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The Y Hosts Chair’s Round Table Reception For Donors

The Y hosted its annual Chair’s Round Table reception, a spirited celebration of our most generous and loyal donors. The event, held at the Lincoln Center Stanley H. Kaplan Penthouse, was a great way to strengthen Y connections, make new ones, and celebrate the impact that donors have on the lives of New Yorkers that the Y serves across the five boroughs.


The highlights of the evening were the powerful and moving testimonials from our amazing Y Volunteer, Yvonne Bruno, and New Americans Initiative participant, Jessica Perez. In addition, guests met dedicated Y staff and volunteers and spoke with Y Ambassadors, a cohort of current Y teens who represent the Y at special events and help bring the youth programs to life by sharing their personal stories and experiences.

You can watch a video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&utm_source=mc_100010655&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=FD+CRT+Thank+You_1406782&utm_content=special+video&v=FrBYTvYz3BU&feature=youtu.be] from the evening or look through photos from the event [https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNPjGBTu-kZohrp02pI33YgwAQuDowaCg5exzlVxa1cbBFNclOGFWvzQHu65KDF2Q?key=a21pRDZWa3VvY211YU5SSzlOWFppUnctVHZrTndR].•

Jessica Perez (right) and her children Alexa and Axel and husband Cesar Henriquez are originally from Peru and came to New York as asylum seekers in early 2022. Just 14 months later she says, “We can see a future shaping up for our family and all this started when the Y opened its doors for us. My family and I are very grateful.”

Y Ambassadors (left to right): Zakhro Kakhramonova, Jane Huang, Dianna Levans, Michael Serrano, Hajer Al-Taie, and Erica Morales.

Long-time volunteer Yvonne Bruno (center) is accompanied by Y Executive Directors and Vice Presidents with whom she has worked over the past 25 years: (left to right) Michael Keller, Jamel Davis, Marjorie Jean Jacques, Meishay Gattis, Dordy Jourdain, and Kendall Charter.

Yvonne Bruno said in 1998 “I walked into the Y as a guest and have never left. People often ask me if I ever go home [to her country of birth, Jamaica]. I tell them that the Y is my home away from home.”

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