FEEL HEALTHIER PROSPECT PARK YMCA SUMMER/FALL PROGRAM GUIDE PROSPECT PARK YMCA 357 Ninth Street Brooklyn, NY 11215 718-768-7100 ymcanyc.org/prospectpark
WHY We’re Here for YoutH deVelopMeNt
for HealtHY liViNg
for social respoNsiBilitY
Nurturing the potential of every child and teen We believe that all kids deserve the opportunity to discover who they are and what they can achieve. That’s why, through the YMCA, millions of youth today are cultivating the values, skills and relationships that lead to positive behaviors, better health and educational achievement.
improving our community’s health and well-being In neighborhoods across the five boroughs, the YMCA is a leading voice on health and well-being. The Y brings families closer together, encourages good health and fosters connections through fitness, sports, fun and shared interests. As a result, nearly 400,000 youth, adults and families are receiving the support, guidance and resources needed to achieve greater health and well-being for their spirit, mind and body.
giving back and providing support to our neighbors The YMCA has been listening and responding to New York City’s most critical social needs for 160 years. Whether developing skills or emotional well-being through education and training, welcoming and connecting diverse demographic populations through global services, or preventing chronic disease and building healthier communities through collaborations with policymakers, the Y fosters the care and respect all people need and deserve.
We’re Here for good. It’s been the signature phrase of New York City’s YMCA since early 2008, and it describes the Y’s commitment to building the foundations of—and strengthening—our communities, through nurturing the potential of every child and teen, improving community health and well-being and providing opportunities to give back and support neighbors. We’re here for you and your family. We’re here for the community. We’re here for good.
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get eNgaged We know first-hand how difficult it can be to find balance in life. that’s why we’re here with you every day, making sure that you, your family and our community have the resources and support needed to learn, grow and thrive. With a focus on developing the potential of kids, improving health and well-being, and giving back and supporting our neighbors, your participation will not just bring about meaningful change in yourself, but in your community too. Here are some of the ways you can get involved.
fees MeMBersHip
Membership types prospect park Y
Join the Prospect Park YMCA and become part of a community committed to helping you and your kids learn, grow and thrive. Y members receive full access to the facility’s Fitness Center, Gym and Locker rooms; priority registration for classes and programs; discounts on classes and programs with a fee; and six guest passes each year to share with friends.
Youth (up to 11)* . . . . . .$149/yr . . . . . . . . .n/a . . . . . . . . . . $32
The option for a City-wide membership allows you to use any of the other YMCAs in the city - each of which offers quality facilities and programs.
cHild WatcH Do you need someone to look after your child (ages 6 months-7 years old) while you work out? We’re here for you! You may bring your child (for a maximum of six hours per week) to the YMCA Child Watch Program. Kids will enjoy creative play in a fun, safe environment with responsible YMCA staff members. This is a free service available to members only. Please register with Child Watch in advance.
Joiner’s fee*****
Teen (12 - 17) . . . . . . . . .$180/yr . . . . . . . . .n/a . . . . . . . . . . $32 Student** . . . . . . . . . . . . .$54/mos . . . . . .$78/mos . . . . . . . .$85 Adult (18 - 64) . . . . . . . .$67/mos . . . . . .$97/mos . . . . . . .$121 Senior (65+) . . . . . . . . . .$54/mos . . . . . .$78/mos . . . . . . .$121 Family I . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$79/mos . . . . . .$114/mos . . . . . .$121 (1 Adult & kids)*** Family II . . . . . . . . . . . . .$112/mos . . . . .$172/mos . . . . . .$121 (2 Adults & kids)**** *Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult when using the facility **Any age, full time undergraduate, 12+ credits, must bring copy of transcript ***1 Adult and kids under 18 years, living in the same household ****2 Adults and kids under 18 years, living in the same household *****City-wide Joiner’s Fee is $125 Enjoy all the amenities of the Park Slope Armory Y by adding just $15 a month onto your Prospect Park Y membership. Youth Dual Membership Fee $224/year Teen Dual membership Fee $270/year
VoluNteer opportuNities When you volunteer at the Y, you take an active role in bringing about meaningful, enduring change right in your own neighborhood. As a program volunteer, board member or Strong Kids Campaign fundraiser, you can make a difference for our Y and the community as a whole.
JoB opportuNities Visit ymcanyc.org/careers for open positions in our staff family at the YMCA or at one of more than 100 sites throughout the five boroughs and at our New York YMCA Camp upstate.
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prospect park Y iNforMatioN Hours of operatioN
MeMBer serVice desk
Monday - Friday: Saturday -Sunday:
Monday - Friday: Saturday -Sunday:
5:00 am - 11:00 pm 6:00 am - 9:00 pm
8:00 am - 8:00 pm 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
2013 earlY closiNgs*
Modified or No iNstructioNal classes
New Year’s - Eve Monday, December 31, 2012 New Year’s Day - Tuesday, January 1 Easter - Sunday, March 31 Independence Day - Thursday, July 4 Christmas Eve - Monday, December 24, 2012 Christmas Day - Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Easter weekend - Saturday, March 30 Splash Week** - Monday, March 25 -Friday, March 29 Memorial Weekend - Saturday-Sunday, May 25 & 26 Memorial Day - Monday, May 27 Labor Day - Monday, September 2 Thanksgiving Day - Thursday, November 28 Thanksgiving Weekend - Friday-Sunday, November 29-31
*On these holidays, group exercise classes will not be available. **Special scheduled aquatics classes only
taBle of coNteNts Facility Directory Hours of operation and holiday schedule staff directory leadership Membership fees payment and financial assistance childwatch policies & procedures pool safety Family Programs parent and child classes family nights
4 5 5
3 36 15 36 35
8 15
Early Childhood Programs gym aquatics dance
9 26 10
Youth and Teen Programs Y afterschool summer day camp
16 17
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teen development Healthy lifestyles aquatics gymnastics
20 22 31 14
Adult Programs aquatics Health and Wellness sports New americans Welcome center
31 23 25 34
Older Adult Programs Health and wellness aquatics
25 33
Individuals with special needs summer day camp
Get involved giving opportunities
prospect park Y leadersHip HealtHY lifestYles staff
YoutH aNd faMilY staff
adMiNistratiVe staff
Senior Program Director – Kathy Birro (212) 912-2365 kbirro@ymcanyc.org
Program Director – Sandy Phillips (212) 912-2591 cphillips@ymcanyc.org
Senior Executive Director – Melvin Tse (212) 912-2370 mtse@ymcanyc.org
Healthy Lifestyles Director – Namrod Girmai (212) 912-2377 ngirmai@ymcanyc.org
Director of Youth & Family – Jamel Davis (212) 912-2580 jdavis@ymcanyc.org
Business Manager – Mahadai Somaroo (212) 912-2374 msomaroo@ymcanyc.org
Aquatics Director – Meghan Gough (212) 912-2379 mgough@ymcanyc.org
Camp Director – Connie Domingo (212) 912-2367 cdomingo@ymcanyc.org
Assistant Business Manager – Yolanda Cox (212) 912-2376 ycox@ymcanyc.org
New Americans Welcome Center Coordinator – Nabila Khan (212) 912-2375 nkhan@ymcanyc.org
Interim Membership Director & Director of Fund Development and Communications – Megan King (212) 912-2371 mking@ymcanyc.org
coMMuNitY House staff Director of Community House – Rose Milord (212) 912-2383 rmilord@ymcanyc.org
Y Afterschool at PS 124 Site Director – Derick Martinez (718) 788-0246 ext. 2041 martinezd@ymcanyc.org
seaMeN’s House staff
Y Afterschool at PS 212 Site Director– Tiffany Brown (718) 621-5360 brownt@ymcanyc.org
Coordinator – Herb Reiss (212) 912-2385 hreiss@ymcanyc.org
Property Director – Shakila Monk (212) 912-2381 smonk@ymcanyc.org Administrative Assistant Antoinette Palozzolo (212) 912-2368 apalozzolo@ymcanyc.org
Y Afterschool at PS 200 Site Director - Summer Stoner (917) 841-9704 sstoner@ymcanyc.org
contact us Phone: (718) 768-7100 | Web: ymcanyc.org/prospectpark
Board of MaNagers the prospect park YMca Board of Managers is a dedicated group of volunteers invested in our community. these leaders are comprised of a diverse group of individuals including community advocates, residents and local business owners to ensure our Y stays true to its mission while providing you with the highest quality service possible.
