YMCA Mission: To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind, and body for all. Vision 2010: The life of every person in our community will be enriched by a YMCA experience rich in developmental assets.
(left to right) James B. Hartough Barry M. Taylor
YMCA of Greater Richmond
We build strong kids, strong families, strong communities.
Dear Friends: Doyoufeelthatthesenseofcommunityenjoyedbysomanygenerationsnolongerexists?Ifso,youarenotalone.Itisareality thatAmericafacesanarrayof21stcenturychallengesrelatedtoourchildrenandteens,health,familiesandcommunities.Strong individualsbuildstrongfamilies,strongfamiliesbuildstrongcommunities.Eachoftheseisinterconnected,andtheYMCAof Greater Richmond meets the challenge. In 2007, these issues were among our top initiatives: Children & Teens… TheYMCAofGreaterRichmondcompletedits153rdyearofinvestinginyouthbyprovidinginnovativeprograms,ensuring accesstostrongrolemodels,andinstillingskillsthatwilldeveloptomorrow’scommunityandYMCAleaders.Protectingour childrenandteenswasattheforefrontofourworkwithexpandedaquaticsprogramstoteachwatersafetyandnewyouthand teen programs that provide a safe haven during the most “at risk” after-school hours. Health Crisis… Themediaandpopculturedrawattentionalmostdailytothealarmingriseinobesityandthechronichealthissuesthatoften result. Many turn to the YMCA for help, aware that regardless of financial resources, the YMCA is poised to engage and supportanyoneseekingahealthy,activelifestyletoreversethealltoocommoncombinationofovereatingandinactivity. Families & Communities… Itseemsthateveryonethesedaysispluggedinandtunedouttotheworldaroundthemaselectronicsandtechnologyapplications invadeeveryfacetofourlives.Theresultimpactseveryone:isolationism.Thetechnologyuseroftenunintentionallyisolateshimself orherselffromtheworldandthoseheorshecomesintocontactwitharemetwithabarriertooldfashionedcommunications. Lastyear,peopleofallagesunpluggedtheirelectronicsandpluggedintotheYMCA,alongwiththeirfriendsandneighbors. Lastyear,theYMCAofGreaterRichmond’scontributionstotheregionwithprogramsandservicesthataddressedtheneeds ofchildrenandteens,thegrowinghealthcrisis,andthesupportoffamiliesandcommunitiesincluded$4,765,140toensureequal access and YMCA programs remain open to all. Wecouldn’taccomplishtheseimportanttaskswithoutyouasamemberandsupporteroftheYMCA.Yoursupportinthecoming yearswillenableustocontinuecraftingprogramsandservicesthatsupportourfamiliesandcommunitiesinthemidstofthe challenges they face. Sincerely,
James B. Hartough Board Chairman
Barry M. Taylor President & CEO
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children and teens
smoking abstinence
positive values
child care programs
teen leaders club
kids cafe
sports programs
self esteem
Children and Teens
YMCA of Greater Richmond programs are geographically diverse, reaching children and teens from Ashland to Petersburg and Goochland to Sandston with programs at 15 branch locations and numerous sites in every community served. More than 30,000 children in our region live in poverty. The YMCA gives youngsters a safe place to call their own, a chance to connect with adults who care about them, and an opportunity to get involved in programs that help them grow. The YMCA offers values-based programs designed to help young people build selfesteem, strengthen positive values, and establish healthy behaviors -- creating a foundation from which to grow and develop into contributing teens and adults. In 2007, we served more than 2,000 of our youngest constituents each day through their participation in the YMCA’s Child Care program at 41 sites. It is nearly impossible to visit a YMCA branch and not immediately recognize that an integral part of our mission is to enrich the lives of children. Violence, substance abuse, and juvenile crime have increased dramatically. Activities at the YMCA of Greater Richmond for youth andteensshapevaluesandencouragelife-longcommunity service. Our approach to youth and teen development provides the building blocks to thrive and be successful while having incredible experiences.
The YMCA is a safe haven for youth and teens. The structured Teen Leaders Club focuses on building leadership skills, volunteer service, academics, good health, and living by the YMCA Character Values of Caring, Honesty, Respect, and Responsibility. Many participants volunteer in the YMCA’s sports program, while others are present on school holidays volunteering in the organization’s child care programs. In 2007, members of the Leaders Clubs volunteered more than 14,000 hours in the community. Our region’s share of adolescents and unmarried mothers is growing and exceeds state averages. YMCA GirlForce for girls ages 7 to 12, funded in part by the Philip Morris USA Smoking Prevention Program, is an innovative workshop that promotes physical activity, healthy eating habits, positive body image, and smoking abstinence. The program’s goal is to help all girls achieve their fullest physical and emotional potential. Since its introduction two years ago, there are now more than 2,000 YMCA GirlForce alums in the Richmond area. In 2007, three different YMCA GirlForce Retreats and eight-week sessions were conducted. As one of the largest charitable organizations in the state of Virginia, the YMCA of Greater Richmond is compelled to take action and identify solutions that can and will create opportunities to support children and teens in the face of remarkable 21st century challenges.
North Richmond YMCA Community Center, kids enjoy a meal at the Kids CafĂŠ.
North Richmond YMCA Community Center: Home Away From Home
Often considered an oasis in the center of a storm, the North Richmond YMCA Community Center provides a refuge for hundreds of children, youth, and teens from surrounding neighborhoods. In many YMCAs young people find opportunities to gather and socialize while enjoying activities with friends and caring adult role models. At North Richmond they do all that, but in addition they have important and even more basic needs met. Leaders and volunteers at the North Richmond YMCA Community Center recognized that for many of their constituents, the school lunch and sometimes breakfast they received at a free or reduced rate often was their only meal for the day. Realizing that during school holidays and summer vacations there were no such opportunities for these students to eat, the Board and management partnered with the Central Virginia Food Bank in 2001 to open the Kids CafĂŠ and provide meals to elementary-age
children. In 2003, it was possible to expand the program through a building addition, and during the past three years the program has grown to serve pre-teens in middle school and teenagers. Nutritious meals now are available to those students enrolled in spring break programs and activities during school holidays and summer camp. Young people in north Richmond have learned that the YMCA is a place they can turn to in times of need. When a recent teen shooting rocked the neighborhood, a desire to support students was paramount, so the high school encouraged students to consider the YMCA as an extension of its campus, allowing them down time and an opportunity to feel safe and secure. It is the vulnerability of children, youth, and teens that makes the work of our YMCAs so important. To offer flexibility to respond to a community in need and truly be of service and outreach is the blessing of this work.
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health crisis
active adult games
group exercise
al’s angels
health literacy
heart disease
mission possible
ymca activate virginia
poor nutrition
biggest loser
overweight kids
new you
A Health Crisis The YMCA of Greater Richmond is the largest health and wellness organization in the region that gets people active! Every program or service offered combats inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle. There is a health crisis facing every state, every city, every community, and every school across our nation. Because physical activity is decreasing, obesity is increasing and chronic disease hasbecomeaquietcatastrophe.Chronicdiseasescause7 out of 10 deaths every year, including many preventable diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and many forms of cancer. Exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet can help prevent and manage chronic disease.
the year 2000 will have a shorter life expectancy than their parents because of inactivity, poor nutrition, and a breakdown in the societal infrastructure.The percentage of young people who are overweight has more than doubled in the last 20 years.
According to the Richmond Times-Dispatch, 24.5 percent of Virginia adults are obese. The YMCA of Greater Richmond plays an important role in the health literacy of this community. One of our most valuable tools to battle the very real health crisis is to address health literacy in our communities and ensure that individuals can access, understand, and use information and services to make appropriate healthy decisions. Last year, YMCA branches offered group exercise programs and weight loss challenge programs that incorporated playfulness, fitness, nutrition, and a support system. With names such as Biggest Loser, Mission Possible, and N.E.W. YOU – the results were the same: a structured opportunity for individuals from all walks of life to attain an activity and fitness level they may not have otherwise achieved.
