The mission of York College is to provide a quality liberal arts education, equipping students to lead lives of purpose, leadership, and service consistent with Christian ideals.
Drs. Frank and Kathleen (Baker) Wheeler were named the 2007 YC Alumni of the Year. From the class of 1972, the Wheelers have served on the faculty at York College a combined 35 years. Kathleen is Chair of the Division of Education and Frank chairs the Division of Biblical Studies and Behavioral Sciences.
reate in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.”
Ps. 51:10
Have you ever wanted to throw away a work-in-progress and just start over from scratch? There were too many flaws in the design; too many mistakes would be noticed. Not enough attention to details made the project seemingly useless and unwanted.
Some of these very same thoughts are often heard among young people concerning their life’s direction – tender hearts who feel broken and beyond repair. Students can sometimes be burdened down with a past that they think is impossible to rise above… young men and women whose early mistakes in life have robbed them of their future happiness.
But as we have all heard so many times, there’s a rest of the story. I am blessed to see those stories unfold each and every year I have served as president of this life-changing institution. I watch as a teenager’s page of disappointment and pain is turned by his peers to a new chapter of hope and real joy. I observe godly professors living out the transforming power of Christ in a way that convinces a young lady she can trade in the emotional baggage she’s been carrying for peace and love’s assurance.
Thank God we’re not on this journey of life alone!
With the next chapter of a new year upon us, it is my prayer that we will all be authors of God’s mercy and hope. Our own story is one of second chances.
You can be confident – someone is reading yours.
Dr. Wayne Baker President
YORK COLLEGE HERITAGE is published by the Office of Advancement for alumni and friends of York College. Correspondence can be sent to: Steddon Sikes Director of Publications 1125 East 8th Street York, NE 68467 (402) 363-5668
Profile Excellence in Profile Excellence in
Thinking Thinking Thinking Thinking Thinking
n rural India, one of the greatest gifts a young woman can receive is a sewing machine — and the skills to use it.
“It’s like giving them a Starbucks franchise,” Linda Egle (‘70) told The Christian Chronicle in a 2006 interview. “A sewing machine gives them a livelihood for the rest of their lives.”
When she started Eternal Threads, Egle was following her convictions, a belief that Christ taught the importance of aiding the poor and those in need.
Using the same crochet skills typically used in lace making, 250 women in villages in South India create tote bags from colorful nylon twine. They are paid according to fair trade standards for their work. Making five or six bags a month can double the family income, transforming the lives of women whose families normally live on $1 a day.
The profits are turned around and reinvested in education for Indian girls. About 200 have been helped so far. Four have gone to college.
“That would have been a previously unimaginable thing for those girls,” Egle said. In families in which money is tight, boys are educated to the exclusion of girls.
It is also not uncommon for young girls to go to work around the age of 10 or 11, sometimes working in homes, other times in fish farms or factories, she said — in all cases, making it essentially impossible for them to attend school.
Egle, 57, has been going to India for almost 20 years, working with various charitable projects. She first traveled there on a mission trip with the Lakewood, Colorado, church she attended at the time. She helped start India’s Child, a charity that aids children from tribal areas with no access to education.
“Jesus actively transforms people in whatever condition they are in, when no one else will... He became what we are, to make us what He is.”
Jesse Anderson Jesse Anderson Jesse Anderson Jesse Anderson
Senior—Cedaredge, CO
Biblical Studies, Youth Ministry
“Some transformations are subtle and some are radical, but all of them are important and worthy of telling… Everyday we can be transforming to become more Christ-like.”
Amasa Maine Amasa
Sophomore—Brooklyn Park, MN Psychology
“Our perception is not always reality. It’s hard to know what the outcome will be when we are in the process of being transformed.”
Emily Hastings Emily Hastings Emily Hastings Emily Hastings Hastings Senior—Grand Island, NE Middle Grades Education
Eternal Threads, which has grown from 20 women when it started in 2000 to its current 250, has only confirmed and strengthened her
“Transformations begin when we stop worrying about what we have to offer and let God be God. To transform your life, God doesn’t need your talents, gifts, or any qualifications—all He needs is a willingness.”
Mason Lee Lee
Sophomore—High Island, TX
Biblical Studies, Youth Ministry
Linda Egle stands with some of the girls in India who are being sent to school through her tote bag ministry.
As a student, Linda was a Ms. York College attendant, President of Delta Chi Alpha, Who’s Who, Phi Theta Kappa, a member of the Inter-Club Council, and was chosen Kyodai Sweetheart.
love of India and her deep respect for the women who live there, she said.
“These are people who are struggling to survive, but they have such a spirit about them. They’ll do anything to make life better for themselves and their families.”
Born and raised on a Nebraska farm, Egle said she appreciates the women’s drive for self-sufficiency, as well as what she describes as an inherent purity and simplicity in their lifestyle and culture.
“For me, the reason for starting Eternal Threads was how hard-working the women are, how industrious they are,” she said. “They just needed a little bit of help.”
Egle said the women were already making something similar to the tote bags. What was needed was a modicum of refinement.
“I had to have standard sizes so that I could price them according to size,” Egle said. “I had to teach them about quality control, little things they could do to make the product consistently better. It was a wonderful process of learning for them, and for me as well.”
The women are paid for the bags as they make them.
“They must be paid immediately,” Egle said. “They can’t wait for me to sell them.”
Egle imports the bags, sells them throughout the United States, often at women’s gatherings, and then sends the profits back to educate young women in India.
Buyers love the bags, Egle said. But they love what they represent even more.
“People respond to the need to help people help themselves,” she said. “Women, especially, have really responded to that aspect.”
The women who buy the tote bags have never met the women who make them, but they feel an inherent kinship, Egle said. Here as there, women try to make their mark in the world, struggle to raise children, provide for their families and make ends meet.
“What we’re giving these women is self-respect,” she said.
Egle’s efforts on behalf of the women and girls in India were globally recognized when she was nominated for the 2007 Stand on a Better World Awards. The awards celebrate women who “do the right thing” to make a difference in the lives of people and communities in America and around the world.
