jpg/1024px-Bosco_ Verticale_from_UniCredit_Tower%2C_Milan_%2817591709258%29.jpg [accessed 18 March,2016]. Fig.2.1 60861F44DT20060917202752.jpg [accessed 18 March,2016]. Fig.2.2 Construction & Installation, files/20100815/cca1.png [accessed 18 March,2016]. Fig.2.3 Comparison of various fiber reinforcement strategies, wp-content/gallery/rp14-15process/Web_Process07.jpg [accessed 18 March,2016]. Fig.2.4 Cyber-physical fibre placement process, [accessed 18 March,2016]. Fig.2.5 Web_ICD_ITKE08.jpg [accessed 18 March,2016].


Fig.3.1 jpg [accessed 18 March,2016]. Fig.3.2 [accessed 18 March,2016]. Fig.3.3 [accessed 18 March,2016]. Fig.3.4 jpg [accessed 18 March,2016]. Fig.3.5 jpg [accessed 18 March,2016]. Fig.3.6 jpg [accessed 18 March,2016].





B.1. Research Field-Strips/Folding

Fig.1 Mesonica Fabrics 01[1]

Fig.2 Mesonic Fabrics Cellular Automoatas[2]


1. Alisa Andrasek with Ezio Blasetti, Mesonica Fabrics 01, 2010, 2 . A l i s a A n d r a s e k w i t h E z i o B l a s e t t i , M e s o n i c a F a b r i c s C u l l u l a r A u t o m o a t a s , 2 0 1 0 , h t t p : / / f a r m 5 . s t a t i c . f l i c k r. com/4011/4460698032_3b5e0895f8_b.jpg

Biothing pavillion consists of serval self-modifying trasformative curves under the control of various grasshopper components. The structure of this sort of outcome is mainly contributed by fields components which can make strips transformed or folded and be structured into various shapes. Many ideal frames, structures ot patterns could be pricisely controlled and transformed into some incredible outcomes. The huge potentials in strips and folding make it an attractive feild to explore. They also help expolre the usage of material. The material itself can not only be used as structure, but also used as patterns, ornament and expressions of design ideas. However, there are some limitations on fabrication. As we all known, the technique of 3D printing has not been improved over the last dacade, still restricting within a small area of printing platform. If this pavilion is going to be built in reality, it could not be fabricated as an entirety but splited into many pieces, which could affecting the visual experience. It requires many cutting-edge techniques to connect the different parts of this pavilion making it as smooth as its digital model looks like. Another concern is about the material. as we see in the picture on the right side, softness and flexibility are essential for strips and folding. But these strips are also used as structure, so that strengthness and capacity of loading are also required. And it resulted in a limitation on the choice of materials.


B.2 Case Study 1.0 Species 1 - Graph Mapper

Species 2 - Spin Charge

Species 3 - Line Charge


Point Charge


B.2 Case Study 1.0 Species 5 - Curve Closet Point

Species 4 - Move

Species 6 - Voronoi




B.2 Case Study 1.0 - Criteria

The criteria of seletion is about whether this variation can contribute to my design. The proposal for my design is a functional pedestrain stuctrued and ornamented by strips. It requires flexibility, mesh-like, capacity of structure and creates space for functions. These four selections could contributing my ideal visual experience and the essential functions of my design. The appearence of the design is a pedestrain above the water level with a flexible frame above it. The main function is about rubbish recycling, so mesh structure is essential. And other important is that if it can be achieved as ideal model by existing technique.

This struture is like a basic foundation for the pedestrain without blokcing water flowing or fish swimming. It is a simple, easy and efficient structure. And with the flexibility of each single mesh-like support stud, a floating wave pedestrain surface could be achieved.


This mesh structure based on spin vectors create oppotunities for tranformation of the pedestrain surface and the frame above the pedestrain. As a frame above the pedestrian, it can control circulation and give people visual enjoyment.

This mesh mainly works for the recycling function under the water. With a appropriate space between each mesh curve, it will block the rubbish efficiently and creating pull force by water to reshape the frame.

This structure might work for both above and under w a t e r. I t m i g h t b e u s e d as supporting structure to create an up-and-down platform and give inspritions for futher design.


B.3 Case Study 2.0 ICD/ITKE Research Pavillion 2010

Fig. 3[3]



3. ICD, Pavilion_image_19,2010, 4. ICD, Pavilion_image_06,2010,

This pavilion is an entirely bending-active structure made of extremely thin, elastically-bent plywood strips and this project focused on material-oriented computational design, simulation and production processed in architecture.[5] This project compeleted a successful research on material behavioural features in parametric principles. the plywood peices were totally computational outcome from design to frabrication. Also, the meterial behaviours like the capacity of bending were tested accuratelly by mechine. It's a very impressive project can inspire people to explore the meterial behaviours and think about potentials of entirety project.

