Yoga teacher training sydney

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हरीओम ् (Hari Om)

YOGA TEACHER TRAINING - Sydney (Part Time) An unique & rare authentic yoga training dedicated to you for a life changing experience and help you get happier in life Admission for July 2017 Level 1 - YOGA TEACHER TRAINING is Open now

Last date for level-1 admission is 30th May 2017 Please note due to limited seats batches get full well in advance. Dates Every month – From July 2017 to Nov 2017 Thursday 7.30am to 5.30pm Friday 7.30 am to 5.30pm Sat 12.30pm to 6.30 pm

200 + Hours International Certification Program

Call : 0410 1669 09

Yoga & Meditation School of India is an internationally renowned yoga school in Sydney Australia. Our Yoga Teacher Training program is based on world`s oldest Ashtanga and Hatha Yoga systems which are traditional and authentic. Yoga & Meditation School of India is an internationally popular school with its locations based in Sydney and Melbourne- Australia. This Yoga Teacher Training program is based on world`s ancient and oldest YOGA SUTRAS which includes the blue print of Ashtanga sutra and Hatha Yoga systems which are traditional and authentic. (Pls do not be in the bubble of names like 8 limbs ……. This training gives you the reality of what Ashtanga word and yoga means and takes you far beyond what you normaly hear )

The training is basically an authentic Hands on Yoga teacher training program from the land of yoga with no strings attached of any Guru or STYLE of yoga used to attract or confuse you nor any early bird or full payment discounted dangling carrot to join the training . This yoga training program is specially designed for you based on oral traditions and reality of what yoga actually is and to provide you with a QUALITY Yoga Training based on strong fundamental yogic foundation as layed in ancient India which includes traditional Yoga Philosophy based on Sage Pata jali’s yoga sutras include the Ashtanga yoga practice foundation and Hatha yoga founded by Swami Svatmarama based on Haṭha pradipika the authentic manual), Yogic and modern science anatomy and special yogic Techniques, Yogic Lifestyle principles complementing our todays modern life. It will endow the yoga aspirants with guiding principles of their own personal, physical development and habituation to spiritual consciousness. The training program is conducted at a very center location 108 Crystal Street, Petersham, NSW and being a Part Time training program, it is very convenient and suitable for many working and non-working individuals. What will you gain after undergoing this amazing training program? • Become an Authentic traditional yoga teacher who knows their basics right and can successfully teach pure yoga to amaze this world. Opportunity to learn and teach unique sequencing of dynamic asanas, pranyama and meditation classes based on ENERGY READING to give your students the ultimate yoga experience of this mystical science. Explore a new Career. • SELF DEVELOPMENT is one of the key aspect of this training. So if you are not keen on teaching yoga, but would like to undergo self transformation this training will support you in every aspect. This Yoga teacher training will help you explore many of yours hidden potentials to lead you to success. This yogic study will inspire the person to become fearless and confident in many aspects of life ...

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• You will personally experience and explore many hidden treasures of traditional Ashtanga and Hatha Yoga which is the fundamental foundation of yoga study and it will lead you to success in coming days...... we will make you experience the immense happiness which this beautiful science has given the world. • You will excel in your strengths both physical and Mentally and will give you solutions for life to stay fit at the same time will guide you to use the Spiritual connection to handle your day to day modern hectic life and stress (without becoming a monk) And the list is endless…….. Accreditation & Insurance Successful completion of YTT program from Yoga and meditation school of India provides you with the opportunity to start your own yoga classes or work as a qualified accrediated traditional yoga teacher of our school. All our succesful applicants are instantly eligible for Professional Indemnity and Public Liability Insurance after completion of our Yoga Teacher Training period. Keeping the tradition of yoga we encourage students to first attend some public classes under the direct guidance of the principal yoga teacher under whom they are going to learn this mystical science. Once you take this step your heart will tell you which place is right for you to continue your education. PS - Yoga is all about your personal EXPIRENCE. WHO CAN JOIN and WHO HAS JOINED US? If you are passionate about learning the true essence of yoga and would like to teach yoga to anyone around the globe or want to do self development or who want to simply find a new lifestyle to live a better life in todays world. All are welcomed. Till date we have proffesionals from different fields and professions joining us......Full time yogis, Uni students, Mums, Office working professionals,Lawyers, Medical Nurses, Research scientist, Osteopaths, Acupunturist, Healers, Massage therapist, Mayotherapist, Medical students (Future GP Doctors), Dairy farmers and the list is endless. Please note: All Yoga teacher trainiees will be trained and mentored from basic level with regards to asanas practice and teaching. What is required is your hard work and passion to learn yoga and implement its benefits in day to day life. If you follow this reciepe sky is the limit for your success in whatever you wish to achieve.