Monty Lynn, the chair of Eternal Threads’ board, nominated Egle for the award and isn’t surprised she was chosen to be one of 10 finalists in the “Global” category.
“Linda is an exemplar for a lot of us,” he said. “Many of us see needs, but we don’t always respond to those needs. Linda has not only been moved by the needs of women and the dignity of women in poverty, she has taken action.”
Lynn described Egle as an “energetic and passionate social entrepreneur.”
“She has been able to nurture and build an organization that has been effective,” he said. “She ran it single-handedly for a long time, and when she shares the story of Eternal Threads, people immediately respond passionately to the need — as well as the organization.”
Egle spent 27 years working as a flight attendant for United Airlines, six living in England. She retired from that task in 2003, moving to Abilene with the hope of both getting a graduate degree in theology from ACU someday and to find people to help with Eternal Threads. She hasn’t been disappointed in the volunteer aid she’s found as students, churches and individuals of all sorts have helped in the effort.
Eternal Threads now has a part-time office manager and a board of directors, although it must still rely on volunteers when they unpack shipments from India.
The bags are sold “all over the United States,” she said, and are particularly popular sellers in the fall, around the Christmas season.
Egle’s plans were temporarily put on hold this fall when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She had surgery in September and is currently undergoing radiation treatment. The cancer was diagnosed very early so she feels
blessed and expects a full recovery.
What she has focused on is what will come once her treatments are completed, from eventually expanding the locations the program serves, to a planned February return trip to India, where she has not visited in almost two years.
“I have a good team there, so we’ve gotten to the point that the project can run on its own without me being there,” she said.
That said, she loves meeting with the women and the girls the program helps.
“It’s a great boost for me,” she said.
Jeanene Reese, an Eternal Threads board member, said that Egle’s “real faith and passion for the Lord,” merged with her great compassion for the plight of women and children, has forged an organization that not only helps others overseas but inspires all those who come into contact with it.
“One individual saw a need, had these passions, and began to make a difference,” she said. “... It affects people, and encourages them to be more altruistic, when they see someone being so selfsacrificing.”
For a great while, Egle even worked without any sort of salary because she believed so strongly in the mission of Eternal Threads, Reese said, something most people wouldn’t — and even couldn’t — do.
“Linda just knew there was work to be done, and she did it.” !
excerpts by Brian Bethel, Abilene Reporter-News
Visit to order totes and for the latest news on 2008 projects in Thailand, Madagascar, and Afghanistan.
The Mucho Ocho project provides needed water
by Erica Glassmyer
The Mucho Ocho project is the outgrowth of an original idea that has already matured and accomplished its goals. It’s a challenge of compassion that has been nurtured in the hearts of college students and is now being blessed by God to cups overflowing.
During the annual college retreat last semester, students were divided into groups of 12-15 for the purpose of small group dynamics. Group 8 decided to extend their existence beyond the retreat and meet the challenge given to them over the weekend—to make religion more tangible and real.
Led by Assistant Dean of Students, Jared Stark, the group committed to raise funds to dig a fresh-water well in Rwanda. They then adopted the more colorful title of “The OCHO” and went to work through various service projects to come up with the necessary funds.
Seven months later in a letter to the Fermi Project, Stark wrote, “The idea of building a fresh-water well in Rwanda, Africa has greatly impacted our small campus and THE OCHO still exists today as a group of students who long to do what is good, responding to the call of God. Please accept this $3,000 on behalf of THE OCHO and York College.”
In September, York College Campus Ministries decided to take The OCHO’s idea up a notch and give the entire campus the same opportunity to make a difference. Maintaining the “eight theme”, The Mucho Ocho, now known around campus as simply the water well project, set a goal of having 88 people give $8 on the 8 th of every month, for the remaining eight months of the academic year. This would equate to three fresh-water wells.
With the generosity and caring hearts of college students, 138 people committed themselves to the task. Instead of providing monies for three wells, the much higher turnout will be able to provide four wells and half the money raised for a fifth well.
Some students have also asked their home congregations and families to get involved with the project, adding to the totals that have been committed. The wells that will be constructed will benefit thousands of people who will no longer suffer from the illness, death and disease that comes from unclean water.
This is a wonderful way for students to get involved, knowing that because of their service and generosity, cups of cold water are being given in Christ’s name. !
Rusty Ridley puts his change into the senior collection bucket Caleb Rush is holding in the first water well fund drive by The OCHO.
photos courtesy of Rwanda Clean Water Project and Eric Eckert (‘03)
$1.5 Million Challenge
YC receives a challenge gift from anonymous donor ties this donation will create for the future of York College.”
Anonymous can be a million dollar word—literally. One of the largest donations ever pledged to York College came by way of the back door. President Baker announced on October 8 that a donor wishing to remain anonymous had issued a $1,500,000 challenge to YC alumni and friends.
“The decision to remain anonymous in no way implies a lack of excitement and anticipation by the donor,” said Baker. “The benefactor is very eager to see the pledge stimulate enrollment growth and provide blessings for a new generation of York College students.”
To qualify for the full $1.5 million, York College will need to receive “new” gifts each year for the next four years. Gifts received from new donors or contributions that are above the yearly giving levels of our current donors will be matched dollar for dollar over a four-year period, resulting in a three million dollar impact for YC students.
If it’s new, it’s worth two campaign has given the advancement arm of the college a specific target of $250,000 in new dollars for 2007, $500,000 in 2008 and 2009, and the final $250,000 in 2010. The 2007 challenge was met ahead of the December 31 deadline.
Chairman of the Board of Trustees for York College, H. Jarrell Gibbs, said, “I am so pleased and grateful for the opportuni-
“Offering competitive scholarships and degree programs in fields where both shortages and opportunities exist are among the most powerful ways York College can serve this region,” Baker continued. “This $1.5 million gift will allow us to do both. It will greatly enhance the Christ-centered education and life preparation we provide students in today’s changing world. Unquestionably, this is an exciting time for York College as we continue to realize our dreams for this God-anointed place. We invite our alumni and friends to invest in this wonderful vision.”
