Overcoming Workforce Challenges | Summer 2024

Page 16

• Community Progress Council • Commute PA • Every Child Has Opportunities • Leadership York • OLLI at Penn State York • Rabbittransit • United Way of York County • WHYYORKPA.COM • York Literacy Institute OVERCOMING Workforce The Barriers Facing Workers, and How YoCo Aims to Solve Them


Commute PA team member enrolling a commuter, connecting them with transportation to their place of employment.

Marlena Schugt | BLOOM Program Manager


Q&A with Katie Caples, Director of ECHO


How United Way of York County and Community Progress Council Support Community Members in Finding Stability in all Facets of Life


How Commute PA and Rabbittransit are Bridging the Gap Between Employers and Their Workforce

Discover WhyYorkPA.com, Your Resource for Talent Attraction and Retention


Tips from the Pros: Leading and Learning at All Ages!

The State of Housing in York County

COUNTY TRAIL TOWNS 7 Great Outdoor Events in the Trail Towns
OVERCOMING Workforce The Barriers Facing Workers, and How YoCo Aims to Solve Them

View the digital version of YoCo Connect online at Issuu.com/YoCoConnect

The opinions expressed in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual.

All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced electronically or in print without the express written permission of the publisher.

Copyright © 2024 York County Economic Alliance. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the specific written permission of the York County Economic Alliance.


View the digital version of Downtown York magazine at Issuu.com/DowntownYorkPA.

Casey Nixon | cnixon@yceapa.org

144 Roosevelt Ave., Suite 100 York, PA 17401
P: 717.848.4000 YCEApa.org @YCEAPA



is your role with the BLOOM

Business Empowerment Center?

As the Program Manager at the BLOOM Business Empowerment Center under the YCEA, a lot of my work includes coordinating our educational programs such as classes and bootcamps, administering our micro-grant programs, and meeting with small business owners and entrepreneurs to connect them to resources they may need.


What do you love best about the work you do?

I love that every day is different and that I’m connecting with such a wide variety of people on a daily basis. It’s so rewarding when the people we work with succeed! Whether it’s entrepreneurs, job seekers, or YCEA interns, there is no better feeling knowing we played some part in helping them reach their goals of getting to the next step in the business or securing that job or next internship opportunity.


What brought you to York County? What about it has kept you here?

I was born just outside of Pittsburgh, but my family moved to South Carolina and then to York when I was 6 for my dad’s job in manufacturing. As I grew up here and traveled to more cities and states, I realized how much I always liked coming back to York. It has so many great places to shop and eat, but what has really kept me here is how much the community is able to collaborate to work towards solving issues and meeting the needs of York’s current and future residents. I saw that what we had here is different from other areas because our community has the knowledge, passion, and resiliency to make real change happen.


How do you enjoy your downtime in the area?

I love finding somewhere to get a drink or bite to eat outside. Collusion Tap Works has my favorite outdoor seating space with views of Royal Square’s Mural Park to go along with the top-notch beer and food.


A favorite non-office place to host meetings?

Gather 256 in the WeCo district of downtown or SK Collab Space out towards East York! They’re two very different environments, Gather 256 is very a relaxing space with chill vibes, while Kashonna’s energy and the vibes at SK Collab always inspire leads to a productive work day.


What is a must-do activity for someone visiting the area?

My 94-year-old grandma visited York for the first-time last year and loved it! As we walked around the downtown, I told her about each shop or restaurant, as well as the architecture and history of the buildings, which was information I got from previous tours. I would say visiting the York County History Center is a must for tours focused on history, architecture, murals, and even ghost stories.

Connect with Marlena at mschugt@yceapa.org 05 • YoCo CONNECT | SUMMER 2024 • Get to Know: Marlena

ECHO: Transforming Education Through Innovation and Collaboration

Q: How and why was Every Child Has Opportunities created?

Every Child Has Opportunities (ECHO), was launched in 2024 in direct response to the crisis in early childhood education we face as a community, a Commonwealth, and a Nation. With over $3M committed annually, ECHO provides a blueprint for addressing the issues that limit opportunities for children, families, and early childhood educators and business owners.

