June 2023 Board of Directors' Newsletter

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The YMCA's Annual Dinner was held on Wednesday, May 17, 2023 at the Pines Manor. It was a wonderful night honoring our Malinowski Award Winners (scan QR code below for video) and our honorees, Mike Lackland, the Edison Firefighters and The Marisa Tufaro Foundation.

Pinwheels bring back fond memories of childhood innocence and carefree days. In a world that is often filled with stress and anxiety, the pinwheel is a reminder that there is still beauty and joy to be found. It reminds us to take a step back and enjoy the simple things in life. And that childhood is a time to be enjoyed and savored. Support of the YMCA Annual Dinner helped many children, those that might live right next door, keep that childhood innocence. That carefree feeling of youth. Funds raised through the dinner, nearly $50,000, support our Annual Support Campaign which directly provides support to underserved families through financial and program assistance, safe and affordable child care services, health and wellness programs and camp for kids. Your dedication to the YMCA helps families and children embrace life to the fullest.

We were honored to celebrate the wonderful legacy of service exemplified in our award winners and delighted to be joined by so many board members, volunteers, staff, community partners, family and friends. It was a great night and we hope it inspired you to take a moment and treasure life through the eyes of a child playing with a pinwheel.

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ScanforMalinowski AwardWinnersVideo

ANNUAL DINNER, continued


Platinum Sponsors

Hackensack Meridian JFK University Medical Center

Manasquan Bank

Gold Sponsor

Middlesex County Democratic Organization

Silver Sponsors

NJ Legislators District 19

Provident Bank


Bronze Sponsors

Alguram Law Group

IM Gallery

Middlesex Water Company Withum

Community Sponsors

GEICO of Edison

Morelife Recovery

Heian-Shao Family

Friend Sponsors

Edgcomb and Yassine Families

Verlaque Family

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The Garbolino Family - Frank, Faith, Justin, Adam and Dana Edison Firefighters Association Absolute Protective Systems, Inc. The Annurumma Family Bagel Pantry Bill's Ineffable Automotive Rehabilitation Bob and Rose Cushing Costa Verde Restaurant Saimma Venky Photography What's the Scoop Wegmans


April 12th-Edison's Zumba/Bolly instructors, Srividya and Sakshi, taught class to the students of Wardlaw Hartridge School as part of their Teen Mental Wellness Day.

April 22-Edison held our annual Holi Festival in our yard-it included 12 Food, Clothing, Gift and Snack Vendors, color play and lots of dancing (see photographs on the following page).

May 7-Edison hosted National Pilates Day with a 90 minute, informative Pilates Workshop hosted by Angela, Sandy and EJ. This was a free event for members, $5 event for non-members.

May 19-Christine (Healthy Living Director), Alexus (Program Director) and Fatimaa (Membership Coordinator) hosted a table at Edison High School's Teen Mental Health Day. The students did exercise challenges for guest passes, learned about our membership for teens, job opportunities, Leaders Club and Teen Programs at the Y (see photo at right).

May 21-Edison hosted Zumba Education Specialist, Fabio Barros, for a 90 minute Master Class, at which our own Christine and Srividya also taught. This event was discounted for members and open to the public. (see photo at top right).

May 31-Edison graduated its first LIVESTRONG at the Y group since before Covid! We had 5 participants completing the program that Angela, Sandy and Preeti have been running. It's been a beautiful experience for all involved.


The Asian Indian Chamber of Commerce (AICC) Monthly Business Breakfast is held monthly for NY/NJ local business members. On April 19th, Erin Siemers, Director of Operations, Edison YMCA and Liz Bennett, Director of Development spoke to the crowd of local business owners and members to encourage them to participate and learn more about the YMCA.

Thank you to Rekha Sarathy, Vice President of the AICC and Edison Branch Board Member to inviting the YMCA to speak and meet new friends.

-ContributedbyLizBennett,Directorof Development

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On April 22, the Edison Branch held its annual Holi Festival in their yard. The event included 12 Food, Clothing, Gift and Snack Vendors, color play and lots of dancing.