• An anonymous donor will match every new gift, dollar for dollar up to $500,000!
• If you did not give in 2007, the entire amount of your gift or gifts throughout 2008 will be matched.
• If you gave in 2007, the amount of increase in your gift or gifts will be matched. For example: if you gave $100 in 2007 and give $500 in 2008, the anonymous donor will give $400, matching the increase.
• Need more information?
“ “ “
here there is no vision, the people perish…”
Proverbs 29:18
A charitable gift annuity is a good way to make a gift to York College and receive an income stream for yourself or another beneficiary. In exchange for cash or marketable securities, the college will make specified annuity payments to you and/or another beneficiary for life. The amount of the annuity payment depends on the amount of the gift, and the age and number of beneficiaries.
If a charitable gift annuity is funded with cash, a portion of the annuity payment will be taxed as ordinary income and a portion of it will be tax-free return of principal. If it is funded with appreciated securities owned more than one year, and the donor is receiving the annuity payment, a portion of the payment will be treated as ordinary income, a portion as capital gain, and a portion may be tax-free. If a donor outlives actuarial life expectancy, the entire annuity payment will be taxed as ordinary income.
Taxpayers who itemize can claim a charitable deduction for a portion of the original gift, which may result in significant income tax savings.
Annuity payments can either begin immediately or, through a deferred payment gift annuity, start at some future date. The deferred option may be attractive for those who have a high current income, can benefit from a current tax deduction, and are interested in augmenting potential retirement income.
A few circumstances in which a charitable gift annuity may be a good option include:
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For a confidential discussion on charitable gift annuities or other planned giving opportunities, please contact me at (402) 363-5660 or
fter a four-month long national search, Brent N. Magner (‘79) has been named Vice President for Advancement of York College.
“We are thrilled to have Brent join our professional family and give his considerable talent to this ministry in the years ahead,” President Baker said. “We thank God for His guidance during this important selection process.”
For the past 14 years Brent has served in the fundraising and development offices of Abilene Christian University, Abilene, Texas. In 2001 he was named ACU’s Director of Development, and has served in that role to the present.
“His experience working with capital campaigns at ACU as well as the university’s Annual Fund plan is a tremendous asset,” said Baker. “His educational background and experience make him a great fit for this role. We are very fortunate to have someone of Brent’s caliber to represent and promote York College in the areas of advancement.”
Magner earned his associate’s degree from York in 1979 where he was active in the A Cappella Chorus, Soul Concern, theatre, and Sigma Tau service club. He received his bachelor’s from ACU in 1981, and his master’s degree in public affairs from the University of Iowa in 1984.
“I’m just thankful for an opportunity to serve in this way,” Magner said. “To reach out on behalf of my alma mater and work to bless the lives of students here right now and in years to come is an exciting goal and one I’m glad to participate in.”
Magner made the move to work with his alma mater on December 1. He and his wife Kay have four children: Daniel (16), Jennie (14), Caleb (12), and Ann (8). !
Billy Lones, JD Planned Gifts Officer
1978-79 Soul Concern: (l-r) Tom Learned, Brent Magner, Darryl Darden, Scott Lambert, Dennie Osborne, Paul Blake, Gary Boyle, and Chris Rhodes.
ofessors P ofessors P
istory professors Tim McNeese and Dr. Shane Mountjoy have published a new series of books focusing on the founding of early American colonial settlements. The eight book series was published by the New York publisher, Chelsea House, which produces books largely for middle and high school readers.
The series, “Colonial Settlements in America,” includes eight books presenting the events leading up the founding and early settlement years of important colonial outposts, all of which became important towns, cities, or capitals. The eight titles include five written by Professor McNeese ( Jamestown, Plymouth, Santa Fe, New Amsterdam , and Williamsburg) and two titles by Professor Mountjoy (St. Augustine and Philadelphia ). The eighth book, Yerba Buena (modern-day San Francisco), was written by former YC English professor, Dr. Larry Van Meter.
“This whole project came about because of the 400th anniversary of the founding of Jamestown,” explains McNeese, who also served as the series editor.
“It provided us with a good tie-in.”
Jamestown, originally founded as Fort James in May, 1607, would become the first permanent English colony established in North America.
“Once we had Jamestown as a springboard, it became obvious that we should write a series of books on other, similar colonial outposts, not just those established
as English settlements, but by the Dutch and Spanish, as well,” says McNeese.
The result is a series of books generally intended for high school students that features six colonial settlements established on the Atlantic Coast and two in the Far West, in California and New Mexico.
“It is easy to overlook the importance of early colonial settlements,” says Mountjoy, “because we are so far removed from the kinds of lives those people led.”
Perhaps the most unique aspect of the newly-published series is its connection to York College.
“One of the excitements of doing the series was that we were able to write all eight titles using York College professors,” notes McNeese.
All eight of the colonies covered in this series experienced their own unique histories, says McNeese. Those colonists who established some of the earlier ones, such as Plymouth and Jamestown, experienced very difficult years that included starvation and even cannibalism.
Although the residents of some early colonies faced constant hardships, each of those included in the series not only survived, but became key founding mile markers on the path of American history. Mountjoy notes the importance of these early American settlements and the impact they would have on the development, not
only of the colonies, but of the future United States.
As he explains: “Many of these and other early settlements set the stage for the future American republic. In many cases, founding settlers established norms, traditions, and institutions that protected individual rights and freedoms that were later preserved in the U.S. Constitution.”
The two YC professors are not new to working together on book projects. They first published a pair of readers for their U.S. history students with American Heritage back in 1994. McNeese and Mountjoy have collaborated on several book series with Chelsea House Publishers over the past four years. Their previous collaboration was on a series featuring important U.S. Supreme Court cases, which was published in late 2006 and in the spring of 2007. Their series on important social and political movements in American history is soon to be published.
