THE NEW FACE OF CAMP 2010–2019 PEOPLE During the summer of 2012, Executive Manager (Camp Director) Mark Thompson exchanged his flip flops for dress shoes as the new Executive Director for the Rancho Family YMCA, a community branch of the YMCA of San Diego County. Mark was the longest serving camp director during the first 50 years of YMCA Camp Surf. Zayanne Thompson served as the interim director, and after a competitive process was hired as the new Executive Manager. Her passion for the mission, knowledge of program and operations, and strong community relationships were a great fit to support YMCA Camp Surf. Tom Madeyski continued to oversee all 3 overnight camps and was promoted to District Executive, with the additional role of supporting day camp programs for the entire San Diego YMCA. From 2013 to 2015, Keith Fargo, the son of Captain Bill Fargo, served as Chair of the Overnight Camp Board of Managers. A number of staff changes at YMCA Camp Surf significantly impacted the achievements to come. Zayanne changed the staffing structure and for the first time YMCA Camp Surf had three program directors for Summer Camp, Outdoor Education, and Castaways. Joseph Breedlove returned as the Food Service Director and Clayton Jones returned as the Castaway Director to round out a strong team. In 2017 a major change in the office occurred. Esther McKee was first hired by Dick Mason in 1994 as a part-time receptionist. After multiple promotions over 23 years, Esther retired as the Director of Administration. Esther’s heart for camp, passion for diversity, strong community service, and “management” of 4 different camp directors is a testament to her character and patience.
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