Chair Martin J. Cottingham Finance Committee Chair Denis Rudder Fund Development Committee Chair Orville Dale Program & Membership Committee Chair Sharon Tepper Strong Kids Campaign Chair Jed Meyer
Members at Large Ann Cameron Howard Caretto Sandy DiTrapani Katherine Harris Kelly Hayes Allan F. Kramer, II Brian MacNeela Dan Menchini Thomas Miskel Consuelo Seidel Stephen A. Somerstein Mary VInes
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stroNg kids caMpaigN the prospect park YMca is Here for Good every day of the year, and never more so than in challenging and uncertain times by continuing to offer life-enhancing Y programs to our community. With over 120 years of experience and additional programming at the park slope armory YMca, we are committed to you. last year we reached close to 44,000 people, more than 16,000 of whom were local youth and teens. We are so grateful to be able to offer programs and participation to our community regardless of their ability to pay. in 2012 every child in our lisa Beth gerstman special Needs camp participated on at least 50% financial aid; we enrolled over 500 children in our after school programs located in public schools throughout Brooklyn completely free of charge; we had the ability to provide financial assistance to hundreds of members in financial crisis; and served over 2,600 enrollments in our New americans Welcome center through free esl, computer literacy, Job readiness, and counseling services. Without the support of our community through the strong kids campaign none of this would have been possible. Your support of the YMca strong kids campaign gives children and families, in our community, the chance to grow stronger in spirit, mind and body. this year we have seen tremendous growth in membership granting us the privilege to start more children and families off on the right foot through access to healthy lifestyle programs at the prospect park Y. please consider investing in the future of our community by making a generous donation to the strong kids campaign this year. to find out how you can contribute to the strong kids campaign and learn more about other giving opportunities please contact Megan king, director of fund development and communications at (212) 912-2371 or via email at mking@ymcanyc.org. thank you for helping to build strong kids, strong families and strong communities!
every dollar contributed to the prospect park YMca strong kids campaign directly supports programs and memberships and is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. None of the funds support administrative costs .
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plaY togetHer
Same Great Classes with New Names!
faMilY/earlY cHildHood prograMs family fun for everyone! We offer a host of programs that promote healthy spirit, mind and body through intellectual, social and recreational activities. the programming objective is to provide tools and resources that enhance children’s individual skills and talents as well as teach young people cultural diversity, and understanding of all people. the YMca is a safe haven for all youth.
preNataL prenatal Yoga Instructor to participant ratio is 1:20 This yoga class is especially kind and gentle to the body and is specifically designed to help expecting mothers feel more comfortable during pregnancy and prepare physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually for labor, birth and motherhood. Come join us to maximize your health, to heal yourself and clear the way for a new chapter in your life. This class is a wonderful opportunity for connecting with other pregnant women as well as individual time for private reflection. Mondays 11:00 am-12:30 pm Wednesdays 11:00 am-12:30 pm saturdays 4:00 pm- 5:30 pm Members: Free, Non-Members $14/visit
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For aDULt & BaBY Baby & Me Yoga (Babies 1-10 months) Instructor to participant ratio is 1:20 A great way to bond with your baby! This class is designed to help new moms regain strength and vitality, while incorporating baby in the process. Also, provides opportunity to build relationships with other new parents. Mondays 1:00- 2:00 pm Wednesdays 2:15-3:15 pm thursdays 11:00 am-12:00 pm Members: Free, Non-Members: $14/visit
Baby & Me pilates (Babies 1-10 months) Instructor to participant ratio is 1:20 Discover your core again! Tighten, tone & stretch while bonding with your baby. These strength training movements involving coordinated breathing techniques will help you to find correct alignment and reduce back pain associated with carrying your child.
Indoor playground oFFereD IN FaLL oNLY Instructor to participant ratio is 1:35 A motor development and movement awareness class where children will spend their time exploring the equipment, climbing, balancing, building, playing with balls, hoops and obstacle courses, while socializing with their peers.
Mondays, Wednesdays & thursdays 9:00-11:30 am Members only up to 3yrs with adult
11:00 am-12:00 pm
Members: Free, Non–Members: $14/visit aDULt & cHILD FUN tot & Me Yoga (Babies 10 mon-2 yrs) Instructor to participant ratio is 1:20 Strengthen your body and the bond between you and your child. Using interactive postures that both you and your child can try, you will strengthen your core, improve your posture, build confidence and relax using inspirational postures and breathing techniques. tuesdays & Fridays 11:00 am-12:00 pm Members: Free, Non-Members: $14/visit story, song & shimmy (Birth-4 yrs with Adult) Instructor to participant ratio is 1:30 Please register at the membership desk. Bond with your little one while they develop social, motor and cognitive abilities. Stories and singing will be followed by fun and dancing with scarves and instruments. tuesdays
3:30-4:30 pm
Members: Free, Non-Members: $12/visit
Family art (12 months-3yrs with Adult) Instructor to participant ratio is 1:30 This class will provide parents and children the opportunity to explore artistic media together. Art increases focus, hand to eye coordination, and problem solving skills - and it’s exciting! Be warned, this class can get messy. Please register at the membership desk. Mondays & Wednesdays 10:00 am-12:00 pm summer classes begin at 10:30 am Member Fee: Free, Non-Member $12 visit
THE FOLLOWING CLASSES ARE BY REGISTRATION ONLY fees reflect cost of 8-week sessions arts & cULtUre Yoga kids oFFereD IN FaLL oNLY Instructor to participant ratio is 1:8 Children are instructed in age appropriate yoga poses and breathing techniques. Yoga Kids is a great introduction to the mindbody-spirit aspect of exercise and an effective way to encourage focus and relaxation. Wednesdays 3:45-4:25 pm 3-4 yr. olds 4:30-5:15 pm 5-7 yr. olds Members: $80, Non-members: $135
Ballet (Ages 5-7 years) Instructor to participant ratio is 1:10 This class focuses on classical ballet with barre and center work that develops strength, body alignment, flexibility and musicality. Younger children learn to develop coordination and body awareness through these basic ballet movement. Wednesdays 4:30-5:15 pm Fridays 4:30-5:15 pm Members: $80, Non-members: $135 tap Dance Instructor to participant ratio is 1:10 Learn rhythm while having fun in this early exploration into the word of tap! Fridays
tiny toes Ballet (Ages 3-4 years) Instructor to participant ratio is 1:8 Children will learn the fundamentals of ballet through awareness of body movement and creativity. While participating in exercise and dance sequences, participants will learn coordination while exploring various levels of movement that develop strength. Mondays 4:30-5:10 pm tuesdays 10:45-11:25 am 3:45-4:25 pm 4:30-5:10 pm Wednesdays 3:45-4:25 pm Fridays 3:45-4:25 pm Members: $80, Non-members: $135
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3:00-3:40 pm 3:45-4:25 pm 4:30-5:15 pm
3-4 yr. olds 3-4 yr. olds 5-7 yr. olds
Members: $85, Non-members: $145 creative Movement (3-4 year olds) Instructor to participant ratio is 1:8 A great way to teach self-expression through dance. This class supports your child’s growing awareness of his/her body’s capacity to move in dynamic ways. Structured activities and exercises provide the foundation for developing a movement vocabulary and non-verbal expression of feeling and thought. Creative movement builds self-esteem and is a wonderful first adventure into locomotion. Mondays 3:45-4:25 pm Members: $80, Non-Members: $135
Imagination theatre (Ages 3-4 years) oFFereD IN FaLL oNLY Instructor to participant ratio is 1:8 A great first theatre experience that uses stories as the basis for imaginative play. Participants will work with a different story each week to explore characters, settings, and plot. A wonderful way for children to learn to express their emotions and interact with their peers. Fridays 9:45-10:30 am Members: $80, Non-members: $135 Just 2’s art! (Ages 2-3 yrs with adult) oFFereD IN FaLL oNLY Instructor to participant ratio is 1:8 All about ways 2 year olds like to explore, examine, test and try to figure out what is happening in the world around them. In this class, designed just for 2’s and their grownups, they will have opportunity to explore the world of art while refining their developing motor skills. tuesdays 9:45-10:30 am Members: $98, Non-Members: $155