The YMCA provides a fun, affordable and mentally supportive camp experience for children during the summer. Throughout our 9 camp locations we aim to give children ages 3-13 a safe place to belong, to build confidence and to learn positive behaviors from strong role models who exemplify the core values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility.

Here are three ways you can make a difference in a child’s life:

Corporate Sponsorships:

The YMCA now offers Sponsorship opportunities for select companies, individuals and organizations looking to support our mission while also gaining exposure for themselves and their brand. Our sponsors have an opportunity to connect with over 1,000 campers, their parents and our larger Middlesex County community through three rewarding sponsorship packages. There is also an opportunity to corporations to encourage their staff to raise the funds collectively to send a kid to camp.

Monetary Donations:

Looking to help a child in need or contribute in a different way? Please support the YMCA’s Send a Kid to Camp campaign to raise $12,000 to provide 10 children who are in need of an opportunity to attend a month of camp.

You can also sponsor a child by sending a payment to www.ymcaofmewsa.org/summer. The registration fee for one week of camp is $300. Any amount helps and brings the YMCA closer to its goal. Want to rally your friends to sponsor a kid to attend camp? You can now use our peer-to-peer fundraising page to collectively raise funds from friends and families to send a kid to camp. Check it out by clicking “I want to fundraise for this” and creating a team!

Camp Supplies:

Would you like to provide supplies, in-kind item or experience or contribute in a different way? Contact Elizabeth.Bennett@ymcaofmewsa.org to discuss how we can work together to make the YMCA camp the BEST SUMMER EVER! We have a list of common items that the YMCA uses every year. Please reach out to learn more.

Check out www.ymcaofmewsa.org/summer for more information

- ContributedbyLizBennett,DirectorofDevelopment

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As part of the YMCA of MEWSA’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Committee’s efforts, our DEI statement is being posted prominently in each of our locations. Feedback is welcome.

June is an important month for the DEI Committee’ s mission, as it is Immigrant Heritage Month, Pride Month, and includes Juneteenth, a federal holiday since 2021, on June 19th.

To learn more about our DEI Committee, visit here.


The DEI Committee is looking for additional staff and community members to serve on the Committee. If you are interested in diversity, equity and inclusion work and would like to help the Y further its purpose to be welcoming to all, please reach out to Rose Cushing at rose.cushing@ymcaofmewsa.org.

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Thank you to Hackensack Meridian , Brighton Gardens, and New York Life for participating in our National Fitness Senior Day at the Metuchen Branch. It was full day of fun, health, and wellness!

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GRANTS AND DONOR RECOGNITION Provident Foundation $2,500 To support Summer Learning Loss Program (‘23-’24)

The Metuchen Branch recently received a much-need facelift to our parking lot. The project included resurfacing damaged areas, repainting designated parking spaces, and ensuring enhanced accessibility for all our members and visitors. The project was completed in just two days, minimizing disruption to our members and the surrounding neighborhood!

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Some of the wonderful recent events at our Child Care Centers have included:

• Week/Month of the Young Child

• Mother’s Day

• Provider Appreciation Day

• Cleaning up of Spring gardens & early planting

• Annual Support Campaign events

• Eid and Ramadan Celebrations


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At Centenary, we are hard at work getting our flower beds tilled and ready for planting. In June, we will host our families for a planting event. Children will work with their families to plant flowers, fruits, herbs, and vegetables in their class’s designated bed. Each class has their own themed bed, which the children will work together to maintain throughout the summer. Toddlers will be planting "Berries and Buds" including strawberries and flowers. Preschool will be planting "Creepers and Climbers" such as cucumbers, beans, pumpkins, and watermelons. Pre-K will have a "Salad Garden" made up of different types of lettuce like romaine, iceberg, arugula, and spinach, and KINDergarten will have a "Pizza Garden" with tomatoes, garlic, basil, and other herbs. The gardens will be watered, weeded, and harvested by the children during the summer and the fruits, veggies, herbs, and flowers will be available for families to take home and enjoy!