Many public school systems are decreasing the physical education requirements for students, as well as the amount of time available for activities such as oldfashioned recess. To address this, in 2007 the YMCA incorporated 30 minutes of physical activity every day into our after-school child care program, ensuring that children had an opportunity for structured and nonstructured physical activity.
Nearly two out of every three Americans are overweight or obese. Obesity contributes to the number one cause of death in Virginia: heart disease. YMCA branches offer a variety of programs that serve individuals who want to continue a fitness regimen or desire to get started on the road to a healthier lifestyle. The Richmond Times-Dispatch also reports 13.8 percent of Virginia youth ages 10 to 17 are overweight. To turn the tide on America’s health crisis, we must not forget the youth. It is projected that children born after
An unprecedented number of children are carrying excess body weight, increasing our kids’ risk factors for a range of health problems, including diabetes, heart disease, asthma, and emotional and mental health problems. Overweight adolescents have a 70 percent chance of becoming overweight or obese adults.
Approximately 50 percent of Greater Richmond adults age 65 and older have been told by a medical professional that they have high blood cholesterol and/or high blood pressure. As important as reaching our youth, is ensuring that a continuum of programs and opportunities exist for adults to remain active as they age. In October of 2007, the YMCA Active Adult Games, associated with the Virginia Senior Games, were held in four branches. Each hosted a healthy competition among adults age 50-plus. Every day, group exercise classes are held and wellness professionals work with active adults to ensure that individuals take control of their own health. In 2007, the YMCA of Greater Richmond’s wellness and YMCA Activate Virginia programs continued to build a foundationthatenablesourregion’sresidents,regardless of socioeconomic status, to combat Virginia’s health crisis in the 21st century for youth, adults, and seniors.
Chickahominy Family YMCA Al’s Angels - Mission Possible Team Members (left to right) Alan Thornton, Charita Chalmers, Charlotte Thornton, Paula Tiller Not pictured: Angela Key
Al’s Angels: Mission Possible
It all began when Charlotte Thornton and her colleagues at the C&F Bank branch in Varina realized the need to do something about their health. Having experienced two robberies at their bank branch within a six-month period, they were under a great deal of stress and many gained weight as a result. Charlotte had heard about the Mission Possible fitness competition that was about to begin at the Chickahominy Family YMCA. Individuals were forming teams to compete against each other and get fit through exercise and proper nutrition. Charlotteandfourof her colleagues knew it was what they sought, but there was just one catch – the competition required that the team composition include one member of the opposite sex. So, reluctantly, Charlotte’s husband Al agreed to participate and the team known as “Al’s Angels”was born. At that time, Al had been dealing with highbloodpressureandhighcholesterolforseveralyears. Even on medication, his blood pressure read 145/80 and he led a fairly inactive lifestyle.
During the competition Al shed 28 pounds and continued even after the competition ended, losing more than 30 pounds total. His last blood pressure reading was 114/70, and he anticipates the reduction or elimination of his medicines at his next doctor’s visit. He’s been shopping for a new wardrobe, and his son was overcome with emotion when he saw the change in his father. Al and Charlotte’s son has since become a YMCA member. Charlotte and her colleagues celebrated their and their willing participants’ success in the competition, as well as the support they provided one another to achieve their personal best. But, Al’s story is not unique as the “less than willing” participant. Encouraged by family or friends who care, an individual recognizes what can be accomplished with a moderate lifestyle adjustment. Getting up and getting active is the first step for so many to realize a goal they may have otherwise thought was elusive.
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l a j x w k b c z q o w k t s g b z x q p
families and communities
strong families
healthy spirit
strong communities
y adventure guides
family fitness
group activities
mary hollyday
open to all
strong kids
m t n m y
t f e m n p g l a a s d h t e e s
Families and Communities
People with common interests; people who share goals and values; people who have long-term commitments to one another—these are common definitions for both families and communities. Building strong families and strong communities begins with inclusiveness. The mission of the YMCA is to build a healthy spirit, mind, and body for all. Our membership and programs fulfill this mission by offering financial assistance to those who could not otherwise afford to participate. Healthy human development requires strong, nurturing families who are supported by their community. Regardless of their age, members from 6 weeks old to 96 years old found an abundance of opportunities to be a family at YMCA of Greater Richmond branches in 2007 by participating in hundreds of intergenerational programs. More than 2,000 fathers, daughters, and sons spent uninterrupted time together through Y Adventure Guides. The program strengthens families as fathers, sons, and daughters participate in fun and educational activities that help them grow closer together. Many more moms, dads, grandparents, and caregivers participated in Family Fitness, Parent/Child Fitness, and Youth Sports programs at YMCA branches. They participated alongside their friends and neighbors to strengthen themselves, fend off a health crisis within their own family, and serve as role models for their children to embrace active, healthy lifestyles. Isolation: A growing number of people have little or no family close by to turn to for support. When people join the Y, they join a family that cares about their spiritual, mental, and physical wellbeing.
Amidst growth and change, the YMCA of Greater Richmond builds strong communities by bringing neighbors together through healthy, positive activities. We fight isolation and reach out to people who need help the most. The programs offered at the YMCA of Greater Richmond’s 15 branches in 2007 were as unique as the more than 153,000 individuals we served. Every program joined individuals in fellowship in fitness rooms, exercise classes, book discussions, children, youth and teen programs. Last year, program participants walking into YMCA of Greater Richmond branches often saw teens lounging in the lobby laughing with each other, or younger children doing homework on laptops, playing a game with a friend or putting together a puzzle with a parent. In many branches, our youngest children spent time in a space they called their own - Child Watch - where they got hugs and enjoyed playtime with caring adults. With a growing population of isolated seniors in the region, the YMCA offers organized group activities, specialized social groups, and age-appropriate fitness classes. Programming for active older adults opens the doors to friendship and mental stimulation for a population that too often is isolated. In the Richmond metro area, the YMCA of Greater Richmond’s 15 branches remained committed in 2007 to sustain families and communities in the midst of 21st century challenges. More than 2,000 YMCA employees developed and delivered programs in 2007 to serve the diverse geographic and societal needs of our families and communities.
Mary Hollyday plays Canasta with Midlothian Family YMCA friends.
give to yourself by giving to others
It doesn’t take long speaking with Mary Hollyday to recognize that she is a woman of deep faith and commitment to others. Widowed 11 years ago while living in Rocky Mount, Va., Mary suffered a heart attack within the next year and underwent double by-pass surgery. For rehabilitation she began water aerobics at her local YMCA. Within a few years Mary moved to the Richmond area to be closer to her children and walked into the Midlothian Family YMCA. At first, she participated in the aquatic exercise programs with which she was familiar. But the program staff noticed a quality in Mary that couldn’t go unused. Whenever there was a need for a little extra help, Mary was there – and ready to assist. When Mary shares her experiences over the last six years as a participant in YMCA programs, it’s easier to list what she hasn’t done instead of what she has! As an advocate for seniors, Mary is a remarkable 84-years young, and she encourages others to be as active as she is.
In 2001, Mary “had the most fun of my life” at the Virginia Senior Games and National Senior Games, where she earned five gold medals and one silver - though her desire had been only to earn an eighth-place ribbon. Since then she’s participated in six Virginia Senior Games and three Nationals. In 2004, Mary participated in the Ukrop’s Monument Avenue 10k and YMCA Training Team; in 2004 and 2005 Mary was team captain of the Midlothian Family YMCA’s Multiple Sclerosis Walk – Stepping out for Emily. She’s aided the branch with membership surveys, organizes up to 20 people for Canasta on Monday afternoons, and shares the benefits of the YMCA with members of the community through library Council on Aging programs. Marybelievesinandshareswithothersherexperiencesas a member of theYMCA family, as well as her opportunities to contribute to the community for others’ benefit. She encourageseveryone,regardlessofage,tostayactiveand keep their mind off their troubles!