Just 3’s art! (Ages 3-4 yrs) oFFereD IN FaLL oNLY Instructor to participant ratio is 1:8 By the age of 3, children have enough personal experience to master many of life's simple concepts. Their next challenge is building on them. Just 3’s is our first level of independent from adult participation class designed just for them. Here children will learn new skills and art processes through open-ended activities designed to allow their emerging creativity to develop. A new masterpiece will be created each week so begin preparing space on your refrigerator now! tuesdays 10:45-11:30 am Members: $98, Non-Members: $155 4-5’s art! (Ages 4-5 yrs) oFFereD IN FaLL oNLY Instructor to participant ratio is 1:8 Children who are 4 and 5 are entering a phase of development where they learn to apply skills, build on them, and think creatively. In this class, children will have opportunity to refine skills and expand their expression of creativity through new and familiar art processes including painting, sculpture, drawing, printmaking and collage. thursdays 3:45-4:30 pm Members: $98, Non-Members: $155
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6-8’s art! (Ages 6-8 yrs) oFFereD IN FaLL oNLY Instructor to participant ratio is 1:8 Through an exploration of various art materials and techniques, school aged children will develop knowledge of 2dimensional and 3-dimensional design and composition while exercising their imagination. Art at this age continues to sharpen problem-solving abilities, construct meaning, and provide a means of expression for their experiences. thursdays 4:45-5:30 pm Members: $98, Non-Members: $155 sustainable art (Ages 4-5 & 6-8 years) oFFereD IN sUMMer oNLY Want your child to learn about social responsibility while having fun? Learn to make art that cares about the environment! In Sustainable Art children learn to manipulate materials we discard every day in order to create masterpieces. Projects give participants time to work independently and as a collective while developing their ďŹ ne motor skills, mathematical and problem solving abilities. 4-5 yrs old: Instructor to participant ratio is 1:8 thursdays 3:45-4:30 pm 6-8 yrs old: Instructor to participant ratio is 1:10 thursdays 4:30-5:15 pm Members: $98, Non-Members: $155
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color, Build, paint! (Ages 18 mon-5 yrs) oFFereD IN sUMMer oNLY Instructor to participant ratio is 1:12 An introductory class that sparks imaginations toward color investigation, and the fundamentals of 2-D and 3-D design. Starting with an exploration of color and its limitless possibility, we harness the power of design to paint and draw, work with collage and printmaking, and use a range of tactile materials to build sculptures, bringing to life whatever is imaginable! 2-3 yrs old w/ adult: tuesdays 9:45-10:30 am 3-4 yrs old: tuesdays 10:45-11:30 am Members: $98, Non-Members: $155
sports soccer (Ages 3-4 & 5-7 years) Instructor to participant ratio is 1:8 Children’s soccer is an instructional class that teaches basic soccer skills, as well as a love for sport. Develops teamwork and participation in a fun, non-competitive environment. sUMMer oFFerINGs sundays 10:00-10:45 am 3-4 yr. olds sundays 11:00-11:45 am 5-7 yr. olds FaLL oFFerINGs sundays 9:00-9:45 am 3-4 yr. olds sundays 10:00-10:45 am 5-7 yr. olds Members: $95, Non-Members: $130 Multi-sports (Ages 4-5 years) Instructor to participant ratio is 1:8 Not sure which sport your child has an interest in? Does your child have an interest in every sport? Multi-Sports is the class for you! This instructional class gives a taste of soccer, basketball and track in a fun play-filled environment. Children are introduced to basic skills for the various sports, as well as fun games to familiarize with the use of various sports equipment.
Basketball (Ages 5-7 years) Instructor to participant ratio is 1:12 Children will learn the fundamentals of basketball through modified basketball activities. Fun and budding self confidence are gained while making new friends and just having fun playing. tuesdays 4:45-5:30 pm Members: $95, Non-Members: $120 Quickstart tennis/tennis Under 10 (Ages 5-10) oFFereD IN FaLL oNLY Instructor to participant ratio is 1:10 Learn to play in an exciting new play format designed to bring kids into the game by adapting equipment, court dimensions and scoring to the size of the child. QuickStart Tennis enables kids to have more enjoyable experiences early on in the learning process, making having fun the number one factor. All equipment is provided. thursdays 3:45-4:30 pm 5-6 yr. olds thursdays 4:30-5:15 pm 7-10 yr. olds Members: $125, Non-Members: $160
tuesdays sundays
3:45-4:30 pm 11:00-11:45 am
Members: $95, Non-Members: $130
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GIrL’s oNLY GYMNastIcs Intermediate Gymnastics Instructor to participant ratio is 1:7 This girl’s intermediate gymnastics class builds on skills learned in the previous level and focuses on increasing strength and endurance and involves more complex floor and apparatus skills that include flight movements. Wednesdays & Fridays
4:00-5:30 pm
GYMNastIcs progressive Gymnastics-co-ed program
Members: $166, Non-Members: $237
advanced Beginner Gymnastics Instructor to participant ratio is 1:7 This co-ed class for children ages 6 and up focuses on basic floor and apparatus skills, increasing strength and endurance and preparation for the more rigorous intermediate program.
Members: $166, Non-Members: $237
advanced Intermediate Gymnastics Instructor to participant ratio is 1:7 Beginner Gymnastics I In this level, participants continue to build Instructor to participant ratio is 1:7 This co-ed class for children ages 6 and up on apparatus and floor skills learned in the focuses on increased use of each apparatus previous level and begin to practice more complex variation and combination and basic gymnastics skills. movements. Mondays 4:00-5:00 pm Wednesdays & Members: $108, Non-Members: $166 Fridays 5:00-6:30 pm
5:00-6:00 pm
Members: $108, Non-Members: $166 Gymnastics placement Testing for placement is conducted on Mondays during third week of session. Please call Gymnastics Coordinator, Ray Vigo at (212) 912-2382.
Girl’s Gymnastics club Instructor to participant ratio is 1:8 Girls who are currently in the advanced intermediate class and who qualify may participate. The club provides a supportive environment for dedicated gymnasts who are eager to progress without the pressures of competition. Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays 5:00-7:00 pm Members: $194, Non-Members: $238
Free FaMILY eVeNts For tHe coMMUNItY FaMILY NIGHt On the Second Saturday of every month from 4:30-6:30 pm, the Prospect Park YMCA Family opens its door to every Family! Family events include everything from Movie Nights and PJ parties to Family Ping Pong and Concerts. Family events break in July and August. For further information on our family programs and family night dates, please contact Sandy Phillips, Program Director at (212) 912-2591 or cphillips@ymcanyc.org
child Watch program (Babysitting) Do you need someone to look after your child while you workout? We're here for you! You may take your child to the Prospect Park YMCA Child Watch Program. Kids will enjoy creative play in a fun safe environment with responsible Prospect Park YMCA staff members. Child Watch is available to members for up to six hours per week. Monday - Friday, 8:00 am to 8:00 pm saturday 9:00 am to 2:00 pm sunday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Please call Maria Riaz at 212-912-2369 to reserve a space. The amount of children taken at any given time is limited according to the number of staff present.
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BuildiNg futures Y aFter scHooL proGraM The literacy-based academic support program (offered in under-resourced NYC public schools in grades K–5) builds study skills and helps with homework through ProjectBased Learning and Balanced Literacy Activities, using reading, writing and conversation to address literacy challenges among public school students. As in any Y program, health education and recreation opportunities are central! With off-site locations from Park Slope to Coney Island, Y After School helps hundreds of kids from K-5 continue to grow in spirit, mind and body in the critical 3:00-6:00 pm hours. Y Afterschool is absolutely free of charge through donations to the Strong Kids Campaign.