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Your Application will be subject to approval based on your interview with the course director. Please note, students travelling to Yoga and meditation school of India should not come with the expectation of just obtaining authorised or certified status. The idea is that you come to learn, experience and deepen your Yoga practice. Before joining our teacher training course you need to make sure that you can allocate dedicated time during the course period to gain and implement the learnt knowledge. The fees for this course is non-refundable. There are only limited seats available and will be allocated on first come first serve basis. Main Teaching faculty Samir Rane is the principal teaching faculty at Yoga and Meditation school of India and comes from a yogic family in India where yoga is being followed as tradition and he is the 3rd generation to carry on the lineage with years of experience in teaching students in different countries including Australia, New Zealand and India. He is associated with yoga for last 26 years and till now more than 3200 students have attended his public classes in Melbourne. Our other teaching staff includes highly qualified faculty in Medical science specialised in Modern and Yogic Anatomy including Ayurveda.

Course Study notes and information All students will be provided with our specially prepared training manual having all practical and theory yoga related information..

Level 1- YOGA TEACHER TRAINING PROGRAM DETAILS Yoga techniques- includes practical training / practice combined with theory & lectures. Yoga Sutras, Shlokas & Mantras Knowing the foundation of Yoga - The 5000 year old main yogic SUTRAS of Sage Patanjali, understanding its meaning and use in our day to day life. Recitation of ancient healing Vedic Mantras and Shlokas, experiencing its amazing vibration effects on yourself and understanding its meaning. In below video you will see how our Yoga Teacher Trainees batch practice yogic mantras as a part of their training .

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Different levels of sequence. Training will be given with clear understanding of how and why we need to do surya namaskar in particular way. This will also include recitation and learning of specfic mantra used during Surynamaskar. You will also know the medical benefits.

Yoga Asanas (Poses)

Various traditional Asanas includes beginners level, intermediate and some advance levels these includes more than 65 plus asanas (Please ote e do ’t i e t asanas or styles to impress you during the course but follow the traditional fundamental yoga)

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Main Asanas Categories involved are • (Tada & Tola) Standing & Balancing • (paschimo)Forward bends • (purvo)Backward bends • (Pota) Abdominal position Asanas • (Viparita) Inversions Asanas • (Baithak) Sitting asanas • (parivritta)Twists • Savasana. Specific asanas for injury prone people, High blood pressure, Heart issues, pregnancy and other health related issue are also included.

Pranayama –Bandhas- Mudras Techniques Conscious breathing requires sensitivity to properly direct life energy (prana), which makes all physical, mental, and spiritual life possible. It is the subtle thread that connects us with universal consciousness. Pranayama is a way of using the breath to receive, generate, distribute, and store this vital energy. We will explore Ujjayi (victory breath), nadi shodhanam (alternating nostril), kappalabhati (breath of fire), sitali (cooling breath), and many more. These plays very important role in Yoga students life when followed by bandhas and mudras. you will learn how to use different traditional technics along with its medical benefits and precautions.

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Dharna (Concentration ) & Dhyana (Meditation ) process You will be trained in different ancient meditation techniques like Om meditation, Chakra meditation and many more This training also includes ►How to prepare your mind for meditation in traditional way ? ►How to implement the process in day to day life? ►How to conduct meditation class for students. Shatkarmas (Cleansing process) You will learn some of the special internal body cleansing techniques,experience its medical benefits. These unique techniques are dating back to 1200 AD from traditional Hatha yoga. Yagna-

Conducting yagna in group. Understanding its relevance and Yogic philosophy. Experince the powerful intensity of JAPA MANTRA in presence of AGNI. Once in a life time experience. Traditional Yoga Philosopy, Theory, lectures includes SAGE Patanjalis Ashtanga yoga and its important Sutras Origin and principles Yama, Nimaya, Asanas, pranayama, Prathahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi Hatha yoga Origin and Philosophy, Yamas, Niyama, Asanas, Mudras, Bandhas, Shatkarmas Karma yoga You will be learning and experiencing in practical way on how this principle works for you in daily life based on VEDAS. Learn about self enquiry, who you are and where you are heading in life? Sanskrit Terminology Understanding the meaning specifically related to yoga asanas, pranayama and meditation and proper practice of pronunciation

Mantra’s & Chants Learning the meaning, pronunciation and recitation practice withstand learning the art of using it during yoga classes. Scientific effect and benefits of mantras. Bhagvada Gita and correlation of Yoga Introduction to Vedas, Uphanishads, Gunah, koshas Ayurveda Introduction to Ayurveda, Our different body types, Massages, veg cooking recipes Yoga and its application on Human Anatomy This i ol es theo & le tu es elated to… ►General anatomy and Yoga benefits … Ne ous S ste … E do i e S ste … L phati S ste … Respi ato S ste … Ca dio as ula S ste … Digesti e System Musculoskeletal system ►Biomechanics of asanas ►Body alignment YOGIC ANATOMY ►Chakra channels within the body. ►Nadis ►Kundalini Concept You will be learning the art of self-correction, injury recovery and precautions while performing the asanas and pranayama. This knowledge is important for any yoga teacher while conducting their own yoga classes. This section will also cover Introduction to Yoga as Therapy & medical research results related to yoga.

