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Fitness Instructor Training (FIT) Program Certification
Prerequisites: Minimum 16 years of age
TakethefirststeptobecomingaYMCAfitnessleaderORifyouhavepreviouslyhavebeenafitnessinstructor andyouhavebeenthinkingof gettingrecertified.
ParticipantsmustcompletetheirBasicFitnessTheoryCoursebyMarch31sttoregisterfortheAquaFitnessInstructorModule.Participantsmustreceiveaminimumof85%onthefinal examtoreceivetheircertificate.
Once you have completed your BASIC THEORY - NOW CHOOSE ONE (or more) areas to focus on!
STEP 2: Choosing your fitness stream: (In-person)
Prerequisites: Basic Fitness Theory Course, recommended 50 hours of attendance in stream of your choosing, and CPR-A (Standard First Aid and CPR-C recommended)
Aqua Fitness Instructor
Cardio and Strength Instructor
Cycle Instructor
Functional Training for Older Adults Instructor
Personal Trainer
Level 1:
Level 1 provides participants with choreographed programming to follow and learn from. The level 1 certification will allow instructor to teach the provided choreographed programming at the YMCA of Saskatoon for up to 6 months. Level 1 certifications do not grant participants the ability to teach at non-YMCA locations. If participants would like to design their own classes, they will need to continue on and obtain their Aquafit Instructor Level 2 certification.
In-person Date: April 2 and 9, 2023; 10:00-4:30pm
Registration runs from: March 13 – March 31, 2023; Online Registration Only
Level 2:
This level advances the instructor’s ability to develop choreography, class design, and further enhance their ability to provide feedback and movement modifications to their participants. The level 2 certification allows the instructor to design and teach their own classes within YMCA and non-YMCA facilities.
The YMCA Cardio & Strength Instructor Course is designed to certify instructors to deliver YMCA group fitness classes that fall into the category of cardio (e.g., choreography, step, boxfit, etc.) or strength (e.g., bars and plates, kettle bells, musclefit, etc.) and how to lead safe, effective and dynamic classes!
In-Person Date: June 3-4 and 10-11, 2023; 9:00-5:30pm
Registration begin: March 13 – May 31. 2023; Online Registration Only
Special Offers:
*Kinesiology Students* pay member price for certification
*Volunteer Offer* volunteer as a YMCA Cardio & Strength Instructor for 30 hours and receive a full reimbursement of your stream certification! No refund for the basic theory course.
Contact fitness@ymcasaskatoon.org for more information.
Member Price: $320.00
Non-Member Price: $360.00
In the YMCA Cycle Instructor Course, participants will learn what it means to be a YMCA Cycle Instructor, bike set up, use of music, training zones, drills, and proper cool downs!
In-Person and Registration Dates: TBA
If interested in taking this course, please contact fitness@ymcasaskatoon.org
Member Price: $200.00
Non-Member Price: $240.00
AdditionalModuletotheCardioandStrengthInstructorCourse.Thiscoursehasamixtureofin-personandonlinemodules.ThiscoursehelpsYMCAInstructors understandhowtoworkwitholderadultparticipantsages65+.

ThePersonalTrainingCertificationCourseteachesthenecessaryknowledgeandskillsneededtoassessparticipantsandcreatesafe,effectiveandappropriate programs.Participantsinthiscoursewilllearntheprinciplesandcorrectapplicationofstrengthandcardiovascularconditioning,awidevarietyofspecificexercises andfundamentalassessmentskills,thefundamentalsofcoachingandbasicbusinesspracticesforfitnessprofessionals.
Though classes are labelled Low Intensity, it does not mean that you will not be working hard!
Aquafit: An energetic, low impact class that uses the water's resistance to increase muscular strength while maximizing your cardiovascular system.
Forever...in motion: A low intensity class that helps older adults and those with chronic illnesses to stay physically active and independent
Y-Strength: Great full-body workout designed to help improve muscular strength.
Y-Cycle: Cardiovascular interval exercise deigned to provide you with optimal fat burning and strength training
Yoga: A physical and mental practice that focuses in relieving stress, supporting good health habits, improving balance and flexibility and relieving tension throughout the body. Pickleball: A game that combines the elements of badminton, tennis, and pingpong. Great for improving cardiovascular fitness and hand-eye coordination!

Cardio-Fit: Designed to strengthen your cardiovascular system through various high-intensity movements that increase the heart rate and allow you to work up a sweat.
Y-Fit Circuit: High-intensity, fast-paced workout that involve moving your way around different exercise stations performing each exercise to help tone your body.
Our dedicated personal trainers are here to help you achieve your fitness goal. Whether it's a one-time session to get comfortable in the gym, help your athletic pursuits, or helping you feel your absolute best!
Program Design: 2 SESSIONS Member $125.00 Non-Member $145.00
Personal Training Package: (Member Rate) Personal Training Package: (NON-Member Rate)
3 SESSIONS $58 PER SESSION = $175.00
9 SESSIONS $50 PER SESSION = $450.00
15 SESSIONS $45 PER SESSION = $675.00
3 SESSIONS $65 PER SESSION = $200.00
9 SESSIONS $60 PER SESSION = $540.00
15 SESSIONS $55 PER SESSION = $825.00
Rob Friedt: Rob specializes in functional training using kettlebells, TRX, ropes, etc. He’s here to encourage, motivate, and guide you through your health and fitness journey, whether increasing strength and muscle, improving your sport, losing weight, or just feeling and moving better. With years of experience in individual and group training, Rob is certified through the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and CanFitPro and is a YMCA-certified Group Fitness Leader.
Peggy Anderson: Peggy has been involved in sports and activities from a young age. From dance to softball to synchronized swimming, both an athlete and a coach. She began volunteering as a fitness instructor at the Y in early 2015 and taught boot camp, strength and conditioning, synergy and cycle classes. She was certified as a Spin instructor in the early months of 2019. In 2019 she was certified as a personal trainer at the Y. Peggy’s primary interest is functional fitness, and her goal is to support and encourage people of all ages to live a healthy, active lifestyle.
For more information or to set up a consultation, please contact the Fitness Department at fitness@ymcasaskatoon.org