ABOUT ME Jakarta, 6th May 1999 Male Blood type: B Moslem Address: Griya Bintra Indah Block DD2/26 E-mail: Member Identification CIMSA ID Number: 12170616 SCORP/2017
CIMSA NATIONAL MEETING ATTENDANCE National Leadership Summit 2018 October Meeting 2019 National Leadership Summit 2020
EDUCATION SDNP IKIP Jakarta SMP Labschool Jakarta SMA Labschool Jakarta FK-KMK UGM
ORGANIZATIONAL EXPERIENCE 2012 - 2013 2014 - 2015 2015 2016 2016 2016 2017 2017 2015 - 2016 2015 - 2016 2017 - Now 2017 - 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018
Student Council of Labschool JHS Bela Negara Division Labs Medical Emergency Labs Recital Labs Project BrigCode Fire Trophy ELDEST (Entrepreneur Challenge Day) Prom Night Student Council of Labschool SHS, Brigade Division Paskibra of Labschool SHS SCORP CIMSA UGM CIMSA Universitas Gadjah Mada Batch Project CIMSA UGM 2019 SATURN CIMSA UGM Tidak Takut Diare (TTD) CIMSA UGM Tengkurp SCORP CIMSA UGM May Meeting CIMSA PPSMB FK-KMK UGM Indonesia International Medical Olympiad (IMO) - ISMKI WBFM (Whole Big Family Meeting) CIMSA Universitas Gadjah Mada CIMSA TIME CIMSA UGM CIMSA Indonesia PPSMB FK-KMK UGM Tim Bantuan Medis Mahasiswa Clinical Pathology Assisstant CIMSA Nasional
Sub Coordinator Treasurer Chief of The Creative Staff of the sponsorship Vice Project Officer Chief of The Event Chief of The Logistic Chief of The Logistic Sub Coordinator Staff of The Training and Education Active Member of SCORP Community Development Team Treasurer Staff of The Logistic Staff of The Event Chief of The Event Staff of The Event Staff of The Discipline Commision Staff of The Event
ORGANIZA TIONAL EXPERIENCE. 2018 2018 - 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 - Now 2019 - Now 2019 - 2020
Project Officer Vice Loco for Internal Affairs Project Officer Trainer TNT Region V Staff of The Discipline Comission Human Resource Development Div. Assisstant Project Development Director
// MOTIVATION LETTER Hi, CIMSA! “Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle”, these past few years I was holding on to this idea. It leads me to the doors full of opportunities not just as a medical student in Universitas Gadjah Mada, but also as a human being. My name is Yoga Wikandaru, born in Jakarta, 1999, and here is my story.
Three years as a medical student in UGM has helped me discovered my unlimited potential. Medical school is overwhelming indeed, but it does not stop me to explore more things in becoming "the true medical student". The studying process, the exams, the assignments have outnumbered my capacity sometimes, however, it’s the one that pushes myself to a certain limit and motivates me to achieve beyond my comfort zone. I was glad that I chose CIMSA in my first year as a medical student to accompany my thrilling yet beautiful journey to be a doctor.
Growing up from being an organizing committee in several projects of CIMSA UGM, being VLI, and last year I was honored to be Project Development Director, made me realized that my love for CIMSA is timeless. Those experiences were started from my interest in how CIMSA supports the SDGs by its policy statements, CIMSA PROGRAM, and how it facilitates its member to act tangibly in improving the nation’s health.
I was known for my ability to think critically, good time management, rapidly adapt to a new unstable environment, and my friendly charm to approach people. My valuable traits also push me to always be beneficial for the people especially related to their health. That is why I chose PDD in helping me to accomplish my passion. Being part of National Officials was a piece of cake, but I lied. It was a miraculous journey with much pain but at the same time, CIMSA and my valuable teams gave me strength and
irreplaceable moments that makes me happy. I was so grateful that I had a chance to represent the significant impact of the locals’ activities in Indonesia on the national and international levels. I also had the opportunity to work with other heroes of project and community development all over Indonesia.
Becoming the first line to provide locals in achieving their goals through diverse and qualified activities taught me that my journey should not stop here. CIMSA has opened the doors for me by exposing its position at the International level, acknowledged by many other organizations, and even recognized by our government. Therefore, I am eager to provide further improvements through CIMSA not just for myself, but also for the next CIMSA Team of Officials, locals, and our nation by being the next Supervising Council. With all my knowledge, experiences, infinite spirits, passion, and valuable personality, I believe this position is the right path to bring the very best version of myself together with the rest of CIMSA National Officials in empowering medical students and improving nation’s health.
Warm regards,
Yoga Wikandaru
VIS/ CIMSA Indonesia sebagai organisasi yang terarah melalui supervisi dan evaluasi yang komprehensif dan suportif dalam upaya mencapai visi dan misi CIMSA.
/ I ON
mission. 01.
Melakukan fungsi pengawasan serta evaluasi secara objektif dan berkala dengan berpedoman pada konstitusi dan statuta CIMSA.
Memaksimalkan peran Supervising Council dalam fungsi pendampingan dengan memberikan nasihat dan ruang konsultasi yang suportif untuk menunjang pengembangan diri OfďŹ cials dan CIMSA.
Mendukung terciptanya lingkungan kerja yang kondusif melalui penerapan koordinasi dan komunikasi yang efektif di dalam OfďŹ cial.
candidature plan.
Pengawasan dan Evaluasi
Melakukan pemantauan terhadap proses handover Officials CIMSA sebagai unsur penting dalam kontinuitas pergerakan CIMSA. Memastikan seluruh kegiatan dan keputusan CIMSA sesuai dengan Konstitusi dan Statuta CIMSA. Memastikan kesesuaian implementasi Rencana Strategis dan Pernyataan Kebijakan CIMSA dalam pergerakan organisasi. Melakukan fungsi investigasi dan intervensi secara bijak terhadap hal-hal yang dapat merugikan keberlangsungan organisasi. Melaksanakan evaluasi secara berkala terkait pelaksanaan program kerja dengan relevansi indikator yang telah ditetapkan melalui rapor Officials CIMSA demi tercapainya pengembangan personal dari Officials secara kontinu. Melaksanakan diskusi mengenai evaluasi program kerja yang telah diberikan serta permasalahan yang ada dengan Officials terkait.
plan of action .
Badan Penasihat dan Konsultasi
Membentuk rekam masalah pengurus untuk menunjang fungsi Supervising Council dalam pendampingan. Memberikan rekomendasi dan saran yang konstruktif terhadap pelaksanaan program kerja, kegiatan, serta pengambilan keputusan Officials CIMSA. Memberikan kontribusi nyata secara aktif dalam setiap usaha pemecahan masalah di CIMSA tanpa mengurangi ruang gerak Officials untuk tetap berkembang. Memfasilitasi konsultasi secara aktif terhadap seluruh Officials National khususnya Officials yang menjadi tanggung jawab.
Komunikasi dan Koordinasi
Memastikan seluruh Officials memahami alur koordinasi dan peran dari masing-masing Officials, serta siap menjalankan kepengurusannya dengan baik. Membangun hubungan yang harmonis dengan seluruh Officials. Menjalankan komunikasi secara aktif dan suportif dengan seluruh Official. Memaksimalkan Supervising Council Buddies sebagai salah satu wadah konsultasi dan penasihat. Bersama rekan Supervising Council lainnya, menyusun timeline kerja yang strategis dalam menjalankan fungsi Supervising Council secara efektif.
The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience. - Eleanor Roosevelt