Rockford—keep life comfortable

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keep life comfortable

keep life comfortable

In 1958, we shared the idea of comfort with the world.

We helped the world relax. The history of our brand is rooted in comfort innovation.

1958– 2013, we were


2013– present, we are now

ROCKFORD for the following reason.

A new name with a new mission Rockford, Michigan, is the original location where the brand was born. We chooses the name Rockford, as a way of returning to our roots of comfort. Our new mission is all about making life more convienient, more efficient and more healthy. So our customers feel inner and outer comfort in this competitive and stressful world.

No matter who you are, where you are from, what you do, once you step into the “Rockford� world, it results in one experience: Rockford keeps life comfortable.

There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort. —Jane Austen An English novelist, earned her a place as one of the most widely read writers in English literature.

Welcome to a comfortable world.


50 YEARS OF CASUAL STYLE Our invention of casual style History at a glance


OUR SHIFT Our transition Rockford people


OUR IDENTITY The new identity Rockford logo structure Rockford logo variations Rockford logo applications Incorrect use of logo Rockford logo with tagline Rockford colors Rockford typography Rockford graphic elements Rockford image style Rockford expression


BEYOND FASHION Rockford position Rockford now offers Convenience, efficiency, wellness for home, work, play

50 YEARS OF CASUAL STYLE • Our invention of casual style • History at a glance


The invention of casual style

In our 50 years history of casual style, With the full product

and soon after, the company purchased, for just $50,

line for men, women and children, Hush Puppies applies the

the photograph of a soft-eyed basset hound that

philosophy of fun, comfortable and genuine style to every

would become its logo and grace millions of shoes,

shoe it makes and provides high quality casual footwear for

boxes, ads and displays.

all segments of the entire families. The origins of the Hush Puppies name are decidedly

Hush Puppies were introduced to the industry at the National Shoe Fair in Chicago in October

low-tech. A company sales manager sat with a friend for a

1957. Reaction was immediate and overwhelming.

dinner of catfish and deep fried corn fritters called “Hush

Retailers flocked to the booth, intrigued by the casual

Puppies.” Intrigued by the name, the salesman discovered

lifestyle positioning, innovative styling, brushed suede

that farmers also used these hush puppies to quiet barking

uppers and lightweight crepe soles. By mid-1959 the

dogs. At the time, tired feet were known as “barking

company had produced its first million pairs and by

dogs” and the salesman reasoned that his soft, lightweight

1963 one-in-ten adults in the United States owned a

comfortable shoes could quiet them, too. The rest is history.

pair of Hush Puppies.

The Hush Puppies trademark was registered on July 1, 1958


History at a glance

Late 50’s—70’s

From Royalty to RockStars


Becoming a Legend

In 1958, the world became a little more comfort as Hush Puppies created the first casual shoe. Designed for young American families who were shifting of conservative uniformity to a comfortable, casual way of life. The Hush Puppies trademark was registered on July 1, 1958.

Hush Puppies were introduced to the industry at the National Shoe Fair in Chicago in October 1957. Reaction was immediate and overwhelming. Celebrities like Warren Beatty, Perry Como and the “Rat Pack” found them as early as 1959. Hush Puppies became the look for the swingin’ set and were advertised on the Tonight Show with its new host, Johnny Carson.



Classic American Style


A dog’s Tale

A new “spokesbasset” ended in the late 1980’s became the new Hush Puppies mascot to reinforce the fun, irreverence and optimism of the Hush Puppies brand. The spot won the Golden Lion award at the 1989 Cannes Advertising Festival and was named one of the Top 50 TV Commercials of All Time.

By 1990, Hush Puppies became so popular that Mikail Gorbachev invited the brand to become the first American company to manufacture and sell footwear in the Soviet Union. Hush Puppies ran full page congratulatory ads in USA Today and The Wall Street Journal.


A world of comfort

Comfort is an idea as powerful to today’s global economy as it was when Hush Puppies introduced it in 1958. And Rockford will keep this brand soul to extend our product and services in to every aspect of people’s life. Our goal is to keep people’s life comfortable.

