2012 YMCA Annual Report

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Here for You... Here for Our Community

Here for you‌

Here for our Community

The Y supports and empowers people and communities to learn, grow and thrive. With a focus on youth development, healthy living and social responsibility, the Y nurtures the potential of every youth and teen, improves our State’s health and well-being and provides opportunities to give back and support neighbors. The Y is, and always will be, dedicated to building healthy, confident, connected and secure children, adults, families and communities. Every day our impact is felt when an individual makes a healthy choice, when a mentor inspires a child and when a community comes together for the common good.

OUR MISSION: The YMCA of Honolulu is a fellowship dedicated to

putting Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all. THE YMCA OF HONOLULU IS A NONPROFIT 501(C)(3)


20 12 a n n ual rep ort to t h e community

Leadership Report Dear YMCA Family and Friends, In 2012, we brought together an army of community leaders, volunteers, Y staff and administrators. The purpose was to reevaluate the direction in which we were heading—to create a new long term strategic plan. The 2013–2018 planning team looked at everything we did and why we did them, reaffirming many things and causing us to look anew at how we did others. The new plan reflects what the community sees as its most critical needs over the next five years. It addresses the development of youth and servant leadership, the needs of our growing senior population, health and nutrition and how we can assist others battling obesity and related chronic diseases. We updated our three areas of focus (youth development, healthy living and social responsibility) to meet the changing needs of today’s Hawaii and set operational priorities and operating principles. We also strengthened our partnerships with our donors, businesses and others throughout the community—with organizations such as the Hawaii Department of Education (DOE), Hawaii Department of Health (DOH), Pioneering Healthier Communities, Hawaii 5-2-1-0, Gear Up Hawaii, our military community, and the Hawaii Nutrition and Physical Activity Coalition (NPAC). Working with these organizations helped us to leverage our resources, extend our reach and deepen our impact within the community. It allowed us to strengthen and expand critically-needed Y programs and services for afterschool care, early childhood development, health, seniors and at-risk teens. More importantly, we brought people of all ages and backgrounds together to build a stronger community. It’s an important part of who we are and what we do.


At the end of the day, they all point to one purpose: to build a strong, diverse, active and caring community. We do this by bringing out the very best in every single person we touch and who touches us. We often talk about addressing large social needs, reaching out geographically and generationally. But our real impact happens on a much more intimate level, where one volunteer brightens one day in the life of one senior, where one family’s bond is stabilized and cemented, where one person is inspired to take control of their health and loses 140 pounds, where one teen’s direction is altered for the better—for life. The Y makes a difference, one life at a time. The real story of the Y is a mosaic of all their wonderful and inspiring stories. We invite you to read about a few of them in our Annual Report. Here for you… here for our community. Mahalo nui loa,

Jim R. Yates

Michael F. Broderick




Here When You Need Us The YMCA of Honolulu has been a part of the community for 143 years, serving the people of Hawai‘i. As the Islands went from a sleepy Pacific outpost to a modern cosmopolitan state, we grew up with Hawaii, our own rich history connected and woven into the very fabric of the community. As the needs of that community grew so did our vision—so much so that we were compelled to organize our services in a way that made us more efficient and effective.

It resulted in our three focus areas: Youth Development Healthy Living Social Responsibility They’re more than just organizing tools, but a way of reaching out to our community and touching them in ways that are meaningful and life changing—to be here when you need us. Here is a look back at how the Y was here for our Keiki, Families and Community in 2012…


you t h d ev elop men t

Here For Our Keiki Nurturing and transforming our youth and preparing them to do well in school and in their future roles as responsible citizens and community leaders have been a big part of what we do at the Y. Our programs cultivate the values, skills and confidence that lead to positive behaviors, better health and educational achievement. Our A+ afterschool program expanded this year to touch the lives of 7,000 children in grades K–6 at 48 Hawai‘i State Department of Education schools across O‘ahu. In a recent survey, we earned high program ratings from 99% of our parents and 98% of our principals. Our Food and Fun program, developed by the Harvard School of Public Health which promotes healthy eating and exercise, also expanded to 27 elementary schools. Teen programs such as our Youth in Government (YIG) program expanded in 2012. Dormant in 2010 and 2011 after a 62-year history of enabling Hawai‘i’s youth to learn the inner workings and power of our State government, our YIG program was re-launched in 2012. Nearly 100 middle and high school students from schools across the Island gathered to create their own government, learn the art of parliamentary procedure, and draft, debate and vote into law their own bills. In 2012, the YMCA of Honolulu launched the pre-school readiness program Come…With Me!, at Kauluwela School and Mayor Wright Homes. Our Y was selected as one of 15 pilot sites across the nation to develop an early learning readiness program model for pre-school age children who are cared for at home by a family, friend or neighbor caregiver. The program is free and provides the caregivers and children with opportunities to play and learn together, supporting their role as first teachers for their young ones.


ready to lear n As a busy mom raising four children, Vi Luta spent more time with them as a group than as individuals. She never had the one-on-one time she now has with her 2 ½ year old grandson, Roman (“Ro-Ro”). As Ro-Ro’s caregiver while his parents are at work, she found support from the Y’s Come… with Me! program. The program provided what Vi needed to help her grandson develop the confidence and skills vital for a great start at school. “I can see how much Ro-Ro has grown in this program with me. He’s so much more interactive, social, talks a lot more and even shares his toys. My playing with him, instead of just watching him, has made him more than ready for school.” – Vi Luta


h e a lt hy l i ving

Here’s to Your Health! Living well means living in good health. The Y has long encouraged healthy living through fitness, sports, fun and social engagement for people of all ages. It begins at an early age with Y programs combatting childhood obesity and continues throughout life, with wellness in the workplace and through our golden years.

an intensive Weight Management and Behavior Change clinic

In 2012, we launched the pilot phase of a childhood obesity

Our Chronic Diseases Program for individuals suffering from

program in partnership with Kapi‘olani Medical Center for

illnesses continues to expand. This year, we launched the

Women and Children, called N.E.W. Kids, which stands for

GlucoFitClub offering people with diabetes or pre-diabetes a

nutrition, exercise and weight management. Targeted for

unique and fun way to improve their health, track their blood

severely to moderately obese children, the program begins with

sugar, and get fit.

administered by health professionals, and progresses to a family inclusive fitness and nutrition component at the Y. Initial results look promising with an attendance rate of 75% and improved health and fitness test scores by 15%. Our senior programs have also grown. Programs are designed specifically to fit the interests and unique abilities of seniors, to address their health and social needs and offer ways to engage them in the Y and the community at large.

