YMAC Annual Report 2021

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CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S REPORT Key Highlights ONGOING OPERATIONAL FUNDING Secured two-years of funding from the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA). LAW REFORM Submitted several submissions to government agencies on law reform and policy areas directly impacting native title holders, and Aboriginal people and their communities. Rainbow and red dirt - Yamatji Country

PILBARA SOLAR Delivered ongoing business and administrative development support of this unique renewable energy company, of which YMAC is a fifty percent shareholder.

ADVOCACY PARTNERS Continued membership of the National Native Title Council (NNTC), and the Alliance, partnering on advocacy in heritage law reform.

STAFF DEVELOPMENT Staff development highlights included delivering Cultural Awareness training in Exmouth and introduction of a new employee induction program for all YMAC staff. GOVERNMENT MEETINGS Undertook online and in-person meetings with senior management of NIAA and ORIC to discuss YMAC’s native title and associated work, policy, and sector development issues and opportunities.

STRATEGIC PLAN Developed and commenced implementation of YMAC’s new 2021-2025 Strategic Plan. STRUCTURAL REVIEW Expanded our PBC Executive Office team, including a new position in YMAC’s Geraldton office. Combined and expanded our Information Management and Information Communications Technology teams to meet growing technology needs. LEGAL REVIEW YMAC engaged an external law firm to review our Legal team’s structure and functions in order to identify areas for improvement, and thereby maximise the efficiency and effectiveness of our legal services to YMAC clients and constituents.

8 | Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation | Annual Report 2021

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