YMCA Chairman’s Round Table Society
We are grateful to more than 4,500 individuals andorganizationswhogenerouslygave$5,795,528, allowing the YMCA of Greater Richmond to fulfillitsmission.Thegenerouscontributorsbelow gave$1000ormoretoarecordbreakingPlanting Seeds of Hope Annual Giving Campaign, YMCA Bright Beginnings, employer-based givingprogramsandtootherspecificprograms and activities. Philanthropist $100,000 and more The Community Foundation Philip Morris USA United Way of Greater Richmond & Petersburg Wachovia Securities, LLC
George Williams Partner $10,000 to $99,999 Mr. Lucius Alford and Mrs. Beverly Banks Jeanne and Andy Anderson Reid Ashe and Lisa Frye Ashe Bob and Gloria Bailie Bank of America The Brandt Family The Brink’s Company The Cameron Foundation Capital One Financial Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Case Roy R. Charles Charitable Trust Chesterfield County Tom and Nancy Chewning Children, Incorporated City of Richmond Mrs. Nancy E. Cole Sarah and Dick Collier Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign Dominion Mr. and Mrs. Allen Mead Ferguson The Family of Anna and Fleetwood Garner Genworth Financial, Inc. The Gordinier Family The Hon. Elmon T. Gray Garland & Agnes Taylor Gray Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James B. Hartough Mr. and Mrs. Christopher G. Hill JCPenney Afterschool The Junior League of Richmond Mass Mutual Financial Group Massey Foundation The Memorial Foundation for Children *Deceased
Karen and Ray Moore NFL Youth Football Fund Moses D. Nunnally Charitable Trust PepsiCo, Inc. Philip Morris Employee Community Fund Jay and Shelly Poole H. Elizabeth Powell Powhatan County The Honorable Iva R. Purdy R.E.B. Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell H. Roper Ralph & Leo Rosenthal Foundation Rosie’s For All Kids Foundation South Richmond Rotary Club St. Paul Travelers Companies, Inc. St. Paul’s Baptist Church Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Stettinius Target Stores Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. Tattersall Technical Foundations Universal Leaf Foundation Verizon Virginia Inc. Virginia Department of Social Services The Wachovia Foundation Pete Washington / PNGJ Enterprises T/A McDonald’s Bob and Barbara Williams Foundation Betty and Hays Watkins Western Henrico Rotary Club Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D. Westmoreland Doug and Julia Wetmore Mr. and Mrs. E. Carlton Wilton Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilton Dianne and Ken Wright Mr. and Mrs. James M. Zinn Red Triangle Partner $5,000 to $9,999 Robert M. and Shannon D. Alexander Allstate Foundation The Antioch Company Tiff and Kelly Armstrong Bill and Jeri Ball Mr. and Mrs. Brian S. Bradley Ike and Karen Carter / John Richmond Landscaping, Inc. Jean Cauble Central Virginia Bank City of Petersburg Clifford J. Culley The Deutsch Family Sterling Edmunds, Jr. Enterprise Rent-A-Car Foundation First Homes of Farmville The Jane and Arthur Flippo Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Lennart R. Freeman Mr. and Mrs. H. Larry Giancaterino / Chasen’s Business Interiors R.C. Goodwyn & Sons, Inc. Mr. Horace A. Gray III Mr. and Mrs. Russell B. Harper Harrison Family Foundation The Hartford Insurance Co. Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Hatcher, Jr. Brian W. Haynes Heritage Chevrolet & TRUCKTOWN Higgins and Gerstenmaier, PLC Hometown Realty Irwin Fashions Les and Jennifer Jennette John Randolph Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Johnson Allen B. King Kraft Foods Nancy and Dick Krider Lipman Foundation Luck Stone Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Luck, IV S. Floyd Mays McGuireWoods LLP Media General, Inc. Midlothian Rotary Club, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Nadreau Old Stage, Inc. Parrish Interiors PreCon, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Duane H. Ragsdale Realty Ventures Group, Inc. Fred W. Reynolds Robert and Martha Rhodes Richmond City Police Department Richmond Corrugated Box Company Roper Brothers Lumber Company, Inc. Ms. Marianne G. Roser The Rotary Club of Bon Air The Rotary Club of Brandermill Robert J. Simcoe Cindy and Earle Spencer, Jr. The Sports Section St. Mary’s Episcopal Church Outreach Committee St. Paul’s Church Home Board Ann and Scott Strickler Technology Leasing Concepts, Inc. The William B. Thalhimer, Jr. & Family Foundation Steve and Bobbie Thomas Michelle and Bill Thomson UPS Freight VAMAC, Inc., A Growing Business Family
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Vorlop Karl and Jane* Wagner Renee and John Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Walker Wal-Mart Supercenter - Chester Laura and Howard Willard We also thank three anonymous donors. Silver Circle Partner $2,500 to $4,999 Alfa Laval Inc. Barb Alkire Mr. and Mrs. William Allcott Dr. and Mrs. William Angus Atlantic Constructors, Inc. Bank of Powhatan, N.A. BB&T BB&T of Southside Tina and Mike Berry Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bloor Mr. and Mrs. Warner L. Blunt III Judy and Bill Boland Bon Secours Richmond Health System C & F Mortgage Corporation / Bryan and Lisa McKernon Carrie L. Camp and Thomas M. Crowder Capital Interior Contractors Inc. The CarMax Foundation Chasens Business Interiors The Chericoke Foundation Pat Clark Cheryl and Roger Comes Marge Connelly and Julie Christopher Marsha and Ralph Costen Mr. and Mrs. Barry D. Crawford Cyane Crump Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cullen Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Darrah Felix and Ernestine Davis Dominion Benefits, LLC Dr. Michael Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Jim P. Dowd Eastern Henrico Ruritan Club Dr. and Mrs. Russ Ellenberg Helen Thompson Ellis Embarq George P. Emerson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Benjamin English Ernst & Young LLP Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Farrell First Book First Federal Savings Bank of Virginia Jim and Maxine Fitzgerald Mandy and Scott Ford