And our Corporate Membership program has grown, offering businesses an easy and affordable way to keep their employees healthy and productive. Here’s to your health!

The “Over 90’s Club” at the Kaimuki Y boasts 16 active members over the age of 90 who stay active, healthy and connected through their aquatics, tai chi, circuit training programs and friendships with each other.

ABOVE: Tipping the scale at 300 pounds,

Ruby’s obesity led to diabetes, high blood pressure and respiratory and mobility problems. She learned how to swim, at age 60, at the Y, changed her diet and lost 140 pounds!


partnerships in health Paul Ni‘ibu had gained more than 50 pounds over the years. So when his company, Oceanic Time Warner Cable of Hawaii, expanded its YMCA Corporate Membership program in 2012 to include onsite Y fitness classes, he literally jumped at the chance to enroll in the Y’s weekly Zumba and yoga classes after work. “The convenience and fun of the Zumba classes really gave me the incentive and push I needed to get serious about getting healthy and losing weight,” says Paul, a direct sales representative for Oceanic. Paul still has the Oceanic ID photo of himself when he weighed 240 pounds. He’s now down to a svelte 171 pounds.


s o ci a l r es ponsibil it y

Here for Others The need to give back to the community is a strong desire in all of us. The Y understands both the individual need and the correspondent community need it fulfills. It’s why we work hard to nurture volunteerism and philanthropy in individuals and to partner with other businesses and community organizations to provide opportunities to create more of these win-win outcomes. Our 2012 Strong Communities Annual Support Campaign brought together thousands of volunteers who raised $1,012,000 to assist those who cannot afford but need our services. Monies raised provided financial assistance for Y memberships, youth programs and camp that helps thousands to be a part of the Y regardless of financial circumstances. Our partnerships with government, business and community organizations allowed us to offer programs like our At Risk Teen programs which provided guidance for more than 4,000 troubled teens in drop out, gang involvement and drug/alcohol prevention programs in 22 school sites across O‘ahu.

TOP RIGHT: More than 4,000

attended the 4th Annual YMCA Healthy Kids Day at the Bishop Museum showcasing healthy activities for the whole family!

The YMCA of Honolulu partnered with the National Park Service and Pacific Historic Parks to help share the historical significance of December 7th and Pearl Harbor with 6,000-plus school-age children across Hawaii with a simultaneous reading aloud program.


Working with business and community partners, the Y again hosted the popular YMCA Healthy Kids Day at Bishop Museum enabling thousands of kids and families to enjoy a day learning about ways to become healthier. Partnering with the National Park Service, Pacific Historic Parks and DOE afterschool care, we offered a first ever statewide reading aloud event for thousands of children across the state. We are proud of these affiliations that allow thousands more to have a Y experience.

h ead ing in t h e right di r ecti on At 13, Alvin was already heading in the wrong direction. Failing in school, suspended and heading down the wrong path, Alvin was assigned to a Y schoolbased counselor who helped him shore up his grades and get on track. In high school, the Y was there again when Alvin got into trouble and this time, he started going to the Kalihi Y’s Teen Center Program, Ho‘okupa‘a. Ho‘okupa‘a is a free after school program for teens funded by donations. There Alvin found a sober place that was safe, comfortable and nurturing—a haven that he respects and where he finds respect. And that has put him on a much different path… one with hope, one with a future.


Finding Joy in Giving Back

The YMCA of Honolulu was recognized by Pacific Business News in 2012 as a finalist for the Cades Schutte Foundation Nonprofit Leadership award, which honors excellence in Hawaii’s businesses. The YMCA of Honolulu was recognized as an outstanding nonprofit for its work in building stronger communities through youth and health focused programs. YMCA of Honolulu President and CEO, Michael Broderick, proudly accepted the award on behalf of the thousands of Y staff and volunteers.

Our nearly 4,000 volunteers serve their communities throughout the state in all capacities and levels of Y activities, keeping our keiki safe, our seniors engaged, and all of us healthy.

Tommy Amina has been a volunteer tai chi instructor at the Nu’uanu YMCA for many years teaching hundreds of eager students and instructors. Tommy’s students are motivated by his passion for teaching, his endless patience and willingness to volunteer at the Y and throughout the community. His classes keep them healthy, flexible and energized!


On October 19, we held our first Volunteer Recognition Luncheon to honor and acknowledge our hard working volunteers for their contributions to the Y. We are fortunate to have many dedicated people who give their time and energy to improve the lives of the tens of thousands of individuals who walk through our doors each day!

volu nt e e rs w i t h a mi s s i on “Aunty” Carolee Nishi has been at the Nuuanu YMCA seven days a week as a full-time volunteer for the Nu’uanu Y’s Hawaiian Studies Program since 1968. She credits the success of the program to a dedicated hui of 22 volunteers. Some are parents, some are retired school teachers and others are Hawaiian cultural specialists—all share a common bond of a willingness to share without recognition or compensation, “Our students learn not only to dance and sing but to respect their community and elders while learning to treasure themselves for what they can give and not receive. E mau ana e ‘ike ia ka mea nui.... Continuing to focus on the things that matter.” - Aunty Carolee


The YMCA provided the following for O‘ahu communities:



2 out of 10



The number of years the YMCA of Honolulu has been serving Hawaii’s residents.


118,000 men, women and children were helped by a Y program or service.

1 out of 5



Military kids who had a parent deployed enjoyed a free week of camp.

$1,336,000 Dollars in financial assistance, scholarships and program subsidies distributed to families in need who were unable to afford Y programs.


were kept safe and thriving in Y A+ After School Programs.

$1,012,000 was raised through the 2012 Strong Communities Annual Support Campaign.


Heritage Club 2012 The Heritage Club is a group of generous donors committed to ensuring the continued influence of the YMCA on future generations of youth and families through planned gifts to the YMCA Endowment. If you are interested in joining the Heritage Club, please contact Kerri Van Duyne, Vice President of Development, at 808-541-5473 or by email at kvanduyne@ymcahonolulu.org.

