Rachel Braccini Figurative Piece 1 This book is inspirational, a heartwarming story about what originally appears as a small girl in a small town. But as her life story unfolds, and the obstacles she faced were overcome, the reader is exposed to something much more meaningful. Many people grow up in small towns, but this town in particular is much more unique than your runofthemill Smallville USA. Rachel Braccini is a girl who loves hoodies, the combination of peanut butter and chocolate (but not peanut butter alone, or combined with anything else), kittens, and her family. She’s also quite greedy for money, and had two jobs by the age of 17, just to support her constant purchasing of hooded sweatshirts, along with food, and occasionally, things for other people. The divorce of her parents shaped her from an early age, and the capital region of New York where she grew up played an important part in her development. The reader will either grow to love or to hate the main character of this biography, or perhaps they’ll simply dismiss her along with other main characters when the book is finished. One thing is certain though; they will learn. They will learn about gossip and true lies (a line from Rachel’s favorite Ben Kweller song). They will, in the utmost sense, learn about the average girl with above average intelligence, and below average care.
Figurative Piece 2 Food, paid for by yours truly……………………………………………………………..$6700.00 Hooded Sweatshirts……………………………………………………………$..2000.00 (at least) Jeans, Shoes, Miscellaneous Clothing Items……………………………………………..$1500.00 Gifts For Others……………………………………………………………………………$600.00 Money Spent on Rachel That Wasn’t Hers……………………………………………$300,000,09 Books………………………………………………………………………………………$850.00 Doctors Appointments, and such…………………………………………………………$1000.00 The Love And Support Of Her Family……………………………………………………Priceless And For Everything Else Rachel Has Needed or May Need In Her Life…Daddy