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YMAC native title forums:

Carnarvon: 27 June; Hedland: 29 June

As part of its Strategic Plan 2021–2025, YMAC is planning to host two native title forums in June 2023; one in each of our representative regions. They will be free to attend and open to Traditional Owners, as well as Prescribed Bodies Corporate (PBCs) staff from the respective regions.


The forums will provide an opportunity to discuss and learn more about the native title system and its related processes, including the different roles and functions of YMAC, PBCs and the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations (ORIC).

Other topics likely to be covered will focus on non-claim specific matters, recent sector developments, and related work YMAC is currently undertaking.

The design and delivery of the forums will be informed by outcomes from YMAC’s recent regional roundtable discussions and needs identified during the National Native Title Council and National Indigenous Australian Agency’s PBC Regional Forum and Compensation Workshop, co-hosted by YMAC in 2022.

To register your interest, email communications@ymac.org.au .

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