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Goodnight/ Talya Shamoelian/Poetry
from Pegasus 2022
Talya Shamoelian
Teenagers are owls We sleep during the day And start working at night I know it’s hard to believe But we weren’t born like this Owls were born to live in the night Humans sleep when it’s not so bright So when did this change? When did we all become so disarranged?
I became nocturnal When I had to write an entire journal When I had to learn about semicircles When I had a four-hour long rehearsal When I had to make my own commercial When I had to find a word that rhymes with nocturnal
It’s hard to switch your sleeping patterns; When someone relies on drugs You can’t just take away their buzz You have to take it away, one pill at a time Until it’s all gone And that’s what I did I took away my sleep I removed the one thing that kept me alive Just so I could pass my AP with a five
Now the sun has come out
And everyone has just awakened But I’m still here just trying to finish my calculations All I want to do is rest But I can’t because I have to go take another test
I’m tired I’m try to keep my eyes open But my bags weigh them down My teachers ask, “Why are you sleeping in my class?” It’s because I was up all night Now, can you please turn off the light?
Everyone expects teenagers To participate in class Calculate lithium’s mass And still pass But when should teenagers rest? When should they get dressed? Or better yet, When can we not be stressed?
I wrote this poem at one in the morning Because I got inspired without warning But that’s alright Because this is the time my brain says good morning
I’m sorry if I wasn’t energetic enough But as you already know I’ve been up all night And now I think it’s time I tell you goodnight