Mountjoy and McNeese are not resting after the publication of their latest series. Both instructors will be writing this academic year on two series, one on important milestones in American history and the other on the Civil War. !
(left) Tim McNeese (‘73) is Head of York’s History Department and chairs the Division of Humanities. (above) Dr. Shane Mountjoy (‘88) is the Dean of Students and an Associate Professor of History.
n their undergraduate studies in the Science Department at YC, Abigail Henderson (’05), Irena (Kadiu ‘03) Kieken, and Aaron Fletcher (’02) all excelled in the classroom and laboratory. Whether doing experiments or presenting papers, these three students consistently led the pack – each graduating Summa Cum Laude (with highest honors) in their chosen fields of science. After leaving YC, that didn’t change. Now, these impressive scholars are still striving for academic excellence and creating a name for themselves in the world of science.
For years, Abby Henderson was highly recruited by the Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at York College. Her familiarity with the campus and science faculty made York an early leader in the college options. Admittedly, having Uncle Ray as Chair of the Division and Aunt Gail teaching biology provided a big portion of the Nebraska incentive. Henderson, a native of Knightstown,
Professor of Chemistry Division Chair
Indiana, left her indelible mark on the YC landscape with her involvement as a club president, student council secretary, and a member of Alpha Chi. She was chosen in her senior year as Ms. York College.
Currently, she is pursuing a Ph.D in Molecular Biology and Genetics at Indiana University, working in a laboratory that studies ocular development. Specifically, she is looking at the genetics of the eye in Drosophila , more commonly known as fruit flies. Upon graduation, she plans to continue to research human diseases and perhaps teach.
No matter what career path she chooses, Abby says that YC has prepared her with a wide base for scientific research, as well as an understanding that her gifts must be put to good use. “It is more important for me to find a career that will allow me to help others rather than choose one based on the salary or prestige of the job,” she said.
Irena (Kadiu) Kieken came to York on a one-way plane ticket from Albania, very scared, all alone, and homesick from the moment she arrived. She prayed, “You have one thing in common. They are Christians; give it a chance and get to know them.” Three and a half years later as she spoke at the senior banquet, she said, “If anyone gave me another chance to pick where to go, I would choose York again.”
Recently, some of Kieken’s work was featured in the Journal of Immunology and Virology and a photo that accompanied
one of her articles made the front cover of the issue. She is currently working on a Ph.D in Neuroscience at the University of Nebraska Medical Center at Omaha. Her area of specialty is the role of innate immunity in neurodegeneration. She has been published several times, including four review articles, three book chapters and six primary research articles. Recently she received several awards, including the “Community Pride Research Excellence Award” from the Nebraska Foundation.
Upon graduating in the spring of 2008, she plans to continue her studies to become a medical doctor. In July, Irena married fellow UNMC student, Fabien Kieken, a postdoctoral researcher in Biophysics who hails from Orleans, France.
“When I came to the US from Albania seven years ago, York College became my home away from home and my professors and friends became my family,” said Kieken. “I will always be grateful to YC for the outstanding spiritual atmosphere and excellent education that I experienced during my undergraduate years.”
Dr. L. Ray Miller, II
Gail L. Miller Associate Professor of Biology
Dr. Mark R. Pearson Associate Professor of Biology
Dr. Alex A. Williams Associate Professor of Chemistry
“True understanding is gained when one listens and learns from experienced individuals who have accepted the responsibility of not only presenting the information, but also molding the heart that receives it. York College teaches the same scientific facts as the next school, but also emphasizes the necessity of using them to the benefit of the community around you."
Steve Meyer, Class of 2004
Delta, Colorado native, Dr. Aaron Fletcher, seems to model his life after his passion for long distance running – pace, endurance, and the resolve to finish the course. A quiet and unassuming freshman, one might not have pegged Aaron for a future club beau, school record holder in track, or being named Mr. York College his senior year.
Possibly even more difficult to envision is his recent accomplishment of graduating from the University of Colorado with a Ph.D in Biochemistry, one month after his twenty-seventh birthday. In May 2007, he was named Outstanding Senior Research Graduate Student from the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
Dr. Fletcher and his wife Holly (Eckstein ’03) have since moved to Carrollton, Texas, where Aaron will start his post doctoral work at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in January as a research associate. He will also teach some science courses at Brookhaven College as an adjunct professor.
Fletcher says that in addition to the skills necessary to succeed in graduate school, YC taught him the importance of ethics in all business, educational, and other dealings. He said, “I am still being blessed by the knowledge and wisdom I received at York College.” !
A B A B A B A B A Bright F right
Waukesha, Wisconsin, senior Melanie Bunda will graduate in May with two bachelor degrees –one in General Science and the other in Mathematics. While maintaining a 3.66 grade point average, Bunda spends a good portion of her time in the chemistry lab, not only doing her own research but also as Dr. Ray Miller’s workstudy.
“It’s going to be hard finding her replacement when she graduates,” said Miller. “Melanie is one of those students you can hand the keys to the lab and not think twice about things being done right.” Miller added this high praise for the senior standout, “Melanie is going to make a big splash out there. I’m confident she’s going to make her mark on the world.”
Even as an undergraduate student, Bunda has already accomplished one feat for her resume, the creation of a new chemical compound. This past summer she was enrolled in an internship at Stony Brook University in New York. Funded by the National Science Foundation, the Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) internship met for 10 weeks and concluded with a Research Symposium.
Bunda, along with Natalie St. Fleur and Andreas Mayr, were able to synthesize [Re(CCC 6 H 4 -4CO2C6HF4)(CO)3(dmpz)] as a pre-building block for 3-dimensional nano-frameworks. The novel compound (pictured above) and their findings were presented to fellow undergrads, grad students and faculty.
Bunda has already applied to the Chemistry PhD programs at the University of Wisconsin Madison, Notre Dame, and Stony Brook. Although she isn’t sure about her career plans, she mentioned teaching as a strong possibility. “I may come back here and replace Dr. Miller,” she said with a smile.