PRACTICAL TEACHING METHODOLOGY The yoga teacher trainees will be trained and mentored on various important aspects of asanas training considering the tradition and Safety. Preparation methods before conducting yoga class. →Ho to o du t a d i st u t a small class of 15 people and big class about 50 plus people at one go, time management for each asana , how to keep the class alert and enjoyable all the time. →Co du ti g lasses ithout losi g the fo us of t aditio al s ste . →Ho to keep p ope od alig e t hile p a tisi g a d pe fo i g in front of students and to avoid injuries? →E plai i g Medi al e efits a d p e autio s of diffe e t asa a hile o du ti g lasses. →Wa s to a age egi e s a d egula oga stude ts i sa e o diffe e t lass. →Diffe e t aspe ts i ol ed hile tea hi g oga at lu le el a d dedicated yoga class. →Ho to keep ou o p a ti e goi g i us tea hi g s hedule? Yoga for Pre and Post pregnancy phase You will learn the traditional yoga methods used during these period Yoga for people with special needs You will be guided on how to teach yoga to people suffering from anxiety, depression, stroke and many other medical problems Yoga for Kids and Teens You will train on how to teach school kids and how to handle a kids class of different age group. Training on conducting Private Yoga classes This will be a special session for you where you will be trained and mentor on how to conduct classes for people on one to one basis. MOCK GROUP TEACHING CLASSES Every student will be trained to conduct mock up teaching session within their training group. You will be given feedback on your teaching skills. You will learn to observe others while teaching.

Yoga teacher’s vision and role in community What vision you should have when you start teaching yoga to public (both in your studio or teaching in clubs). How to become a succesful yoga teacher in community. Journey towards becoming a Yoga Guru. How to start your own Yoga classes and start teaching traditional yoga ? You will be given inputs on latest different advertising mediums for promoting your classes along with marketing tips We will share our experiences and success stories of past batch students who are currently running their own studios and also those who are teaching in Gyms and schools. PS- Many of you nowadays are confused souls as to what is CORRECT yoga practice. We will reveal with EVIDENCE why different STYLE names are given for yoga and the motive behind it and finally you will be the judge to find out the reality. We will clarify as to what and how actually an Ashtanga or Hatha yoga class is suppose to be based on authentic teachings, what is Iyengar yoga, Krama Vinyasa yoga (who created this term) Vinyasa yoga, Yin , power ..... you bring the names we will help you understand the truth. (No offence to anyone and with due respect to each individual this is an important topic in todays world otherwise you will be a anoher lost soul in the crowd of Styles)

Practical & Theory Exam 2 levels of practical and Theory (Open book written exams) during the 6 months intensive course These are more like assesments to help you to clarify your yoga concepts. No pressure. Practical experience as Assist trainee Teacher in Public group CLASSES As a part of training Students will be given opportunity to perform asanas and assist our main teacher in front of live classes which will slowly help you to boast your confidence in facing the crowd. You will be participating as Assist trainee teacher as an when required based on the instructions of our main teacher)

Our Public yoga classes Recommendation

The souls of our highly trained Yoga Teachers is crafted so beautifully in our Teacher training program that their above results speaks for themselves. Case study... The above 97% customer recommendation seal is given to us by Groupon (a world class deal company) based on confidential feedbacks from new clients who have attended our public yoga classes for first time and had a mind blowing yoga experience. Food for thought ..... If so many people who come for first time give such high recommendation rating then what is that se et hi h akes Yoga a d Meditatio s hool of I dia‛s oga tea he s so u i ue. We welcome you all to experience this uniqueness and decide if you like to be a part of this rare world class Authentic and Traditional Yoga teacher Training program in Melbourne.

For Yoga Teacher Training Course Enrollment and other details. Please Email:

Thanks! Yoga Teacher: Samir Rane

Mobile: 0410 166 909 | Email : Locations: Yoga Studio Caulfield - St Aloysius Primary School Hall, Cromwell st, (Gate Entrance on Catherine street ) Caulfield 3161 Yoga Studio Carlton - Carlton Gardens Primary School, 215 Rathdowne street Carlton VIC 3053

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