Archidrumstick Thesis Booklet

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It has been a wonderful year of thesis journey for the Archidrumsticks, despite the highs and lows. We would like to express our most sincere gratitude to Ar.Wan Sofiah, Dr Wan Srihani, Dr Nor Hayati, Ar. Kalsom, Ar Wooi Lok Kuang and Ar Lim Kee Yen for all the supports, necessary critics and compliments. We’ve been to the ground we never thought we could be. Thank you, and best wishes!

Archidrumsticks M.ARCH UPM 2020/2021

CONTENTS ADT on Urban ADT on Special Needs ADT on Community ADT on Building Type ADT on Culture ADT on Youth

1 17 33 47 63 81







Lamya Hezam - GS52176

Multi Function Elevated Recreational Hub in Pudu Linked to communities, create a sense of security, unity, and belonging




Rethinking Public Recreational Architecture to increase Safety and Security through application of Livability Principles and Crime Prevention Theories. There is a need for architectural contribution to increase safety and


security with design solutions in urban low-income neighbourhoods. Specially for spaces that hold major significance to the public quality of life such as public recreational spaces. Safety and security, disconnectivity of communities, and the conditions of public recreational domain in an urban context can be addressed by enhancing liveability of neighbourhoods. Therefore, using holistic measures of crime prevention theories related to liveability indicators as a strategy to be translated, adapted, and applied to specific typology and place as physical measures for the purpose of increasing quality of life and safety and security.

The contention of this thesis is that physical security of architecture is the first to provide protection and ease of connectivity through the urban fabric. The aim for this thesis is to create safe and secure public recreational architecture, with high volume gatherings, without compromising the characteristics of a recreational space to help increase connectivity, safety, and increase quality of life. Therefore, this thesis will propose solutions to ‘how we create safe and secure spaces within public space?’ through adapting architectural liveability principles to increase safety and security and translating holistic crime prevention theories to architectural countermeasures.


Si Toh Chooi Yuan GS56176

Challenging The Notion Of Urban Growth Towards The Vertical City To Sustain The Liveability And Humanity In The Future Kuala Lumpur In 2050, there will be more than 2/3 of the world’s population will live in cities. It brings important benefits for economic, cultural, and social development. However, in today’s horizontal city, uneconomical land such as green space, gathering space, plaza, etc, is always known as the first thing to be taken out when it comes to city development. This is because, in a horizontal city, the “land” is something that is unduplicatable, and hence making it extremely precious, especially in all the city centers around the world. The above is the reason why most of the city centers are poor in livability and humanity. Therefore, people should rethink the current city development norm - horizontal city development? Is it time for people to start to utilize the unlimited air space? Is it time for people to resolve the idea of “land”, preserve and maximize the concept of it? Will then the “land” can be duplicated? 9












Chiew Jian Jin GS55964



Chuah Si En GS55786

Rain Rejuvenating Community Centre: A Neuroarchitecture Approach for Healthy Brain Aging in Taiping Society and media nowadays tends to relate the term aging to the elderly community. However, it is important to apprend the fact that everyone of us is aging since day one when we were born. While we can’t do much on physical aging, fortunately, brain aging can be delay by boosting up the brain neurotrophic factors (BDNF). Hence, the objective of this thesis is to redefine community spaces through integration of of neuroarchitecture to promote healthy brain aging. In conjunction with Taiping’s mission to become a more age friendly city with WHO since 2019, the project is locate at Taiping as it has set up a strong potential base for this thesis . Insipired by the ‘Rain Town’ scenario where 78% along the year is raining in Taiping, the design concept is to turn the disadvantage into advatage. The design strategy is to create a multisensory journey, by injecting the rain rejuvenating experience during, before and after rainy day within the stages of Brain Training Program that are incorporated into spaces. In summary, Rain Rejuvenating Community Centre stimulates healthy brain development of the users unconsciously, as it creates new experience, induces feelings, ensuring users at all age brings home unforgetable memories and return again as an everyday routine. 23






Norasnani Binti Bakar GS55515

Medan Magnet Youth and Community Centre : Invigorating the Kampung Medan Community Through Body, Mind and Soul. In 2020, a survey conducted by the National Health and Morbidity Survey found that 4.2 million Malaysians suffered from mental illness. 600,000 of them are youth aged 5 to 16 years old. People nowadays, especially youths, are more vulnerable to depression and mood disorder due to various factors. Studies conducted worldwide have associated one of the primary reason for the occurrence of depressive disorders among young people is poor living condition. Ellisha Othman, a Malaysian psychologist, stated that living in urban poverty is the main factor for the poor living condition experienced by people affected with mental illness. The substandard living condition of the urban poor is often not conducive and distressing to live in hence it leads youngsters living there to turn to negative ways to express their dissatisfactions. The objective of this study is to identify the relationship between the development of mental illness and the environmental condition the affected community are living in. The outcome of this study found that facilitating a design of a youth and community centre which incorporates sports as its main programme is effective to reduce stress, invigorates the community, promotes healthy lifestyle and upgrade their standing in the eyes of the society. 29