Fig. 5[6]

5."2010 ICD Research Buildings / Prototypes," University Stuttgart, 2010, 6. ICD, Pavilion_image_21,2010, image_21.jpg


B.3 Case Study 2.0 - Reverse Engineer

1. draw 2 closed curves


2. divide curves into segements

3. cull the groups an CRVVP to ev

em into two d then use valuate them

4. use weave component 5 . i n t e r c o p o l a t e a n d to create the wave strips extrude


B.3 Case Study 2.0 OUTCOMES

The script of this pavilion is quite complex for me to use and understand at the beginning. However, after I finished this part, I found I got a deeper understanding of algorithmic thinking, computational design and material behaviours. The wave strips is similar with the original but it much rougher than the original components. I directly shaped the strips into waves but the original used connection and the capacity of bending of the material. I didn't take the material behaviours into consideration and I was not materialoriented but structure-oriented. The keys of the original are bending materials and connection. But mine made structure and shape as the goal. I will pay more attention on the relationship between material and stucture and material behaviour in my future design.



B.4 Technique: Development Species 1

Species 2

Species 3



B.4 Technique: Development Species 4

Species 5

Species 6



B.4 Technique: Development

Species 7

Species 8



B.4 Technique: Development OUTCOMES

These two variations are the most successful ones for my proposal. The arc frame is one of the most obivious and important features for the entirety. Iteration 3 - 5 showed the above water structure, which is a pedestrain covered by a series of arc strips. The end of the arc strips should be extended into the water and form a mesh to block the rubbish. Iteration 8 4 showed the ideal arc structure, which can be shaped by the pull force of water aroused by the volume of rubbish. However, it is very difficult to make a continuous entirety like that, the only thing can do is to focus on connection. That aroused more issues like how it can be connected to the platform to make them like a smooth entirety and how to maintain the movement of the frame.





B.5 Prototypes

This connection is very similar with ICD pavilion, which consists of bending strips by connecting them intersects. The flexible material provide convinience and oppotunities for various forms. However, this poly sheet is too thin and soft resulting in the unstable structure.


The circular joint plate with fillisters cut around its edge provide oppotunnities for various structures and provide inspritions for connections. The plate can also be as the pedestrian or tool to control circulation.


The strips could be shaped and connected by each other and create volume facade and structure. this is very important for my design, which meets the requirement of lightness, smoothness and flexibility.


Thicker poly material might be suitable for the frame. But this type of connection is a bit too flexbible and might not esay to control the shape. The high temperature and strong wind can affect its shape.


B.6 Proposal Site Analysis

Image source from google map

Dights Falls is formed by an artificial weir built on a natural rock bar and is one of the most famous site of Merri Creek which is a part of lower Yarra area. However, the water quality around Dights Fall is a big issue, which is yellow-brown and muddy with terrible smell and rubbish in it. This site is a good example to show people the problems that poor environment might arouse.


Goal to achieve

- visual appearence to show the pollution of the water by collecting rubbish - make people feel the issues living in a poor environment by blocking or adding the difficulties of the circulation and movement.

How the Merri Creek was polluted? - rubbish from human, like pastic bags, plastic bottles - dangerous chemical spill - polluted stormwater drain - soil erosion (washed by storm and cause slow flow)

statistics from

The stream flow depends on the rainfall. After the storm washing, the stream cannot carry the soil or dirt and becomes slow, resulting in terrible smell.


B.6 Proposal Frame Transforms by Pulling Force







B.7 Outcomes

Part B pushed me forward on my algorithmic skills and research skills. By researching on those successful precedents, I developed my computational skills and have a deeper understanding of algorithmic design. The computational design is quite vital today cause it has great potentials and can make many ideal design into reality. Through this period, I know more about digital fabrication and how the digital model turn into reality. There are many issues to concern about to achieve the precise ideal outcome by existing technique. It seems like the existing technique cannot catch up with digital design and become a big limitation for fabrication. People have to think about the connection, the material and the structure. However, due to this limitation, many new ideas and approaches can be developed. Aonther important outcome is about algorithmic thinking. Before this part, I thought it's fine to make a digital model without parametric approaches only if I can make the shape I want. However, after the research on ICD Pavilion 2010 and those interations, I understand that the value of pricise control and the algorithmic logic thinking. Parametric design also helped create various iterations by changing only one small statistic or component, which inspired me more ideas and help me refine my design. I will apply parametric approaches to my future design and help myself explore more potentials.


