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More Than A Snapshot: SCARLET & EMMITT



What you are about to read are snapshots of various points in our lives in foster care. You will see how much changes for us, how people view us, and what many people are missing about how our lives are unfolding.

Our names are Scarlet and Emmitt and these are pieces of our stories.

*While sentiments/words from youth are accurate, the details of stories have been changed to maintain client confidentiality.



NAME: Brooklynn

IDENTIFIES AS: Female, Biracial

PLACEMENT STATUS: On 2nd placement, living in foster home with brother.

# OF SCHOOL CHANGES: Not in school.

I FEEL CONNECTED TO: Mom, brother, next door neighbor who babysits.

WHAT I'VE HEARD PEOPLE SAY ABOUT ME: I'm still learning English, so I don't always know what people are saying about me.

WHAT MOST PEOPLE DON'T KNOW: I'm anxious and I don't know what happened to mom.

A DAY IN MY LIFE: Every day I watch the door to see if my mom is coming back.



NAME: Emmitt

IDENTIFIES AS: Male, Biracial

PLACEMENT STATUS: On 2nd placement, living in foster home with sister.


I FEEL CONNECTED TO: Mom, sister, uncle, cousins, school friends.

WHAT I'VE HEARD PEOPLE SAY ABOUT ME: I'm smart. I can't keep still. I don't listen. I have ADHD.

WHAT MOST PEOPLE DON’T KNOW: I feel like it’s my job to take care of my sister until my mom comes back. I’m nervous that I will never get to see my mom again. I am scared. I am confused.

A DAY IN MY LIFE: Before I go to bed, I tell my sister that we will be ok and mom is coming back for us.


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