5creativity and innovation lecture precedents in architecture part 2

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Creativity and Innovation ARCT 351 PRECEDENTS IN ARCHITECTURE PART 2 Creativity and Innovation - Dr. Yasser Mahgoub


Formative Ideas 1- Plan to Section or Elevation 2- Unit to Whole 3- Repetitive to Unique 4- Additive and Subtractive 5- Symmetry and Balance 6- Geometry 7- Configuration Patterns 8- Progression 9- Reduction

Formative Ideas 1- Plan to Section or Elevation Equal One to One-Half Analogous Proportional Inverse

2- Unit to Whole Unit equals whole Units Contained in the Whole Whole Greater than Sum of the Units Units Aggregate to Form Whole Units Adjoin Units Overlap Units Separate

3- Repetitive to Unique Unique Surrounded by Repetitive Unique by Transformation of Repetitive Unique in Repetitive Field Unique Added to Repetitive Unique Defined by Repetitive

6- Geometry Basic Geometry Circle and Square Rectangle Overlapped by Circle Two Squares Nine-Square Four-Square 1.4 and 1.6 Rectangles Geometric Derivatives Rotated, Shifted, and Overlapped Pinwheel, Radial, and Spiral Grid

7- Configuration Patterns Linear: Use Linear: Circulation Central: Use Central: Circulation Double Center Cluster Nested Concentric Binuclear

4- Additive and Subtractive Subtractive Additive

5- Symmetry and Balance Symmetry Balance by Configuration Balance by Geometry Balance by Positive and Negative

8- Progression Hierarchy Transition Transformation Mediation

9- Reduction Large Plus Small Reduction Part of whole Reduction

Formative Ideas

Formative Ideas

1.4 1 1.4 1

Creativity and Innovation ARCT 351 PRECEDENTS IN ARCHITECTURE END PART 2 Creativity and Innovation - Dr. Yasser Mahgoub


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