OUR SHIFT • Our transition • Rockford people


We were soft, relaxed and fashionable. Hush Puppies is an American legend. In 1958, Hush Puppies created the world’s first casual shoe, signaling the beginning of today‘s relaxed style. By utilizing supple suede in combination with lightweight crepe soles, Hush Puppies created a soft, breathable and very comfortable shoe—an innovation that would ultimately change the kind of shoes we wear.


We are now balanced, advanced and reliable. Rockford now strives to constantly evolve our brand’s world renowned comfort, bringing people the most advanced technology available for not only just footwear but also people’s entire life experience.


Rockford people Rockford will continue to service the old brand’s customers who enjoyed our fashion products. However, We also aim at a larger group of people, to service them with products, services and experiences that make their lives more comfortable. Rockford knows how stressed people in the new century must be, and we feel it’s our responsibility to have some comforting effect on someone who needs comfort. We will help people enjoy a convenient, efficient and healthy life, regardless of what life stages they are in. Our people’s age range is various, but our products and services will be designed for each individual to fit specific needs. You will be amazed by our products, services and experiences.


A stressed student Angela is a junior student in college, who maintain a 4.0 GPA. She is always a hardworking students, and she needs to keep her GPA at 4.0 in order to get the scholarship and finish her college. She usually become emotional when finals are soon coming, she’d rather stay at home or in the library for weeks on reading and reviewing the final materials. Rarely going to parties, a little bit lonely at school. People only talk to her to ask homework and exams.

Angela Johnson (age 20)


A rising star in her law office Kim has had a love-hate relationship with her entire life: she has been a highachieving, competitive, go-getter at work, which made her a rising star in the office. She is dedicated, focused and efficient, always does a good job closing deals, preparing for trial, and managing all her clients. However busy schedules keep her not doing yoga for quite a while, recently has a hard time sitting still.

Kim Cullen (age 25)

Eric Wong (age 27)

The hardworking software engineer Eric is the youngest guy in the office. He stays at least 8 hours in front of computer and often has multiple tasks. Everyday when he gets home, he has to enter into backed up freelance work or extra schooling. He basically works 12–20 hours per day, six days a week. He needs massage to relax his stressed out body, and he really hopes get away from his busy life for a while.

Amanda Swan (age 34)

The diligent homemaker Amanda is the caretaker of a middle class family, a mother of a boy and a girl. She has been taking care of her family for 8 years. She does cooking two times a day. She makes daily schedule and generally follows it. Amanda is a neat freak and always afraid her kids get sick. She is willing to buy the best products for her family but confused with countless similar products. She likes to collect information about any products from all sources.


A public relations officer Ryan oversees an entire communications department. He is responsible for creating and maintaining a positive image with the public for his company. He is also in charge of communicating information about his company to the community. Ryan is on the front lines of media quite often and spends many hours daily for researching, writing and distributing press releases to targeted media.

Ryan Freeman (age 41)


A commercial pilot Roger recently promoted to the captain. He maintains a 23 years safely flying record. He flies 900 hours each year. The worst thing of his job is to adjust to different time zones and often stays overnight at their destinations. He is often being away from home and his vacations have been reduced. Roger has a daughter that is about to go to a famous private university, which requires a lot of money.

Roger Fulcher (age 47)

Steven Benson (age 55)

The successful boss The CEO of his own company, Steven has three kids, he is very rich, owns his house and three cars. However Steven has communication issues with his kids, although he could often buy expensive gifts for his kids birthday, the frequent business trips and social activities take too much his time away from his kids. He knows to spend more time with kids is the key to change the relationship, however, it’s very hard for him to do. He also needs to spend ton of energy maintaining the company, so it’s able to be competitive in the market.

OUR IDENTITY • The new identity • Rockford logo structure • Rockford logo variations • Rockford logo applications • Incorrect use of logo • Rockford logo with tagline • Rockford logo color • Rockford typography • Rockford graphic elements • Rockford image style • Rockford expression


The New Identity

This is an era where our society is developing at the speed of light. We are too hurried, too rushed, and too stressed. We are busy working to pay the bills while falling deeper into debt. Not just financially, but physically and mentally. We are multitasking along the way; we are exhausted from the stress. While most people are chasing after success, glamor, and fame, Rockford enables people to find freedom to disengage, to keep only the essentials, and keep life comfortable.