Y acaDeMIc sUpport This program is available to students that attend the Hellenic Classical Charter School and provides two hours of homework help. The homework help session runs from 3:30 to 6 pm from Monday thru Friday and costs $175 per month throughout the academic year. to find out more about our afterschool programs and off-site locations, please contact Jamel Davis, Director of Youth and Family at 212-912-2580 or jdavis@ymcanyc.org.
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JoiN tHe adVeNture
HolidaY & suMMer daYcaMp
No matter which camp you choose for your child, the prospect park YMca provides a healthy and happy atmosphere. through games, crafts and field trips our curriculum focuses on healthy lifestyles, leadership skills and education enrichment to help beat summer brain drain. all of our YMca day camps are licensed by the NYc department of Health and accredited by the american camping association (aca).
HOLIDAY CAMP 2014 AGES 5 - 12 YEARS Maximum counselor to child ratio is 1:10 When public schools are closed, where can your children go? they can go to park slope armory YMca Holiday camp! children ages 5-12 participate in arts and crafts, sports, swimming, trips and special activities. each Holiday camp day takes place between 9:00am and 5:00 pm. parents provide a bag lunch & swim suit (pending pool availability). the park slope armory YMca follows the department of education’s school schedule. 8am early dropoff and 6pm late pick-up is available for an additional fee.
Mid Winter Recess February 17 - 21 Spring Recess March 14 - 18 SUMMER CAMP Session I Session II Session III Session IV
7/01-7/12 7/15-7/26 7/29-8/09 8/12-8/23
9:00 am - 5:00 pm 9:00 am - 5:00 pm 9:00 am - 5:00 pm 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Need to drop off early or pick-up late? No problem. early drop-off and late pick-up is a $60 charge each per two-week summer camp session.
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HALF-DAY KINDER CAMP ONLY FOR 4 YEAR OLDS counselor to child ratio is 1:5 We are offering a Half-day camp (4 hours) for 4 year-old children from 9:00am1:00pm. children will participate in artwork, story time, physical fitness, and take part in instructional swimming one day per week. this camp will be available for session 1, 2 and 3. Members: $320 per session Non-Members: $370 per session FULL DAY KINDERCAMP AGES 4 1/2 - 5 YEARS counselor to child ratio is 1:5 kindercamp is designed for children entering kindergarten in september 2013 and is tailored to little bodies and big imaginations. this program provides instructional swimming, trips, indoor & outdoor group play activities and themebased arts & crafts that focus on enhancing the social skills and team work abilities of young children.
PROGRESSIVE SWIM CAMP 7-9 AND 10-12 YEAR-OLDS counselor to child ratio is 1:7 for 7-9 yr. olds and 1:10 for 10-12 yr. olds. the prospect park YMca is a leader in youth swim and has helped generations of children become outstanding swimmers. progressive swim camp is designed for children of all levels. campers are grouped according to skill proficiency and mastery. children also participate in programs such as group games, environmental studies, arts & crafts and health, nutrition & exercise. trips are incorporated into the program to balance the week’s activities. swim instruction takes place 4 days per week. Members: $440 per session Non-Members: $490 per session
ADVENTURE CAMP 9- TO 11 YEAR-OLDS counselor to child ratio is 1:10. adventure campers take part in a balance of scheduled and optional instructional swimming, arts & crafts, music and environmental science, there is also a wide array of sports, creative arts and character Members: $440 per session development activities. field trips Non-Members: $490 per session throughout the metropolitan area, theme days, and special events offer children a EXPRESS CAMP well-rounded summer experience. the 6- TO 8-YEAR-OLDS program also continues the counselor to child ratio is 1:7 “r&r”(recreational reading) component express camp is designed for the younger camper. campers participate in arts & crafts, helping kids to maintain sharp reading skills throughout the summer months. group games, sports, health & fitness, character development activities, and recreational reading. children also take part Members: $385 per session in instructional swimming one day per week Non-Members $485 per session and in weekly field trips to nature centers, museums and local events. as part of our express camp, campers also take mini-trips to local playgrounds. Members: $385 per session Non-Members: $485 per session 18 | prospect park YMca suMMer-fall
SPORTS CAMP 7- TO 12-YEAR-OLDS counselor to child ratio is 1:7 for 7-9 yr. olds and 1:10 for 10-12 yr. olds. this program is available to children 7-12 years old. campers are paired by age group. the focus will be on all sports with an emphasis on good sportsmanship, teamwork and safe play. the campers will engage in sports-themed activities as well as trips and arts & crafts. Member Fee: $440 Session Non-Member Fee: $490 Session LISA BETH GERSTMAN CAMP 5- TO 12-YEAR-OLDS counselor to child ratio is 1:2 this 3-week camp runs from July 15 to august 2 and is a fully integrated program for children with physical disabilities ages 5-12 years old. special needs children will have the opportunity to experience summer camp activities which include swimming, trips and arts & crafts. the program operates for three weeks. We believe every child deserves the opportunity to participate in a safe, caring and fuN learning environment.
TEEN CAMP 12- TO 14-YEAR-OLDS counselor to child ratio is 1:15 this special program offered to 12-14 year olds. it is designed specifically with teens in mind. it provides a safe, fun environment where teens are able to make new friends, learn more about themselves, and work on exciting projects helping teens become tomorrow’s leaders. activities include organized sports, swimming, leadership training, arts & crafts, community service and many interesting trips. Member Fee: $385 Session Non-Member Fee: $435 Session for further information, contact Jamel davis, director of Youth and family at (212) 912-2580 or jdavis@ymcanyc.org.
Member Fee: $600 Session Non-Member Fee: $600 Session
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groWiNg stroNg teeN prograMs
the prospect park YMca prepares teens for success in life through free programs that build selfesteem and teach important life skills using an asset based approach. the YMca believes that enhancing literacy, emphasizing service learning, and teaching healthy behavior and positive values encourage competence and confidence in youth. the YMca seeks to prevent violence, criminal activity, educational failure, substance abuse, and teen pregnancy through its youth programs.
teeN LeaDersHIp aND serVIce teens take the city 14- to 18-Year-oLDs The purpose of the Teens Take the City program is to facilitate the exposure of students to the function of New York City government through an engaging civics curriculum that emphasizes academic, social and leadership skill building. Teens Take the City is different from all other teen leadership programs because it is designed to give teens the tools they need to become active influences in their community. The program teaches teens all about New York City government and gives all participants the opportunity to research and debate topics of their choosing. Through the program, teens learn to take action in their community and in the halls of city government.
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Youth & Government 14- to 18-Year-oLDs The YMCA Youth and Government program will teach young people how laws are created and passed, and how to successfully champion issues teens think are important. Teens will learn how to debate and formulate winning arguments as an attorney or a legislator. After one year in the program teens you will know more about politics and law than most adults. Through Youth and Government, teens can join other young people from YMCA’s and high schools from all over the State for a three day event in Albany, New York’s State Capital in March. Teens debate current state issues, participate in mock trials, and get to know future leaders. The Prospect Park YMCA has added the expertise of Howard Caretto, a YMCA Board Member and Attorney to help guide students through the bill writing process and assist in preparing for the State Youth and Government.
teen center 12- to 18-Year-oLDs Held on the drill floor of the Park Slope Armory YMCA, the Teen Center is a fun and safe place for teens to socialize, exercise and have positive interaction with peers and YMCA counselors. The Center is open to teens from local communities and offer activities such as sports, fitness, arts and discussion groups. Teen Centers encourage more than 6,500 teens ages 12-18 to interact in a safe and positive social setting on Friday nights from 3 pm to 7 pm. Leaders club 14- to 18-Year-oLDs The Leaders Club is a national program of the YMCA which provides club members with opportunities for leadership training, personal growth, service to others and social development. Leaders Club is one of the YMCA’s most intensive and comprehensive teen programs. Teens meet one to two times per week working closely with their peers and an advisor on skill and character building activities, as well as on planning and organizing club projects. By connecting with adult advisors, teens have role models and mentors who can have a positive impact on their lives. The Leaders Club program provides a safe haven for young people where they can become confident and competent young adults with a sense of connection to their communities. The goal of Leaders is to promote and enhance the personal growth and skills of young people in order to develop strong leaders who will be a positive force in their communities.