Tim Froehlich Mr. David C. Gerstenmaier L.S. Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. William W. Gillespie Jill and Howard Goldfine Mr. and Mrs. William H. Goodwin, Jr. Bruce and Sandy Hague Haley Ford Hanover Rotary Happy Face Children’s Photography Highlands Realty Mr. and Mrs. John Hoade Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Holder Hunton & Williams Innsbrook Rotary Club Intercept Youth Services, Inc. James River Air Conditioning Co., Inc. Kathy and Ron Jentgen Kenneth S. Johnson, CEO Rich and Joyce Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Jones Karen Keegan Robert and Mary Keiter Dennis and Kay L. King Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Koonce Jane and Bill Liepis Life Fitness Judy and Dick Lyons Markel Corporation J.H. Martin & Sons, Contractors Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm P. McConnell III Mr. and Mrs. Leroy L. McLeod Messer Landscape of Virginia, Inc. Lora T. Monahan J. T. Morriss & Son Inc. Marc B. and Janice G. Moyers Mr. and Mrs. Leland C. Muckey Nelsen Funeral Home, Inc. Richard W. Nuckols Megan and Kevin O’Neill Page Auto Group Terry and Laurie Paquette S. Lee Parker Charles A. Patton Pearson Dealerships The Pediatric Connection Margaret Pence The Pete Store Peter Alexander Fine Jewelers Patricia L. Peters * Petersburg Methodist Home For Girls Foundation Paul C. Pollard Mr. and Mrs. John L. Reifsnider Richmond Multisports LLC
Richmond Triathlon Club Robins Insurance Agency, Inc. Rotary Club of Huguenot Trail Rotary Club of Sandston Dr. and Mrs. Frank S. Royal Shirley and John Rudin Barry Shuman Mr. and Mrs. D. Shane Smith Denise and Randy Spears James M. Stacia and Family Mr. and Mrs. James C. Stebner Stone’s Office Equipment / Tina Berry Swedish Match North America SwimMetro Management, Inc. James and Eva Tashjian-Brown Kirk Tattersall Barry M. Taylor Dr. Kimberly F. Taylor Naomi Taylor Nancy ReMine Trego Mr. and Mrs. Steve L. Tribble Mr. and Mrs. Larry C. Tucker Ukrop’s / First Market Bank The Virginia Birdies Golf Club Virginia Department of Health Mr. and Mrs. John B. Wake, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Warren Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D. Wetmore III I-Level by Weyerhaeuser Mr. and Mrs. Hugh V. White, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Williams, Jr. Thurman E. Williams The Wilton Companies Worley Associates - Architects Ernest and Brenda Wright We also thank one anonymous donor. Seeds of Hope Partner $1,000 to $2,499 Aaron’s Abilene Motor Express Ace Electric Co., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Agnew Mr. Norbert Alt Mr. and Mrs. Leroy L. Anderson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Wyndham Anderson Apple Door Systems and Friends Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Armstrong, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Michael Armstrong, Jr. Ian and Sandy Asplundh Carl O. Atkins, Jr., D.D.S. Butch Ball and Marian Lumpkin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Balzer The Bank of Southside Virginia 17 *Deceased
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Barr Battlefield Veterinary Clinic Beach Community Grange Marian H. Beam Wyatt and Tenley Beazley Mr. William J. Belanich Pamela and Bruce Belleman Edwen and Lori Belza Edilia and Michael Bendel Sondra Bennett / ADCO Associates Earl and Terry Berkley Bermuda Hundred Animal Hospital Michael and Maura Bisceglia Jim and Dianne Blandford H. Wesley Blankenship, Jr. Mr. and Mrs.* Norbert M. Bliley Ms. Allison Bloor Clint Bowes Douglas Brabrand Dawn Bradley Frank and Carol Bradley Breakfast Rotary Club of Petersburg Brenco Incorporated - Amsted Rail Nancy B. Briggs Mr. and Mrs. John D. Bristow Richard and Jane Brock Mr. and Mrs. James F. Brooks Joseph P. Brooks Ann Slate Brown Nancy Kennon and Frederick Ried Bruchbacher J. Stewart Bryan III Lissy Bryan Jay and Joanne Burchell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Burton Drummond Butler Carol and Chris Butterworth C & F Bank William Call / Berkley Mortgage Corporation Bill and Linda Callery Camp Foundation Cantor Arkema, P.C. Dr. Ronald L. Carey Kristy and Blake Carleton Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Carter Castle Equipment Corporation CBS 6 WTVR Patricia Centeno Mr. Andrew C. Chambers and Mrs. Felicia L. Fox Mr. and Mrs. Brent P. Chambers Chewning & Wilmer, Inc. Christ Church Episcopal 18
Christian & Barton, L.L.P. Chubb Group of Insurance Companies Church of the Epiphany Hobie and Catherine Claiborne CNA Insurance Company Cobb Office Technologies Coca Cola of Richmond, Virginia Hank and Cynthia Coleman Kathy Mays Coleman Sharon J. and Larry P. Coleman Bill Colgate / Brown’s Car Stores Bill and Quita Collins Colonial Webb Contractors The Cooper Family James J. Corbett Cornerstone Architects Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Cowan Frank N. Cowan Matt and Carrie Coyner George and Monica Craddock Stanley Crafton Cynthia B. Creasy Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Crenshaw, Jr. Bill Croxton Curtis Drilling, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford A. Cutchins, IV Mr.* and Mrs. William W. Cutchins Jo Ann Parrish Dabney Graham and Christine Daniels Mrs. Eleanor D. Davenport Don and Pam Davis Michael and Connie Davis Sam and Susan Davis Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Dawson The Honorable Bevill M. Dean Mr. Tom Deardorff Lucy B. delCardayre Delta Dental Plan of Virginia Mike and Nancy DeNoia Linda Derr Destiny City Fellowship Brad and Debbie Dickler Becky and Tim Dickson Mr. and Mrs. William R. Dixon Rick and Mary Jo Dodson Villas At Dogwood Giselle Dougan DuPont - Richmond Scott and Julia Durham Peggy DuVall and Bob Petres Jack and Carol Dyer Eagle Construction of Virginia Charitable Fund of The Community Foundation Robert and Teresa Eastep and Family Kevin M. Eberly
Sherri Ellis and Family Kristin A. Engelberger Mr. and Mrs. L. Garrett England Estes Express Lines Evans Carpet Corporation G. William Evans Jane and John Fain Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, Drs. Beltrami, Dixon, Rhodes & Abbott Lisa and Lance Featherngill Lynn and Mark Fernandes Margaret and John Ferrell Fidelity Group, LLC David J. Fikse Fine Metals Corporation Buddy and Fraser Finney Kathy S. Flowers FM Solutions Mr. and Mrs. Dale R. Foley Chip and Nancy Ford Mr. William A. Ford Jack Forestell Fort Lee Heritage Gospel Chapel Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Foster, Jr. Freeman and Morgan Architects Freeze Frame Photobooth Martha and Phil Frickert FWL & Sons, Inc. T/A McDonald’s Leigh and Drew Gallalee Ms. Jaime Gambaccini Mr. David Gammino Gary and Gloria Garner David and Mary Kay Gates Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Girone Celia Givens Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Goldstein Good Shepherd Baptist Church Scott and Lisa Goodwyn Mr. and Mrs. George M. Gordon III Gorrell Family Foundation Grace Lutheran Church Susan and Mike Gracik Mr. Alexander C. Graham, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Granger Barbara and Denys Grant Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Grappone Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Grauer, Jr. Susan and Bruce Green Mr. and Mrs. Joshua W. Green Greenleaf Properties, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James Gresock Eric S. Grow and Family McKaella, Colton and Logan Grow Mary and Glenn Habel Gerald and Gwen Hagen, Jr.
