Elements of the policy framework
News from SAfAIDS “I CAN…” World AIDS Day Poster series
New SAfAIDS Publications A Handbook for Integrating Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights into HIV Programmes
This handbook uses participatory learning techniques to increase knowledge about sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and how these relate to HIV, drawing on the richness of experience that is present in a room full of people who have been working around HIV issues in communities. Although there is often an understanding of the importance of rights among people working in community-based organizations (CBOs), there may be a lack of knowledge regarding the specific links between rights and HIV. This handbook aims to increase knowledge in this area. The training uses a series of practical activities that guide participants through the process of completing a SRHR tool to give feasible ways of integrating SRHR into programmes. This tool is something participants will be able to take away with them and can be used to begin integrating SRHR into programmes.
WHERE TO GET HELP Many organizations in southern Africa are using rightsbased approaches that engage non-state actors in GBV prevention: Sisters for Life, Image Project, South Africa http://web.wits.ac.za/Academic/Health/PublicHealth /Radar/SocialInterventions/InterventionwithMicrofin anceforAIDSGenderEquity.html One Man Can Campaign, Sonke Gender Justice network - South Africa http://www.genderjustice.org.za/projects/onemancan-campaign.html Mobilizing Communities to Prevent Domestic Violence, Kivulini Women’s Rights Organization, Tanzania http://www.kivulini.org/prod0321.html Good Hope Foundation, Uganda http://www.preventgbvafrica.org/member/goodhopefoundation-rural-development
The SHARE Project, Uganda http://www.preventgbvafrica.org/member/rakaiheal th-sciences-program-%E2%80%93-safe-homesandrespect-everyone-share Men as Partners, Engender Health - Kenya www.engenderhealth.org/our.../men-as-partners.php SASA! Preventing Violence Against Women and HIV, Raising Voices and CEDOVIP, Uganda http://www.raisingvoices.org/sasa/index.php Gezaho: Prevention of Sexual Violence and Promotion of Community Support for Survivors of Sexual Violence, care,” Burundi http://www.care.org/careswork/projects/BDI061.asp Break the Cycle, KwaZulu Natal Network and AIDS Legal Network www.aln.org.za
“Since we all came from a women, got our name from a women, and our game from a women. I wonder why we take from women, why we rape our women, do we hate our women? I think its time we killed for our women, be real to our women, try to heal our women, cus if we don’t we'll have a race of babies that will hate the ladies, who make the babies. And since a man can't make one he has no right to tell a women when and where to create one”. Tupac Shakur, American rap Artist (1971-1996)