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Reconciliation Action Plan
Last financial year, the Y NSW took the first step in its commitment to practical action towards reconciliation through the development of a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). In 2023, our Reflect RAP was endorsed by Reconciliation Australia.
Our Reflect RAP clarifies and communicates our vision, commitment, and governance with regard to reconciliation action.
It acknowledges with honesty and humility what we do not know and pledges to understand and celebrate the rich cultures of our First Nations peoples. A summary of our RAP commitments is as follows:
1. Establish and strengthen mutually beneficial relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders and organisations.
2. Build relationships by celebrating National Reconciliation Week.
3. Promote reconciliation through our sphere of influence.
4. Promote positive race relations through antidiscrimination strategies.
5. Increase understanding, value and recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, histories, knowledge and rights through cultural learning.
6. Demonstrate respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples by observing cultural protocols.
7. Build respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and histories by celebrating NAIDOC Week.
8. Improve employment outcomes by increasing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander recruitment, retention and professional development.
9. Increase Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander supplier diversity to support improved economic and social outcomes.
10. Establish and maintain an effective RAP Working Group to drive governance of the RAP.
11. Provide appropriate support and effective implementation of RAP commitments.
12. Build accountability and transparency through reporting RAP achievements, challenges and learnings internally and externally.
13. Continue our reconciliation journey by developing our next RAP.
Throughout the year there were several highlights that demonstrate the Y’s dedication to delivering on these commitments. Our People and Culture team provided the first module of the Inclusion Matters SBS Inclusion Program training to staff. This training was designed to assist in understanding the importance and advantages of Indigenous cultural diversity. Our Youth and Community team offered scholarships to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people as part of the Youth Parliament Program 2023. And in Children’s Services, we engaged in yarning circles and conducted meaningful discussions about First Nations history and culture.
The commitments laid out in the RAP will continue to guide our teams in the next steps of our reconciliation journey, particularly in regard to strengthening our relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders and organisations, and promoting reconciliation.
The Y NSW engaged talented young artist Cooper Thompson, a Wiradjuri artist, to create artwork for our RAP. Youth and youth voice are powerful messages in the artwork and the overall theme is one of celebration of community.