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Deal sealed on Yinggarda ILUA

An Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) and Joint Management Agreement (JMA) with the State Government has been finalised and accepted by the Yinggarda Aboriginal Corporation (YAC), following YMAC’s assistance with negotiations over the past two years.

A signing ceremony took place at the end of February on Country at Bunjaga Pool, near Gascoyne Junction, with about 20 members of the Yinggarda Community, Environment Minister Reece Whitby, Lands Minister John Carey, Conservation and Parks Commission Chair Professor Chris Doepel and Deputy Chair Jo Lanagan, plus a range of attendees from the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) including Acting Director General Peter Dans.


The YAC ILUA and JMA started life with DBCA negotiations in 2019, as part of the Plan for our Parks Project announced by the State Government.

Following an initial community information session in Carnarvon in September 2021, the Traditional Owner negotiation team (TONC) was appointed by Yinggarda Common Law Holders and then held 10 days of negotiation meetings over a year. YMAC provided legal and executive office support throughout the process, including organising negotiation and community meetings.

The ILUA provides for joint vesting and joint management of the existing Kennedy Range National Park, as well as additions to the park – and a new national park over the ex-Pimbee pastoral lease. The State also agreed for two additional existing nature reserves identified by the TONC to be jointly managed and vested. Benefits under the ILUA include on-Country ranger positions for Yinggarda Common Law Holders.

Following the ILUA signing ceremony, the first joint management meeting with YAC and DBCA representatives was held at the start of March. The ILUA will now be lodged with the National Native Title Tribunal for registration.

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