Lynchburg College’s
Year of Alliances and Diversity
The WORD on the street (courtesy of Lynchburg College’s Critograph)
“The Year of Alliances and Diversity to me is a year of acceptance. We’re going to be doing a lot of cultural diversity training and it’s gonna be exciting. And it’s a year of growth and development here on campus.” -Autumn Scott, Sophomore “Alliances and Diversity means to me people from different cultures and backgrounds coming together and working towards a common goal.” -Andrew Smith, Freshman “The Year of Alliances and Diversity means to me that I should learn to accept people for who they are and not judge a book by its cover.” -Jamie Hoover, Sophomore “To me Alliances and Diversity, actually they do go together’s a way of promoting open-mindedness and actually coming together as one unity and just casting aside all the different attitudes, the separateness that one may’s just a way of bringing people together.” -Edgar Wharton, Sophomore