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I am Yin Zhang. My major is design and digital arts. I am interested in new media, graphic design, interactive design etc. When I was first come to my university in China, I made a decision to be a designer in the future. Then I came to Scotland to experience the unique western culture. I learned lots of design knowledge in Scotland.


2011-2013 Zheng Zhou Light Industrial university (Media art design) 2013-2015 Edinburgh Napier university (Design and digital arts)

Edinburgh napier university

I am good at the softwares like Adobe photoshop, Indesign, after effect, premiere, sketch up, flash, and I used illustrator, 3D max, arena, VPT etc before.

TABLES OF CONTENTS: Tables of contents


"Kilt Glow Book" project


Voyage processing project


happy program


find studyroom


Everyday wellbeing project




drawing in Qing Dao


Future's workplace project


"Whisper to me"project


Lumiere Light Festival project


Little car project


"blossom"--Hidden door project


Brief: Design a way for people and communities to better connect and celebrate heritage. Chanlledge and scope The brief asks you to think about what would encourage people to take greater interest in heritage and how it contributes to individual and collective livehoods and wellbeing, as well as place-making. The brief asks you think about heritage in the broadest terms, from our own personal heitage - ancestry and culture - to our collective heritage as a society, including the places in which we live. Heritage in contemporary, inclusive usage has come to mean anything created in the past that helps us, collectively or individually, to understand the present, and create a better future. It is a fluid and living concept, and always in the process of being created. In approaching this brief, you may want to think about the following: - What excites people about heritage and what would make people connect better with it? - How might technology help us better connect to our heritage? Think about initiatives such as Histoypin

- What role can heritage play in education, conservation and environmental issuues? - What is the role of individuals, communities, and government in preserving, celebrating and promoting our heritage? For the purposes of illustration, the following would all be viable responses: - a design for a new public space or public building that uses the heritage of the built environment and/or the community as its source of inspiration - a game - physical or virtual - that helps people better understand and connect to their better understand and connect to their heritage: the heritage of places, community, culture, etc. - a service or system that gives people greater access, and therefore understanding, to their heritage, such as a digital archive - an urban design solution rooted in a locality that takes best advantage of a communities' heritage assets ...and many others are possible

"Glow Kilt Book" After reading books about the heritage in United Kingdom and doing field work in Edinburgh, I designed the "kilt glow book". Researches are on my tumblr: http://minorprojectsblog.tumblr.com/ This project was done in the final year in university.

My final design effect The video of my "kilt glow book": http://youtu.be/vhUXUVr-eac (for kids)

http://youtu.be/qsNamkmO0Qw (for adults) Next page is the A3 poster I designed for "kilt glow book". More research were put on my tumblr: http://minorprojectsblog.tumblr.com/

Voyage processing project Final effect video link: http://youtu.be/HPgbxJK1LyA Research and development were put on issuu.

My issuu link:

http://issuu.com/yinzhang/docs/finish (page:12)

It is a prototype interactive design game made by a software called "processing". It was designed in the third year in university. My design research, process, model, arduino code, and live test was put on my issuu link.

Happy Program The final outcome of the project: http://youtu.be/x_2XM6Gl7vk

The project was done when I was in my first year in university in China. It was called "Happy Program".

The brief: Design an opening video of a Chinese entertainment television program. I choose a chinese children's entertainment programme called:"Crazy happy cartoon---- 动画乐翻天 ".

Research: After doing research on the content of the program and chinese children's habit. Kids like animation vivid, colourful, interesting, and simple. As a result, I used Mario as a charater to attract kids' attention.

Technology: Firstly, I used photoshop to adjust and draw the basic elements of the anmiation will conclude.After that , I used a software called Adobe After Effect to place the images, edit music and made a 1 minites animation.

The opening video I designed for the CCTV Children's chanel---crazy happy cartoon. This programe plays famous cartoon at noon.

Target audience: Children.

Chinese children

kids around the world

Parents, several designers

The content of "Happy program" is a journey trip of Mario. In the journey trip, Mario see many beautiful scene and digital techniques. In the journey, I hope kids will be smart in the future.

�Find studyroom“ app:


I put the app by Adobe Flash in my dropbox, the link is above. This project was designed in the second year in university.

Main interface, self-study rooms with seats

Brief: In China, there are 1.3 billion people in 2011. There are 9.7 million students in universities. That is a large number of students. China is a crowed country. Students have more free time in university than in high school. After class, students will go to self-studyrooms to learn more knowledge by themself. There is a phenomenon that students in university are very difficult to find self-study room after class, especially at the end of term. A student have to get up very early to take up a seat by their personal bags and books. Other students who get up late to take up seats in self-rooms will spend more time to find a seat. Sometimes, few students will give up their study because of the large amount of time they spend on finding a seat in self-study rooms. Designers are needed to find a solution to solve the probelm. My design: I designed an app to help students easily find a seat in self-studyroom by Flash and Flash code. Students can download the app from their phone and the app will locate your university. Then students could update the information of their university. Below is the main inteface of the app. Students can open the app, the door number of classrooms that is availble will shown, like(306).

self-study search route personal rooms with class guide setting seats

This is one of the interfaces of "search class".

search class

This is one of the interfaces called"search class". Students can find the class, time of class, and number of classrooms. So that students know that room is not availble for self-study, or they can go to listen to open courses.

route guide

On the right is the interfaces called "route guide". After students get the door number of study rooms, the"route guide" function wii lead students the shortest way to go there.

personal setting

"personal setting" function Students can type in their personal demand for search for classroom. The system will sort out the information users need.