Rockford believes simplicity calls out to us with a smaller, quieter, calmer voice. It invites us to slow down, consume less, but enjoy more.


Whatever you’re facing right now, there is a way out. ­

— Paul Jukes The President of MCS Kenny


Life is like a circle, not just because it has a beginning and

circumstances. Rockford invites people to get back to

an end, but also because life has its routines. Each day is

a united and consistent simple life. We want people

different, but somewhat the same. Life also has its different

to feel comfortable no matter what situation they are

parts, like a big circle that contains smaller circles inside.

in, no matter what role they are playing. It’s the same

People live one life around their family, one life around their

comfortable life on Friday evening as it is on Sunday

coworkers and one life around themselves. This requires

morning‌ as it is on Monday morning. This comfort is

them to portray a certain image dependant upon their

reliable, dependable.


Rockford logo structure

Our logo has four Rockford comfy circles: the biggest circle

We have two major localizations for using the logo on

stands for our life, which is made up of different parts. Our

either print materials or on screen: horizontal lockup treatment

life is exciting and colorful but could lead to stress. When

and vertical lockup treatment. For legibility and consistency,

people have too many things going on in their lives, always

the Rockford logo must have its comfort zone with clear space

going back to the central comfy zone is the best way to get

around it.

comfort. This return to the center also echoes back to the

When the logo appears on print materials, it can be

reason why we changed our name as a way of returning to

shown in either horizontal lockup treatment depends on

our roots of comfort. The circles touch each other, lead

different circumstances.

our eyes naturally to the central black circle. Following the idea of coming back to the original location, where the brand was born, the central circle is like home, where people can always go back and find a sense of secure, calm, and comfort. The logo also shows the beauty of simplicity in modern times. Circles have always been a symbol of unity, infinity, and harmony, which is why the central circle intentionally matches the size of the “O� in Rockford at the bottom, and that reinforces the concept of simplicity.







x x



The central circle matches the size of the “O� in Rockford at the bottom.


Rockford logo variations When the logo appears on screen, it must always be shown in horizontal lockup treatment. The placement proportion of each part is shown on the bottom.






The logo can be zoomed in and out proportionally, in order to communicate clearly and to be consistent, it must not go smaller than 3/8”(10mm).

7/8” 22mm

5/8” 16mm

3/8” 10mm


The logo is also design to be used with just the logo or the type. The primary typeface Brandon Grotesque is adapted to fit the friendly and comfortable feeling that the logo presents. And it can be used on its own.


Rockford logo applications

The logo can be used in one color, on both dark and light background. Whenever on the black background, the logo should be in the color from brand’s color palette, but not in black; whenever on the white background, the logo should not be in yellow.


Incorrect use of logo

Do not make the stroke thicker

Do not write on the logo

Do not change the proprotion of logo

Do not rotate the logo

Do not change or switch circle’s color

Do not add given circles background color


Do not use multiple logo as pattern

Do not stretch the logo

ROCKFORD Do not use other typefaces

Do not add or take out of circles

Do not add outline to type

Do not change type’s color to other colors


Do not do different applications

Do not add gradient

Do not put different logo variations together

Do not add other elements into logo

Do not use one color logo with black type

Do not put logo into type


Rockford logo with tagline

The Rockford tagline is our primary marketing message. All communications and creative materials are rooted in the “keep life comfortable� concept. The tagline should be used on all marketing communications, including print collateral, advertising and websites. The tagline can be placed in three ways: with a fixed lock-up and flexible placement relative to the brand mark and shown by itself. The tagline always appears in all lower case, Serifa 55 Roman typeface.

keep life comfortable

keep life comfortable

keep life comfortable


keep life comfortable

lower case

keep life comfortable Serifa 55 Roman

Rockford color

Rockford uses the foundational CMYK as the brand’s color because CMYK echoes the idea of simplicity. By keeping only the essentials, CMYK makes our logo simple and modern. It is also easy and economic to produce during the printing process.