To get a deeper dive into the creation of ECHO and the goals for addressing barriers faced, we spoke with ECHO Director, Katie Caples Q&A with Katie Caples, Director of ECHO

Pre-pandemic, York County had 221 early childhood education providers. In three years, that number dropped to 170. Those who survived the pandemic are operating on average at 85% of typical enrollment due to teacher and workforce shortages. Early childhood education program waitlists average 50-75 children, and many have stopped adding to their lists. Every Child Has Opportunities (ECHO) was created to address our local early childhood education crisis.

In late 2022, a group of community stakeholders, convened by the J. William Warehime and Powder Mill Foundations, was led by Community Connections for Children and York County Economic Alliance to create an action plan.

Funding partners stepped forward to assist in forming the program, including WellSpan Health, J. William Warehime Foundation, Powder Mill Foundation, United Way of York County, The Kinsley Foundation, and York County Community Foundation

Q: What is being done to help address the workforce issue?

ECHO has raised over $3.4 million in annual, multi-year funding, to create a spectrum of new programs to address access to quality affordable childcare, to retain and train more early educators, to expand the capacity of existing centers, establish new childcare centers, and work with employers to support their workforce to access childcare and reduce absenteeism.

In addition to convening three ongoing task force conversations, ECHO has launched two new grant programs for early childhood educators. We’ve also partnered with Community Progress Council, York County’s community action agency, to expand their Teacher Aid Program, which is an effort to attract new professionals to the field. In early Spring of 2024, ECHO promoted the early childhood education pathway to thousands of high school students across the region through Junior Achievement’s virtual career expo. We continue to have ECHO as a featured topic for community events such as the YCEA’s Women’s Business Center Organization (WBCO) Luncheon, Economics Club, and a Forum


85% - On average, early childhood education programs in York County are operating at 85% of their pre-pandemic enrollment due to staffing shortages.

50+ - Early childhood education programs average waitlists of 50-75 children, and many have stopped adding names to their lists.

15+ - Home-based providers in York County report wait lists of 15-20 children, and many have stopped adding names to their lists.

57% - In Pennsylvania, 57% of all residents live in a childcare desert, a census tract with either no childcare providers or so few options that there are more than three times as many children as licensed childcare slots.

07 • YoCo CONNECT | SUMMER 2024 • ECHO: Transforming Education Through Innovation & Collaboration

Q: How does the lack of quality early childhood education affect the workforce?

Pennsylvania suffers a $3.47 billion impact due to childcare issues in lost tax revenue and employer costs, and the most significant reasons they lost employees was due to chil issues. Employers are impacted as parents try to navigate a bro early childhood education landscape, with in a childcare desert – an area where there are more than three many children as licensed childcare slots.

In a recent YCEA survey, 74% of respondents reported difficulties in accessing childcare impacted their employment. In that same sur 44% indicated that they adjusted their work schedule, working from home, 8% quit their job, and their employment.

Q: What can the business community do to help support this endeavor?

We invite the business community into the conversation, to addr immediate, crisis issues while developing solutions to long-ter issues. I’d also suggest considering attending an upcoming even joining a task force conversation, partnering with a local earl care and education provider, or funding crucial as we continue to positively impact and directly benefit families across York County.

On January 9, 2024, Governor Josh Shapiro joined Rep. Carol Hill-Evans, the York County Economic Alliance, and Kim Bracey, CEO of YWCA York, to highlight the recent expansion of the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit for over 210,000 Pennsylvania families. The bipartisan legislation, signed into law in December, expands the existing tax credit to match 100 percent of the federal credit, helping families offset the burden of rising costs.

“Affordable childcare is the number one reason for absenteeism in the workplace. ECHO is the first step in expanding access to quality, affordable childcare.”

~Kim Bracey, CEO, YWCA York

PAGE 6: Ec Club Group: Katie Caples, far right, with presenters at an Economics Club event, “Innovation and Impact in Early Childhood Education”, held at Keystone Kidspace.