Peter and Eri Ackman

Nora and Harry Kurosu

Steven T. and Kathleen Takaki

Robert and Velma Akinaka

Wyman W.C. Lai

Daniel and Ethel Takamatsu

Donald and Susan Anderson

Thomas K. Lalakea

Samuel T. Tanimoto

Dawn Aull

Harry K. Lee

Ronald Tobara

Franklin Belding

David C. and Pam Livingston

Roy and Victoria Tokujo

Deloris Brain

Fenton and Betty Lum

Sabrina Toma and Cedric Akau

Sandra K. Chang

Samuel Luna

James T. and Doris Tomita

Richard Ching

Margie Maket

Arles Tooker

Howard Chong

John Marshall

Theodore S. Trimmer

Geraldine Choy

Clive Ushijima

Mark Chun

Robert K. Masuda and Jane E. Sherwood

Philip Chun

Stanford and Doretta Masui

Calvin and Ruth Wakai

Kyung Sun Chung

Rodney and Lena Matsumoto

Edgar Williams

Henry B. Clark, Jr. and Charlotte Clark

Osamu Matsuzawa

Cynthia Winegar

Dorothy Miyashiro

Randall Winn

Fred K. Cordes

Michael Nakao

John Wong

Dorothy B. Anderson Perpetual Charitable Trust

Lorynn Neser

Stephen C.L. and Susan Wong

John Norden

Esther Dye

August Yee

Barb Okabayashi

Monte Elias

John Young

Mary Olsen

Dennis Enomoto

Alan M. and JoAnn Oshima

Albert Evensen

Henry Rice

Earl H. Fujii

Larry and Patricia Rodriguez

Al Gima

Liane Sakai

Alice Ching Goldsmith

Melvin Sakuma

Sandra Joy Goldsmith

Philip Sammer

Anthony H. and Maria Helena Good

Michael Sen

James and Rosalind A. Hamby

Raymond W.L. and Phyllis Seto

Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation

John Stallman

Audrey and Steven Hidano

James Sylvester

Nelson M. Higa Charles Holt Kenneth Hoo Gilbert Horita Roy Imai Brad and Sharon Ishida Mildred Kam Kent and Elizabeth Keith Rose C. Kim Guy Kirkman Paul Kuromoto


William and Agnes Suzuki Nancy N. and Stuart N. Taba

Helen Ushijima

Program Service Fees 53.5%

Membership Fees 26.3%



Government Grants 11.6%

Other Income 3.7%

Contributions and Bequests 5.0%



Program service fees $ 14,162,200 Membership fees 6,958,800 Government grants 3,072,000 Contributions and bequests 1,313,200 Other income 967,200 Total revenue and support

$ 26,473,400

Assets Cash and cash equivalents $ 3,157,200 Accounts receivable, net 953,600 Pledges receivable, net 13,900 Prepaid expenses 266,000 Inventory 23,700 Investments 8,938,700 Land, buildings, and equipment 33,140,900 Total assets

$ 46,494,000

LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued expenses $ 1,624,700 Deferred revenues 1,605,000 Debt — Other liabilities 378,600 Total liabilities

Youth Development 38%

Healthy Living 33%


Total net assets 42,885,700 Total liabilities and net assets

Fundraising 2%


$ 46,494,000

Social Responsibility 18% Management and General 9%



Youth Development $ 9,893,000 Healthy Living 8,677,200 Social Responsibility 4,745,800 Management and general 2,240,500 Fundraising 384,000 Total expenses

$ 25,940,500

Net Mission Reinvestment




y m ca o f hon olu lu

2012 Donors The List of Donors covers January 1–December 31, 2012. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this list. However, if you find an error, please accept our apology and notify us at 808-541-5483 so we may correct our records immediately.

$10,000 +

$5,000 – $9,999

$2,500 – $4,999


Acme Vending Corporation


Alice E. Davis Trust Estate


Gregory Apa

Aloha United Way

Donald and Susan Anderson

Patrick Brent

Ameron Hawaii AT&T

Bank of Hawaii Charitable Foundation

Michael F. Broderick and Maile T. Meyer

Atherton Family Foundation

Dr. Paul and Lindsey Carry

Larry H. and Taehee Bush

City Mill Company, Ltd./ Chung Kun Ai Foundation

Central Pacific Bank Foundation

Dorothy B. Anderson Perpetual Charitable Trust

City Mill Company, Ltd./ David C. Ai Charitable Trust

Ewa Beach Community Fund of the Hawaii Community Foundation

Cooke Foundation, Limited


Engineering Services Corporation


Friends Of Hawaii Charities, Inc.

Hui O Na Wahine

Action Realty Corp.

George N. Wilcox Trust

Island Insurance Foundation

Goodsill Anderson Quinn & Stifel, LLP

David M. and Colleen Haig

Michael K. and Gail Kawaharada

Wayne Y. and Laurie Hamano

Robert and Velma Akinaka

Hawaii Appleseed for Law and Economic Justice

Kiewit Companies Foundation

Hawaii Law Enforcement Association

Alakai Vending Corp

Healthways, Inc.

Lin & Ella Wong Foundation, Inc.


HEI Charitable Foundation/ Hawaiian Electric Company

Mamoru and Aiko Takitani Foundation, Inc.

ALM Management Services LLC/ Ala Moana Hotel

Henry and Colene Wong Foundation

Nadao and Mieko Yoshinaga Foundation

HMSA Foundation Kaiser Permanente

Navy League of the United States, Inc.

Peter Koziol

NCF Industries, Inc

Adrian Keohokalole

Mosher Galt Foundation/ Dawn Aull

Oceanic Time Warner Cable

Kyoya Hotels & Resorts, LP

Liane Sakai

Local Union 1186 IBEW

Alan and Priscilla Nagao

Keith M. and Lisa Sakamoto

Roger McCawley

National Parkinson Foundation Hawaii

TriWest Healthcare Alliance

Mid Pac Petroleum, LLC

United Assn Of Plumbers and Fitters, Local 675

Joan Namkoong

UnitedHealthcare Services, Inc.

Karla and Vic Redding

Waipahu Community Association

Bill and Trudy Stone The Safeway Foundation

Schuler Family Foundation

Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation

Servco Foundation

Dr. Philip Wright

Bryce Uyehara

Office Of Hawaiian Affairs Omidyar ‘Ohana Fund of the Hawaii Community Foundation Pettus Foundation Precor USA

John and Yvonne King

Earl M. and Margery C. Chapman Foundation

Hui O Wahine Spouses Club

Benjamin K. and Momi Akana

Alexander & Baldwin Foundation

Aloha Petroleum, Ltd.