Rockford Cyan

C=100 M=0 Y=0 K=0 R=0 G=175 B=255

Rockford Red

C=0 M=100 Y=100 K=0 R=255 G=0 B=0

Rockford Black

C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=100 R=0 G=0 B=0

Rockford Yellow

C=0 M=0 Y=100 K=0 R=255 G=255 B=0


Rockford typography


The Rockford logo type face is Rockford Brandon, which was developed from the typeface Brandon Grotesque. Brandon Grotesque is clean and friendly, and by

rounding each letter’s stroke, the Rockford Brandon represents the concept of

our brand. The primary typeface is Serifa 55 Roman, This typeface is used in our

headlines. Brandon Grotesque is used as body copy in our print and digital materials, including collateral, advertising and stationary.



Rockford Brandon


Serifa 55 Roman


Brandon Grotesque Regular

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz


Rockford graphic elements

Our brand allows several graphic elements. The graphic elements are circles, outlined circles, dotted line bar, and the unique Rockford square that is combined with circles and squares, and they can also be used together or individually, as a frame for an image, or background on the bottom of text.

Circle can be used in solid color, or with an outline.

Dotted line is the separate graphic that can

When circles are outlined, the stroke should be the

be used to divide text, so the text is shown in

same weight in proportion to the logo’s stroke, no

better hierarchy.

thinner or thicker. All the graphic elements should be following the Rockford color palette or in white.


When multiple outlined circles are used as image frames on a single layout, the number of circles can be more or less than just four. The outline’s color should be all in one color from the brand logo color palette. When images are placed in circles and overlap with each other, the circles should be outlined to increase the readability of the images.


final shape

final shape

Circle can be combined with square, which makes another unique Rockford square. Up to two of the square’s corners can be rounded, and those two rounded corners should not be next to each other. This graphic can only be used for an image frame, and when an image is inside, the graphic should not be outlined.


When the circles are a decorative pattern shown on one page, there are only three circles, no more, no less. They can be freely placed in desired places, just make sure they follow the proportion of the logo’s structure. And they should all be in either four Rockford colors, and each one is different from the others, or all the circles are in only one color.


Rockford image style

The Rockford photography style needs to go beyond the traditional fashion based images about people’s clothing. All new imagery needs to reflect balanced, advanced and reliable life experiences at home, work and play. Those photos should show moments of `life experiences that our target audiences can relate to. The photos should also provide a sense of modern, advanced, healthy, livable, bright and experienced. The images should not present upscale materialism or superficial qualities. The photos should make viewers think, “I want myself to be in that picture,” or, “I want to be the person in that picture.”





Rockford expression

Rockford establishes the visual system for the communication purpose in the market. The business system keeps in mind of the brand style guide, and it is designed in a consistent visual voice. All the online and print business materials must adapt with the system.

Brandon Hughes Product designer Tel: 1-866-699-7365 Email: Wolverine World Wide Inc. 9341 Courtland Drive Rockford, MI 49351, USA

keep life comfortable

keep life comfortable

keep life comfortable

Wolverine World Wide Inc. 9341 Courtland Drive Rockford, MI 49351, USA 1-866-699-7365

BEYOND FASHION • Rockford position • Rockford now offers • Convenience, efficiency, wellness for home, work, play


Rockford position Rockford’s new brand mission will be bringing comfy life experiences to our customers, so this way people feel comfortable. The new brand’s position in the market will surpass the previous only fashion based industry, to service our customer with products, services, and experiences, etc.

Out of home


Life coaching


External Hush Puppies The Body Shops


Zen Massage

Make a Wish Foundation

Safeway Personal Shopper Medicine Factory



Our brand will also provide diverse products, services and experiences, etc to both individual and family. In short, when you or your family want (more) comfortable life experiences, you are warmly welcomed to come into Rockford.

Diversed products/services


Target Walmart


Hush Puppies Spa center Heath Clubs and gyms Hospice

Home care agency

Simple product/servicevice



Rockford now offers

Products / Services / Experiences / Education




easy and organized

fast and advanced

body and soul

Home / Work / Play

The new mission of the brand is to provide products and services that help people gain convenience, efficiency and wellness, so they experience inner and outer comfort in their lives. All those products and services will be carefully designed for personal needs and desires. With the new Rockford, people can enjoy comfortable life experiences in every situation, no matter what role they are playing in the society or in their families, no matter what nationality they are. No matter what life stage they are in, Rockford will always be on their side to provide effective support, thus keep their lives comfortable. The experience with Rockford will not only benefit the person, but also be memorable and influential to their families.