PAGE 7: Katie Caples speaking with attendees of the “An Impact with an ECHO: An Early Childhood Education Forum”, held on April 24 at Keystone Kidspace, to provide networking and resources with early childhood educators, business owners, directors, and community partners.

For more information and resources for providers, businesses, and families, visit echoyork.org

What is ‘ALICE’?

How Local Organizations Support Community Members in Finding Stability in All Facets of Life

Dedicated to Quality of Life in York County are hundreds of non-profits driving forward substantiable change. Regardless of specified focus area, the intended audience and goal are the same – support the ALICE population.

ALICE is an acronym for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed – households that are living paycheck to paycheck, or are one emergency away from a financial crisis. With the rising cost of inflation, these households are working sometimes two or three jobs yet still struggling to keep up. In York County, over 450,000 individuals, or 29% of households, fall into this description, compared to the state average of 27%, meaning 1 in 3 households are ALICE



Community Progress Council

No single program can build lasting economic stability. That’s where Community Progress Council steps in. Progress toward economic self-sufficiency requires comprehensive, integrated services.

By focusing on long-term relationships and a coaching model, Community Progress Council empowers people to think beyond an immediate crisis. With their coach as a partner, families build the skills and access resources to build their future story: accessing child care, achieving a driver’s license, a better-paying job, a working budget, nutrition support, continued education, pursuing homeownership and more.

Coaches walk alongside families as they navigate the web of public, private, and non-profit resources. They also help them anticipate barriers, plan for challenges, and weather the unexpected.

“As the largest provider of services in York County to low-income families with children under 5, Community Progress Council has the opportunity to interrupt generational poverty,” says Robin Rohrbaugh, President and CEO of Community Progress Council. “Helping families problem-solve differently and build skills to move toward self-sufficiency means their children have a different experience growing up. They benefit from a whole-family approach, and so does

United Way

With a bold goal to assist 8,000 working households to achieve financial stability 2033, United Way of York County is honing their focus on two areas which have emerged as the greatest barriers to keeping working households from financial stability: Childcare and Transportation

CHILDCARE: United Way of York County, along with the YCEA, is an active partner in the creation of ECHO – Every Child Has Opportunities – led by Community Connections for Children – to serve as a catalyst for innovation and a blueprint for addressing the issues that limit opportunities for children, families and educators. [read more on page 6]

TRANSPORTATION: United Way is the convener of dialogue to form a united plan across the community [read more on page 12]

“We can create new, transformational solutions on a broader scale by stepping into these community gaps and pulling together powerful partnerships to measure the collective impact,” says Brian Grimm, President and CEO of United Way of York County

ALICE data is released every two years. The United Way anticipates new data in Summer 2024.

Get Connected

COMMUNITY PROGRESS COUNCIL connects people with resources and support to address your current needs and plan for the future. Navigators are the first person to connect with someone seeking help, then coaches meet you where you are, and connect you to applicable resources. yorkcpc.org I 717-846-4600

UNITED WAY OF YORK COUNTY works in the community to improve people’s lives. unitedway-york.org I 717-843-0957

Transportation Partnerships Connecting Workforce with Jobs

Bridging the Gap Between Employers and Their Workforce

The inability to find reliable, consistent transportation options to and from work is a burden to many seeking employment. A 2018 study by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia shows that the five largest employment centers are accessible by less than 10 percent of working-age residents of York County who rely on public transportation to get to work.

YCEA talked to two transportation partners, Rabbittransit and Commute PA, to find out what is being done to bridge this gap between the workforce and employers.


How does your organization play a role in increasing access to employment opportunities

within York County?

Rabbittransit: We play a pivotal role in enhancing access to employment opportunities within York County through a multifaceted approach. Firstly, the integrated public transit connections spanning the county ensure that a majority of the top 50 employers are seamlessly linked within the network, facilitating efficient commuting for the workforce. For those without car ownership, public transit provides a reliable alternative, reducing transportation costs significantly compared to car ownership while also alleviating congestion on roadways, thereby potentially leading to faster and more reliable commutes for everyone.

