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New YMAC offices
from YMAC News Issue 44
Big regional office moves
Excavation of the current car park in preparation for laying the new base for the visitor car park.
The team working out of the Hedland office moved into their new digs in Wedgefield in November last year and have been busy settling in and working around renovations to make their new office space look and feel great.
The majority of the work was carried out in the heat of the Pilbara Summer!
Although parts of the building are still under construction as this issue goes to print, the reception area, board room and upper floors have been finished and significant progress has been made.
The next stage will be completing the fit-out and installing signage in time for the official office opening which will be held in the next couple of months. The new address is 8 Manganese Street, Wedgefield. Visitors are welcome, but please do call ahead as we may be closed due to COVID-19 restrictions.