Artisan’ery Community Centre Synergising the elderly and the youth by capitalizing on tourism





Ahmad Asyrani Bin Daud


Towards a Spatial Justice of Public Realm for Spatially Fragmented Neighbourhoods Spatially fragmented neighbourhood is the dominant urban landscape in Klang Valley. Its function by that any usage of space automatically privatizes it at the price of undermining the common public realm. The concept of heterotopia by Michel Foucault theorize this phenomenon as a strong sense of spatial othering where an intangible division has manifested tangibly. The current practice of neoliberal urbanism satisfied the desires for spatial othering by creating neighbourhoods with a strong central-periphery relationship to the metropolitan region which imprinted its urban form with segregated built environment features such as wide boulevards and perimeter barriers. An audit of the land use distribution for the neighbourhood showed spatial injustices for the public realm through the under provision of quality public spaces. The study has established the socio spatial patterns of a spatially fragmented neighbourhoods by using architectural ethnography. The patterns illustrated how the fragmented urban landscape has such a strong influence towards the residents that any usage of space by the communities further perpetuated the undermining of the public realm. Using Prima Saujana neighbourhood in Kajang as the case study and the site, the design thesis proposed a scheme for a public space reclamation of a wide boulevard as a spatial justice of public realm. This reclamation is for all communities and individuals that are fragmented by their built environment to come together in a shared public space where public realm is upheld. The public space reclamation is spearheaded by the neighbourhood technical workshop building typology to produce, supervise and maintain the public realm and its values. It is hoped that we shifted the value of public space from the least valuable space in a capitalist development to the most valuable wealth of space to be shared by all in a civil and sustainable society. 35


Chuah Su Mei GS55312

Trashure-scape The STUDY choice has been made on fabric waste among other wastes, for fabric holds relationship with people on daily needs, self-identity and memory. Although recycling services are provided, but the learned “throwaway” habit still leads to huge pile of waste in the facility. The frugal artisan, showed the beauty, functional and human attachment of the upcycled fabric. People should relearn frugal as positive aspect and reduce “throwaway”. A residential CONTEXT is explored, as the source of discarded fabrics, with the intention of long-term participation & exposure to the people. The idea of “Trashure” with “Park” suggestion by the locals, slowly leads to “Trashure-scape”. 37

The DESIGN got its inspiration of upcycled fabrics (mix & match of fabrics). The constant exploration of irregular size & arrangement, picture framing the items & people, with study on Mondrian art, brings architecture as collages, treating elements (wall, window, structure etc.) potential as artwork. The collages become showpieces to the public, provided installation frames to interact with the public. The production is an architecture which “speaks out” Trashure to the public. Thus, the Trashure gallery becomes a memory and human attachment where people can be a part with the collages (Trashure) and learn the value.




Onuoha Peter Ugochukwu GS54574

The floating hub: Revitalisation and preserving the cultural heritage of resilient Makoko community. Urbanization, have been one of the rising issues in Lagos state Nigeria owe to the high rate of influx of people from the rural areas to the urban areas. this have resulted to the high cost of accommodation and shortage in the number of houses for people. owing to this, illegal settlements have been on increase. people have moved to slum area to settle over the years. Makoko community is one of the most popular illegal settlement in Lagos state which the Lagos state government see as a nuisance to the water ways.

furthermore, in other to revitalise this Makoko community, make them to be accepted to the government and also to preserve their cultural heritage. To achieve this, there is a need to provide a better living condition of resilient aquatic Makoko community and preserve their cultural heritage through provision of communal space which will serve as a central collecting space, improve bonding among the community, integrate the Makoko community with the mainland community, these will serve as catalyst to make the community to be accepted by the public and the Government.

in addition, this proposal will also help in the provision of both formal and informal education to the Makoko community. it creates an avenue through which skills will be learned. these will help in preserving their cultural heritage and they will also be accepted by the government 41




