ADVOCATING FOR AQUATICS Around the world, Australians are well-known as a nation that loves its beaches, sports, BBQs and pools. Distressingly, one of the unforeseen outcomes of the pandemic was the increased drownings during 2020/21, the highest number in almost two decades. These statistics are a major concern for all Victorians and especially parents of young children who missed out on establishing the basic foundations of swimming and water safety. The Y is committed to supporting families and communities to get back in the pool and enjoy the beach safely as we focus on making up for the lost time. To advocate and build awareness of the importance of the aquatic and recreation industry to the health and well-being of Victorians. The Y has created a number of initiatives to support the industry during the past year.
Launched Virtual Y with information on swimming and water safety education.
Promoted Virtual Y resources with swim customers through local government partners’ e-newsletters.
YMCA Victoria | Annual Report 2020-21
Created swimming lesson activity books to engage with our young patrons so they can keep learning and boost knowledge of dangerous water situations.
Posted social media campaigns on swimming safety and swim instructor shortage on YMCA Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
YMCA Victoria and Kingswim joined the newly-formed Victorian Aquatic Industry Alliance (VAIA), which was established in May 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to advocate for a clearer path to recovery for the aquatics industry.
We miss teaching children to swim and look forward to seeing Victorians safely back in the pool and on the beach this summer.