1 minute read
from YMAC News Issue 44


The 2022 AIATSIS Summit is being held from 30 May to 3 June, in partnership with Queensland South Native Title Services (QSNTS) and will be hosted by the Kabi Kabi peoples on their traditional Country on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland.
The Summit brings together over five days the National Native Title and National Indigenous Research conferences. It provides a unique forum for academics, native title stakeholders, legal experts, community and cultural sectors and government to collaborate in addressing current and future challenges.
As well, this annual event offers opportunities to support and strengthen Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, knowledge, and governance.
Navigating the spaces in between is this year’s theme and foregrounds the brilliance and value of Indigenous ways of knowing and seeing the world.
The theme speaks of the importance of relationships and connections, of bonds of trust; it suggests a focus on a journey and destination but also requires us to reflect on where we have come from.
Learn more at aiatsis.gov.au