Yeo Kar Chun GS55994

Makeshift Village: Transportable Architecture for Temporary Living Human movement is no longer bounded by geographical constraints, which makes international migration become a significant phenomenon in the age of globalization and a key issue on the international agenda. Increasing numbers of migrant workers to the country causes insecurities, uncertainties and instabilities to the local community, while these contribute to an adverse inclusion to the migrant workers. Being a migrant itself does not pose a risk to health, it is the condition relating to migrants that may escalate vulnerability to poor health. (Wickramage et al., 2018) Poor living conditions of temporary migrants has led to the deterioration of their quality of life and jeopardize the quality of public health and well-being in the society. Current operation on urban construction sites is problematic. As the introverted perimeter “wall-in” construction system creates isolation between migrant workers from the rest of the city, limiting the living and working activities of migrant workers. Subsequently, these physical isolation evolved and escalated into social segregation. On the other hand, the dismountable kongsi provides constant low-quality dwelling experience. Hoardings around the site as the first encounter between the road and the internal area of the site became a medium for integration for both local and temporary community. 45




Chong Yao Kit GS55419

A co-rehabilitative facility: Cultivating behavioral relationships of Human – Animal – Environment interactions and collaborations

Childhood and adolescence are crucial life phases in their contribution to the quality of health, emotional well-being, learning and behavior across the life span yet studies of child development have largely been limited to relationships and interactions with humans. Human-animal interactions has been proven positive results in incorporating animals into the conventional treatment plans for being an effective therapy for children with physical, emotional and social developmental disorders. Apart from the human-animal interaction, the environment also plays an important role in contributing to the effectiveness of the therapy.

The collaboration of human-animal bond has the potential in facilitating the healing of humans by animal-assisted interactions through the rehabilitation of neglected animals within a therapeutic environment that is enhanced through architecture to meet their spatial needs. This project aims to explore possible architectural solutions and realize the potential through a collaborative therapeutic environment for a special needs children centered platform for physical, emotional and social development through the rehabilitation of neglected animals, where they can collaborate for the benefit of both in facilitating interdependency through programs to increase awareness of the human-animal bond hence mitigating the negligence of animals and increasing adoption rates. 49


Kew Li Min GS55917





䰀漀欀攀 䠀愀甀 夀攀攀   䜀匀㔀㔀㈀㜀㠀

吀爀愀渀猀椀琀椀漀渀愀氀 ☀ 䌀漀渀琀攀洀瀀氀愀琀椀瘀攀 䄀爀挀栀椀琀攀挀琀甀爀攀㨀 䰀椀瘀椀渀最 䌀漀洀洀甀渀椀琀礀 䴀甀猀攀甀洀 椀渀 䌀栀椀渀愀琀漀眀渀 䬀䰀

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Muhamad Zhafri Azman GS12345

Understanding the Significance of Timber Culture in malaysia and its Utilisation in Contemporary In contemporary times, Malaysia has lost its past culture of creating Architecture meaningful architecture out of locally sourced timber due to factors such as

cultural assimilation. Although there are attempts at utilising timber for architecture, it is considered unsustainable due to the methods of acquiring the timber. Thus, there is a need to educate and raise awareness on timber culture to adopt sustainability and instil a sense of identity in our future architecture along the process. The proposal seeks to delve into an innovative way of looking at educational building and program typology. One of the keys to an innovative thinking is within a proper institution, such as a learning centre. The ideation focuses on creating an educational space, specifically an Innovative Learning Centre, to develop awareness amongst the communities in Malaysia. This educational space uses the institution project as a platform to showcase the application of alternative sustainable construction material, highlighting the use of contemporary timber prefabrication technology. This institution would serve as a learning ground for people to study, not just in its programs, but subsequently in its architecture as well.



Olivia Tam Sie Wen GS55919

Establisment of Urban Market as a Catalyst to Form a Holistic Community Hub in Brickfields Traditional wet markets have been a lifeline for the common folk to seek sustenance and a hub of economic activities throughout history. However, the wet market’s function has declined due to new alternative retail outlets and online grocery. Many older market buildings in Kuala Lumpur degenerate into sorry sights of filth and disordered, if not abandoned. They have lost their popularity among the community and are less frequented by the younger generation due to the lack of facilities and hygienic issues. The wet market’s role as a trading and community places is being forgotten by the society especially the young generations. It is foreseeable that with vigorous developments, wet markets will gradually become ‘untenable’, and their elimination would be inevitable. Indeed, supermarkets’ indoor environment is clean and comfortable, but there is a sense of lifelessness. The thesis study aims to create a future urban market through community engagement with the participation of urban dwellers to foster multi-generational social connection in Brickfields Besides that, the intention of the study is to sustain the traditional wet market’s cultural vitality and create a sense of local community by implementing new programme and facilities into future urban wet market as a new experience node in Brickfields. 59