12 • YoCo CONNECT | SUMMER 2024 • Transportation Partnerships Connecting Workforce with Jobs

Q: Are there any partnerships or collaborations with local businesses, local governments, or other stakeholders to enhance employment access?

Rabbittransit: Partnerships and collaborations with local businesses and organizations play a crucial role in enhancing employment access through public transit in York County. Route 33 service has established definitive partnerships with major companies like FedEx, Amazon, and ES3, ensuring guaranteed transit routes that cater to the needs of their employees. Rabbittransit also collaborates extensively with local government by actively participating in key planning initiatives like the Coordinated Human Services Plan, Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), and Freight Advisory Committee, among others.

Commute PA: We work with Commute with Enterprise to assist in the formation of vanpools at employer locations to help aid in recruitment and retention. Based on the needs of the employer, Commute PA will work directly with vanpool providers or shuttle companies to help tailor a program that would align with the employer's needs.

Q: What programs or initiatives has your organization implemented to address transportation barriers and improve employment access, particularly for underserved or marginalized populations?

Rabbittransit: We have implemented a range of initiatives and strategies to enhance access to employment for underserved or marginalized communities. Firstly, through the Veterans Transportation Program, veterans receive free or reduced fares, easing their transition into the workforce. Recently, rabbittransit increased the frequency of its Route 1, enhancing connectivity between underserved communities and employment hubs during peak commuting hours, thereby reducing travel time by 50%

Commute PA: We have worked alongside organizations such as staffing agencies, reentry programs, PA Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, PA CareerLink, Affordable Housing Advocates, and the United Way to provide resources to a wide spectrum of the community with specific transportation obstacles.

To learn more about rabbittransit, visit rabbittransit.org

To learn more about Commute PA, visit commutepa.org

To read more of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia’s report on Accessing Economic Opportunity: York County, PA, scan the QR Code.

13 • YoCo CONNECT | SUMMER 2024 • Transportation Partnerships Connecting Workforce with Jobs

Why York? We’ll

candidates for your job openings? Searching to connect with oth businesses for collaboration? Do you want to create a workplace is welcoming and inclusive?

The YCEA created WhyYorkPA.com to attract, and retain, residents to York and for all companies to use to enhance their workforc development. Launched in August of 2023, this website provides resources for companies recruiting talent to York County and York City.


Living in York County: neighborhoods and regions around the County, as well as the amenities in each, plus the cost of living, home sales, and education.

Working in York County: tying into YoCoPathways.com, these resources include professional services, job opportunities in all industries, entrepreneurship, and networking.

Playing in York County: Events, art, shopping, recreation, & more.

“This website tells our story,” shares Kevin Schreiber, President and CEO of the YCEA “We are an engaged community where people in all career paths are inspired and encouraged to explore their creativity, resulting in an enriched quality of life for all. We often hear from employers across all industries they need a tool to help recruit, and retain, the best talent possible, and this is to aid that.”

The site also includes the stories of those who chose to call York home, led by the creative talents of Our York Media. The site was developed with input and support from leading companies and agencies in the York County area including Harley- Davidson York Vehicle Motor Operations, WellSpan Health, York Water Company, Leadership York, Explore York, Central PA IEC, SCPa Works, rabbittransit, and more.

“This site includes input from several partners including those in commercial and residential real estate, small business owners, and the HR departments of major employers in York. It’s meant to be ever-developing, and those who have information to share are encouraged to do so,” added Schreiber.

14 • YoCo CONNECT | SUMMER 2024 • Why York? We’ll Tell You Why!
Tell You Why! Discover WhyYorkPA.com, your resource for talent attraction and retention

Benefits of YoCo:

LOCATION: With three airports within driving distance, and train accessibility in neighboring communities, York County makes it easy for day trips and overnight travel for business and leisure.

VIBRANT DOWNTOWN: A vibrant City yields a vibrant County. Both York City and Downtown Hanover, two major County metros, have experienced significant brick-and-mortar redevelopment projects, as well as robust small businesses and merchants promoting tourism and services for all who visit and call York home.