NYc cIt (counselor-In-training) The CIT program is an educational course designed to help participants develop the people and technical skills necessary to be an effective and competent youth leader. The program provides basic training in child abuse prevention, time management, and curriculum development through hands-on work shadowing experiences, group discussions, panels, workshops and lectures. Successful participants are awarded a stipend at program completion. For more information on teen Development programs, please contact samantha Bonilla, teen coordinator, at sbonilla@ymcanyc.org.
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YoUtH & teeN FItNess Fitness center for Youth and teens The Fitness Center is available to 12- to 17-year-olds who are YMCA members, under the following conditions: Required orientation courses must be completed. Teens must present ID cards and course completion cards to floor trainer on duty prior to working out. Teens ages 12-15 may use fitness areas at designated times only (Mon. - Fri. 3:30 - 5:30 pm, Sat. and Sun. 12:00-2:00 pm). Teens ages 16 and 17 must complete a one-hour orientation prior to using the fitness areas. All teens must have a parental consent form on file prior to utilizing the facility. Teens may not bring guests under the age of 18 into the facility.
No exceptions to these policies will be made. We thank you for your cooperation.
priVate aNd seMi priVate traiNiNg Our friendly and experienced personal trainers hold national training certifications guaranteeing our members the highest quality in customized fitness programs. For more information contact our Healthy Lifestyles Director or speak to a member service representative. All packages are non-refundable and expire 1 year from purchase.
pilates personal training-priVate Try this mind-body exercise with our pilates reformer designed to tackle physical limitations that challenge even the most fit individuals. Pilates builds core strength, increases flexibility and coordination, improves posture and creates long, lean muscles. # Sessions 1 6 12 Member $66 $360 $650
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discoVeriNg WellNess adult/older adult WellNess prograMs How do you define wellness? Whatever your goals, the Y is ready to support you on your journey toward improved health. please coNsult Your pHYsiciaN Before startiNg aN eXercise prograM. Full schedules are available at the Member Services Desk. fitness orientation
personal training
New to the Y? We offer a complimentary fitness orientation with one of our staff for all new members as an introduction to our cardiovascular and strength training equipment. Appointments can be scheduled at the Member Services Desk.
Looking for a new challenge or need some additional motivation? A certified YMCA Personal Trainer can be just what you need. Our trainers will evaluate your health history and lifestyle to design a program that will specifically meet your needs and help you achieve your goals. # Sessions 1* 3** 5 10 20 Member $65 $189 $231 $405 $775
Y personal fitness program If you’ve been thinking about exercising but don’t know where to begin, the Y Personal Fitness Program is for you. It’s designed for those new to exercising or those who haven’t exercised for some time and want instruction, support, and motivation. The Y Personal Fitness Program will help you develop and maintain a physically active lifestyle to meet your own personal needs and goals. The 12 week program includes four sessions with a Y Personal Fitness Coach. Please sign up for Y Personal Fitness at our Membership Desk. This program is FREE for all YMCA members.
All personal training sessions are one (1) hour in length. *rate for repeat clients only **rate for 1st time clients only personal training session cancellations & polices A client may cancel directly with the trainer without penalty by giving 24 hours notice. If notice is not given within a 24-hour period, the client will be charged for the session. All sessions are valid for one year from date of purchase. Only YMCA training staff is permitted to conduct personal training sessions within the facility.
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group eXercise Belly Dance – Learn the art of belly dancing while increasing core strength and flexibility. Boot Camp– A circuit training workout that challenges your entire body, utilizing calisthenics such as push-ups, jumping jacks, crunches, and other body weight exercises. Cardio Kickboxing– This high energy class blends athletic drills with martial arts to create an intense cardiovascular workout. Circuit Training– An efficient and challenging form of conditioning which develops strength, endurance, flexibility, and coordination utilizing a variety of exercises and workout stations.
Prenatal Yoga– Expectant mothers learn to stretch, strengthen, focus and relax. This class helps prepare you physically and mentally for the experience of childbirth. Salsa Fusion– A combination of Salsa and Mambo dance moves. All are welcome. Samba Dance– A dance class workout with a focus on Brazilian samba movements and rhythms. SPINNING– A great cardio workout of simulated road bike riding to energizing music, appropriate for all ages. The instructors will lead you on a ride designed to improve your fitness on a variety of levels.
Core Training– This class of abdominal exercises defines, strengthens and stabilizes your torso.
Step– A high energy class that uses raised step benches with moderate choreography to increase cardiovascular fitness.
Hatha Yoga– A class that integrates postures, breathing exercises, relaxation, and meditation to stretch, strengthen and condition.
Step & Tone– This class is divided with step for a portion of class and then toning for the second portion of class. This is a whole body workout.
Hip Hop – A cardiovascular workout using Hip Hop dance music. This class teaches step by step movements with fun choreography, so you can get your feet moving and your heart pumping.
Tai Chi– An ancient form of mind body exercise that creates balance and symmetry using a series of flowing movements bringing strength and flexibility to the body.
Iyengar Yoga– A form of yoga known for precision, alignment and focus on individual postures and their benefits.
Total Body Conditioning– A full body workout designed to strengthen and tone the upper and lower body using an assortment of fitness equipment.
P.A.C.E. AOA– People with Arthritis Can Exercise; the ideal beginning exercise class for individuals with arthritis and active older adults. Pilates Mat– Based on original Pilates technique, this class focuses on the body’s core stability. Enhance your control, stability, coordination, endurance, balance, strength, and flexibility. Power Yoga– A more athletic– based yoga class with challenging movements.
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Vinyasa Yoga– Flowing sequences of yoga poses linked together with an emphasis on breathing techniques Zumba– ZUMBA is a Latin and International music class that utilizes dance themes that create a dynamic, exciting, effective fitness program. Great for all levels.
oLDer aDULt GroUp eXercIse older adult group exercise classes are excellent for rehabilitation, building and maintaining strength and flexibility and just feeling great! (classes are subject to change or cancellation without notice.) p.a.c.e. People with Arthritis Can Exercise is a chair-based fitness class for older adults and individuals with arthritis. Mondays Wednesdays Fridays
9:45-10:45 am 10:30-11:30 am 9:30-10:30 am
Non-Members: $42 per 8-week session or $3 per class older adult Yoga Older adult yoga class teaches the basics of yoga with a gentle approach. Wednesdays
9:45-10:45 am 11:30-12:30 pm
Non-Members: $42 per 8-week session or $3 per class
senior Dance Dance style aerobic class based on various forms of Latin movements and rhythms. thursdays
9:45-10:45 am
Non-Members: $42 per 8-week session or $3 per class aDULt sports co-ed Volleyball club Co-ed volleyball is available to intermediate and advanced players. The session includes warm-ups and recreational games. tuesdays thursdays
8:30-11:00 pm 8:30-11:00 pm
Members: Free Non-Member Fee: $86: 1x week, $117: 2x week aDULt opeN GYM BasketBaLL Adult open gym is co-ed and available to members only. Please see gymnasium schedule.