Jean & William K. H. Mau Foundation

Roy and Charlotte Arakaki

Kalihi Y’s Men’s & Women’s Club

Armstrong Foundation

Joseph B. Popp

SystemMetrics Corporation Tony Group Walmart Foundation

Waipahu Community Foundation

Ward Research Inc

Sue and Walter Wild

Jim and Deanna Yates



Hung Wo & Elizabeth Lau Ching Foundation

Doris and James T. Tomita

Y-USA (YMCA of the USA)

$1,000 – $2,499

Xerox Hawaii

American Carpet One Foundation Helene Arata Armstrong Produce Frank Atherton Ronnie Baluca Mary Ann Barngrover Jamie S. Bennett William A. Bonnet William Brizee Doug Buhr Diana-Lee Bunney Erlinda Cachola Cameron Foundation Barbara Cargill Castle Medical Center Chevron Hawaii Michael and Joyce Ching Leburta Chock-Kanno Albert Rick Chong Craig and Sandy Chong

Geraldine Choy

Hawaii Operating Engineers Industry

Jessica Leong

Michael and Judy Pietsch

Marion Liu

Pitluck Kido Stone & Aipa, LLP

Henry B. Clark, Jr. and Charlotte Clark

Hawaiian Electric Company

Lum Yip Kee Ltd.

David and Marya Poore

Hawaiian Host, Inc.

Mandy MacMahan

Power Transmission Services, Inc.

Alice Clay


Charlotte A. and Bert Malott

Donna and Sam Prather

Club Asoka

Carl P. Hennrich and Alice Kuo-Hennrich

Robert K. Masuda and Jane E. Sherwood

Dr. Virginia Pressler and Andy Fisher

Hickam Officers Spouses Club

Rodney and Lena Matsumoto

Ralph S. Inouye Co., Ltd.

Herb and Nancy Conley

Bonnie Hilory

Maui Laminates, Inc.

Cox Media Group

Michael K. Hirai

Max Limited

Randolph H. Murayama & Assoc., Inc.

Ronald and Roberta Cox

HNTB Corporation

MCAS Chapel Fund

Tom and Joan-e Rapine

Robert Creps and Debra Pfaltzgraff

Francis Hogan

Meadow Gold Dairies

RCO Hawaii LLC

Earl Hunter

Bettina Mehnert

Redwoods Group Foundation

Mike and Becca Dailey

Noa and Dina Hussey

MIS Veterans of HI Post 110

Henry Rice

Danny Kaleikini Foundation

Imanaka Kudo and Fujimoto LLC

Jean Riederer

Dealer Assurance Group, LLC

Amy Miyamoto

Dominic Inocelda

Riggs Distributing, Inc.

Deloitte & Touche LLP

Dee Dee Miyashiro

Robert K. and Rachelle Iopa Brad and Sharon Ishida

Mokuyo Gosan Kai-Thursday Lunch Club

Thomas and Susan Risse

Christopher Dods Walter Dods

Brian Ishikawa

Michael and Lisa Doss

Jhamandas Watumull Fund

(Ret.) Chief Justice Ronald and Stella Moon

Alice and Rob Roberts/ Mermaids Hawaii

Dr. Arthur and Bonnie Ennis Foundation

Timothy E. and Robyn Johns

Kent D. Morihara

Larry and Patricia Rodriguez

Johnson Ohana Charitable Foundation

Movie Museum Inc.

Joan Rohlfing

Dr. Daniel and Amy S. Murai

Andrea Russell

Archie and May Murakami

Russell and Dale Saiki

Dennis Enomoto

JTB Cultural Exchange Corporation

Debra Nielsen

Philip Sammer

Shirley Estes

JTB Hawaii, Inc.

Sterling Nii

Ian Santee

Renato and Maria A. Etrata

KAI Hawaii, Inc.

Nippon Golden Network

Denise Sasaki

First Hawaiian Bank

Susie Kama & Thomas Popovich

Eleanor Nordyke

Harry and Susie Saunders

First Hawaiian Bank Dealer Center Division

Maile and Norman Kanemaru

William A. Olson

John and Carmen M Scelsa

Kaneohe Officers’ Spouses’ Club

First Insurance Company of Hawaii Charitable Foundation

Richard Ornellas

Schwab Charitable Fund

Melvin Kaneshige

Alan M. and JoAnn Oshima

Gerald Y. and Fay N. Sekiya


Charles and Faye Kaneshiro

Palekana Permits, LLC

Seven-Eleven Hawaii, Inc.

George and Laura Kaneshiro

Parker, Inc. Round Table Pizza Kailua

Sheet Metal Workers Local 293

Anthony Pfaltzgraff and Charlene Young

Michael and Karen Street

Dr. Michael and Bina Chun

C. Kent Coarsey and Reverend Amy Wake

Esther Dye Paul Edwards

Earl J. Freitas Gentry Homes, LTD.

Kapiolani Medical Center for Women & Children

Grace Bible Church Pearlside

Katrena Kennedy

Grace Pacific Corporation

Kiewit Building Group, Inc.

Gregory and Lucia Leong Foundation, Inc.

Wes S. Kimura

Rosalind and James Hamby

Roy Kobatake

Dr. William Haning III Jeffrey S. Harris and Sandi Chun Haseko Development, Inc. Deanne L. Haugaard Hawaii Bowl Foundation Hawaii Care & Cleaning, Inc. Hawaii Dental Service Hawaii Fire Fighters Association Hawaii Hotel Industry Foundation Hawaii Information Consortium

Robert Half International Inc.

Skydiving School, Inc David and Carol Striph

Michael Kita Eddie Koga Kona Brewery LLC Minnie Kosasa KPMG, LLP Anton Krucky Marie Kumabe Morris Kunita Dr. Dennis and Judith Kuwabara Walter and Shirley Laskey Lend Lease (US) Community Fund


Sukamto Foundation, Inc.

Cheri Anderson

Commercial Sheetmetal Co.

Dr. Ernestine Enomoto

Akira and Martha Suzuki

Albert Apo

Noelle Condon

Enviroquest, Inc.

Diane and Edwin Tabangay

Apollo Group, Inc.

Controlpoint Surveying, Inc.

Toni Fasi

Craig M. Takahashi

Patricia Arakaki

Maureen Coogan

Fastlube, Inc.