CULTURAL & ARTS DIVERSITY: York offers live music, Welcoming Community events, a wide array of diverse food and small business offerings, public art and murals, history and art galleries, and something for everyone to enjoy in the City and the County.

OUTDOOR ASSETS: With 11 York County Parks, the Heritage Rail Trail, Susquehanna River, and Codorus Greenway, York County is proud to be an ideal spot for hiking, biking, running, boating, and more for families and individuals.

To learn more, visit whyyorkpa.com


Leading & Learning at All Ages!

Do you know the saying “Knowledge is Power”? Well in York County, that is acted upon daily thanks to the County’s 10-year Economic Action Plan and the Pathways to Prosperity Workforce Collaborative. York County is actively engaging with resources and best practices to promote learning, skill-building, and networking opportunities, with an inclusive mindset.

Are you looking for ways to expand your learning and connections in your community?

Penn State York’s OLLI program, York Literacy Institute, and Leadership York are just some of the programs in our community that are providing opportunities for learners at various stages of their lives.

“The world in which we live is constantly changing. And even if you are an experienced board member or community leader, there is always something new to learn or something that will resonate with you in a different way because of where you currently are in life.”

16 • YoCo CONNECT | SUMMER 2024 • Tips from the Pros

EXPAND YOUR LEARNING & Community Connections

Leadership York | leadershipyork.org

Leadership York’s mission is to train, connect, and inspire individuals to serve the York community in leadership positions. They have eight programs focused on training, connecting, and inspiring leadership within our community from the high school level through the Future Leaders of York program, connecting adults to the community and each other through the Leadership Training Program and Executive Connections, and helping leaders advance their skills through Mentorship York

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Penn State York | olli.psu.edu/york/

The mission of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Penn State York is to provide educational, social, travel, and volunteer experiences for mature adults to enhance and enrich their lives. OLLI offers over 250 courses a year and many local tours for its members.

York Literacy Institute yorkliteracy.org

York Literacy Institute (YLI) was founded in 1976 by dedicated volunteers who believed in providing education to those lacking literacy skills. YLI provides in-person and HyFlex classes, one-to-one tutoring, presentations and workshops, and a digital language lab within their Adult Reading, English as a Second Language (ESL) and Next Step programs. The Next Step Program is a department to aid students in pursuing their goals of employment and education. Digital Literacy courses offer skills to successfully utilize digital devices.

Tips for Community CONNECTIONS

Reach out to your local chambers of commerce and industry associations.

Reach out to your local school counselors, libraries, and human resource contacts.

Look for community events that align with your

To learn more, visit BLOOMyork.org.


Beginning in 2023, YCEA partnered with more than two dozen housing stakeholders to better understand the nature of the housing market in our county. The resulting York County Housing Needs and Conditions Assessment revealed the dire state of the market and the dramatic shortfall in the availability of attainable housing in our county.

According to the data available from the Realtors Association of York and Adams Counties (RAYAC), the median days on the market reached an all-time low at just five days in May 2023.

As of February 2024, this statistic has risen to a more comfortable average of 20 days on the market. This demand for housing causes persistent increases in the median sale price for a home. Median sale prices in York County rose by 9% over the 12 months from February 2023 to February 2024, climbing above $261,000

REALTORS® Association of York & Adams Counties February 2024 Market Update for York County

18 • YoCo CONNECT | SUMMER 2024 • The State of Housing in York County
Source: RAYAC - Statistcs Source Bright MLS | For more information, visit RAYAC.com/statistics/ Median Sold Price Year to Date % of List Price Received Number of Homes Sold Year to Date Sales Price Change Y/Y Sales # Change Y/Y February 2023: $239,900 $261,301 100% Days on Market 20 Months Supply of Inventory 1.37 months 655 Number of Pending Home Sales 565 New Listings 420 All Active Listings 612 +9% +4% Pending # Change Y/Y -11% SOLD February 2023: 498

Together these two trends of increased demand and decreased supply result in the increased prices that are driving a crisis in the housing market. Our work on this issue has led to the creation of the York County Housing Action Agenda, which includes six substantive actions that our community can take to improve access to housing in York County. The agenda includes:

Support the efforts of partner organizations to create a permanent day shelter in York City.

