Yoga Class 10 Words to Know in Yoga Class
10 Words to Know So You're Not So Confused in Yoga Class
1. Pranayama (praw-nah-yahmah) - controlled breathing.
2. Bandha (bahn-dah) - to lock or tighten (series of specific muscle contractions).
3. Mantra (mawn-truh) repeating words or syllables.
4. Asana (ah-sah-na) - posture or pose.
5. Vinyasa (vin-yah-sah) arranging something in a special way (like a series of poses).
6. Tadasana (tah-dah-sah-na) mountain pose.
7. Utkatasana (oot-kah-tahsah-na) - chair pose.
8. Savasana (shah-vah-sahnah) - corpse pose.
9. Namaste (nah-mah-stay) - a respectful greeting or farewell, "my soul honors your soul".
10. Om (AUM-3 sounds aah-ooh-mm) can refer to the heavens, earth and underworld or the essence of life, breath & consciousness.
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