Puah Shih Yee GS52422

Botanical Experience Hub Human well-being and natural environment well-being are, and always have been intimately and inextricably intertwined. This connectivity provides the basic premise that the health and well-being of humans can not be separated from the health and well-being of the natural environment. In our society sports and recreation fulfills important functions and is indeed indispensable. It offers opportunities for physical activity in a world where physical activity is increasingly diminishing; it promotes good health and well-being; and it provides a means of social contact and ample opportunity for intensive experiences. Plants are essential for life. They underpin ecological processes. Biodiversity of plants is crucial in natural environment well-being. The significance of sustainable consumption and production is to prevent the plants biodiversity from further loss and conserve the natural environment. Botanical Experience Hub at KL Sport City is serves to inspire and educate communities of all ages about sustainable consumption and production, urban gardening and farming, and use of plants for human and environmental wellness. 61








Lai Hong Jing GS55920

Self-Organizing Architecture:

Spontaneous community-led urban transformation Our city is a living organism which is its people's reflection. In the past, every urban fabric like streets, alleys, and buildings are the reflection of a place for those who built, lived, and felt for it. However, due to rapid urbanization, the city is getting more extensive, and the place for people to control was getting smaller. Eventually, the city development sacrifices the sensitivity to the people and leading to its decline. Urban Decline is an intrinsic part of our complex and dynamic urban system, which is constantly changing and losing people's interest. Where buildings eventually will go through a circle with up and down. As there is decay, then there is regeneration. However, Urban regeneration in Malaysia mainly involves gentrification to cope with the changes of urban reality and is conceived as a mere product to be used by the people. A decayed city represented a symptom of losing people's interest and a product of the constantly changing city. Our urban environment design should be conceived together with the people, allowing people to constantly morph their environment to overcome the current trend of regeneration. Therefore, this thesis aims to rethinks architecture's ability to stimulate community initiative in regenerating decaying urban fabric through self-organized architecture. Redefine the role of regeneration and spatial practice of the city from a humanist perspective with architecture practice as a process rather than a product to expand people's ability to deliberate the current urban composition and transform space to their own needs spontaneously and continuously. 69






Teoh Xin Yin GS53184

The Between : Riverine Learning Park

Balancing Human-River Relationship In Redefining Penang River’s Social Identity River is the natural resource that supports our life. Ironically, rivers are also a disposal system for human generated waste. Since the 18th century, Pinang River has been the source of Penang Island city development. While the Penang free port attracted and joined people from various nations with different cultures, Penang River guarded the local community throughout the transformation of harbour city. However, transportation-orientated town planning had placed the back of development towards the river, which diminishes the river's role in the city. The river appreciation and river-human harmony relationship are vague. People are paradoxically isolated from one another but united in common cause, the public area that everyone shares is the key program of the proposal. The program will use ‘IN BETWEEN’ as a design generator to have a mix of green-blue spaces that focus on recreation, education and greywater purification, through Penang River. By having the center place at the most sight catching spot, it will create ripples that integrate and influence the surrounding communities and the society. The riverine learning park aims to educate people when they retreat, and learn to protect our mother river while experiencing natural vibes.



Yee Yong Shen GS52762

Immersive Accommodation for Diverse Urban Travellers

new way to stay temporarily in the city

"What is the new way for the diverse urban travellers to stay temporarily in the city?” Urban travellers’ lifestyles and preferences changed following the megatrends. The megatrends of rapid urbanization and digitalization have caused the fragmented preferences of urban travellers. However, current accommodations tend to target their guests by categorizing them into large segments assuming that everyone in the same segment is sharing the same characteristics. They prescribe fixed experiences to each segmentation. It is argued that there is now a growing need for a personalized experience that is beyond the existing urban temporary accommodations that are fixed and rigid. An immersive accommodation, with a two-pronged approach, that is, a flexible design incorporating a multisensory design, is formulated. This thesis innovates a new model of design direction towards flexibility in urban hospitality by using mechanical & technological solutions. Immersive Accommodation means creating personalized accommodations and spaces through an immersive experience. Immersive experience means the urban travellers can involve in the controlling of their own staying experience. Kampong Bharu is chosen to test the new thesis ideation. It is rich in cultural values and is known for its food. The new accommodation is giving an immersive experience option not only within the building but also surrounding the site. 77