Kathy and Andrew Hagy Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Haley Mr. Ed Hall Mr. and Mrs. Lewis O. Hall Alex Hamilton Hancock, Daniel, Johnson & Nagle, P.C. Dr. and Mrs. Hayes Hanley Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Hanville Mr. and Mrs. Les C. Harcum Richard and Melissa Harden Ed and Ellen Hardy R. M. Harrison Mechanical Corporation Roy and Mary Harrison Donald Hatcher Rudy L. Hawkins Electric Contractors Kerthy Hearn Ann S. and Robert E. Henley, Jr. Wendy and Gary Henley Henrico East Rotary Club HHHunt Highwoods Properties Mr. and Mrs. Simon C. Hodges Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hogg Hourigan Construction Corp. Mr. Dennis L. Howard Humphrey’s Studio Tricia and Chris Hutnan Mr. Bowen Hyatt IBM Corporation Innsbrook Foundation Dr. J. W. Isbell ITAC Engineers & Constructors James Center Property LLC James River Lions Club E. Carlton and Donna G. Jarratt Bill and Bev Jennette Derrick G. Johnson Floyd and Robin Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Roger Johnson Theresa Johnson and Chris Smith Jeff and Kathy Johnstone Ralph and Lummie Jones Mr. and Mrs. William H. Jones, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Yancey S. Jones W. M. Jordan Company Hugh and Temple Joyce Junior Federated Woman’s Club of Chester Lori and Tom Kaczmarek Stewart and Sandra Kasen Kaufman & Canoles Claire C. Kaugars Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Kay Keith-Fabry Reproduction Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kelley Andy and Elizabeth Kerr
Jerry and Marty Kilgore Kingsland Partners LLC Dr. John S. Kittrell Kiwanis Club of James River Kiwanis Club of Midlothian Kiwanis Club of Tuckahoe KLA Tencor Foundation Drew Klammer Knights of Columbus Michael and Martha Konvicka KPMG LLP Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Kraus Doug and Tara Krohn Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Laliberte LandAmerica Financial Group, Inc. DeWayne and Sherry Landrum Lane & Hammer, P.C. Mr. and Mrs. P. Owen Lanier II Mr. and Mrs. Kristian B. Lesher John Latané Lewis III Lingerfelt Development, LLC Lingerfelt Family Foundation Liphart Steel Company, Inc. / Lee Parker Bill and Patti Loughridge Mr. and Mrs. David C. Lumsden Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lynch Lyttle Utilities, Inc. Jay and Lynn Mabe Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Mabry Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Madden The Magnano Family The Mahan Family Ruth E. Manka Karol Mansilla, M.D. Maplewood Vending Partners, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Richard M. Marcus Mr. and Mrs.* Anthony F. Markel Marsh USA Inc. Bill and Linda Martin Dreama D. Martin William McKinnon Massie, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Maupai III Catherine Maxwell Mr. Michael E. Mayberry and Ms. Gretchen Kirk Mayer Electric Supply MBI Consulting, Inc. John and Patty McCaffrey Mr. and Mrs. John B. McCammon Laura and Steve McCoy Gilbert McCraw Charlotte and Andy McCutcheon Matt and Carol McGee McGladrey & Pullen Mr. and Mrs. Wm Kermit McKelvy
McKinney & Company Art and Jerry McKinney Medco Health Solutions John and Nancy Melzer Mercer Human Resource Consulting, Inc. Metro Properties, Inc. Middlesex Mutual Assurance Company Midlothian Religious Society of Friends Bill and Sylvia Miller Mr. and Mrs. Lewis N. Miller, Jr. Jimmy and Shirley Minter Mrs. Michelle B. Mitchell Mitchell, Wiggins, & Company LLP Monacell Orthodontics Montague-Betts Company Monument Construction, LLC Bonnie and Tam Moody Mr. and Mrs. Jacques J. Moore, Jr. Morgan Keegan & Company, Inc. Gerald Morgan, Jr. R. Glen and Sandra Morgan Tolleison and Angie Morriss Mt. Zion Baptist Church Taylor Mundy Mutual Assurance Society of Virginia Fund Napier Signature Homes NBC 12 / Lincoln Financial Media Mr. and Mrs. M. Pinson Neal III Mr. Kurt Negaard NEIE, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Nolde III Jennifer and Christopher Nolen Marilyn G. Norman Steve and Wendy Northup Norvell Signs Sandy and Rick Nunnally Steven F. O’Donnell, Inc. Old Mansion Foods, Inc. Bob and Denise Oldfield Kenneth Owens Frank Parent Rob Parker Patient First Corporation Patrick Henry Y Guides Cherokee Nation Mr. and Mrs. J. Dale Patton Ms. Amy B. Pearsall Steve and Joyce Pedersen Pella Windows & Doors Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Perkins W. Baxter Perkinson, Jr. D.D.S. & Associates Family Chris and Patti Perry The Peter Paul Development Center Peggy and Tom Phipps Berkley and Barbara Pickels 19 *Deceased
James M. Pollard, Jr. Rodney and Lauree Poole Porter Realty Company, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. E. Bryson Powell Powhatan Elementary School - PTSA Premier Pet Products, Inc. Cathy and Larry Price Prince George Electric Cooperative Provident Bank Mr. William H. Pruitt Val Puster / Family Physicians of Chester Quizno’s Subs at Shoppes of Crossridge Mr. and Mrs. Guy Radossevich The Ratliff Family The Reco Foundation The Redwoods Group Linda J. Rehak Mr. and Mrs. Myron H. Reinhart Reveille United Methodist Church Richmond International Raceway Richmond Kiwanis Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John Rick Emmett Ridley Jonathan D. Ridout George W. Riegel, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. James L. Riley Mr. and Mrs. R. Douglas Robbins Samuel and Judith Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Robinson Olivette Baugh Robinson Roxann L. Robinson Abby and Noah Rogers Newnie Rogers Nancy and Brutus Russell Mr. and Mrs. James E. Ryan, Jr. S&K Famous Brands, Inc. S. L. Nusbaum Realty Co. Alex Sadler Mr. Earl Sale Salisbury Presbyterian Church Mr. and Mrs. Doug P. Sandler Mr. and Mrs. Laurens Sartoris Saturn of Richmond, Inc. Barry and Betty Jean Saunders John Schauss Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Schneider Kathryn and W. Harry Schwarzschild Fund Wylie and Katie Schwieder Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scott, Jr. C. Frank Scott III Marlene C. Scott, Ed. D. Mr. and Mrs. S. Buford Scott Seacom, Inc. Katherine and Ron Secrist 20
Setliff & Holland, P.C. Shady Grove Y Guides Cheyenne Tribe Sheehy Ford Lincoln Mercury Showcase Builders Inc. Carla Shust Floyd W. Sinkler Ms. Marilyn Hill Slabaugh Dr. Cora Slade Salzberg Mick and Allyson Sladic Bob and Melinda Sledd Mr. and Mrs. James R. Sledd Slone & Associates, Inc. David N. Smith Emmett and Melody Smith Mr. and Mrs. James A. Smith Rod and Susie Smyth Tom and Donna Sokol Southeast Media Consultants, Inc. Southside Regional Medical Center Leila and Kirk Spitzer Dr. Spruill and Associates St. Ann’s Catholic Church R. F. Burke Steele, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Don Steinbrugge Mr. Willis W. Stephenson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Gray Stettinius Jill A. Stevens Mr. and Mrs. G.E.R. Stiles William and Lesle Stinson Senator and Mrs. Walter Stosch Lynn Strader Anthony and Julie Strange Dr. and Mrs. Frank D. Straus Rick Stuller SunTrust Laura and Lee Swegle Tak Tent L.P., Thomas F. Garner, Jr. and William V. Garner Taylor & Parrish, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Claiborne W. Terry Mr. and Mrs. James W. Theobald Sheila R. Thompkins Jim and Mary Kay Thompson Matthew G. Thompson Thompson Siegel & Walmsley, Inc. Mr. Taylor N. Toepke Touchstone Development, LLC Tredegar Corporation Troutman Sanders LLP Mr. and Mrs. James E. Ukrop Union Bank & Trust Company United Restaurant Group, L.P. Mr. Anthony J. Vadella
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Valacer Mr. and Mrs. E. Massie Valentine, Sr. Varina Ruritan Club Varina Veterinary Clinic, Inc. Mr. Leroy B. Vaughan J. Keller Vernon D.D.S. Virginia Correctional Center For Women Virginia Physicians for Women Wachovia Insurance Services Robert and Jane Wait Cullen and Kathleen Walker Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas G. Walker Tom and Roszie Walker Steve and Donna Walls Wal-Mart - Ashland Wal-Mart Distribution Center Wal-Mart Super Center Jessie and Jennifer Walters Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay A. Ward Kathleen B. Watkins Craig and Jodi Weber Mrs. Anne R. West Mr.* and Mrs. Tommy J. West Westover Hills United Methodist Church Westrope Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. White Charles R. White Deborah and Joseph White Whitley/Service Roofing & Sheet Metal Company Sandra and Roger Wiley Mr. and Mrs. E. Dale Wilkinson Williams Mullen, A Professional Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Williams WF of R Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Wilson III Ms. Nancie Wingo Don and Janet Wood Woolfolk Construction, Inc. Cindy and Scott Wright Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Wright Dot and Al Wright Kathy B. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Wright, Sr. and Son Xerox Corporation Mark Yacano and Terri Amernick Bruce and Deborah Yoder We also thank six anonymous donors. In addition to the Chairman’s Round Table contributors named here, we express our sincere gratitude to all others who generously supported the mission and programs of the YMCA of Greater Richmond.