(left) Melanie and Keri Bornschlegel, a junior science major, entertain the yearbook photographer with their lab work.
Class of 1952 ench, Class of 1952 ench, Class of 1952 ench, Class of 1952 ench, Class of
by Sue Roush
“ Y Y Y Y Y
ou don’t wear out or rust out, if you keep busy” states Dr. Hal French, distinguished professor emeritus of the University of South Carolina. French “retired” in 1995, but hasn’t ever stopped. He still teaches one or two classes per term for the religious studies department and will take students to Greece for a mid-semester course in 2008 for the second time in three years.
But this is just the tip of the iceberg. This past summer French made a presentation at an interfaith conference at the United Nations entitled, “A Just Peace Theory Applied to Iraq” discussing what would constitute a just and lasting peace in that region. He was also invited to present at a conference in England on the use of language and the war on terrorism.
French’s published works include several books and numerous articles, mostly on Asian religions. In 2001, a second edition of Zen and the Art of Anything was published by Broadway Books. Since its publication, it has sold over 10,000 copies and was selected by the journal Spiritu-
ality and Health as one of the 50 best spiritual books of 2001. The Star Reporter, of Columbia, South Carolina states, “If shelf and cerebral space allowed for only one book on personal spiritual, self-knowledge, or improvement, it could easily be Hal French’s Zen and the Art of Anything.”
French knew at a young age what he wanted to do with his life and he came to York College to help prepare him for the clergy. While a student, he played football and sang in chorus and a special quartet. Following his time at York, he attended seminary in Dayton, Ohio, and eventually received his doctorate in World Religion from McMaster University, Ontario, Canada in 1972. He’s been engaged in interfaith work since 1975, when he first joined the World Congress of Faiths.
French has won several teaching awards, including the Amoco award, the most distinguished teaching award given by the university. His philosophy on teaching involves staying current with what the students are interested in, as well as cultivating a dialogue with students, but he also has a genuine love for students and teaching.
When he isn’t in the classroom teaching, writing for publication, or leading international study groups, French is a very active volunteer. He has worked on
several Habitat for Humanity houses in both South Carolina and Georgia as well as service projects in Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and Nicaragua. Most recently he was involved with tsunami relief by raising funds and helping to build an orphanage in Cuddalore, India. He also helped with Hurricane Katrina relief efforts in Mississippi.
French feels his time at York College had a lasting impact on his teaching style – specifically Dr. Morgan, who taught Greek and had “infinite patience with students who were not always infinitely prepared!” He also cherishes the life-long friendships he made while a student at York. At this point, French has no plans to completely retire from teaching. He said, “If I’m needed, still enjoy teaching, and still get good feedback from students, why should I stop?” French and his wife, Elizabeth have been married for 25 years and between them have six children and five grandchildren. !
The 1951 Marathon had the caption “Wood Shedding” above this picture of the A Cappella Choir practicing with Director James E. Koontz. Dr. French is in the third row, fourth from the left.
YC professors Kerry and Becky Holton spoke at the 46th Annual Asian Mission Forum in Bali, Indonesia shortly before the beginning of the school year.
Missionaries from approximately thirty nations were represented at this year’s forum. York College graduates Ben Berry (‘01), Joel Osborne (’00) and Jonathan Straker (’00) were in charge of organizing and running the conference and invited the Holtons to be speakers.
Kerry, an Associate Professor of Bible, gave a keynote address every morning with the topic “The God Who Dwells Among Us.” Kerry is currently on leave of absence, working in a doctoral program at the Iliff School of Theology and the University of Denver.
Becky led an elective class on “The Balanced Life” which looked at demands on the missionary life. Becky, along with Dottie Schulz, former YC psychology professor, also spoke in the evening on “Women of Faith.” This lesson was to support the unique role of missionary women. Mrs. Holton is an Associate Professor of Psychology and Director of the Counseling Center. !
Longtime York College employee Bonnie L. Etherton , age 68, passed away November 30, 2007. Married to Lue R. Etherton, Jr., Bonnie worked for York College over 30 years and spent much of her spare time at college events, especially women’s basketball games. She adored her grandchildren and great-grandchildren and loved spending time with them. Left to cherish her memory is her husband Lue of York; sons: Jeffrey (Deborah) Etherton and Michael Etherton; daughter Vickie (Ivan) Keller of York; seven grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. 1939-2007
Early in the fall semester, a group of eight YC students majoring in education met up with about a dozen kids with disabilities for a fishing day at Holmes Lake in Lincoln. All of the bait, fishing rods and time had been donated to make sure it was a good experience for the kids. The outing was part of SANDS (Sportsman Assisting Nebraska’s Disabled Sportsman), a statewide program based in Omaha.
“This was a great opportunity for our York College students,” said Associate Professor of Education Bobby DeHart. “Anytime we can learn and help others in the process, it is win-win for everyone. Our students had a great time, and for many of the students it reaffirmed why they want to be a teacher.” !
Heron, Alicia Florea, Melody Carey, and Jaclyn Coehoorn.
Mr. Kent Ross joins the York College faculty as an Assistant Professor of English. Ross holds a BS in Secondary Education, a MA in Theology, and a MDiv from Abilene Christian. He is a doctoral candidate (ABD) in English Literature from Texas A&M at Commerce.
His book review of “Yanyu, Zeng. Towards Postmodern Multiculturalism: A New Trend of African American and Jewish American Literature Viewed through Ishmael Reed and Philip Roth” was recently published.
His wife Linda is the Administrative Assistant to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. !
Alpha Chi Induction
Nine York College students were inducted into the Nebraska Epsilon chapter of Alpha Chi, a national honor scholarship society, in a candlelight ceremony on October 16. To be eligible for Alpha Chi, a student must be in the top 10 percent of the junior or senior class. Inducted were Keri Bornschlegel, Taylor Ettwein, Rochelle Geiger, Heather Gray, Nick Jones, Dustin Kinnison, Whitney Pinneo, Lorraine Slye, and Sarah Wearden.