2. Collaborate with housing-focused partners to develop a housing stability continuum of care and tenant-landlord vetting process.

3. Invest $1,200,000 from the Whole Home Repairs Program to grow the construction workforce.

4. Support the York County Planning Commission’s efforts to implement a US HUD-funded Pro-Housing Grant, aimed at encouraging zoning and code changes to facilitate housing expansion.

5. Launch a quarterly Housing Developers Roundtable to foster public/private partnerships within and beyond the private development community.

6. Encourage discussions regarding employer-invested housing via Welcoming Workplaces.

York County is among only a handful of counties in Pennsylvania that have maintained positive population growth. Our strong local economy, coupled with a lower cost of living has attracted residents from our neighboring counties: particularly Lancaster, Adams, and Cumberland. To a lesser extent, York County is also receiving persistent in-migration from Maryland. Increased demand is only one-half of the equation. Since the Great Recession in 2008, the number of new housing units constructed has been roughly half the number constructed in the decade before the Recession. The factors that have caused this are legion and include rising land and material prices, a decline in the availability of large parcels on which to develop tract housing, restrictions due to zoning ordinances and building codes, and the ongoing need to expand the size of the construction trades workforce.

Median Household Income by Race/Ethnicity

White alone, non-Hispanic Black alone, non-Hispanic Asian alone, non-Hispanic

2 or more races, non-Hispanic Other race alone, non-Hispanic Hispanic or Latino


For more information on our efforts to date, the 2023 housing assessment and the York County Housing Action Agenda, visit YorkCountyEAP.org

Realtors Association of York and Adams Counties. (2024). February 2024 Market Update for York County. February 2024 Housing Statistics. Retrieved April 4, 2024, from https://rayac.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/February-2024-housing-snapshot.pdf

Realtors Association of York and Adams Counties. (2024). May 2023 Market Update for York County. May 2023 Housing Statistics. Retrieved April 4, 2024, from https://rayac.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/May-2023-housing-snapshot.pdf

U.S. Census Bureau. (2022). Financial Characteristics. American Community Survey, ACS 1-Year Estimates Subject Tables, Table S2503. Retrieved April 4, 2024, from https://data.census.gov/table/ACSST1Y2022.S2503?q=York County, PA 2022 ACS housing York County Economic Alliance. (2023). York County Housing Needs and Conditions Assessment. Retrieved April 4, 2024, from https://www.yorkcountyeap.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/York-Housing-Analysis-2023.pdf.

19 • YoCo CONNECT | SUMMER 2024 • The State of Housing in York County Residential Housing Permits Issued in York
Number of Housing Units 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Source: YCPC, 2024 $74,000 needed to afford median home
$0 $25,000 $50,000 $75,000 Source: 2021 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates $76,024 $72,512 $47,527 $49,305 $49,552 $42,431 $76,281 $85,332 $53,736 $62,303 $45,391 $41,254 York
County PA

7Great Outdoor Events in the Trail Towns

Across our seven York County Trail Town Communities, there are a host of great events happening this summer that are sure to be fun for the whole family. Whether you’re on the trail, in the woods, or on the water this summer, get out and enjoy York County!

Glen Rock Arts and Brew Fest, Helter Selzer, Zero ABV Festival, Glen Rocktober Fest


30 Enterprise Street, Glen Rock

June 1; September 14; September 15; October 26

These great events, hosted at Ruins Hall by Crocodile Dog Marketing, are sure to be a great time for all. With great local vendors, live music, and relaxed, you’re sure to have a good time. We guarantee it.

facebook.com/friendsofglenrockborough/ Michelob Ultra GFNY York, Pennsylvania


June 14 - 16

GFNY, based on the Italian “gran fondo” or big ride, mass cycling events will be hosting GFNY York. The on-road course begins at Mural Park in the Royal Square District and makes a large loop into Southwest -York County. Pre-registration is required to participate in the event.


