3 minute read
The Library at the Center of Its Community
Shanna Hollich | Library Director, Guthrie Memorial Library
“People from Hanover love Hanover. They have a deep love and appreciation for this community,” shares Shanna Hollich, Library Director of Guthrie Memorial Library
The vibrancy of Downtown Hanover includes the love of Guthrie Memorial Library, who has welcomed Hanoverians of all ages since opening its doors in 1911.

- Shanna Hollich | Library Director Guthrie Memorial Library
Leading the library for a little more than a year now, Shanna has been instrumental in continuing to develop the library’s expanded service and modern approach. In addition to print materials, patrons can access the internet, participate in book clubs, and attend seminars on local history. From computer and financial literacy to job and career information, Guthrie Memorial Library is a true community center, ready and willing to help anyone who walks through the door.

The library’s role as a community center extends to trailusers. Its proximity to the trailhead, many amenities, and role as place for visitors to collect information made the library a perfect addition to the Trail Friendly Business Program. Trail-users can even check out bike locks while at the library.

When asked about why she chose a career in librarianship, Shanna focused on the service that those in the profession provide to the community. She recounted a story of a recent patron whom she and library volunteers had been helping here and there for a while. In talking, they realized that they had helped this patron through the process of finding a job.
“The work helps real people, sometimes it’s a little thing … but the resources we provide help people live their best lives.”

• Story Time
• Chess Club
• Youth Pokémon Club
• Comics Club for Kids
• Informational Sessions
• English Classes
• Parent Child Workshops
• Knitting & Crocheting Club
• Creative Writing Group
• Cookbook Club
• Trivia Night
• And much more!
2 Library Place, Hanover, PA 17331 | yorklibraries.org/hanover-guthrie/ | 717.632.5183
For more information, visit YorkCountyTrailTowns.com