Daniel and Ethel Takamatsu

Terrance Arashiro

Cost Engineering of Hawaii, Inc.

Leon F. and Heather Florendo

Guy and Lorraine Tamashiro

Jeff Arce

Dustin Coupal

Foodland Super Market, Ltd.

Tesoro Hawaii Corporation

Armstrong Building Maintenance


The James and Juanita C. Wo Foundation

David and Michiko Asanuma

Covaylence Communication Solutions, Inc.

Gary Augustin

Crestek Cleaning Center, Inc.

Joseph and Alice R. Freitas

The Queen’s Medical Center

Bank of Hawaii-Kailua Branch

Robert Cushnie

Fresh Leadership, LLC

The Sgan Family Charitable Fund

Richard Barrett

Henry Cusick

Bob and Cindy Fricke

Keola and Alissa Taniguchi

Eric Bautista

Bryson Dang

Doris Fuchikami

Joyce and Stephen R. Timpson

Edward Beal

Caroline and Derrick A. Dang

Terri Fujii

James C. Tollefson

Faye Belyeu

Jeffrey Deer

Samuel T. Fujikawa

Troy and Naoko Tomita

Carl Bendas

Aileen and Howard Deese

Benjamin T. Fujimoto


Benefit Plan Solutions, Inc

David and Charmayne Del Rosario

Ranold I. Fujioka

Helen Ushijima

Diabetes Action Research and Education Foundation

Ronald T. Fujiwara

Alex Uyeda

Bergen County United Way Charitable Flex Fund

Kerri B. and John Van Duyne

Big City Diner Waipio, LLC

Ben Q. Diones

Andrew and Arianne VanDerWege

Matthew Bittick

Amber Doig

David VanDerWege

Richard Blangiardi

Shin Domen

Waikiki Network Vacation Rentals

Willem Blees

William and Patricia Domingo

Jaidev and Julie Trees Watumull

Lee and Beverly Bordenave

Don Maintenance, Inc.

Walter and Sue Wild


Lance and Marcy Wilhelm

Gale Braceros

Doris Duke Foundation for Islamic Art

Wilson Okamoto Corporation

Demetrius Brandon

Robert Witt

Elizabeth and David Bremer

Kiman and Brenda Wong

Mary Beth Brenner

Wendi Woodstrup

Antoinette G. Brown

Jodi Shin and Dean Yamamoto

Chad and Stephanie Buck

Steven Yamamoto

Nani Burgess

Dion Yasui

H. William and Sandra Burgess

Anthony and Kaori Yee

George Burnett

August Yee

John Carpenter

Luke Yeh

Cedar Assembly of God

Yogi Kwong Engineers, LLC

Central Building Co. Ltd

Thomas Zimmerman

Central Pacific Bank

Zippys Inc.

Melissa H.J. Chang Warren and Kathleen Chee

$250 – $999

Theodore Chock


Ananda Chou

Anne Abaya

Charles and Lauren Chou

Reggie Acosta

Jeanne Chun Turano

ADR Hawaii, Inc

Calvert Chun

Paula Akana Guanzon and Robert Guanzon

Mark Chun

Betty-Ann Akana

Duke H. Chung Jr

Albert C. Kobayashi, Inc.

Clinton and Suzy Churchill

Earle Alexander III

Club Beyond

Alii Flooring, Inc.

Shawn Coleman

Thomas Allen

Franco Coluccio

Aloha State Services, LTD.

Commercial Roofing & Waterproofing

American Business Marketing


Randall Chun

William Downard Hunter Downs Anne Marie and Jim Duca Julia Duncan Adelia and Stephen Dung Tiffany Eason Karen Ebato Earlyn and Clifford Ebesu-Mosher Electech Hawaii, Inc. Dave Endo

Lynette Frazier

Reid Fukumoto Gajimarukai Jaclyn Garringer GE Foundation M. Victor Geminiani Sean and Melissa Ginella Girl Scout Troop 96 Global Challenge Program Anthony H. and Maria Helena Good Glenn E. Goya Charisse Goza Adelbert Green Griffith Consulting Group Group Pacific (Hawaii), Inc. William Hahn Peter J. and Nancy H. Haines Sidney and Karen Hamada

Gordon “Chip” Hammond

James Campbell Company, LLC

Helping Hands

Jesus Reigns Ministries, Inc USA

Mufi Hannemann

Carla and Albert Joaquin

Breene Harimoto

John Loomis YMCA Fund

Bettye Jo and Ernest Harris

Ronald Jones

Hartley & McGehee

Journal Graphics/Phil Bridge

Lynnelle Hasegawa and Rod Shinno

Keahi Kaawa

Constance A. Hastert

Kaimiloa Elementary

Garrett Hatakenaka

Kalihi Business Association

Hawaiian Cement

James Kanae

Hawaiian Insurance & Guaranty Company

James N. and Gladys S. Kanehira

Hawaiian Telcom

Marion Kaneshiro

Garrett and Nancy Hayashi Blaine Hedani David Heenan Josh and Courtney Heimowitz Darlene and James Hein Francisco Hernandez Bonnie Hershberg Karl Heyer IV Audrey and Steven Hidano Nelson M. Higa Wendy K. Higa John Higham Garrick Higuchi David Hirashiki Martin Hirsch Patrick Hodai Todd J. Hoida Bruce Holmberg Randall Hong Ann and Daniel Horiuchi Grace M. and Robert K.Y. Hu IBM Corporation Janet Ignacio Dennis Ihara Ikeda & Wong, CPA, Inc. Valarie Ikemori Ilima Hotel In+Form Design, Inc. Cassidy Inamasu Marshall Ingraham Kathryn Inkinen Insynergy Engineering, Inc. Dennis and Patsy Irie Ironworkers Union Local 625 Dr. Kathy Ishimoto Brian Isobe

Joyce Kagawa

Harry Kaneshiro Terrance Karels Ted Kashiwamura Jane H. Katayama Kevin Katsura Sue Ann Kauanui Nolan and Donna Kawano Dwight Kawata Brian Kealoha Mary and William Keegan Mindy Kensler Bob Kern Key Asylum Corp Charlene and Timothy Kim Lawrence Kim Peter Kim Karen Kimbrell Miles P. Kimhan King & Neel Inc Cynthia Kitagawa Norman Y. Kitazaki Barbara and Rick Klemm Andrew Kluger Edwin Kobashigawa Wayne K. and Ann Kodama Kimberly and Regan Koide Steve and Donna R. Kranz Kua‘aina Sandwich Shop Dexter Kubota Alexander and Alice Kufel Neal Kugiya Sunshine and Alika Kuhia Smith Harry and Pauline Kunimune Kusao & Kurahashi, Inc. Thomas and Bianca Kusatsu Robert K. Kuwahara

