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Lands Services
Land tenure offers viable economic, social and cultural outcomes when sound land administration governance can be achieved. YMAC’s Lands Services Unit is focused on achieving positive tenure outcomes for Aboriginal people.
• Providing land and tenure information to PBCs and Aboriginal people • Negotiating with the State Government to achieve improved land management outcomes for Traditional Owners • Developing land and tenure related manuals and resources to assist Traditional Owners’ understanding and administration of their property • Delivering a ‘Crown Land Workshop’ for YMAC staff
Pilbara Solar Identification of existing interest holders and understanding current land use is vital to ensure that the correct stakeholders are appropriately consulted should a development proceed. For Pilbara Solar, the Lands Services Unit analysed and identified land around Port Hedland and Newman appropriate for the development of a renewable energy facility. This analysis, along with Land Assembly Reports, enabled Pilbara Solar to negotiate land tenure for an identified site and provided a solid basis for discussions with stakeholders around other sites. YNSRA The Lands Services Team provided technical land assessments and reviewed draft land tenure documentation for the YNSRA, as well as drafted a management plan scoping document for the Lucky Bay Reserve.
Land Tenure Analysis Project Along with the Geospatial Team, Lands Services staff collaborated on a commercial project where they were able to ensure that native title holders were identified as key stakeholders and advocated for an ILUA approach, as opposed to the compulsory acquisition of native title rights. The Lands Services Unit has developed a draft strategy aimed at assisting Aboriginal people to get better access to land and formalise their land tenure. Investigations into how this can be achieved, as well as funding options, are being considered.
What is Land Tenure?
Land tenure is the way a party/person holds or occupies an area of land. It is a way of identifying who has the right to use and occupy land according to the different types of ownership.
Land is generally referred to in two categories: • Freehold land
• Non-freehold land or Crown land, which may either be leased or licensed. Crown Land Tenure Types: • Unallocated Crown Land
• Conditional Tenure Land
• State Forest and Timber Reserves
• Reserves
• Leases