Capital Campaigns Together Toward Tomorrow Midlothian Family YMCA Capital Campaign. The neighborhood is booming and the Midlothian Family YMCA is expanding in response.We gratefully acknowledge these generousdonorswhosegiftswillhelpusmove “TogetherTowardTomorrow”attheMidlothian Family YMCA. Philanthropist $100,000 to $249,999 The Cabell Foundation The Family of Anna and Fleetwood Garner Mr. and Mrs. William H. Goodwin, Jr. HHHunt Midlothian Rotary Club, Inc. Tak Tent L.P., Thomas F. Garner, Jr. and William V. Garner Ukrop’s / First Market Bank Horizon Leader $50,000 to $99,999 Bon Secours Richmond Health System Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Korman Nelco Family Foundation Margaret Pence Windsor Foundation Campaign Leader $25,000 to $49,999 Bill and Jeri Ball H. Wesley Blankenship, Jr. C & F Mortgage Corporation/ Bryan and Lisa McKernon James and Margaret Carreras Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Case Mr. and Mrs. Barry D. Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Darrah Mr. and Mrs. Allen Mead Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. H. Larry Giancaterino / Chasen’s Business Interiors Gray Land and Development Company, LLC Realty Ventures Group, Inc. Rebkee Company Dr. and Mrs. James L. Riley Mr. Bernard L. Savage* William and Lesle Stinson Technology Leasing Concepts, Inc. We also thank one anonymous donor.
Builder $15,000 to $24,999 William T. Cantrell, Inc. Jean Cauble Rhyne Contractors, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott H. Williams and Family Williamsburg Environmental Group, Inc. Kathryn and Kenneth Willoughby Don and Jan Wood Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Zitzow
We also thank one anonymous donor.
Partnership $2,500 to $4,999 Austin-Davidson, Inc. The Bearden Family Centex Homes Crean Family DeMars Family Draper Aden Associates - Civil Engineers Terrie and Jon Edwards Sherri Ellis and Family Becky England G. William Evans Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gerardo G. L. Howard, Inc. E. Carlton and Donna G. Jarratt Dave and Debbie Lumsden McMahon Homes, Inc. John and Nancy Melzer Tom, Joanne, Shannon and Eric Murphy Elizabeth Pattison Shirley and John Rudin Tennis Courts, Inc. Nancy ReMine Trego Keith and Meg Winn Chuck and Anne Wolff
Cornerstone $10,000 to $14,999 Dawn Bradley Hugh A. and Deborah P. Cline The Cooper Family Frank N. Cowan Joan and Joe Girone Mr. and Mrs. James B. Hartough Main Street Homes Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell H. Roper Style Craft Homes Barry M. Taylor Thurman E. Williams Youngblood, Tyler & Associates, P.C. Community $5,000 to $9,999 Dr. and Mrs. William H. Angus Barfield Concrete, Inc. Blakemore Construction Corporation Boone Homes, Inc. Branders Bridge Landscaping The Brink’s Company Martha and Phil Frickert Beth and George Gordon Mr. Alexander C. Graham, Jr. and Ms. Karen Berkness Gregg & Bailey, P.C., CPA’s Hirschler Fleischer - A Professional Corporation James River Nurseries Marie Cole Justis Karen Keegan Doug and Tara Krohn Lakins Irrigation, Inc. LifeStyle Builders and Developers, Inc. McDonald’s Gerald Morgan, Jr. Kris and Mary Neal Orleans Homebuilders, Inc. Joan and Daniel Rexinger Ryan Homes Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F. Savage Marlene C. Scott, Ed. D. Mark and Debbie Sowers Denise and Randy Spears Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Strauss
Additional Capital Campaigns
We honor the vision and generosity of the followingindividuals,corporationsandfoundationswhocontributedin2007towardcapitalgifts of $2,500 and more for capital improvements. Philanthropist $100,000 and more County of Goochland Mr. Bruce C. Gottwald, Jr. SunTrust Horizon Leader $50,000 to $99,999 Blakemore Construction Corporation S. B. Cox Family in memory of Michael Cox R.C. Goodwyn & Sons, Inc. and Goodwyn L.L.C. HHHunt Anthony F. & Susan M.* Markel Fund of The Community Foundation *Deceased
Campaign Leader $25,000 to $49,999 623 Holding, Inc. Atack Properties G. L. Howard, Inc. James River Financial Corp. Bill and Lori Kelley Walter R. Marsh * Ed and Diane Mugford Old Dominion Glass, Inc. Larry Page Performance Food Group Tredegar Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. S. James Ellen Jim and Maxine Fitzgerald Jennifer and William Franklin L.S. Gilbert Mike and Susan Gracik Dr. Mark Guarino Hollywood Baptist Church Betty and Don Jones Mr. and Mrs. Franklin D. Martin Kenneth and Charlotte Martin Family Megan and Kevin O’Neill Powhatan Station Shopping Center in memory of H. Ford Harris In Memory of William T. Reed III We also thank one anonymous donor. Dick and Derenda Reynolds Vanya and Sam Robinson Builder Wylie and Katie Schwieder $15,000 to $24,999 Southside Electric Cooperative Judy B. Caspari Village Bank Tom and Maureen Cox Mr. and Mrs. E. Otto N. Williams, Jr. Jack and Doris Nelson The J. R. Willis, Jr. Family PhillipsCox Insurance and Financial Services Thomas Woodson / Woodson Auto Sales Richardson-Harris-Boatwright Bruce and Deborah Yoder Insurance Agency, Inc. Louise and Earl Thompson Campaign Partner Ukrop’s / First Market Bank $2,500 to $4,999 Steve and Donna Walls Ayers & Ayers, Inc. The Gardener of Eden Landscape Design/ Cornerstone Partner Bill and Robin Boelt $10,000 to $14,999 Shirley Graham Boelt Ian and Sandy Asplundh Greg and Kameron Booker Austin-Davidson, Inc. Tom and Paige Bryan Bank of Goochland, N.A. Diana and Eric Cantor BB&T Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. George W. Chatfield Boone, Boone, Lobe & Pettit, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Combs Centex Homes Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Cox Journey and Sharon Johnson Elliot and Elizabeth Oakley Danburg in Rich and Judy Napier memory of Francis and Mabel Oakley Graham and Emily Randolph Mindy and Doug Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Crit T. Richardson Robert N. and Betty Jo Giannini Ryan Homes Jill and Howard Goldfine Donald and Teresa Sanders Dr. Susan Hardwicke and Mr. Thomas Grant Mr. and Mrs. John Schmohl Nancy and Herbert Hargroves Laird E. and Patricia B. Smith Kenneth and Rebecca Hatcher Youngblood, Tyler & Associates, P.C. Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Heinz Hirschler Fleischer Horizon Partner A Professional Corporation $5,000 to $9,999 Dr. Lou Ross Hopewell Bill and Betsy Beach Daniel G. Jones Paul and Jan Blair Robert and Mary Keiter Clifford O. Blankenship, Jr. Thomas Randolph Lewis and Gloria M. Blankenship Jimmy, Paula, and Kelley Midkiff Mr. and Mrs. David Creasy Greg and Marylyn Morgan The Dash Family Don and Patty Murry Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Elflein, Jr. Dr. Kurt M. Obeck and Dr. Andrew S. Norman *Deceased
Michael L. Parrish & Associates, Inc. Powhatan Moose Lodge #1840 Bruce and Cheryl Rilee Anne and Lee Sansom Dr. and Mrs. Chester H. Sharps Spratley-Thomas Builders Ken and Carol Timmons Mark Yacano and Terri Amernick We also thank two anonymous donors.