EFFICIENCY (fast and advanced) WELLNESS (body and soul)

CONVENIENCE (easy and organized)


Online store Special chef Home Management Storage boxes Household products




life coaching


WELLNESS (body and soul)










Stress managment

CONVENIENCE (easy and organized)

Breaking room Career conselling Personal fitness trainer


Travel planner

Personal stylist Personal assistant

EFFICIENCY (fast and advanced)

Spa/ massage Interest-oriented classes Fashion products


CONVENIENCE (easy and organized)


EFFICIENCY (fast and advanced)


WELLNESS (body and soul)



Storage products From a wide selection of hangers to baskets and storage bins, the home storage and organization products you need are all at Rockford. A variety of shelving products, drawers and carts, bathroom organizers, kitchen and outdoor storage options and bookcases can be found at Rockford stores and You’ll find what you need to organize your workshop or add storage space to a crowded room.




Personal stylist Rockford’s personal stylist will give the most updated fashion suggestions based on customers’ personal style and need, so our customers will be able to choose the best outfit for their special occasions. We are partnered with famous fashion brands, which provide clothing and jewlery rentals.



Special chef Rockford establishes special chef services for working professionals and those who are in need. After a long working day, working professionals might want to go back home and be able to have a delicious dinner immediately. Our special chef will be serving various dishes from various cultures, including Chinese, Italian, Spanish, French and Greek. Just make a reservation 24 hours ahead of your scheduled time.


You deserve a delicious dinner after a long working day.



We also help to arrange and cook for special occasions such as birthdays, engagements, Thanksgiving and Christmas.


Home management system The home management system combines management, security and entertainment in one centralized system. This system helps our customers set up and manage housework, home temperature and a variety of other functions. Our LCD monitor is easy on the eyes and easy to use, it also can be controlled at home and out of home.


Get everything under control, anywhere, anytime.



Personal assistant Rockford’s personal assistant will make our customers’s life experiences to be more organized, convenient and efficient. Our services include personal shopper, schedule planner, and project manager. Our personal assistant services will follow people’s requirement and complete their task on time.



Personal trainer Our personal trainer service has different exercise plans that are based on individual’s needs. All the training schedules are flexible. We have short term and long term training sessions that help clients achieve their short term or long term goals. Our sessions run on weekly, monthly and yearly basis. Clients can always choose their favorite trainer.


Rockford online shop Rockford’s website contains all the information about the brand and all the products and services the brand provides. Customers can access our website to keep updated for our new products and services, and people are more than welcomed to make a reservation online.





Fashion products Rockford carries on the old brand Hush Puppies’ fashion production line, continues to produce footwear as well as other products that are non-footwear fashion. Our products can be worn not just in casual occasions, but also in the professional field.


Household products Rockford also produces household items like couches, chairs and bedding. All the materials the products use are soft and have no negative effects on people’s skin. We also accept customized orders, which means if you like our style, but want it in a specific size, we are more than happy to do it.


Life coaching/ stress management/ Career counseling/ Spa & massage


When you are stressed out, simply take a break, go talk to someone, or have a drink. Rockford is always the best friend who is on your side to help you get over a difficult time.


Rockford ensures that people not just feel outer comfort, but also feel inner peace. We provide life coaching, stress management, career counseling and Spa and massage services to let people rest their minds from a stressful world. We will always stand by our customers’ side and give supportive guidance.



Break room Rockford is happy to help our partner companies design and build break rooms for their employees to help them feel both inner and outer comfort.


Work Play

Bibliography pictures: P 1.

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Rockford brand standards guide Designed and written: Yinyin Liu Instructor: Hunter Wimmer ESL supporter: Rey-Philip Gonardo Paper: Redriver 32lb prem matte double sided Printer: Epson 3880 Binding: Yinyin Liu

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