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Make a splasH aquatics prograMs earLY cHILDHooD aQUatIcs Infants through kindergarten We offer the highest quality lessons and activities in a safe, clean and cheerful atmosphere. A large variety of classes accommodate many different levels of ability and comfort. Sessions run for 8 weeks. Class capacity is limited. Enrollment is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Automatic registration is available to members for an annual fee of $30. All Gym and Swim classes begin in the gym. Please dress children in comfortable clothing and sneakers. Both adult and child must wear swim caps in the pool. Towels provided. supervisory ratio is 1 lifeguard per 25 participants and 1 instructor per 20 participants with adult. swim only Members: $103, Non-members: $168 Yoga & swim Members: $126, Non-members: $188 pareNt aND cHILD sWIM shrimp kipper swim only Youth swim class for 6- to 12-month-olds and their parents or caregivers helps tiny tots feel comfortable and happy exploring the wonderful world of water. A great opportunity to learn aquatic safety while bonding with your child. saturdays 8:30-9:00 am 26 | prospect park YMca suMMer-fall
Inia swim only Children, at the age of 1, gain more independence in an aquatic environment with the help of their parents while learning about aquatic safety. This class provides an opportunity for parent-child teams to socialize with each other. sundays
10:00-10:30 am
Inia Yoga and swim Youth gym and swim class for 1-year-olds and their parents or caregivers helps toddlers learn basic skills in the gym and gain confidence in the pool. A great opportunity to socialize and have fun! saturdays
8:30-9:30 am
perch Yoga and swim Youth Gym and Swim class for 2-year-olds and their parents or caregivers combines age appropriate gym activities with water skills that begin to prepare children to work directly with an instructor on their own. saturdays
9:00-10:00 am 9:30-10:30 am
shrimp, kipper, Inia, perch swim Swim class for 6-month- to 2-year-olds and their parents or caregivers combine age groups and instructs children according to their skill levels. Wednesdays Fridays
10:30-11:00 am 11:00-11:30 am
prescHooL sWIM pike Gym and swim Instructor to participant ratio is 1:6 Youth gym and swim class for 3- to 5year-olds is an opportunity to practice basic skills in the gym and adjust to the water in a group setting. This swim level is designed for new swimmers and helps children develop independent movement with a floating device. This class teaches the basic paddle stroke and kicking skills, pool safety and comfort in holding faces in the water while blowing bubbles and swimming. saturdays
pike With parent Instructor to participant ratio is 1:12 At this level, children usually begin attending classes without their parents. However for those who are not yet ready to do so we offer this adjustment level. It is designed to help children develop safe pool behavior, adjust to the water, and develop independent movement in the water teaching basic paddle stroke and kicking skills, pool safety, and comfort in holding their faces in the water while blowing bubbles and swimming. sundays 10:30-11:00 am
10:00-11:00 am 10:30-11:30 am 11:00 am-12:00 pm 11:30 am12:30 pm 12:00-1:00 pm
eel Gym and swim Instructor to participant ratio is 1:6 Youth gym and swim class for 3- to 5year-olds combines structured gym activities with an advanced beginner level swim class for this age group. This class pike swim only reinforces Pike skills and is for children Instructor to participant ratio is 1:6 who are comfortable in the water. Youth swim class for 3- to 5-year-olds. Children will gradually discard floats and This swim level is designed for new improve endurance and swimming skills. swimmers and helps children develop They will be able to swim the width of the independent movement with a floating device. This class teaches the basic paddle pool without assistance by the end of this level. stroke and kicking skills, pool safety, and 10:00-11:00 am comfort in holding faces in the water while saturdays 10:30-11:30 am blowing bubbles and swimming. 11:00 am-12:00 pm tuesdays 3:45-4:15 pm 11:30-12:30 pm Wednesdays 3:45-4:15 pm 12:00-1:00 pm thursdays 3:45-4:15 pm Fridays 11:00-11:30 am the prospect park YMca aquatics center is pleased to host your next celebration! sundays 10:30-11:00 am enjoy an hour of fun and safe pool time supervised by our certiďŹ ed lifeguards and access to our spacious multi purpose room. let us make your party an event to remember. prospect park YMca suMMer-fall | 27
eel swim only Instructor to participant ratio is 1:6 Youth swim class for 3- to 5-year-olds is an advanced beginner level swim class for this age group. This class reinforces Pike skills and is for children who are comfortable in the water. Children will gradually discard floats and improve endurance and swimming skills. They will be able to swim the width of the pool without assistance upon completing this level. Wednesdays & thursdays 3:45-4:15 pm Fridays 11:00-11:30 am ray Gym and swim Instructor to participant ratio is 1:8 Youth gym and swim class for 3- to 5-yearolds that combines structured gym activities with a swim class in which children review previous skills and improve stroke skills and endurance by swimming on both their front and back. Children will also learn to tread water and will be able to swim across the pool on their front and back without assistance upon completing this level. saturdays
11:00 am-12:05pm 11:30 am-12:35pm
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ray swim only Instructor to participant ratio is 1:8 Youth swim class for 3- to 5-year-olds in which children review previous skills and improve stroke skills and endurance by swimming on both their front and back. Children will also learn to tread water and will be able to swim across the pool on their front and back without assistance upon completing this level. Wednesdays & thursdays 3:45-4:15 pm starfish Gym and swim Instructor to participant ratio is 1:8 Youth swim class for 3- to 5- year- olds in which children review previous skills and improve stroke skills and endurance by swimming on both their front and back, and tread water while working on independence without a float. This is an advanced class for students that have completed Ray. saturdays
10:00-11:00 am 10:30-11:30 am
starfish swim only Instructor to participant ratio is 1:8 thursdays
4:15-4:45 pm
polliwog Instructor to participant ratio is 1:8 This is the beginning level for school-age children with no swimming experience. Class participants will become more comfortable in the water while learning pool safety, floating skills, gliding, beginner stroke and games. Mondays tuesdays Wednesdays & thursdays Fridays saturdays YoUtH aQUatIcs proGraM 6 to 11-year-olds The Prospect Park YMCA offers youth progressive swim classes that utilize a stepby-step system for teaching swimming and water safety. With guidance from expert aquatic instructors and easy-to-follow strategies, youngsters can learn and practice proper swimming techniques while enjoying the process of learning. Skill evaluations are conducted during youth recreational swim time on Mondays at 5:30 pm and Wednesdays at 5:45 pm. No appointment is necessary. Children in this age group without swimming experience do not require swim testing and should automatically be placed in Polliwog.Class times and skill levels are subject to change, depending on the number and ability of participants. We will provide an opportunity for make-up classes if we cancel a class. Bathing caps must be worn by all participants. Sessions run for eight weeks.
4:00-4:45 pm 3:45-4:30 pm 4:15-5:00 pm 4:45-5:30 pm 1:15-2:00 pm 2:00-2:45 pm 4:15-5:00 pm 11:00-11:45 am
Guppy Instructor to participant ratio is 1:10 This is a youth swim class for advanced beginners. Children continue to practice and build upon basic skills and perform more skills without the assistance of a floatation device. They will continue to work on endurance and strengthening their backstroke while learning lead-up strokes to the front and back crawl and breast stroke kick. Mondays thursdays Fridays saturdays
4:00-4:45 pm 4:15-5:00 pm 5:00-5:45 pm 4:00-4:45 pm 2:00-2:45 pm 2:45-3:30 pm
progressive swim class Fees: Members: $93, Non-members: $152
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Minnow Instructor to participant ratio is 1:10 This is a youth swim class for intermediate swimmers. This class reinforces skills learned in the previous level with an emphasis on increased endurance. Participants will also learn open turns. tuesdays thursdays saturdays
4:30-5:15 pm 5:15-6:00 pm 5:45-6:30 pm 1:15-2:00 pm 2:45-3:30 pm 3:30-4:15 pm
shark Instructor to participant ratio is 1:10 This is a youth swim class for advanced swimmers who can perform all major strokes and demonstrate coordination in breastroke and butterfly. Participants will continue to swim increased distances and perform all turns (open, back, and front flips) and the back stroke start. Fridays saturdays
5:30-6:15 pm 4:15-5:00 pm
porpoise Instructor to participant ratio is 1:10 Fish Youth swim class for participants who have Instructor to participant ratio is 1:10 mastered all strokes. Students will continue This is a youth swim class for advanced to build endurance and strength and intermediates who have mastered front and competitive swimming skills will be back crawl as well as elementary introduced. backstroke. Endurance skills and stroke saturdays 4:15-5:00 pm mastery are stressed and participants will also learn the butterfly kick. Members: $100, Non-members: $163 Mondays Fridays saturdays sundays
4:45-5:30 pm 4:00-4:45 pm 3:30-4:15 pm 1:00-11:45 am
Fridays saturdays
5:30-6:15 pm 4:15-5:00 pm
competitive skills and Drills Students, ages 9 and up can register for this class after they have completed the Porpoise level or have passed an skill Flying Fish evaluation test. This extremely challenging Instructor to participant ratio is 1:10 class is for advanced swimmers only. Youth swim class for intermediate Students work on competitive style advanced swimmers who have completed all technique training and focus while fish requirements, perfected the basic increasing, strength, building endurance, strokes, and have been introduced to the and improving form. butterfly and sidestroke. Participants must also be able to complete butterfly kicks, thursdays 5:00-5:45 pm some butterfly arm pulls, and perform all Fridays 5:30-6:15 pm turns (open, back, and front flips) and the Members: $100, Non-members: $163 back stroke start.
