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Manifesting Your Dream Life
What if you could completely transform your life by simply thinking your way to a new reality? This is the basic premise of manifestation. It’s the idea that, if you change your mindset, you can change your life, too. Manifestation teaches that you can “draw in” your goals by thinking positively and envisioning them as if you already achieved them.
The concept isn’t new. From books such as The Secret to methodology outlined by Esther and Jerry Hicks, manifestation is a well-established practice. But, modern times call for modern solutions.
In an era where apps like TikTok rule the day, there’s bound to be some nuance and repackaging to spruce up the understanding of certain practices. This generation is fully prepared to sink their teeth into manifestation — just don’t expect it to look exactly like the stiff, regimented techniques of time’s past.
ly tenants of the Law of Attraction sprinkled into the mix. But, with so many micro thought leaders to discover on social media, there are countless variants to what may be the best way to manifest.
Take what resonates, leave what doesn’t. It’s a phrase you’ll hear a lot if you’re on the spiritual side of TikTok. It encapsulates the modern approach to manifesting well. You don’t need to stick to one course of action to manifest. You can create a patchwork of methods that feel right to you just by scrolling through #howtomanifest.
So, what does modern manifestation look like? There’s a seemingly endless stream of options right at our fingertips. Here are just a handful of examples you may see on your “For You Page.”
I’m a Lucky, Lucky Girl
Her method is to never speak phrases like “nothing ever works out for me.” Instead, she only speaks positivity over her life. She even says the practice may seem “delusional.” But for her and a lot of other people on TikTok, simply claiming to be lucky seems like an effective manifestation technique.
Dance Towards Your Goals
I think most of us can agree that music has a powerful, dare I say magical, quality about it. Since manifestation is about marinating in all things positive, it’s not a huge jump to see how listening to positive music may be a great way to manifest.
Cue "Lucky Girl" by Carlina
Modern manifestation is an amalgamation of the new and old. Sure, there are definite-
“Lucky girl syndrome” was a malady we all wanted to catch in early 2023 after creator @lauragalebe described how simply claiming to be the luckiest person alive helped her create a life she loves.
Likely inspired by the “lucky girl syndrome” trend we talked about before, this tune is essentially an affirmation you can hum along to. Carlina sings, “I’m a lucky girl, I do lucky things. Getting all my dreams. For what it's worth, it seems that I'm a lucky girl.” Some other songs in the same vein are Just Like Magic by Ariana Grande and I Am by Yung Baby Tate.
Write it Into Existence
Scripting isn’t a new manifestation technique. But, there are plenty of new ways to use writing as a tool to move towards your goals.
One approach TikTok creators swear by is the 3-6-9 method. You simply write down what you’re trying to manifest three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon and nine times in the evening.
Stay Hydrated
You drink water every day. Or at least you should be! Why not imbibe in some manifestation at the same time?
TikTok creator @divinelymagnetic claimed that one way to manifest your dream body is to whisper your goal into your water before drinking it. As silly as it sounds, this is a popular technique that has been around since long before social media.
So, does manifestation really work? Well, it depends on what your parameters are. There’s plenty of anecdotal evidence that can lead one to conclude manifesting is effective.
Does that mean it’s a magical fix-all? No, not necessarily. But, there is evidence that the practice of shifting your mindset does have very real, positive effects on the brain.
Our minds are more malleable than you may think. Through this neat feature called neuroplasticity, you can rework the wiring of your brain at any point in life. In fact, according to the University of Utah, there is scientific merit to the idea that thought alone can change your brain. They found that visualization can increase neuroplastic gains.
One study found that piano players could successfully practice through visualizing. Another study found that tennis players that visualized themselves playing better actually did see a performance improvement. These are just two examples of how manifestation-like practices can truly be worthwhile.
Remember, both in the spiritual and practical implementation of manifesting, it’s vital to take action. There is no “cheat code.” Achieving your goals will never be realistic if you’re twiddling your fingers waiting for them to materialize out of nowhere. In the spiritual sense, you must be a “co-creator” with the powers that be.
Whether you need concrete proof or you’re on board with having faith in the unknown, manifestation has a lot to offer. As new generations take up the helm, we will surely continue to see new, sometimes silly, ways to incorporate it into our lives. From the practical to the esoteric to everything in between, manifestation is here to stay. Now, all that’s left to explore is how you‘ll think your dream life into existence. +
SELENA RODRIGUEZ Content Creator @lalunamediaco lalunamediaco.com