50 Essential Guitar Lessons Bk Survey I picked up this book at a local bookstore that was near where I live. Most times, i'll spend up to 3 hours looking in the music section to bring home a good book to read. This book caught my attention because of how advanced it looked compared to other books that I was simply shuffling through. However, this book is kind of strange in it's own way. . . I feel that this book was given the idea of writing 50 essential lessons, but only came up with maybe 15 or so. In this book, you'll find some advanced ideas that other books don't teach or barely touch the subject. The very first chapter is what made me buy this book. The first chapter is all about ninths, which makes for an odd first chapter, but it's helpful. I noticed this book has some errors some of the grids of guitar chords and fingering patterns, which shows that there was a lack of care put in to really teach advanced techniques. Another thing you'll find in this book is that some of the ideas just seem like nonsense. I read 2 chapters about how important strumming was. . now granted, I DID hear the difference between up and down, it is so insignificant that it cannot be essential. I am still reading this book and the pages seem to be either filled with just made-up nonsense, or actual benefiting information. I gave this book 3 stars because it seems to have a lot more mashed potatoes than anything, in other words, it has a lot of stuff in it to just fill it up. Definitely not something that I regret buying though because it was only 15$ with the CD and I learned a little from it. its not what I thought it would be , but its OK I thought it would have more tips on playing