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recreatIoNaL sWIM teeN aQUatIcs proGraM YMCA member must accompany children for (12 - 17 years old) Family Free Swim. Swim caps are required at Members: $98, Non-members: $162 all times. teen Learn to swim, Beginner, Level 1
Lifeguard to swimmer ratio is 1:25 Family Free swim Supervised recreational swim for families promises a terrific time. This is a ticked swim time. Tickets will be distributed 30 minutes before each swim time. Fridays sundays
6:15-6:45pm 6:50-7:20 pm 7:25-8:00 pm 1:00-1:40 pm 1:40-2:20 pm 2:20-3:00 pm
Youth Free swim Recreational swim for 9- to 13-years-olds will be sure to entertain. (Adults are not permitted in the water during this time.) Mondays
Instructor to participant ratio is 1:8 Teen swim class for non-swimmers teaches pool safety, floating skills, gliding, beginner stroke and games. Wednesdays
5:00-5:45 pm
teen Learn to swim, advanced & Level 2 and 3 Instructor to participant ratio is 1:10 Teen swim class for intermediate beginners comfortable in deep water. Participants swim increased distances as they work on improving endurance, rotary breathing and stroke proficiency. saturdays
2:00-2:45 pm
5:30-6:15 pm
strong kids Free swim For children who have a Stong Kids card and their families. Wednesdays 1:00-3:00 pm
priVate aNd seMipriVate sWiM lessoNs offered for YoutH aNd adults of all ages.
sWIM For aDULts Members: $116, Non-members: $174 Beginner Instructor to participant ratio is 1:7 This class teaches the basics of water safety while focusing on building confidence and basic swimming skills. sundays Wednesdays
5:00-6:00 pm 7:30-8:30 pm 8:30-9:30 pm
coNtact: MegHaN gougH aquatics director (212) 912-2379 prospect park YMca suMMer-fall | 31
Intermediate Instructor to participant ratio is 1:10 Prerequisites: Level 1, or be able to swim half the length of the pool using the crawl stroke while keeping his/her face in the water.
Water start for adults Aqua exercise class for adult beginners introduces an effective way to loosen up stiff joints, move more efficiently and feel cushioned by the water's buoyancy and softness. The class introduces stretching and This class is a continuation of Level 1 with an strengthening in the pool, working within the objective to increase endurance and comfort level of each individual. confidence in the water. Skills focus on stroke techniques and overall improvement to the tuesdays 9:00-10:00 am front crawl stroke and rotary breathing. thursdays 9:00-10:00 am Additionally, students learn deep water Members: free comfort, the backstroke and treading water. Non-members: $77/once per wk, $117/twice per wk during 8-week tuesdays 8:30-9:30 pm session. sundays 6:00-7:00 pm aquacise for adults advanced Aqua exercise class for intermediate adults Instructor to participant ratio is 1:10 incorporates stretching and aerobic and This swim class is for adult advanced muscle conditioning exercises with a focus on beginners and reinforces basic skills learned improving overall condition. in Level II while swimmers becomes more confident. Mondays tuesdays & thursdays 8:30-9:30 pm thursdays 7:30-8:30 pm thursdays 10:30-11:30 am stroke clinic Instructor to participant ratio is 1:10 Members: free Prerequisites: Level 3 or freestyle swim Non-members: $84/1Xwk, $128/2Xwk, continuous lengths of the pool with rotary $160/3Xwk, $170/4Xwk breathing. Must be completely comfortable in Water Muscle for adults deep water. Aqua exercise class for advanced Our most advanced swim class will continue intermediate adults with prior water exercise to improve front crawl stroke (freestyle) experience works on different muscle groups, techniques. Other skills learned: breaststroke, strengthening and toning specific areas of backstroke, butterfly stoke and flip turns. the upper, mid and lower body. Mondays 9:00-10:00 am thursdays 8:30-9:30 pm Members: free, Non-members: $79
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aquaZumba Zumba in the water! Aqua exercise class for adults to move to the beat of the music with intense, aerobic and muscle conditioning session that strives to attain new levels of fitness. Fridays thursdays
9:00-10:00 am 9:00-10:00 am
Members: free, Non-members: $79
Water exercise for senior adults Water exercise class for adults over 55 includes movements to increase range of motion to help strengthen joints, relieve stiffness and restore flexibility. Mondays 11:00-11:30 am Wednesdays 11:00-11:30 am Members: free Non-members: $3/class, $6/combo class, $44/8-pack adult Free swim The following free recreational swim times are reserved for adult members only.
seNIor aDULt aQUatIcs Our senior adult aquatics program enriches the lives of adults 55 and older by helping Mondays them develop skills and capabilities to thursdays meet life's challenges and to realize their full potential. A special program of land classes, workshops and activities are also offered for older adults.
8:35-9:15pm 10:00-10:30 am
INTERNATIONAL YMCA DoiNg a WorlD oF gooD For Youth DevelopMeNt: YMCa global teeNS inspires and empowers teens (ages 12 to 18) to change our world. Join a journey of self discovery and global adventure; meet teens from across the globe, engage in meaningful service, visit local families and step-up to tackle the most pressing issues of our time. the world is waiting!
For SoCial reSpoNSibilitY: YMCa go global (18+) join the Y movement and make a difference abroad! u.S. volunteers fully immerse themselves in the culture of a host country and assist in fields such as youth development, english instruction, environmental conservation and more! group and individual opportunities available! the YMCa StuDY tour (18+) prograM offers opportunities for Y staff, community leaders, volunteers and interested professionals to see the global Y movement in action. Meet Y leaders from across the world while learning about international social issues, and the Y’s impact on a global level. YMCa iNterNatioNal traiNiNg & iNterNShip prograM – host young adults from abroad by training a ‘rising star’ from overseas in the way your business works. periods vary – internships up to 12 months; traineeships up to 18 months. help shape the life of a future world leader! YMCa Work & travel prograM – bring the world to your business; from front desk and hospitality to sales, stock and everything in between. redefine what is ‘possible’ in the world of a young adult from overseas! Year-round possibilities: Summer (May – august); Winter (December – February); Spring (March – May).
For more information visit www.internationalymca.org the international YMCa is a branch of the YMCa of greater New York
prospect park YMca suMMer-fall | 33
MakiNg cHaNge NeW aMericaNs WelcoMe ceNter program Goal and Vision Our Program Philosophy is to empower the immigrant community through instructional, recreational, referral and family support services resulting in their increased access to community resources and services and an improved quality of life. Our long term vision is to mobilize the low-income immigrant communities in New York City towards economic self sufficiency, self advocacy and self-reliance encouraging them to become productive members of our society. accomplishments Each year we have accomodate over 2,500 enrollments in classes, workshops, referrals, trips and family events; 71% of students have achieved educational gain; 98% of students have retained, improved or obtained jobs; 86% of students have entered or enrolled in post secondary/GED Programs; 100% of students have passed their naturalization test and interview; our students has been selected for publication in the Literacy Review of NYU; and added offsite Literacy/Beginners, Conversation and Health and Wellness Orientation classes. program components The New Americans Welcome Center is a multilingual information resource and referral center that provides immigrants with a wide array of instructional, vocational, recreational, family support, and human services. Our year-round classes include English as a Second Language, Citizenship Preparation, Job Readiness/Computer Literacy, Conversation group, and Cultural Orientation. Location: prospect park YMca Beginners ESL (I, II) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 6:15 to 9:15 pm Computer Literacy/Job Readiness: Mondays & Wednesdays 6:00p to 9:00 pm Advanced Computer Lab: Tuesday 6:00 to 8:00 pm Citizenship Prep: Saturday 10:30 to 4:30 pm Amigos Group: Monday 5:00 to 6:00 pm Conversation Group: Saturday 11:00 am to 1:00 pm Location: park slope armory YMca Intermediate ESL (III, IV): Monday and Wednesday 6:15 to 9:15 pm Amigos Group: Thursday 6:00 to 7:00 pm Location: sunset park recreation center Literacy/Beginners’ Level: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 6 to 9 pm 2013 sessions: Winter: January 2 – March 23 Spring: April, 1 – June 22
Summer: July 1 – September 21 Fall: September 30 – December 21
registration is open throughout the year. please contact New americans Welcome center coordinator, Nabila khan to schedule an introductory appointment at (212) 912-2375 or nkhan@ymcanyc.org.