We had a blast celebrating NAEYC's Week of the Young Child in April. Children enjoyed a week of fun with Music Monday, Tasty Tuesday, Work Together Wednesday, and Artsy Thursday! The week was full of engaging, hands-on learning opportunities that encouraged inquiry and fostered a love of learning. Week of the Young Child celebrates early education, teachers and parents as a team to create successful kids.

In the beginning of May, the students in our Toddler 1 class celebrated the Coronation of Teddy the teddy bear! Children made their own crowns as well as sun tea and English muffins with cream cheese and jam to enjoy during their celebration. Their teachers Ms. Mariann, Ms. Sandra, Ms. Kia and Ms. Isabel report that a marvelous time was had by all!

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Welcome Matt DeLaRosa, the new Facilities Director at our Piscataway YMCA! Matt is striving to connect with staff, parents, and the community of Piscataway. Prior to joining the YMCA, he served for three years as Director of Facilities and Construction for Vertex Education in Chandler Arizona. In that role, Matt oversaw the strategic growth and management of Facilities and Construction for 21 campuses in three states. He began his career as an Educational Facilities Director in the state of NJ for over15 Matt graduated from Phillipsburg High School, has a degree from Penn Foster University in HVAC and his (CEFM) Certification Education Facilities Management Degree from Rutgers University. He plans to bring all of his experience to the Piscataway YMCA Family!

Mr. Leon is our Oakcrest Camp Director and has worked summer camp for 5 years. Leon enjoys working at Camp Oakcrest because he gets to do what he loves while staying active and spending his time outdoors.

Elizabeth W. Bradley, 84, of Metuchen, passed away peacefully at her home on Wednesday, May17, 2023. Elizabeth was not only the Pre-K teacher at the Edgar Child Care Center in Metuchen for 8 years, she is the mother of Catherine Haugh, Association Advancement Assistant. Please keep Elizabeth’ s family, and especially her daughter, Cathy, in your thoughts at this difficult time.

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The Togetherhood Committee is growing our core service initiatives, expanding our community partnerships and getting ready for summer volunteering. In addition to blood drives and food initiatives, which continued throughout most of the COVID shutdown and beyond, we are now in conversations to restart our English as a Second Language (ESL) program and Green initiatives. Updates on exciting opportunities for the latter efforts will be shared in the next newsletter.

Our food security initiatives include branch food drives, neighborhood street drives and food collection at the Metuchen Farmers Market. Committee members and Y staff are working closely with community partners like the First Presbyterian Church of Metuchen Food Pantry and the Farmers Market to ensure that food and related items get to those in need. To date, through the generosity of our community, we have collected and delivered 1300 food items.

Blood drives are organized with partner New Jersey Blood Services/New York Blood Center. At the Metuchen branch April drive, we collected 53 units of blood (higher than the expected 40 units), had 65 donors present, and nine volunteers who contributed 17.5 hours of their time. Given the success of our core initiatives, we are planning on documenting these good practices and sharing “how to” tips with community members who would like to lead similar efforts in MEWSA branches. The commitment to making a difference runs strong!

New Jersey Blood Services reports that our YMCA/Together blood drives consistently meet and exceed their goals. Please help us keep this tremendous effort going. Upcoming Blood Drives for 2023 are scheduled on the following dates:

• Sunday, 6/25/23 9:00 AM –1:30 PM

• Sunday, 8/27/23 9:00 AM –1:30 PM

• Sunday, 10/22/23 9:00 AM –1:30 PM

Tuesday, 12/26/23 2:00 PM –6:30 PM

If you wish to sign up to donate blood, please visit www.nybc.org/njdrive and enter sponsor code 15750. Enter the date range you wish to return to see results.

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Thank you to Dr. Sharan and Anakaren Lopez from Ivy Rehab Physical Therapy for presenting a discussion on Corrective Posture to our Edison Branch members. With people spending lots of time sitting and on devices, the exercises and techniques were much needed!