B.8 Appendix - Algorithmic Skectchs


B.8 Appendix - Algorithmic Skectchs






C.1. Design Concept INTERIM PRESENTATION FEEDBACK -Return to "Strip" exploration as a form. It is much interesting to do the extruded blocks by using Grasshopper. -Take the connection details from the ICD research project and try to replicate this as a starting point for connecting your pieces. -Digital Fabrication is important. Fabricate some prototype to try the effect of the connection details

REFLECTION TO THE FEEDBACK In part B proposal, I had got a general goal for the project but the form and detail of the project were not been developed deeply. And the only outcome was just a diagram of the project. The interim presentation feedback focused on the technique development and digital fabrication. Then me and my partner tried serval variations of the form of the project, such as transforming the shape of strips and enriching the functions of the design project. Also, we came back to 'strips' by using parametric techinique and take connections into consideration. In addition, to fit in the local environment is another concern we focused on. The first point we started to refine our design proposal is its constructability. The paramatric technique inspired us a lot about the amazing shapes but most of them are not constructable and buildable. Therefore, we need to consider how to make a physical stucture from a parametric concept. The second point is the joints which allow the movement of the strips and achieve the function we supposed. The third point is about digital fabrication that could contribute to our project. How we can produce a physical structure to achieve our design was a big issue and urgent to be solved.


REFINE We refined out goal and brief. We hope it can be a functional, envir onmental and educational comprehensive project. The final brief is: By interfering visitor's action of movement, make people not only have a general concept of environment pollution but also have more sensorial experience on the environment protection.


C.1. Design Concept REFINE

We were inspired by one interation in 'strips' case study. This interation consists of variated strips looks very flexible and interesting. So we selected it as out initial form. Accoding to the function we supposed, the strips were extended as many hooks or a mesh consisting of vertical strips, to collect rubbish. And then, we explored that how to make it a physical structure, but not just a concept diagram. The top picture on the right was our first step to explore the structure. The flexibile strips start from left side of the platform through the right side and go down to the water to form a claw or hook. However, this model requies high level flexibility and very hard to maintain its shape. Also, the stips and the platform with patterns do not match with each other. So we chose to make each strip into several segements and connecting by joints allowing the movement function. In this way, the structure of strips are easy to control and maintain in a relatively stable shape. And it comes like the bottom picture on the right. However, the structure looks unfinished without continuity and the gabage collecting fuction is also not finalised, if only add mesh on the 'hook' part.



To acheive continuity and function, we use grasshopper to make a general structure form. The closed strips array along the 's' shape platform with a continuous mesh covered, consisting a countinuous closed entirety. The mesh not only enhance the gabage collection function which can avoid them run out of the collecting area, but also create a sense of continuity and make it look like a completed project. This digital design helped us to work on next step and find more about kinetic design.


C.1. Design Concept



C.1. Design Concept Envisaged Construction Process - Joints





We tried both 3D printing and laser cut to fabricated out joints. We started these two types of prototpyes at the same time to find out the most suitable way for out design.


C.2. Tectonic Elements & Prototype Core Construction Element - Joints Joints is the most important element in our design. There are quite a lot joints to connect between the strips and between strip and the platform. The joint we made first is the big joint we called, which connecting strips with the platform as well as connecting between the strips. The first prototype we got is the 3D printing joints. However, it was totally a failure that we never thought about. The base was connected to the models firmly and we could not remove the models form the white base and their edges. The only two units we removed from 3d printing didn't work either. The circular joints requires high level of accuracy. Obviousily, this method is not presice enough. Because the round stick could not insert into the circular hole. Also, 3D printing is quite slow and expensive for us. Therefore, we had to put our hope on laser cut.



The outcome of laser cut was great and surprising. The tightness and size were very accurate. Also, it acheived the rotation and connection as we supposed. It also provided sufficient structure and rigidity. In addition, laser cut is much faster and cheaper than 3D printing. The cost and time are easy to control in this way. Therefore, we decided to work on laser cut and use this technique and material to contribute to our further models. The pictures below are the final joints and they were almost the same with the first laser cut joints. The only change is the 'ears' for connecting mesh to the joints.


C.3. Final Detail Model JOINTS DETAILS



C.3. Final Detail Model Final Model



C.4. Learning Objectives & Outcomes Through one semester study of this studio, I had a better understanding of paramatric design, digital fabrication and computational technique. I tried a lot techiniques, softwares and equipments during the design processes. These new knowledge changed the way of my design concepts and routines and even my thoughts of architecture. I could not even tell the meaning of these technique like "strips" or "folding" at the beginning of the study. But the grasshopper interested me and drove me to explore by myself. The more I explored, the more I acheived. Now I can using parametric technique to design, refine and produce a project. Computational design allow us to create many incredible designs, but to make them physical is a challenging issue. Laser cut is also a try for me. Because I always thought it must be difficult. Howver, actually, it is quite efficient and amazing. My final project totally relied on laser cut and many joints are inspired by it. However, the thickness of material is a big limit of laser cut and the surface cutting has some shortage compared to 3D printing. During the process of my final model, I once thought about merge these two digital fabrication method to acheive my model. Unfortunately, I failed because of the low accuracy of the 3D printing. Digital fabrication and parametric technique are not only tools for us to explore out project, they are more like fountain of ideas inspiring and broadening our thoughts. Definitely, I will make most use of these software and digital fabrication. Not only because computational design is the main trend nowadays, but also because it is a totally attractive and useful designning tool.



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