Incredible Scale Finder Leonard Supplement Survey this book is perfect for learning scale positions-yes it shows the same scales in different keys, but that does not make it less helpful and its only 7 dollars. the thing i like best though is that it also shows a chart for what chords are included in what key (which i havent seen anywhere else) and what scales work best with this key. should help with composing, practising in general, obviously learning your scales, and figuring out songs on your own rather than having to buy sheet music. Major and minor scales, pentatonics, the seven major modes, diminished, melodic minor, harmonic minor, and more in all 12 keys. Basic scale theory is also presented. Playing patterns, fretboard patterns, whole neck diagrams, and finding scales are also included. Outstanding! You couldn't ask more of a book about guitar scales. It is organized in a very logical manner showing scales and modes in all 12 keys. I haven't counted, but it boasts that it contains over 1300 scale diagrams. I'll never master all of this but it is great to have it handy to reference when I need. If you are learning guitar don't even hesitate - just get this book. It's companion book - Incredible Chord Finder - is also a must-have in my opinion. It is physically smaller and so fits easily into a gig bag or guitar case. Well, this book had a lot of potential. But it kinda fell flat. What the problem is, is that it shows you the same scales in every key. As a guitarist, i only need to SEE the scale in one position, then i can play it in any key. So seeing it moved up one fret on the neck in another section is entirely useless. It might be good for starting out, but i'd reccomend something that 1) Shows you the way the scale is constructed, 2)does not show the same scale over and over and 3)has A variety of scales. This book tells you the 7 modes, major and minor pentatonic, and not a whole lot else.