pool guideliNes
For your safety and the safety of other members, we ask that you abide by our pool guidelines: 1. Please respect the decisions of our lifeguards and be courteous to other members; your cooperation is greatly appreciated. 2. Two swimmers may split a lane if both agree to split the lane and the lifeguard has no objection; circle-swimming is mandatory if there are more than two swimmers.
7. A swim test is required for recreational access to the deep end; non-swimmers must remain in the shallow end. 8. Inflatable flotation devices are not allowed. 9. A warm, soapy shower is required of everyone before entering the water.
10. Street shoes and strollers are not 3. Appropriate swimwear is required for all permitted on the pool deck. bathers, which includes swim diapers for 11. For your safety, running, jumping, infants and children who are not toilettrained – gym shorts and cut-offs are not diving and rough play [including pushing, dunking and throwing swimmers] is permitted. prohibited. 4. Swim caps are required for swimmers of 12. Breath-holding is not permitted during all ages. aquatics activities as it can cause the swimmer to blackout 5. For recreational swim times, children who are under 9 years-old must have an please note: this is a partial list of our adult [18+ years] in the water with them pool use policies, for more information within arms reach. please see the postings in the pool area, our aquatics Director, Meghan 6. Children who are 9 through 11 yearsGough, or our Member services staff old must have an adult [18+ years] for more information. present in the pool area.
JoiNiNg tHe cause MeMBersHip iNforMatioN MissioN The YMCA of Greater New York is a community service organization that promotes positive values through programs that build spirit, mind and body, welcoming all people, with a focus on youth. policY of NoN-discriMiNatioN YMCA membership is available to all persons regardless of race, religion, gender, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, or financial circumstances. The YMCA welcomes families and persons of all ages, income levels, and physical conditions with an emphasis on responsibility and selfimprovement. MeMBersHip guaraNtee Membership in the YMCA is fully guaranteed. Members who are not completely satisfied with their YMCA membership are entitled to a refund of any unused portion of their membership. Joiner fees are not refundable. MeMBersHip cards MeMBersHip card The Branch membership card must be presented and scanned in order to gain access into the YMCA facility. prograM cards Program members will be issued a card granting them YMCA access for their program. This card must be presented and scanned for access into the YMCA facility and/or a specific program. lost cards Please let us know if your card is lost or stolen. There is a $10 fee to issue a replacement card. MeMBersHip caNcellatioN Cancellation of membership requires a fifteen (15) day written notice prior to the monthly draft date. Retroactive credits,
refunds or discounts will not be provided upon membership cancellation. MeMBersHip reNeWal Group discounts are not automatically renewed and membership will revert to full price upon automatic renewal. Please present proof of discount at least 7 days prior to renewal date to maintain discount. MeMBersHip traNsfer Membership and program privileges are not transferable from one person to another. Membership may be transferred from one branch to another within the YMCA of Greater New York. MeMBersHip Holds Members may, at least 7 days prior to billing, put their membership on hold for 1 3 months maximum during any calendar year. A $10 monthly hold fee will be charged and all membership privileges will be suspended while your membership is on hold. paYMeNt optioNs & iNforMatioN • Membership dues must be up-to-date in order to use facility. • Rates and schedules are subject to change. • Membership may be paid in full by cash, personal checks, MasterCard, Visa, American Express and Discover cards. • Monthly payments are payable by credit card or bank draft only. There is no cash option for monthly payments. • If a check or an automatic bank draft is returned for insufficient funds a service fee of $15.00 will be added to the payment amount.
MeMBersHip iNforMatioN fiNaNcial assistaNce The YMCA provides financial assistance for memberships to those who are facing financial difficulties. Financial assistance is supported though contributions to the Strong Kids Campaign. guest aNd daY passes All YMCA members are given 6 complimentary guest passes per year to help introduce the Y to friends and associates. Branch members are welcome to visit other YMCA locations within NYC 10 times per year at no charge. Government issued photo ID is required. caMera policY For the privacy and security of all— especially our kids and teens—we do not allow any photo or video recording without permission from the Executive Director. YMca “aWaY” policY AWAY (Always Welcome at the YMCA) As a YMCA member, you have access to YMCAs across the country and around the world. You must present a valid YMCA ID to be eligible to use AWAY privileges. Call ahead to check on individual branch policies.
locker rooMs & lockers Lockers are available for daily use. Please bring your own lock and secure your belongings when using the facility. Kit lockers for overnight storage are available to members only for an additional, non-refundable $85 per year. All kit lockers must be renewed within 30 days of expiration. The YMCA does not assume responsibility for loss or theft of personal property. Our family-friendly locker room is a good alternative for parents who wish to accompany their child that is over the age of five and of the opposite gender. The mens and womens locker rooms are for adults over the age of 18. The girls and boys locker rooms are for children and teens under the age of 18. When changing a child under the age of six, please do so in the locker room associated with the girls and boys locker rooms that are associated with the adult’s gender.
MaNHattaN BraNcHes
BrooklYN BraNcHes
queeNs BraNcHes
stateN islaNd BraNcHes
chinatown YMca 273 Bowery New York, NY 10002 212.912.2460
Bedford-stuyvesant YMca 1121 Bedford Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11216 718.789.1497
cross island YMca 238-10 Hillside Avenue Bellerose, NY 11426 718.479.0505
Broadway center YMca 651 Broadway Staten Island, NY 10310 718.981.4933
Harlem YMca 180 West 135th Street New York, NY 10030 212.912.2100
dodge YMca 225 Atlantic Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11201 718.625.3136
flushing YMca 138-46 Northern Blvd. Flushing, NY 11354 718.961.6880
North shore center YMca/ counseling service 285 Vanderbilt Avenue Staten Island, NY 10304 718.981.4382
international YMca 5 West 63rd Street New York, NY 10023 212.727.8800
flatbush YMca 1401 Flatbush Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11201 718.469.8100
Jamaica YMca 89-25 Parsons Blvd. New York, NY 11423 718.739.6600
McBurney YMca 125 West 14th Street New York, NY 10011 212.912.2300
greenpoint YMca 99 Meserole Avenue New York, NY 11222 718.389.3700
long island city YMca 32-33 Queens Blvd. Long Island City, NY 11101 718.392.7932
Vanderbilt YMca 224 east 47th Street New York, NY 10017 212.912.2500
North Brooklyn YMca 570 Jamaica Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11208 718.277.1600
ridgewood YMca 69-02 64th Street Ridgewood, NY 11385 212.912.2180
West side YMca 5 West 63rd Street New York, NY 10023 212.875.4100
prospect park YMca 357 Ninth Street New York, NY 11215 718.768.7100
Bronx Branch Bronx YMca 2 Castle Hill Avenue Bronx, NY 10473 718.792.9736
park slope armory YMca 361 15th Street Brooklyn, NY 11215 212.912.2580
south shore center YMca 3939 Richmond Avenue Staten Island, NY 10312 718.227.3200
HugueNot, NY New York YMca camp Big Pond Road Huguenot, NY 12746 845.858.2200
association oďŹƒce 5 West 63rd Street New York, NY 10023 212.630.9600