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The Y Hosts Chair’s Round Table Reception For Donors
The Y hosted its annual Chair’s Round Table reception, a spirited celebration of our most generous and loyal donors. The event, held at the Lincoln Center Stanley H. Kaplan Penthouse, was a great way to strengthen Y connections, make new ones, and celebrate the impact that donors have on the lives of New Yorkers that the Y serves across the five boroughs.
The highlights of the evening were the powerful and moving testimonials from our amazing Y Volunteer, Yvonne Bruno, and New Americans Initiative participant, Jessica Perez. In addition, guests met dedicated Y staff and volunteers and spoke with Y Ambassadors, a cohort of current Y teens who represent the Y at special events and help bring the youth programs to life by sharing their personal stories and experiences.
You can watch a video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&utm_source=mc_100010655&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=FD+CRT+Thank+You_1406782&utm_content=special+video&v=FrBYTvYz3BU&feature=youtu.be] from the evening or look through photos from the event [https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNPjGBTu-kZohrp02pI33YgwAQuDowaCg5exzlVxa1cbBFNclOGFWvzQHu65KDF2Q?key=a21pRDZWa3VvY211YU5SSzlOWFppUnctVHZrTndR].•