Returning members in the group are Bevin Carroll, Michal Dudrey, Alicia Florea, Patrick Good, Emily Hastings, Nicole Melby, Megan Munsell, and Bethany Stanger.
Officiating at the initiation were chapter sponsors, Ms. Ginger Hodson – Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Physics, Dr. Ray Miller – Vice President for Academic Affairs and Chair of the Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, and Dr. Wayne Baker – YC President.
Front row
Tonya Walton, Jessica White, Dave Burgess (founder of SANDS), Shantelle Sorensen; Back row: Michael Carney, Malcohm
Bobby DeHart
G G G one F one F one Fishin ishin ishin ishin ishin’ ’’ ’
t was a late October afternoon and the YC men’s basketball season opener against Concordia University was only four days away. One might think that foregoing an entire practice this close to the first home game would be a little unorthodox, and at first glance one might also question the wisdom in that decision by first-year head coach Tom Linnell. However, the absence of a workout on the hardwood wasn’t a choice about having a day off for his team; it was a resolve to use that teamwork for the greater good.
About a mile away from the Freeman Center, the team was using their height and conditioning to insulate an entire house as part of the Habitat for Humanity blitz build project –constructing a three bedroom unit in two weeks instead of the usual twelve.
Measuring, cutting, stuffing, and stapling where the called-in plays for this Habitat crew. No one rode the pine.
Developing servant leaders within the community is extremely important to Coach Linnell. “It is the backbone of our program,” Linnell told a Channel 5 news-team in an onsite interview. “What better way of serving our community than through building a home, and providing service to others?”
In fact, Coach Linnell said his student athletes would be involved in 8 to 10 community service projects during the year, stating that it is important for his athletes to see just how fortunate they are.
“I think that for every seven people you help, they help seven others and they help seven others. I think it just makes the world a better place,” said Linnell.
It is not the same workout they are used to getting on the basketball court, but players said they were focusing on some of the same things as a team and accomplishing set goals.
“Basketball is more than just playing on the floor,” said senior forward Jesse Anderson of Cedaredge, Colorado. “It is more than practice, and it is more than games. It is getting out in the community and helping people.”
“We are glad to be able to do our part in helping others,” said Linnell. “It’s a wonderful opportunity to build a house
that will be there for a lifetime.”
By the way, Coach Linnell’s team did just fine in their home opener against the Bulldogs of Concordia, winning the contest 70-65. !
At 6’8”, Valentine, Neb., freshman Jordan Garvin, had no problem stuffing insulation above the door.
Darus Bowman, 6’3” Sr. – Denver, CO
YC Basketball crew with new home owners
s s s W W W W World of S orld of S orld of S orld of S orld of Soccer occer occer occer occer
n his tenth year as head coach of men’s soccer, Chris Luther’s team put together some amazing games. The 8-8-1 season had some heartbreaking losses that could have ended better for the Panthers, but it wasn’t due to the lack of desire or effort. The scheduled teams making up Region IV and the Midlands Collegiate Athletic Conference were talent ridden.
Playing a conference opponent twice in the season such as Park University, a top 15 team in the nation, didn’t make the schedule any easier.
Sixteen different states and countries were represented by the 27 players on the men’s roster. For at least three decades, and closer to four, the men’s soccer teams at York have been known for
their international flavor.
Trent Hinton, first-year head coach for the women’s team, had 12 states listed from his 20-player roster. Coaches and athletes alike gain from bringing all those backgrounds and playing styles together on a Christian campus.
The global perspective of York College soccer is certainly seen among the
seven players receiving awards at the conclusion of the season. Kilkenny, Ireland, defender Brendan Hanaphy was voted First Team All-Conference for the second year in a row. Last year he was also named to the NAIA AllRegion IV Team and was voted NAIA Honorable Mention All-American.
Second Team MCAC honors
went to Ian McEnerney—Dublin, Ireland, midfielder for his second straight year and Nolan Rathe—York, Neb., defender.
Players named as Daktronics NAIA Scholar Athletes were Hanaphy, Logan Bahler—Omaha, Neb., defender, Keri Bornschlegel—Rifle, Colo., forward, Daniel Good—Rotselaar, Belgium, midfielder, and Mary Reynolds— McMinnville, Tenn., midfielder. !
McEnerney Hanaphy
Stanley Hedrick passed away Sept. 3, 2007. He is survived by his wife Helen (Bennett ‘53) 1235 Countrywood Cr, Rogers, AR 72756
Dr. Harold “Hal” French made a UN presentation. See Alumni Digest (pg. 12)
Gene and Grace (Cleveland) Goben celebrated their 50th anniversary. See Milestones
Bryce and Lavora (Ballard ‘59) Gates have recently retired from teaching. They enjoy time with their nine grandchildren and spend their winters fishing in south Texas. 7343 Ross Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Nelson and Janeta (Prior) Fong are published in “The Spring”, a Chinese journal published and distributed worldwide. Nelson has regularly published articles and Janeta has consecutive pages from a Bible storybook which she is writing and illustrating. If you know of anyone who would like to receive a free subscription, contact them at 22355 Road L-34, Underwood, IA 51576
Dan and Suzanne (Healy ’65) New now live on their family farm in central Texas, where they try to keep tabs on seven scattered children and fourteen grandchildren. They welcome contacts from long-lost classmates and friends. PO Box 307, Hico, Texas 76457
This summer Colis Campbell, David Simpson, Roger Hawley, and their wives relived their days serving York College as coaches, teachers and counselors during the 1960’s and 1970’s.
Linda Egle was nominated for the 2007 Stand on a Better World Awards. See Profile (pg. 1) 1610 Belmont Blvd, Abilene, TX 79602
Robert Sprague, 56, of Great Mills, MD was killed in a car wreck Feb. 6, 2007. In addition to his parents, Bob is survived by his wife Richele Sprague, two daughters, a grandson, and siblings: Sandra Stamm (’69) and Wayne Sprague (’73), both of Seattle, WA.