Matching Gift Contributors
Nationalandlocalcorporationsencouragetheir employees’philanthropiceffortsthroughmatching gifts.Wegratefullyacknowledgethisgenerous support by listing their names here. Aetna Foundation, Inc. Altria Group, Inc. American International Group, Inc. Aon Corporation Bank of America The Brink’s Company The Cameron Foundation Capital One Financial Corporation The CarMax Foundation Chubb & Son Colfax Corporation, Inc. Genentech, Inc. Genworth Foundation Gray Holdings, LLC Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc. Jefferson Pilot Financial Insurance Company LandAmerica Financial Group Markel Corporation MassMutual Financial Group Merck & Co., Inc. The Pfizer Foundation Philip Morris USA Thompson, Siegel & Walmsley, Inc. UBS Foundation USA Universal Leaf Foundation Wachovia Foundation WellPoint Foundation
Leaving a Legacy 1854 Society Members
Sinceitsinceptionin 1854,theYMCAofGreater Richmond has relied upon the foresight and investmentofitsstrongestsupporters.The1854 Societyrecognizesthesegenerousindividualswho haveshowntheirlong-terminterestandsupport by including the YMCA in their estate plans or making substantial gifts to our endowment.
Dr. and Mrs. William Angus Alexander P. Armour+* Ruth S. Armour+* Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Baril Ms. Sheila R. Barner Reverend and Mrs. Charles F. Baugham, Sr. Mr. Robert K. Beaser* Mr. William J. Belanich Ms. Allison Bloor Mr. and Mrs. J. William Boland Mrs. L. Julian Bowles Mr. G. Kevin Bruce Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Case Jean Cauble Mr. and Mrs. I. Lee Chapman Tom and Nancy Chewning Noelle R. Clay Miss Hannah Lide Coker* Mrs. Nancy E. Cole Sharon J. and Larry P. Coleman Sarah and Dick Collier Cheryl and Roger Comes George and Monica Craddock Bill and Janie Craig Mr. and Mrs. Steve Darrah The Honorable Bevill M. Dean Francis M. DonLeavey* Helen Thompson Ellis Aaron Ettinger* John and Jane Fain Mr. Ernst W. Farley, Jr.+* Mr. and Mrs. James C. Farley, Jr.* S. Elizabeth Bunyan Farley+* Brian Farmer Margaret and John Ferrell Marilyn Lamberton Fields* William J. Fields* Agnes Bull Frazier* Freeman F. Gosden* Mary and Billy Graham* Barbara and Denys Grant Bruce and Sandy Hague Mandy Hamner-Ford Dr. and Mrs. Richard Harden Stuart E. Hargraves+* Frank and Elizabeth Hargrove Mr. and Mrs. James B. Hartough Jack B. Harvie* Ms. Kathy Headlee Missie Hersey Mr. and Mrs. Odis B. Hinnant+* Richard W. Jackson* Dr. and Mrs. Allix B. James Bill and Bev Jennette Journey and Sharon Johnson
C. Hunter Jones* Don and Betty Jones William M. Jones, Sr.* Karen Keegan Mrs. Kay Lambert King William H. King, Jr. and Grace R. den Hartog Jody L. Korman Mr. John Kricorian, Sr.* Ms. Maria “Keech” LeGrand James A. and Roxana W. Leiby James A. Leiby, Jr.* Ernest C. Linder* Charlie and Vicki Long MariLouise L. Lossing* Joe Mancuso* Bill and Linda Martin William C. Martin* Mary U. Maupai Lynn McAteer Gilbert V. McCraw Mrs. Dulcie P. McDougall* Clifton M. Miller, Jr.+* Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Moe Raymond E. Moore Mr. Lester W. Morris, Jr.* Taylor Mundy Megan and Kevin O’Neill Rita O’Sullivan Mr. Barton C. Pasco Charles A. Patton Ms. Amy B. Pearsall Arlene A. and Cecil J. Perry Mr. and Mrs. John S. Philips Mr. and Mrs. James M. Pollard, Jr. H. Elizabeth Powell Charles R. Purdy+* The Honorable Iva R. Purdy Dr. George V. Puster Mr. and Mrs. Duane H. Ragsdale Wayland W. Rennie Ms. Beverly Rinde-Thorsen Robert F. Ritchie* Mrs. Robert F. Ritchie III Samuel and Judith Roberts Newnie Rogers Drewes and Adele Rogge Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell H. Roper Dr. Eugene Rowe* Shirley and John Rudin Brutus and Nancy Russell Jane Schirmer Bob and Jeannie Schrum Mr. and Mrs. Jacob A. Schwalm* Mr. and Mrs. S. Buford Scott Dr. Benjamin L. Sheppard*
Edith C. Sheridan* Bruce A. Siebold Rosalie and Ralph Slater Denise and Randy Spears Ms. Grace Steinmetz* Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Stettinius Sandy Stoddart Ann and Scott Strickler Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Sutton III* Dr. and Mrs. D. R. Suyes, Jr. Lee C. Tait* Barry M. Taylor Steve and Bobbie Thomas Michelle and Bill Thomson Nancy ReMine Trego Mr. and Mrs. E. Massie Valentine, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Via Karl and Jane* Wagner Barry and Lois Watkins Hobie and Mollie Weaver Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Weiler Mr. and Mrs. Hugh V. White, Jr. Dot and Al Wright Bruce and Deborah Yoder Mr. and Mrs. James M. Zinn We also thank 5 anonymous members. + Founder or Charter Member
Gifts to Endowments
GiftstotheYMCA’sendowmentfundsguarantee thatfuturegenerationscanbeserved.Ourthanks tothesegenerousdonorsforaddingtoourlegacy during 2007. Downtown Endowment Barbara and Denys Grant General Endowment Mr. and Mrs. E. Massie Valentine, Sr. Karl Wagner Journey Johnson Learn to Swim Endowment Michelle and Bill Thomson James A. Leiby Leadership Endowment James A. and Roxana W. Leiby
North Richmond Endowment Tom and Nancy Chewning Betty and Don Jones Bruce A. Siebold Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Stettinius Steve and Bobbie Thomas Barry and Lois Watkins Tuckahoe Endowment MariLousie L. Lossing*
Gifts In Memory of Will Cutchins
In November of 2007 the YMCA of Greater Richmond lost a dear friend and volunteer, William“Will”Witherspoon Cutchins. Will was passionate about community support through the YMCA and served as Chairman of the Board of both the Tuckahoe Family YMCA and the YMCA of Greater Richmond. As a dedicated and loyal volunteer, he was also honored by the YMCA as a Board Emeritus member in 2005. We thank the following individuals and organizations for their generous memorial gifts to the YMCA recognizing Will’s legacy of charitable work.
