1 minute read

Home Learning Support with Family Learning

Because learning together is fun!

Early Start for parents, grandparents and carers with 1-2 year olds


Develop language and skills with a variety of fun activities and share your experiences with an expert tutor and other learners. Free resource pack included.

Get Ready for School and Learn Together for adults with pre-school and early years children

A rolling programme of short courses to share information, activities and fun around phonics, early reading and writing, numbers and how to develop your child’s language and imagination.

How Children Learn/Keep Up for those with primary aged children.

Find out how children learn English or maths at primary school and work towards an up to date adult qualification for yourself. This course is also suitable for anyone working or looking to work in primary school settings.

More details and more courses at www.yorklearning/family-learning.

Family Learning courses are free, subject to eligibility.

Find out more by phoning 01904 554277 or for school or pre-school setting enquiries, please contact Fiona Himsworth fiona.himsworth@york.gov.uk, 07748 181988.

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