Steve and Diana (Foncannon) Webb would love to hear from classmates. Steve is a supervisor with Exxon and Diana is a homeschool teacher. They live at W367S2856 Mill Pond Rd, Dousman, WI 53118
Gary Lansman is staying busy as a Senior Olympian basketball player, as well as working in securities for John Hancock Financial. He and his wife Bonnie have three grown children. 5911 Beacraft Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45213
Steve and Patti (Klein) Sikes have moved to New Jersey to work with the Pitman CofC. Steve is working alongside Dan Cooper, sharing the pulpit and in a “wounded healing” ministry. Patti is writing their Wounded Healing and Transformed Minds seminar materials for publishing. 1319 N Delsea Dr, Pitman, NJ 08071
Michael and Nadine (McAllister) Runcie report that after 23 years in St. Louis, they have moved to Nashville to be closer to their two daughters and granddaughters. 8016 Canonbury Dr, Nolensville, TN 37135
Don and Mary Conley are proud to announce the arrival of their second grandchild, Emma Joslynn Smith, September 7, 2007. 1501 Glen Hollow Lane, Flower Mound, TX, 75028
Cindy (Halstead) Croft has published a book. See Milestones
Brent and Jennifer (McClellan) Magers report that Brent is now an Associate Dean at Texas Tech University School of Medicine. 5604 83rd St, Lubbock, TX 79424
Larry and Pam Sullivan are currently serving as missionaries in Chemnitz, Germany. They can be reached via email at
Dr. Ben and Jan Larson have moved to Vemdalen, Sweden. They want everyone to know they are settling in and working to update and improve the facilities of Floda Gard. They are also anxious for any YC alumni to visit and receive 10% off a room.
Pam (Wildman) Baltimore recently moved to Wyoming and opened a retail business called Jean’s Closet. 223 E Garfield St, Laramie, WY 82070
Brent and Kay Magner have made the move to YC. Brent started his new role as Vice President for Advancement on Dec. 1. (pg. 6)
Mitchel and Ginny (Chen) Buller have a new address: 8642 Five Parks Dr., Arvada, CO 80005. Mitchel is an Engineer for Denver Fire and Ginny is a Land Law Examiner for B.L.M.
Sue Huff is working as Marketing Director for K Designers. PO Box 24464, Omaha, NE 68124
Gordon and Deva (Horchem) Ingraham have relocated and would love to hear from friends and classmates at 913 S Cypress, Carlsbad, NM 88220
Mark and Linda (Ragan) Schinnerer have lived in Carlsbad, NM for 18 years. They have three grown children and one grandchild, Lico (2). Linda is an Instructional Assistant with the Early Childhood Education Center. Mark was appointed recently to CEO of CARC Inc. 1606 Mountain Shadow Dr, Carlsbad, NM 88220
Jane Mileger is working as a customer service representative for Frontier Airlines. 16823 E. Lake Pl, Aurora, CO 80016
Craig and Tracy (Rutherford) Sumner are very happy to report Craig’s safe return from Iraq. Their daughter Darrian is a freshman in high school. They have moved to 2210 Illinois Dr, Harker Heights, TX 76548
Sid and Laurie (Mize) Snyder celebrated ten years in youth ministry at Lexington CofC on
November 1. Laurie also teaches kindergarten. 582 Rawl Rd, Lexington, SC 29072
To Allen and Deanna Davis, a son, Nathan Ray, Aug. 4, 2007. Nathan joins big brothers Isaiah (19) and Caleb (17). 260-66 American Canyon Rd, American Canyon, CA 94503
Scott and Lisa Harris are moving from South Africa to Inhambane, Mozambique, to lead a new team as they begin work among the Bi-Tonga people. They will make that move in May of 2008, but in the meantime will be spending the next 6 months in Campinas, Brazil, learning Portuguese. Friends and classmates can reach them at
Jim and Trudi (Bonner) Miller have a new email address to pass along to classmates: 2027 Jefferson, Pecos, TX 79772
Diana (Whittemore) Gant has moved into a new home. She and her three children Lindsey, Connor, and Kelsey now live at 4367 S Granby Way, Aurora, CO 80015
Monte and Evelyn (Cox) Bryant would love to hear from classmates and friends at 8500 Sagebrush Trail, Crossroads, TX 76227
Jeannie (Romans) Miller is a caseworker for Lutheran Services in Iowa. Her husband Dave is a tester for Shirley Environmental. They have four daughters: Ariel (16), Mack (15), Tori (14), and Stormy (12). 821 S.13th Ave East Apt F1, Newton, IA 50208
Theresa (Long) Waugh is working as a medical technologist at Kansas Heart Hospital. She and Jeff (‘94) have five children: Jackson (10), Lincoln (8), MyKenzie (6), Madison (5), and Kaycee (3). 1665 E. 119th St S, Mulvane, KS 67110
Eric and Sonja (Kibby) Jacobson report that Eric works for Dameron Color Labs and is a selfemployed photographer. Sonja is a stay-at-home mom with their two daughters Eryn (13) and Skyler (4). 5498 State Hwy FF, Fordland, MO 65652
Sheri (Hardaway) Schmitz has moved: 1720 Scottsdale Way, Red Bluff, CA 96080
A June weekend in Spearfish, SD:
Brian and Katrina (Todd) Shultz have relocated to 122 East Clark, La Plata, MO 64549 where Katrina is working as a golf course manager.
Melissa Donaldson-Smith is a Family Support Specialist for the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and her husband Dan is a Correctional Officer. They have two dogs, Gap and Gabby. 108 Haverford Path Apt 6, Georgetown KY 40324
Steve Engler is finally a professional musician. He has an album of music available for free download at ouimnet036/. It is variations on a theme maxi-single incorporating electronic, classical and world music.