Drafts of interface: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1vg5xe3rjmcvx5z/AAA04Dj_A25HwiddkRDkYGEFa?dl=0

Everyday wellbeing project Design outcome: The app(dropbox):


wellbeing app video link of the project: http://youtu.be/w6z1r7ae3wg

This project was done in the third year in Napier university. I designed the app by Adobe Flash.

The Brief: Recent trends in psychology have focused not only on treating these ‘common mental disorders’, but also on preventing them. Just as we should live healthy lifestyles even when we are physically well, so as to build up resilience and lower our chances of becoming physically unwell, similarly, psychologists say we should practice certain activities in order to lessen the chances of us developing mental illnesses. This is the brief and explores. It can be a product, campaign, app, or a solution to improve human wellbeing.

Infographic of research for "Everyday wellbeing" A research on activities of people.

Final poster for "Destory workplace"

Interactive Design Interface Project Interactive Interface video link: http://youtu.be/sjfbBKjMsqk App(in dropbox): https://www.dropbox.com/s/6dh9ljdilp83cxb/stage%20buttons.swf?dl=0

yellow button

golden button

Interactive Design Interface project is designed by Adobe flash and code to help user use the interfaces.There are four buttons, and if you click the buttom, it will jump to another inteface. This interface was designed in the second year in university. Main interface

blue button

red buttom


There are a group of drawings I drew when I was in the first year in university. Our faculty was organised by tutors going to a village in Qingdao for half a month. We experienced the Chinese folk culture, and learned to use drawings to express personal feeling and understanding.

Tomorrow's workplace

The workplace final effect video link:

http://youtu.be/idXAztxlEsc This project was did in the third year in univerity. The brief is about design a future's work place. Today's workplace has may have man ways to improve. About tomorrow's workplace, it can be real place, a sketched map, product, or a campaign.

"Where is it"

Below are the boards I designed for research, user group, technology, and ideas. I designed a future's product called"where is it?". It can help people find stuff in their office. Software: Sketch up, After effect, Premiere.

Below are posters designed for final outcome

Video link


My issuu link of detailed development: http://issuu.com/yinzhang/docs/finish

This project is a team work. Team members: Di Zheng and I. Di zheng is a product design students,who is good at making models. So Di Zheng was responsible for models making. I am responsible for make posters, Arduino circuit, codes, live test, and editing videos.

My research tumblr: http://zhangyin1.tumblr.com/

Lumiere Light Festival Project The final effect video link: http://youtu.be/lHvfh8pl8QQ

Online book of research and development for the project: http://issuu.com/zhangyin3/docs/lumiere____________11223

This project was designed in the third year in Napier university.


The car project was a team work. Team member: Di Zheng and I. She made the model, and I made arduino circuit and code. The headlight of the car was control by a button. So when the car encountered traffic jam, the we can press button the light the headlight in the car.

CALL FOR CONTIRBUTORS - GUIDELINE HIDDEN DOOR FESTIVAL 2015 22 - 30 MAY 2015 THE OLD STREETING DEPOT KINGS STABLES ROAD EDINBURGH WHAT HIDDEN DOOR IS LOOKING FOR Didden Door aims to provide a platform for work and projects that are Experiental - breaking new ground for the practitioner Ambitious but deliverable with economic use of resources Aiming for excellence Collaborative Striking, engaging and accessible to the public

Team work:

The hidden door festival project is team work. Team members: Lei Zong and I. After receiving the project, I am so excited, because I am interested in this kind of design concept. However, this project is still uncomplete and we still try to do effort on the project. We did research togather, Lei is responsible for drwaing draft. I am responsible for live test and digital techniques. We designed posters togather. It is a greate experience to work together, and we both learn a lot skills about effective cooperation.

Initial idea:

Our initial idea is design a public place in hidden door by light digital design. Final effect will be a beautifully visual exhibition.


We designed posters to show our proposal for this project, and we got our tutor's feedback. After discussing with our tutor, we decide to make a space that full of flower models. When audiences come to the space, the models of flower will bloom and there will be different kind of light be put on the petals to give people a feeling of four seasons.

At this stage:

At this stage I made a rough card model of flower, and test the effect by arduino, laptop, model, and projector. What I need to do is making sure the circuit will work.Then My partner and I will work togather to make models and final filmic outcome must be more refined and polished.

This is the video link: http://youtu.be/sH0WLSBV1CQ (not final filmic outcome)


Finally we will upload more investigation and our finally outcome to our tumblr: http:// hiddendoorppp.tumblr.com/

More research is put on our tmblr: http://hiddendoorppp.tumblr.com/



(not final filmic outcome)

See more at our tumblr: http://hiddendoorppp.tumblr.com/

Test on one model cut out the petals

build the model of flower


visual effect


Model connected to servo motor

Arduino circuit and code

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