4 minute read
By Sophie Blackall
Fill Your Life with the Best
reviews by Sandy Ferguson Fuller
“There are lots of things I don’t know,” writes children’s author, Sophie Blackall. “I don’t know if there is life elsewhere in the universe, though I find it hard to believe we are all alone. But I do know this: Right this minute, we are all here together on this beautiful planet. It’s the only one we have, so we should take care of it. And each other. Don’t you think?”
Blackall’s inspiration above for If You Come to Earth began atop a Himalayan peak in Bhutan, a fitting spot for her to reflect on the gift of life and the unknown. Where were we before we were born? Where do we go when we die? Is there life other than what we know? How do we honor our moments on Earth? How do we grow ourselves and others?
If you were to write a letter to someone out there in the galaxy inviting them to join our life on Earth, how might you entice them to come? What makes up our world? How is it special? What makes life delicious or difficult? How can we make it better? That’s what a child narrator tries to express in If You Come to Earth. Sophie Blackall is an award-winning children’s book illustrator, and her new picture book showcases the stunning vitality of our life on Earth. Her vibrant drawings depict the details, the differences, the dilemmas, the infinite opportunities and the rewards that comprise living fully.
There are nearly eight billion people on Earth. Blackall offers her audience 80 pages of rich and colorful illustrations of daily life on Earth, but of course, only a snapshot of reality. She portrays the infinite variety of people, flora, fauna, spaces, places, customs, activities, lifestyles and more that comprise living as we know it. If You Come to Earth is a tribute to us, how we have come to be and how we may continue. The book challenges us to gather, to nurture and to cherish what is available to us.
What lends us energy, empathy, emotion, exuberance, expansion and excellence each day are the experiences we choose to embrace. If we welcome the unknown, life builds on itself. If we invite possibility, change begins. If we preserve the sacred, we enrich the spiritual. If we cultivate diversity, we combine forces. Yin and yang. We create vitality. Don’t you think?
A beautiful and thoughtful reminder and gift for all ages. +
Whether you are a world traveler or prefer to stay close to home, this fascinating new book reveals secrets from the world over about how to live life to the fullest. Try nibbling Swiss chocolate or South Korean pickles, sipping Uzbekistan tea or dining on raw Peruvian ceviche; maybe consult with a shaman like a Russian qam or adopt the New Zealand Tiaki Promise to care for the land or engage in mindful Chinese gigong; bask in thermal springs like the Hungarians or steam away stress like the Turkish; dress for success like the Fijians; dance away the day in Sri Lanka or Slovakia or celebrate with song as in Wales; bring in light as do Hindus to expel spiritual and physical darkness; take a Spanish siesta; imbibe in Georgian wine or a wee dram of Scottish whisky; or, simply honor family, friends, good health and the gift of living with more intention.
Lonely Planet’s Guide to Life is a compact coffee table book, 416 pages of text and color photography, which visits 86 countries and shares pearls of wisdom from each about living well. Each nation offers a unique perspective, showcasing the diversity yet the commonality of human experience. Many of their fun rituals or traditions are practices handed down through generations. Some are essentials which are becoming popular in our complex, modern society. Yoga is an obvious example: “India’s best-loved contribution to global culture.” Everything from favorite foods to diet, exercise and relaxation to sacred manmade or natural spaces to rites of passage or religious rituals … here is a treasure chest of ideas and inspiration.
It's never too late in life to improve daily habits and self-care, to live wisely and completely. We are all different, yet we share the same desire be happy, healthy, serene and fulfilled. It would be impossible to adopt every idea or practice suggested in this book; life is too short. But even if you sample a few dozen of these thoughts or activities, certainly your life will be enriched, improved and much more interesting! This presents a new way of looking at our modern world — in its complexity lies the key to our completeness.
Travel the world back and forth through these pages, return to the places, people and practices that speak most to you and always remember to invite in a wide variety enriching elements to your daily life. +
SANDY FERGUSON FULLER began her children's book career over 40 years ago as a student of Maurice Sendak at Yale University. Once introduced, the picture book genre captivated her imagination with its unique blend of story and illustration. She is an international literary agent, editorial consultant, bookseller, author and illustrator. Her life’s work has exposed her to a wealth of ideas and wonder. She hopes that her own books, as well as those she has helped others to publish, will touch many souls, young and old. alparts.com