1 minute read
"Judo" is made of two Japanese words: “je” and “do”. Ju means “gentle,” and do means “the way,” so put together, the word “Judo” literally translates to “the gentle way”. The development of character, mind, and body. Judo is fun, safe, social, active, and provides a positive learning environment. It also helps build confidence and coordination and promotes anti-bullying and self-protection.
Kinder Judo – Ages 4-6 years
Wednesdays 5:30-6:15pm Maximum 12 participants
Please note: Parents are required to be available to assist in the class
Beginner Kid’s Judo – Ages 7+
Tuesdays and Thursdays 5:00-6:00pm Maximum 12 participants
Please note: Parents are welcome to come onto the mats to assist in the class
Intermediate Kid’s Judo – Ages 7+ and must have white-yellow belt
Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:00-7:30pm Maximum 12 participants
High Performance Judo
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 6:30-8:30pm Maximum 20 participants.
Spaces are limited, all participants MUST register online Judo Saskatchewan Requires that ALL judo athletes, regardless of age, MUST pay a CLUB fee. This information is provided at the beginning of each session.
KENDO will not be taking any registration for the Spring and Summer sessions. They will re-open their registration for the Fall session in September 2023
Wado Kai Karate
FamilyandBeginnerClass Allages(7andunderarerequiredtohaveaguardianpresent)
ThisclasswillfocusontraditionalShintaniWado-KaiKaratetechniques,developingconfidence,basicself-defenceskills,body-spatialawareness,andbeginnersportstechniquesand tactics.
Thisclasswillbesplitintwo;advancedtechniquesandabeginneradultclass(ages13+)withfocusesonadvancedShintaniWado-KaiKaratetechniques,self-defence(combat), fitnesstraining,sportstactics,andintroduceShindotechniques(shortstaff).
Saskatoon Seals Underwater Hockey Club
The Saskatoon Seals Underwater Hockey (UWH) Club is a safe, non-contact sport played between two teams at the bottom of a pool. Players maneuver a weighted puck along the bottom of the pool into the opposing team’s goal using 12-inch sticks shaped like car window ice-scrapers. Players hold their breath and dive to the bottom of the pool to push, pass or steal the puck from opponents.
UWH is an exhilarating sport that gives you an incredible cardio workout and will leave you literally breathless at times! We have had players from 8 years old to 75 years old and of all shapes and sizes. We welcome all potential players of any ability or skill level, players use a mask, fins & snorkel and we teach you how to use them. Come on out & try!
Registration is recommended but not required