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It’s Not My Fault/ Salom Kamagi/ Poetry

It's Not My Fault

Salomon Kamagi


The most common excuse When something goes wrong, When your life turns upside down.

Our lips quickly move to everyone's favorite answer: “It's not my fault.”

No one can see the bigger picture here That extends beyond just you and me. People’s minds run faster than any computer; Function better than any machine. But just like coding, there are deformities.

Mental illness plagues our nation. Kids shoot up schools without a thought out of frustration. Kids get neglected instead of saved. Their quietness is seen as an outrage.

No one understands things they cannot see. They expect people to be fine despite being empty. Their quietness fills a room but their mind is screaming on the inside.

They try to reach out but no words come out. They try to ask for help but they can’t speak. No words of despair; No screams of distress. They drown in silence.

Nobody hears the quiet cry of a broken man. Nobody sees the hidden signs of a hurting soul.

But these quiet cries, These hidden signs Are the loudest words to ever be spoken.

Nobody heard their agonizing screams; Nobody saw the tears streaming down their cheeks. But they played their part. You didn’t play yours.

So when they claim “it’s not my fault,” It’s not a lie, but rather the sad truth.

The fault doesn’t fall on them. Instead, it falls on you, You who didn’t hear the cry.

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