Lori Iwata

Larry & Beatrice Ching Foundation

Melissa Jackson

Pam Larson

Jamba Juice

Toni and Stephen Lathrop-Lee

Locations Foundation

David I. Lau

John R. Loggins

Michael H. and Carol Lau Richard K.Y. Lau

Stanley Luke and Lorraine Lunow-Luke

Susan M. Lau

Fenton and Betty Lum

Hartwell Lee Loy

Victoria Lyman

Greg and Iris Lee

Edgar Russel Lynch

Lorraine and Benjamin Leslie

Joseph and Mariko Lyons

Lex Brodie’s Tire Company

M. Matsumoto Store, Inc

Pamela G. and Don Lichty

Aaron MacDougall

Levani Lipton

Miche MacMahan

David C. and Pam Livingston

Maemae School PTSA

Michael Livingston and AJ Howell Livingston

Anne Mahi


Margie Maket

Mary Ellen Nordyke-Grace and Robert A. Grace

Schneider Tanaka Radovich Andrew & Tanaka, LLC

Karen and C. Michael Street

Marian’s Island-Wide Catering Marsh USA Inc.

Joseph and Alice Nunogawa

Donald and Edna Scott

Candy Suiso

John Marshall

Nuuanu Y’s Men’s Club

Betty Jean Seguin

Janice Marsters

Linda Oba

John I. Seth

Supply Corps Association of Hawaii

Marsha J. Marumoto and Brian J. Pactol

Wayne and Phyllis Ogasawara

Michael Shibata

Esther Suzuki

Yasuo Ogawa

Stephanie and Justin Shim

Marcia Taira

Stanford and Doretta Masui

Barbara Ann Shirley

Terry T. and Eleanor Taira

Dan Matsumoto

Harold H. Ohata and Dr. Yoshie Takagi

Derrick Shiroma

Jill Takaezu-Harper

Maui Divers of Hawaii, Ltd.

Ronald and Janet Oi

Donna Shiroma

Lance Takahashi

James Mayonado

Ronnie Okazaki

Janet Shiroma and Ryan Shiroma

Steven T. and Kathleen Takaki

Jo Ann and Jack McCarthy

Ron Okimoto

Harry and Anne Siegmund

Matthew D.R. Takamine

Kathleen McGlinn

Erin Okuno

Winifred Simmons

Masa (Wallace) Takayesu

Peter Meagher

Phyllis Oliver

Gary B. Simon

Nelson Takenaka

Karl Mench

Beryl Ono Stapleton

Clifford Smith

Jan and Ben Tamura

Menehunes YMC

Ontai-LaGrange And Associates

Soderholm Sales & Leasing

Jean and Carl Tanaka

Merck Partnership for Giving

Walter and Dorothy Osakoda

Steven Sofos

Wendy and Eric Taramasco

Patricia Merideth

Ronald Ota

SSFM International, Inc.

Glenn Tarumoto

Metropolitan Y’s Mens District Council

Thomas M. Otake

Robert Stivers-Apiki

Raymond Teruya

James Ouchi

Richard Stockton

The Business Journals

Justin Mew

Pacific Resource Partnership

Michael J. Hulser, Inc.

Stephanie Pahia

Karen Miller

Paramount Fitness Corp

Shirley and Albert Minn

Corey and Jan Park

Caroline T. Miura

Hoyt Parker

Wynn Miyamoto

Monty K. Pereira

Eric and Cora Miyasaki

Nancy Pettiford

MK Engineers, Ltd.

Grant Phillips

MK Equipment

David Pietsch

Kilo Moa

Vanessa Poon

Susan Moniz

Deborah Pope

Kenneth and Barbara Montgomery

Daniel Port and Ann H Takenaka

Albert Morgan

Praesidium, Inc.

Patrick Mori

Price, Okamoto, Himeno & Lum

Joanne Mow

Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Program

Duk Hee and Richard Murabayashi

Poseiden Properties, Inc.

Florence Puana

Mark Murakami

PVT Land Co Ltd

Mark T. Muranaka

Susan Rapine

Sanford and Frances Murata Nagamine Okawa Engineers, Inc.

Renissance Charitable Foundation Inc.

Leroy and Elaine M. Nagasako

RHS Lee, Inc.

William Nagle

Dane Robertson

Scott Nahme

Rolloffs Hawaii, LLC

Nelson K. Nakagawa

Ron’s Construction Corporation

Vernon Y. and Edy Nakamura

Rotary Club Of Waikiki

Sheryl Nicholson

Michael Sakai

Helen Nip

Kevin Sakamoto

Gary Nishikawa

Bert Sakuda

Kent Nishimura

Stephanie Sakurai

Nordic PCL Construction, Inc.

Michael Sawai


Frances Stuart

The Cades Foundation

Patrick and Lynette Uchigakiuchi

Windward Y’s Service Club

Howard Yoshiura

The Triangle Club Of Hawaii

Uezu Enterprises, Inc.

Michael Wing

Eric S.T. Young

Sandra Theunick

United Public Workers

Paulette and Robert Wo

Joel Yuen


Unitek Insulation, Inc.

Gerald, Ann & Keven Wong

Omar Zaldana

Winnie R. Thomas

Barry and Florence Utsumi

Bertram Wong

Michelle Zippay

Thurston Pacific, Inc.

Stacey and Sunia Utu

Kendric Wong

Robert Kiha Tirrell

Donald and Rosamund Van Duyne

Lisa C. Wong

Title Guaranty of Hawaii, Inc

Victoria Ward, Ltd.