Special Legacies
Namedendowmentfundshonorspecialfriends of theYMCA and help to ensure that theYMCA cancontinueitsmissionandbestrengthenedfor future generations. Miss Hannah Lide Coker Endowment Ernst Farley Fund Mary and Billy Graham Fund HOPE Fund Journey Johnson Learn to Swim Endowment C. Hunter Jones Endowment Fund James A. Leiby Leadership Endowment Manchester Leadership Endowment Fund
Gifts in Memory of Chip Ellis
Inadditiontocountlessvolunteersandcommunity supporters,wethankthefollowingindividualsfor their generous gifts in 2007. Bethel Baptist Church Bible Class Kristy and Blake Carleton Miss Elizabeth Ferree and Family Mr. and Mrs. David C. Lumsden Midlothian High School Taylor Mundy Mr. and Mrs. Martin P. Schwind Nancy ReMine Trego
Will Cutchins Mrs. John D. Abbitt Apple Reit Six, Inc. The Arenstein Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Beverley W. Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. O. Reid Ashe, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Atherton Mr. Francis C. Bagbey Ms. Cynthia V. Bailey Ms. Clay H. Barr Bay Spring Farm Ms. Ann W. Beasley Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Bennett Dr. and Mrs. William A. Billingham Bozzuto & Associates, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon A. Bradshaw Ms. Virginia H. Breeden Ms. Mary P. Brown Ms. Elizabeth C. Bruce Mr. Richard C. Burroughs Camp Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Case Ms. Joan Cassidy
CCA Financial Services, LLC Mr. William W. Chandler Chesapeake Bay Academy Family Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Church Mr. and Mrs. Jay E. Coffman Mr. John V. Cogbill III Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Coker Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Couture Mr. and Mrs. William S. Craddock, Jr. Mr. David G. Curry Mr. and Mrs. Clifford A. Cutchins IV Ms. Pat Dehart Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Denny Ms. MaryAnne Dukas Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Edmonds Mr. and Mrs. John C. Ellis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fain Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Farrell Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Fishback, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Fitz-Hugh, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Flippen Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Frankfort Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm P. Friddell Mr. and Mrs. William H. Goodwin, Jr. Ms. Joan W. Graham Ms. Suellen K. Gregory Hamblen Art Hardy’s Inc. of Norfolk Mrs. Jean C. Harrell Mr. and Mrs. James B. Hartough Mr. Dale P. Henderson Mr. and Mrs. W. Barry Hofheimer Ms. Sarah B. Huber Ms. Anne C. Jacob Mr. and Mrs. Clay R. Jacob Mr. J. M. Jarvis Mr. and Mrs. William L. Jennette, Jr. Mr. Leigh W. Johnson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Jones IV Mrs. William T. Jones Mr. and Mrs. William B. Judkins Ms. Suzanne M. Keeley Kenyon & Kenyon LLP Mr. and Mrs. James L. Kitchin, Jr. Mr. Steven D. Kittrell Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Kreter
Ms. Elizabeth M. LaCouture Mr. and Mrs. Ben R. Lacy, IV Mr. and Mrs. Todd E. Lepage Mr. Julian H. Lipscomb Mr. and Mrs. John M. Lowrie Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mann Ms. Caroline B. Matthews Captain and Mrs. John M. Mathews Mrs. Sarah K. Maxcy Mrs. Betts W. McGurn Mr. and Mrs. Dan G. McKenzie Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. McKenzie III Mr. and Mrs. Alec McLean Ms. Michele C. Meiners Mr. Hugh S. Meredith Montague-Betts Company Ms. Cynthia I. Moore Ms. Janice R. Moore Ms. Lucy T. Moore J. Edward Moyler, Jr., P.C. Mr. and Mrs. Leland C. Muckey Mr. and Mrs. John D. Munford, II Mr. and Mrs. William C. Neely Mr. and Mrs. W. Levi Old, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Owens Mr. Rosewell Page, III Mr. W. J. Parker Mr. and Mrs. William A. Peak Ms. Martha H. Peebles Mr. John B. Pellegrini Ms. Arlene D. Pittman Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Pope Mr. and Mrs. Ragan B. Pulley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rabil Mr. and Mrs. James E. Rainey Mrs. Carol Daugherty Rasnic Mr. S. W. Rawls, Jr. Mr. S. W. Rawls III Ms. Margaret S. Ray N. Reams Designs, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William D. Redd Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Reed, Jr. Ms. Kathleen S. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell H. Roper Mr. and Mrs. Curtis L. Ross Mr. and Mrs. Brutus C. Russell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Saunders Mr. Gilbert E. Schill, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Schutt Mr. William D. Sessoms Mr. and Mrs. E. Lee Showalter Mr. and Ms. Peter J. Shudtz Mr. Thomas D. Simmons, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander H. Slaughter Mr. Thomas E. Spahn
Mr. and Mrs. W. Randolph Spears Speight, Marshall & Francis, P.C. Miss Connie Spilman Ms. Gudi J. Stambuk Ms. Marie M. Staton Mr. and Mrs. William J. Strickland Mr. and Mrs. Will H. Tankersley Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. Tattersall Mr. Barry M. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. William D. Thomson Nancy ReMine Trego Mr. Leroy B. Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D. Westmoreland Mr. and Mrs. Hugh V. White, Jr. Ms. Patricia P. White Ms. Kit M. Whitely Mr. William E. Whitfield Mr. and Mrs. George P. Whitley Ms. Elizabeth F. Willcox Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Williams Mrs. Dana P. Wilson Mrs. Carrie C. Winn Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Winsky Ms. Gloria R. Woody Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Wright, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Yesawich We also thank one anonymous donor.
Association Staff Leadership Executive Leadership
Barry M. Taylor - President & CEO Carol Bennett - Vice President & Controller Laurie Dever - Vice President of Human Resources Karen Keegan - Executive Vice President/ Chief Operations Officer - Programs & Membership Kay King - Senior Vice President of Strategic Implementation Tito Luna - Vice President of Community Development & Programs Dick Lyons - Executive Vice President/ Chief Operations Officer - Facilities Randy Spears - Senior Vice President/ Chief Financial Officer Nancy Trego, CFRE - Senior Vice President of Philanthropy
Association Leadership
D. Todd Gray - Association Marketing & Communications Director Jane Hamilton - Director of Planned Giving Jan Klenke - Association Director of Payroll & Benefits Administration Jeanette Phelps - Faith & Character Development Director Tami Powell - Association Director of Accounting Cami Raimo - Association Aquatics Director Ty Toepke - Director of Annual Giving Nancie Wingo - Association Membership Director Lisa Winn - Director of Branch Financial Development Jan Wood - Association Director of Business Systems Resources Bruce Yoder, CFRE - Director of Corporate & Foundation Giving
Branch Leadership
Mary Kay Gates - Group Vice President Executive Director, Elizabeth Randolph Lewis Powhatan Family YMCA Kathy Jentgen - Group Vice President Executive Director, Chester Family YMCA Megan O’Neil - Group Vice President Executive Director, Shady Grove Family YMCA Celia Givens - Executive Director, Chickahominy Family YMCA James Smith - Executive Director, Downtown YMCA Jay Shively - Executive Director, Goochland Family YMCA Hunter Schwartz - Operations Director, James Center YMCA Jaime Gambianccini - Operations Director, John Rolfe Family YMCA Blake Carleton - Executive Director, Manchester Family YMCA Scott Williams - Executive Director, Midlothian Family YMCA Naomi Taylor - Executive Director, North Richmond YMCA Community Center Tricia Hutnan - Executive Director, Patrick Henry Family YMCA Floyd Johnson - Executive Director, Southside Virginia Family YMCA Lee Muckey - Executive Director, Tuckahoe Family YMCA Patrick Edmunds - Camping Services Director, Camp Thunderbird Outdoor Center
Cindy Angus, RN - Association Wellness Director Nan Brennan - Association Child Care Director Carol Butterworth - Association Teen Director
2007 Statement of Activities
Revenue and public support Contributions $ 5,314,921
United Way
Membership Programs
Other revenue 1,094,542 Total revenues and public support 38,008,720
Total public support
Expenses Program services: Health, fitness and recreation
Child care and day camp
Social development and outreach
General administration
Fund raising
Total expenses
Total program services
Reinvestment in mission
Net assets: Beginning Ending
41,004,811 $ 43,979,933
38,761,350 41,004,811
YMCA of Greater Richmond audited financial statements and IRS Form 990 are available upon request, or by visiting our website at www.ymacrichmond.org.
2007 Members Age category
0 - 5
6 - 11
12 - 17
18 - 29
30 - 54
55 - 64
Facility Members
Community Members*
Lives touched through YMCA programs & membership
Individuals by activity type
Financial Assistance In 2007, $4,765,140 in finacial assistance was provided to families and individuals.
Health & Fitness - 0.3% Youth, Teen & Family - 0.5% Membership - 49% Childcare - 22% Camp - 8% Aquatics - 4% Community Development - 17% Sports - 0.2%
2007 Annual Report Design & Production by YMCA of Greater Richmond Larissa Tyler - Association Creative Director John Wallace - Association Marketing & Communications Associate Director Photography - Cabay Fine Photography