Watch how the Y Transforms Lives!
TRANSFORMING COMMUNITIES ONE LIFE AT A TIME 1 in 10 people benefitted from a YMCA of Honolulu program last year. That’s 100,000 local men, women and children who were able to become healthy, confident, connected and secure. For many, this was only possible through financial aid provided by our Strong Communities Annual Support Campaign. In fact, $1 million in free, subsidized or sponsored programs and services were provided to those in need last year.
THIS YEAR’S GOAL IS $975,000. With your support, kids, teens, families and seniors in need across our island will continue to benefit from the lifechanging power of the Y. Please give generously today. Together, we can transform our communities, one life at a time!
Young at Heart The 16-member Kaimuki-Wai‘alae YMCA Over 90 Club is glorious living proof that it’s never too late to be young.
Ranging in age from 90 to 97, for these seniors, the Y is more than just a gym. It’s a welcoming place to stay connected and transform their minds, bodies and spirit to live their lives on their terms. Yoshiko Kitagawa, 93, started working out when she was 90. She’s at the Y five days a week alternating Aqua Tai Chi, weights and a brisk walk on the treadmill. “I was able to get rid of my walker thanks to the Y,” Yoshi tells everyone. 90-year-old John Lang also enjoys the Y’s Aqua Tai Chi class. He suffers from extreme chronic pain, but is completely pain free when he’s in the pool. Wally Kawachi is 90. Four years ago, he could barely walk up the stairs and had heart surgery and a pacemaker inserted. He started working out at the Y five days a week. “My kids say I walk like a young man now,” laughs Wally. Barbara Tilley, 95, says that even though she’s had a couple of bad falls, she’s been able to get back to the Aqua Aerobics class and regain her strength. The Annual Support Campaign ensures all of our Kūpuna, regardless of their ability to pay, continue to have a place to get together, flex their muscles and inspire the rest of us to follow along.
THRIVING Hoku Garcia is a single mom with a good job and happy thriving children. But that’s not how her story began. She had just suffered through an expensive custody battle, worked the graveyard shift and was adjusting to single-parenthood. Her children needed her home at night. She was able to get a new day job, but it paid less and without a car, meant catching the bus early in the morning and not arriving home until the evening. “I desperately needed safe reliable childcare before and after school, as well as during school breaks and summer—but I simply didn’t have the money,” explained Hoku. “That’s where the Mililani YMCA came in. They not only offered childcare programs before, after and during school breaks, more importantly, they provided financial assistance to families like mine in need.” Hoku was ecstatic when she received assistance to cover before-school and school-break child care for her children. The Y was her long-awaited ray of hope. She could finally go to work knowing that her children were safe and happy. Hoku’s kids are doing great. They’re making friends, going on field trips, flourishing in the Y’s youth development programs and even learning to swim. Thanks to the Y, the Garcia family is now safe, happy and thriving.
When William “Billy” Ching joined the Leeward Y, his intent was more about getting to know a lady friend better than getting fit. Little did he know the Y would make a huge difference in his life, and not just his love life. His plan worked. Nine months after joining the Y, Billy proposed and Jackie said yes. But two days later, he had a major heart attack. Complications lead to doctors putting him in a medicallyinduced coma to save his life. Coming out of the coma six weeks later, “I couldn’t walk; could barely talk; couldn’t even lift a cup to my mouth,” recalled Billy. “My family was devastated, but I was determined that nothing was going to stand in the way of my wedding and my life.” Billy fought back hard and soon he and Jackie were married. “The Y was my road to recovery. They gave me the tools, motivation and support to get back the life I loved. Today, my message to everyone is to never give up because there’s always hope and faith— that’s what got me through.” Today, Billy, Jackie and their children work out regularly as a family at the Y. And this year, Billy and Jackie are proud to serve as Annual Support Campaigners!
Your dollars, Transform Communities, One Life at a Time $24
helps a struggling family send their child for a day to the Y’s school break program.
$54 builds the confidence of a middle school teen with a week in the Y’s leadership STRIVE program. $86 helps a child overcome his or her fear of water through two weeks of life-saving swim lessons. $112 sponsors a child for a week of summer fun, learning and adventure at the Y’s day camp program. $216
sponsors an adult with a Healthy Life Styles membership for one year.
$390 gives a struggling single parent and her family a weekend of life-long memories at family camp. $576
gives a fixed-income senior couple the gift of health and fitness for a year.
builds the self-esteem of an at-risk teen through the Y’s performing arts program for a year.
$827 provides a college student with a unique leadership opportunity at the Y’s week-long service project on the Mainland. $1,212 prepares a child for kindergarten at the Y’s part time preschool program for one year.
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The YMCA is a nonprofit 501(c)(3). Your donation is tax deductible—Mahalo! Donate online at or send checks payable to YMCA of Honolulu. Please return form and payment to: YMCA of Honolulu, P.O. Box 1921, Honolulu, HI 96805, or your local branch.
Your Donation strengthens the foundations of our community, one life at a time! As one of Hawaii’s leading non-profits, the YMCA of Honolulu is committed to strengthening our communities through three areas of focus: YOUTH DEVELOPMENT Nurturing the Potential of Every Child and Teen
All kids deserve the opportunity to discover who they are and what they can achieve. Our programs cultivate the values, skills and relationships that lead to positive behaviors, better health and educational achievement. HEALTHY LIVING Improving the Health and Well-Being of Everyone
We bring families together, encourage good health and foster connections through fitness, sports, fun and shared interests for people of all ages. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Giving Back and Providing Support to our Neighbors
We are a catalyst for healthy change and a resource for those who need our assistance. We provide the tools and services to address critical social needs such as: youth development and leadership, teen safety and at-risk behaviors, senior health, chronic disease prevention and building communities. ATHERTON • 946-0253 1810 University Avenue
LEEWARD • 671-6495 94-440 Mokuola Street
CAMP H.R. ERDMAN • 637-4615 69-385 Farrington Highway
MILILANI • 625-1040 95-1190 Hikikaulia Street
CENTRAL • 941-3344 401 Atkinson Drive
NU‘UANU • 536-3556 1441 Pali Highway
4835 K lauea Avenue
WINDWARD • 261-0808 1200 Kailua Road
KALIHI • 848-2494 1335 Kalihi Street
1441 Pali Highway