Five Days of Action, a week-long social media awareness campaign to raise awareness and inspire adults to take action to protect children from sexual abuse, is a joint initiative between Y-USA and the Darkness to Light Foundation. During the Five Days of Action, the Y engaged in critical steps of prevention Know, See, Respond that will help adults better protect children. For more information about preventing child sexual abuse, visit www.fivedaysofaction.org

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Linda Crownover, long-time member at the Metuchen Branch Y, recently donated her painting “Jayden? Hmm! YouYou!" to the Metuchen Y! Rose Cushing, YMCA President & CEO, visited the Edison Branch to read to a classroom for Week of the Young Child Day. Child Care Directors enjoying the Annual Dinner on May 17 at the Pines Manor.

On May 8th the Piscataway Community Center expanded its Child Watch program to our members Monday - Saturday mornings from 9am-12pm and Monday through Thursday 5:008:00pm.

-ContributedbyMeghanDoriety, MembershipExperienceAssociate Director

What an amazing Healthy Kids' Day we had on April 29th! The YPCC hosted local vendors who brought fun activities and giveaways for the kids. Some featured activities include interactive booths, selfie station, obstacle course, safety around water and open family swim. Thank you to the staff and volunteers who helped to make the day successful. Most of all thank you to all the families who joined us for a couple hours of family fun. We can't wait to do it again next year!



All Board newsletters can be found on the YMCA website at http://www.ymcaofmewsa.org/about-us/assocation-

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Join us at the Somerset Patriots Ballpark for a YMCA Outing!

Somerset Patriots, the New York Yankees Double-A Affiliate, will take on the Bowie Baysocks of the Baltimore Orioles. Price includes a ticket to the YMCA Picnic Area to watch the game, an all-youcan-eat BBQ and fireworks after the game.

Bring your family, invite others and come share a night at the ballpark with neighbors, friends and family. All are invited (you do not have to be a YMCA Member to join in the fun).

Click HERE for tickets or contact Liz Bennett, Director of Development at 732-516-2087.

Friday, July 28, 2023 7:05 P.M. Game Time

Somerset Patriots Ballpark, Bridgewater, NJ


Metuchen Branch Board Member Kathy Liss shared these two photographs from Members and Donors Dan and Lisa Spiegel, who recently toured Israel. While in Jerusalem, they stayed at the King David Hotel which is across the street from the hotel is the Jerusalem International YMCA.

Designed by the American architect Arthur Loomis Harmon of Shreve, Lamb and Harmon, who also designed the Empire State Building, it was dedicated in 1933 with the words “Here is a place whose atmosphere is peace, where political and religious jealousies can be forgotten and international unity be fostered and developed.”

Dan is shown here in front of the main façade, and at right is the commemorative plaque.

Rose Cushing, President & CEO, thanks them for sharing these images and always thinking about the Y, noting that the plaque captures the essence of what we hope to be in our communities.

I love the fact that the YMCA has a presence in Jerusalem!

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We are pleased to announce a new way to show your Y pride… our new online apparel store! Shown here are just some of the items available. Sale will run from now until July 17th so get in your orders soon. Items are shipped directly to your home and make a great gift.

Visit the website at www.ymcaofmewsa.org/shop.

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We are always collecting for the Metuchen Food Pantry, We accept non-perishables, monetary donations, and store gift cards. You can drop off donations at the Metuchen YMCA in our drop box located next to the front desk. Thank you for your generosity!

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EVENTS OCT Metuchen Golf & Country Club GOLF CLASSIC 28 JULY Somerset Patriots FAMILY BASEBALL NIGHT 26 JUNE All Locations Weekdays Open Starting June 19 OAKCREST POOL OPEN JULY Piscataway Branch BLOOD DRIVE 25 June and 27 AUG BLOOD DRIVES
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2023 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 2 5 6 7 5:30pm-Board Governance 8 9 12 13 5pm-Financial Development Committee 14 15 16 8am-IT Committee 19 20 21 6pm-Finance Committee 22 23 26 27 28 6pm-Board of Directors (5:30pm Fellowship) 29 30
2023 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 3 4 5 6 7 9am-Property Committee 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 6:30pm-South Amboy Branch 19 8am-Metuchen Branch 20 5:30pm-Edison Branch 21 24 25 26 27 28 31

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