Yong Ee Ning GS55297

Pangkor Pelagic Floating-Hub

As A Stimulator For The Socio-Economy And Distinctiveness Of The Fisheries’ Livelihood In Pangkor Island The community of Pangkor Island is established and structured on fisheries as the primary source of income. However, the fishing village's identity has been degraded to a commercialised town to reflect the "branding identity" of a duty-free island due to disparities in development strategies between fisheries and tourism. Furthermore, the younger generation and local fishers are becoming less active in the fishery industry due to the perception of the fishery industry's insignificant potential. Strategies for conservation and sustainable use of marine resources are essential to ensure fisheries' long-term sustainability in these areas. This thesis provides intervention in the potential of research; education and training contribute to the local fishing industry's sustained growth. When the architecture serves as a stimulator for Pangkor Island's fisheries livelihood and marine resources, it promotes and activates marine ecology's development and exploration in a long-term order to target the root cause of the declining industry. This research further investigates how architecture can bridge the gap between the public and the lab. The fisheries community is engaged to promote informal education to allow knowledge transfer from local experts' expertise to the general public. This study will discuss the design and planning strategies that encourage knowledge, awareness, and responsibility on local marine resources and the cultural heritage of fishing in a fishing village with pelagic fish as the fundamental programming for the research lab. 79






Foo Yoong Yieeh GS56000

Reimagine spatial neutrality between public and young in the city Public space plays a vital role in the youth’s social development, but today’s youth face difficulties in accessing urban public space. Curfew laws limit the use of urban public spaces by youth, and such exclusion influences youth development. Rather than keeping youth safe and away from public space, it works as a broken-window policing, which increases the possibilities for youth in engaging risky behaviours at overlooked places. Weak social connections caused by the urban leftover space within the neighbourhood are linked to the high tendency of marginalised youth in engaging criminal activity. Therefore, the public perception of youth today usually correlates with images of delinquency. Various of approaches assume youth themselves should be changed, architectural design was served as part of the system of punishment and isolation that heavily affects vulnerable neighbourhoods and youth, which creates disenfranchised citizens.


The theoretical thesis, which employs alternated perspective by reframing justice from forming the local community’s stigmatisation towards the social justice of youth. Featuring the strategy of reforming the urban leftover space to become a productive youth’s social environment that proposes a new place with community activation. Reimagining the architecture as the channel to deliver the voice of youth to the general public by creating new relationships among social justice, public space, and the neighbourhood.

A story between the youth and the urban “leftover” space... 86

Kengi Chan Qi Xuan GS55927

Community-Based Theatre @ Bandar Maharani, Muar, Johor PERFORMING ART: INFORMAL IN FORMAL Community-based theare in a heritage city, Bandar Maharani, Muar that introduces the performing art programme which is managed and organised by the local community. It contributes to the intangible cultural heritage by reviving the performing art that famous and originate in Muar. It is an architecture that gathers the performing art in Muar to enhance the accessibility and raise the awareness of performing art. It create a “Home” for performing art and “Stage” the local community. The formal and informal performing art form and platforms encourage participation of local community toward performing art. The performing art programme tackle participation of both entertainment and fulfillment to inject the performing art into the life of local community. It transforms the local community from passerby into an audience, slowly become a participant and final aim into an artist. The injection of performing art into the heritage city, Bandar Maharani, not only to provide platforms for the performing arts that originate in Muar but also makes Bandar Maharani to become a more complete heritage city that contain both tangible and intangible cultural heritage.





Lee Zhun Hing (Frankie) GS55785

Urban ‘Play’ Ground - Integrating ‘Play’ into architectural design to enhance quality of life in urban context.

In this era, ‘Play’ is perceived as an unproductive, petty or even a guilty pleasure. Living in a rapid urbanization, people are filled with tones of working load, stress and family’s commitment, money etc, hence, having fun is no longer the priority in life. In brief, this study aims to promote the awareness on significant of ‘Play’ for general public to increase the level of urban happiness, as a result elevating quality of life. This thesis study defines ‘Play’ as an emotion generator that generates happiness in our life. Play can occur in our daily activities such as eating, studying, working, even doing toilet business, as long it creates a sense of happiness, it is play. The chosen site is located undernerth MRT track Taman Pertama next to Perumahan Sri Sabah at Cheras. This thesis foresee ‘Play’ architecture can be everywhere in the city especially in the commonly unutilised space. ‘Play’ architecture can involve tactical urbanism to achieve a playful and community driven design. Furthermore, involvement of local community in design and build process can achieve a high level of community sense of belonging and built environment appreciation that would not be able to achieve through architecture effort itself. This thesis believes that power of play can create unlimited possibilities. Even trash can become treasure!








Faculty of Design And Architecture M.Arch UPM 2020/2021

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