Sally & Willie Wong

Peggy Tobaru

Vietnam Veterans of America

Stephen C.L. and Susan Wong

Richard Tobin

Dallas Walker

Mavis Yamada

Franklin Tokioka

Wesley Waniya

Jean Yamaguchi

Randall S. Tom

Arden B. Warren

Raymond Yamasaki

Kirk S. Tomita

Watanabe Ing LLP

Fred Yamashiro

Sharon Tomita

Evan and Cristina Watarida

Andrew and Lauren Yee

Robert L.P. and Geraldine Gaye Tong

Susan Wehrman

Terrence Yeh

Kathryn Weldon

Deeann Eiko Yorimoto

Jennifer and Richard Townsend

John Whalen

Sandra Yorong

Yoshi Tsukayama

Richard Wheelock

Keith Yoshida

Wendy Tupper

George Wilson

Vernon Yoshida

Hollace Turl

Kathleen Wilson


Tribute Gifts 2012 The List of Tribute Gifts covers January 1–December 31, 2012. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this list. However, if you find an error, please accept our apology and notify us at 808-541-5483 so we may correct our records immediately.

Honor Gifts:

Memorial Gifts:

Gary Chang

These gifts pay tribute to the individuals for whom a donation has been made.

A memorial gift is a beautiful testament to the life of a loved one. In 2012, the following contributions were received in tribute.

Darlene Chee

In Honor of August Yee Duane Yee

Sachiko T. Chun Alison Colby Lily Bloom Domingo

In Memory of Anthony Chang

Carol Emerson

Leburta Chock-Kanno

Marjorie Enseki Audrey Enseki-Tom

In Memory of Bill Maket

Peter C. K. Fong

Margie Maket

Celia Y. Fujkami Evelyn L. Fukumae

In Memory of Calvin K. Arata

Harold Furukawa

Helene Arata

Frank and Doris Go

In Honor of Janet Shaw Alice and Rob Roberts / Mermaids Hawaii

Susan F. Griffin

In Memory of Dr. Herbert Kobayashi

Renee Guillermo

Joni Gross

Naomi Hayakawa

In Honor of Lisa Wong Bergen County United Way Charitable Flex Fund

Stanley M. Chow

Rachael Hagner

In Honor of Gary Yoshida Jane H. Katayama

Pamela Chow Philip Chun

In Honor of Charlee Malott Larry H. and Taehee Bush

Helen H. Chow

In Memory of Akana Ma

In Honor of Aunty Carolee Tai Yau and Norah Chung

Roxanne Chinn

Stacey and Joann Hendrickson

In Memory of Dr. Phil Lee

Steve Hisaka

Sue Oshita

Sharon Ige Louise K. Ing

In Honor of Leah and Thomas Mukai

In Memory of Gary Matsuoka

Yutaka Inokuchi

Locations Foundation

Faith Matsuoka

Bob Isonaga

In Honor of Tony Kato

In Memory of Herbert Kobayashi

Suzanne S. Isonaga

Todd J. Hoida

Ruth Kobayashi

Joan Izumigawa

Mae K. Isonaga

Grace M. Kaneko

In Memory of Jitsuri Yoshida & Fred Aspree

Ted and Grace Kanno

Jeanette Kawakami

Loretta Keanu

Jeanette Kawakami Shirley and Wayne Kimura


In Memory of Kazuko Ching

Amy R. Kondo

Phyllis M. Adriano

David Kosaka

Cathleen T. Ahn

Benjamin Kudo

Tanya Alston

Franklin and Sharon Kudo

Kathryn Anbe

Debra Ann and Steve Kumai

Manuel L. August Jr.

Sandra Kunimoto

Carol Ann Cameron

Arlene Kuniyoshi

Elsie Chang

Suzanne N. and Andrew S. Large

Daniel and Debbie Lee

Craig Shikuma

Diane Ley

Jeri T. Shikuma

Kerri and Mark D. Lubin

Jiro and Doris Shikuma

Almira Lum

Lori M. Shikuma

Fenton and Betty Lum

Michael H. Shikuma

Marshall Lum

Miki Shikuma

Wendy Lum

Mitsuko Shikuma

Jamie Lumsolen

Takao Shikuma

Gordon and Janice Mah

Pono Shim

Diane Masuo

Vivian Shiroma

Colbert Matsumoto

Sharon C. Y. Takano

Rory and Janice Matsumoto

Miyome and Akira Tanaka

Helen S. Matsuo

Treschuk & Ferbabdes Ohana

Paulette McLain

Wendy F. Tsou

Laura M. Miho

Wendy Tsuneyoshi

Dale Minami

Kathy Uchida

Andrew Miyasato

Itsuko Uota

Daniel Miyasato

Ronald and Agnes Ushijima

Leigh-Ann K. Miyasato

Stan Wada

Sandra Miyashiro

Alvin and Trudy Wong

Cari Lee Mizumoto

Caroline S. Wong

Lance A. Mizumoto

Lavinia C. Wong

Miriam and Allen M. Mizumoto

Livingston and Linda Wong

Jo Ann Murashige

Stella Wong

In Memory of Mei-Chih Chun

Ellen Nagamine

Wanda L. Wong

Michelle Goman

Leroy and Elaine M. Nagasako

Richard Yamada

Edith Maier

Ernest Nakanishi

Jane M. Yamashiro

Joanne Lorence

Frances Y. Nakano

Georgia L. Yamashita

Deborah Spencer-Chun

Sheryl Nicholson

John W. Yim

Marcella Seto-Chock

Barbara Ogata

Karen L. Yoneda

Benjamin Seto

Claire C. and Allen K. Okamura

Howard Yoshida

Sandra Theunick

Gwen C. Omori

Susan Yoshioka

In Memory of Otto Carry

Ren and Meta Orans Lisa Oyama and Gary Lee

In Memory of Lenoir G. Carry

Mary S. Palumbo

Dr. Paul and Lindsey Carry

Dr. Paul and Lindsey Carry

In Memory of Phyllis Higa

Kathy Pang Noreen Pang

In Memory of Leonard Chang

Charles and Judith Park

Sandra K. Chang

Jeanette Kawakami

Susan Sakamoto

In Memory of Sharon Ann Horita

Kristina Savidge

Elaine Okawa

Allen and Horoko Seto


y m ca o f hon olu lu

2012 Board of Directors

Executive Staff



Michael F. Broderick

Jim Yates, Chairman

Casey Agena, Atherton Branch

Steven C. Ai, Vice Chair

Francis Hogan, Nu‘uanu Branch

Bruce A. Coppa, Vice Chair

Kathy Ishimoto, Mililani Branch

Tim Johns, Vice Chair

Bettina Mehnert, Camp H.R. Erdman

Lance Wilhelm, Vice Chair

Monty Pereira, Leeward Branch

Keith Sakamoto, Secretary

Karla Redding, Windward Branch

Wayne Hamano, Treasurer

C. Michael Street, Central Branch Ryker Wada, Kaimukï-Wai‘alae Branch

BOARD MEMBERS Benjamin K. Akana David Asanuma Jeffrey A. Bell Dr. Paul J. Carry Craig Chong Carl E. Choy Dr. Michael J. Chun Ronald R. Cox Paula Akana Guanzon Jeffrey S. Harris Carl P. Hennrich Robert K. Iopa Anton Krucky Rodney Matsumoto Sanford Murata Michael A. Pietsch Dr. Virginia Pressler Thomas Risse Joan H. Rohlfing Russell Saiki David Striph L. Candy Suiso Lynette Lo Tom Rebecca S. Ward John White K. Elizabeth Whitehead Reuben S.F. Wong August Yee