20 • YoCo CONNECT | SUMMER 2024 • 7 Great Outdoor Events in the Trail Towns

Explore York: Maker’s Spirit Event

COUNTYWIDE with participating businesses & organizations

June 20 - 22

Explore York’s Maker’s Spirit is back this year with an emphasis on experiences. Behind the scenes tours, meet the maker events, and hands-on demonstrations are being organized across the County. yorkpa.org/events/makers-spirit-event/



June 29 & 30

This fantastic annual event commemorates the burning of the Wrightsville-Columbia Bridge on June 29, 1863. This event is a nexus for outdoor recreation, history, and culture. See you at the Outdoor Recreation Expo! riverfestpa.com

Snack Town Street Fair


July 13

York State Fair


334 Carlisle Avenue, York

July 19 - 28

Established in 1765, The York State Fair is the oldest fair in the United States and a local staple ever since. “America's First Fair” has grown from an agricultural market on the town square to a long-standing tradition featuring live concerts, kid-friendly rides, livestock exhibits, and more delicious fair food than you could imagine. Running for 10 days of fun, this fair truly has something for everyone! yorkstatefair.com

Smoke on the Rail BBQ Festival


1 Playground Alley, New Freedom

July 26 & 27

Organized by the Hanover Chamber of Commerce and Utz Brands, Inc., this event celebrates all things Hanover! With local vendors, great food, and live music, you’re sure to enjoy the day in Downtown Hanover.


Returning for its second year, Smoke on the Rail is back and sure to be a great time. The event features professional and amateur barbeque and cook-off competitions. In addition to the competition, there will be a variety of local vendors, food trucks, yard games, and live music. smokeontherail.com

21 • YoCo CONNECT | SUMMER 2024 • 7 Great Outdoor Events in the Trail Towns


For details, visit DowntownYorkPA.com

June 7: First Friday presented by WellSpan Health, Downtown York, 5-9 pm

July 5: First Friday presented by WellSpan Health, Downtown York, 5-9 pm

August 2: First Friday presented by WellSpan Health, Downtown York, 5-9 pm

Sept. 6: First Friday presented by WellSpan Health, Downtown York, 5-9 pm

First Fridays

Don’t miss out on the fun of First Fridays in Downtown York, presented by WellSpan Health! This monthly event is a celebration of downtown shops, restaurants, cultural venues and nightlife hot spots. From 5-9pm, downtown destinations host special events, offer refreshments and promotions, sponsor live entertainment, and much more!

Check out all of the different happenings each month at downtownyorkpa.com/first-friday

For details, visit YCEAPA.org


Friday, June 7, 11:30 am

36th Annual Golf Outing presented by UPMC

Royal Manchester Golf Links, 5700 Board Rd, Mount Wolf

Tuesday, June 11, 11:30 am-1 pm

WBCO Luncheon: Civic Engagement Highlight presented by UPMC

Heritage Hills Resort, 2700 Mt Rose Ave.


Wednesday, July 31, 7:30 - 8:30 am

Economics Club Event: Team PA Overview presented by Glatfelter Insurance Group

Wyndham Garden York, 2000 Loucks Rd


Thursday, August 8, 6:00 - 8:00 pm

Downtown First Awards presented by The Glatfelter Agency

Keystone Kidspace, 10 Hamilton Ave,

Wednesday, August 28, 7:30 - 8:30 am

Economics Club Event: A Highlight on YoCo’s Rural Economy presented by Glatfelter Insurance Group

Wyndham Garden York, 2000 Loucks Rd


Tuesday, September 10, 5:00 - 7:00 pm

WBCO Networking Event presented by McNees Wallace & Nurick

Location TBD

Wednesday, September 25, 7:30 - 8:30 am

Economics Club Event: Inclusive Hiring Practices presented by Glatfelter Insurance Group

Wyndham Garden York, 2000 Loucks Rd

144 Roosevelt Avenue York, PA 17401

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