The YMCA and you 2,014 in 2014

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15 months ago I was unemployed and had no direction, but my aspirations were to work with children with special educational needs. I enrolled with YMCA Training and within a short period of time I was an apprentice at a private day nursery. I finally found myself gaining the career of my choice!

Sophie Pearson Apprentice

2,014 in 2014: The YMCA and You Working together to target Apprenticeships

YMCA Training is committed to doing all we can to help apprentices confidently climb the first rungs of their career ladders through the provision of quality Apprenticeships packages. We need to work in partnership with employers, Government, local authorities and other agencies across our communities to ensure a truly joined up approach to employment and skills training. We are calling upon you – employers of all sizes, those in Government, key decision makers and would-be apprentices – to work with us to ensure that – by 31 December 2014 – 2,014 young people will be in an Apprenticeship supported by YMCA Training. Commit to making a difference today and, together, we can make this the year of the apprentice. Contact Rosi Prescott, Chief Executive, Central YMCA on to pledge your support.

YMCA Training’s pledge to employers, apprentices, Government Registered charity no. 213121 | Registered in England no.119249




in their ambition to achieve a motivated and progressive workforce by:

in their search for meaningful and rewarding careers by:

in its Skills for Growth Action Plan by:

• working in partnership to achieve the best possible outcomes for both the apprentices and the organisation

• providing a progressive route of learning that creates maximum career opportunities


• keeping up-to-date with Government policy to ensure that all available support is accessed • ensuring that all provision is in harmony with the culture, practices and ethos of the organisation • supporting the organisation to embed a culture of training and education • working together to identify learning and training needs and providing best practice solutions.



• fully participating in National Apprenticeships Week

• providing exciting, cutting edge and accessible methods of learning in vibrant sectors

• contributing towards Apprenticeship targets set to help the UK become competitive with France and Germany

• facilitating the deployment of skills and knowledge in the workplace

• responding to Government consultations that feed into Government policy

• offering inclusive opportunities for people of all skills and abilities

• increasing employer engagement by expanding into new sectors

• understanding the challenges apprentices face and providing support throughout their training.

• working towards being an outstanding provider.

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