Gary Yoshida, Kalihi Branch








y mca o f ho n olu lu

2012 Branch Board of Managers and Executive Directors ATHERTON BRANCH


Casey Agena, Chair Anthony Yee, Executive Director

C. Michael Street, Chair Troy Tomita, Executive Director



Casey Agena Stephanie Choi Carl Ackerman Colleen Leung Michael Kawaharada Cynthia Kitagawa Ann Mahi Russell Motter Dave Sgan Bryce Uyehara Kawika Villa Kiman Wong

Kimberly Bridges Melissa Chang Del Green Debi Halcro Alex Jakovljevic Roy Kobatake Donovan Koki Neal Kugiya Dave Livingston Phil Sammer Ian Santee C. Michael Street Michael Wing

CAMP H.R. ERDMAN Bettina Mehnert, Chair Tom Rapine, Executive Director 2012 BOARD MEMBERS

Roy Arakaki Ronnie Baluca Sean Ginella Bonnie Hilory Kirk Hovious Susan Lau Donald (Flip) McDiarmid, III Bettina Mehnert Alan T. Nagao Mary Ellen Nordyke-Grace Ellie (Eleanor) Nordyke Mike Oya Omar Razvi John Scelsa Brister Thomas Kasey Wilson Wendi Woodstrup Philip Wright, MD

Steven Kaneshiro Thomas Kusatsu Wayne Kodama Lorraine Leslie Fenton Lum Brian Maeshiro Stanford Masui Mark Murakami Alice Nunogawa Ronald Oi Stephanie Pahia Geoffrey Pang Terry Taira Steven Takaki Dan Takamatsu Jean Tanaka Barry Utsumi Evan Watarida Gary Yoshida

KAIMUKI–WAI‘ALAE BRANCH Michael Lau, Chair Noa Hussey, Executive Director 2012 BOARD MEMBERS

Ralph Aona Shelly Campbell Deanne Haugaard Athena Ke‘ehu Charlene Kim Michael H. Lau Robert Martin Jason Minami Phyllis Oliver Terry Peacock Robert Stott Craig Takahashi Sharene Urakami-Oyama Ryker Wada Eric Young Les Ihara, Jr. (Honorary member) DeeDee Miyashiro (Honorary member) KALIHI BRANCH Jean Tanaka, Chair Anthony Pfaltzgraff, Senior Vice President 2012 BOARD MEMBERS

Robert Akinaka William Domingo Dennis Enomoto Jerry Felipe Leon Florendo Ron Fujiwara Wendy Higa Joyce Kagawa

LEEWARD BRANCH Monty Pereira, Chair Jennifer Townsend, Executive Director 2012 BOARD MEMBERS

Patricia Arakaki Reid Fukumoto John Highman Dominic Inocelda Aaron Kanemaru Michael Miyamura Dwight Kawata Santi Lau Zenaida Lopez Stan Masamitsu Susan Moniz Monty Pereira Guy Tamashiro Robert Tong Sandi Yorong MILILANI BRANCH Dr. Kathy Ishimoto, Chair Keola Taniguchi, Executive Director 2012 BOARD MEMBERS

Karen Ebato Dennis Ihara Dr. Kathy Ishimoto Dr. Dennis Kuwabara Robert Kuwahara Walter Osakoda Dexter Yee

NU‘UANU BRANCH Luke Yeh, Chair Randal Ikeda, Executive Director 2012 BOARD MEMBERS

Randolph Ahlo B.A. Akana Tom Allen Gregory Apa Lynette Arakawa Albert Rick Chong Alan Fujii Blaine Hedani Audrey Hidano Frank Hogan Sarah Kalicki-Nakamura Brian Kealoha Wes Kimura Marie Kumabe Jewel McDonald Justin Mew Karen Miller Jordan Odo Beryl Ono-Stapleton Marcia Taira Matthew Takamine Sabrina Toma Betsy Weatherford Lisa Wong Stephen Wong Dion Yasui Luke Yeh WINDWARD BRANCH Karla Redding, Chair Bill Stone, Executive Director 2012 BOARD MEMBERS

Dr. Paul J. Carry Maureen Coogan Beth Davidann Aileen Deese David Del Rosario Dan Dufrene Marion Liu Dr. Stanley Luke Russell Lynch Dr. Katrena Kennedy Nora Knock Daniel Port Karla Redding John Seth Stewart Wade Arthur Wong Kelly Yamada



YMCA OF HONOLULU 1441 Pali Highway Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96813 www.ymcahonolulu.org




A+ Afterschool Programs MIDDLE SCHOOLS (11)

Outreach, Counseling, Rural Youth Crime Prevention Programs HIGH SCHOOLS (11)

Outreach and Counseling Programs CAMP H.R. ERDMAN









NU‘UANU 536-3556

1441 Pali Highway, Honolulu, HI 96813

4835 Kilauea Avenue, Honolulu, HI 96816

1441 Pali Highway, Honolulu, HI 96813

ATHERTON 946-0253

KALIHI 848-2494

WINDWARD 261-0808

1810 University Avenue, Honolulu, HI 96822

1335 Kalihi Street, Honolulu, HI 96819

1200 Kailua Road, Kailua, HI 96734

CAMP H.R. ERDMAN 637-4615

LEEWARD 671-6495

69-385 Farrington Highway, Waialua, HI 96791

94-440 Mokuola Street, Waipahu, HI 96797

CENTRAL 941-3344

MILILANI 625-1040 95-1190 Hikikaulia Street, Mililani, HI 96789

401 Atkinson Drive, Honolulu, HI 96814

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