Armando Gonzalez is the pulpit preacher/evangelist/youth worker for the Okmulgee CofC. His wife Cheryl recently received her Oklahoma teaching certification. They have two kids: Elijah (13) and Elizabeth (11). 807 Mockingbird Ln, Okmulgee, OK 74447
Robyn (Fuller) King recently started working for Weber Aircraft in Gainesville, Texas, as a program administrator. She and her husband Johnny and daughter Laney (9) live at HC 72, Box 232, Kingston, OK 73439
Stephen and Cheri (Buggeln) Lech have bought a house! Stephen is a real estate inspector for Compass Bank and Cheri is a customer service rep for JC Penny. They have two girls: Teri (8) and Alexandra (2). 7046 Blossom Creek, Converse, TX 78109
Kevin Sanders is a teacher at Mansfield ISD. He and his wife Lisa live at 1513 Meadow Ln, Midlothian, TX 76065
Tom and Tatanjia “Taj” (Willyard) McNamara recently married. Tom is in real estate development with The Wells Group of Durango and Taj works for The Durango Herald as a web engineer/ designer. 1422 Animas View Dr #19, Durango, CO 81301
Michelle Gaona works as a family nutrition educator for MSUES. She has three children, Jacen (12), Julian (10) and Jenna (9). 1129 East Lee Blvd. Starkville, MS 39759
Rhonda (Sagel) Dwyer is working as a Senior Research Grant Administrator for the Univ. of Arizona. Her husband David is an attorney with Redhair & Dwyer. They have two children: Chet (7) and Caiden (3). 4214 E Pontatoc Dr, Tucson, AZ 85718
Rick and Charity Goben have made some changes recently. They moved in 2005 and now Rick sells real estate and is a deacon of education. Charity is a physician’s assistant. They have two girls: Alexis (6) and Mikaela (5). 3829 Rockwood, Enid, OK 73703
Aaron and Carolyn (Gustaveson) Walling have moved: 24703 High Desert Ln, Katy, TX 77494. Aaron is now the preaching minister at the Cinco Ranch CofC. They have three children: Laura (11), Andrew (9), and Taylor (7). BORN
To Dana and Kristi (Burleson) Brant , another girl, Macey Marie, March 13, 2007. Dana is selfemployed as a property manager and stay-at-home dad, and Kristi is a CPA at Potter & Brant, PLC. They have two other daughters: Madison (10) and Mikayla (7). 408 S 3rd St, Clear Lake, IA 50428
BORN To Joe and Jennifer (Knight) Hannel, a boy, Elijah Aaron, June 5, 2007. Elijah joins siblings Samara (7) and Joseph (3). Joe is a teacher for the Kansas City School District. 418 E Mason St, Odessa, MO 64076
Angela DeMarco recently graduated from Lubbock Christian Univ. with an M.A. in Educational Leadership and is teaching 8th grade U.S. History at Hutchinson Middle School. 6003 85th St., Lubbock, TX 79424
Jennifer (Worley) Haralson has been selected to be on the Board of Directors for the National Assoc. of Professional Pet Sitters ( ) for a threeyear term. She has been a pet sitter since 1999 and is currently the President of “A Pause for Paws, Inc.” in Lincoln, Nebraska.
To Kevin and Glenda (Franklin ’99) Lewis , a boy, Elijah, April 5, 2006. 1900 Griffith Pl, Longmont, CO 80501
Brad and Terri (Bond) Dillan have moved: 423 N. Sears, Minden, NE 68959. They have five children: Hunter (10), Parker (7), Kamrie (6), Chloe (4), and Cooper (2).
To Justin and Donna (Chaffin) Harrold, a boy, Clark Ryan, Nov. 9, 2007. He joins his big sister, Addison (3). 11834 W. Neville Ct, Wichita, KS 67205
To James and Rachel (Olson) Layton, a girl, Haley Christine, July 31, 2007. Haley joins big sister Allison (3). James is a research engineer at Lynntech , and Rachel is currently teaching and coaching softball at Bryan High School. 3902 Oak Bend, Bryan, TX, 77802
To Brad and Vanessa (Terry ’98) Leonard, a boy, Hayden Byron, Nov. 5, 2007. He joins siblings Reese (3) and Adelyn (1). The Leonard family recently moved to Virginia where Brad is an Air Force logistician at the Pentagon and Vanessa is a domestic engineer. 9638 Masterworks Dr, Vienna, VA 22181
To Brad and Tina Reischl, a girl, Emercyn Tae, Oct. 15, 2007. Her older sister Macy (2) is very proud of the new addition.
1087 Kingwood Ln, Harlan, IA 51537
Dr. Lavica (Gammill) Gates is the new vet at the Anthony Veterinary Clinic: 70 N State Rd 14, Anthony, KS 67003 . She and her husband Tim (‘99) recently moved from Pond Creek, Oklahoma. BORN
Chip Bloecher recently began a new career as Principal at Carrollton Christian Academy. Lisa (Russell ’96), is an accountant and continues to create CDs of her own music ( ) and currently a Japanese language CD. They have one daughter, Hope (1). 1914 Rambling Ridge, Carrollton, TX 75007
Talonno Wright is CEO of Gametime Entertainment in Omaha and just signed a regional distribution deal with Koch records. 4229 Lake St, Omaha, NE 68111
Lisa Berger is working as an enrollment counselor for Univ. of Phoenix and has relocated to 7009 E. Acoma Dr #2108, Scottsdale, AZ 85254
To Adam and Anita (Adams) Paulk, a girl, Lillian “Lilly” Elizabeth, July 29, 2007. She is welcomed by her siblings Johnathan (7) and Kara (7). 7131 Kton Rd, Temple, TX 76502
To John and Diana (Wilson) Jarvais, a girl, Chloe, on November 21, 2006. John and Diana recently bought a house. 620 Lincoln Ave, Kaukauna, WI 54130
To Dan and Chelli (Cummings) Morris, a boy, Axton Daniel, Oct. 20, 2007. They are still in Nanaimo, BC, Canada. Congratulations can be sent to
Shawn Sherlock recently received a promotion with The PrivateBank & Trust Co. in Kansas City. He and his wife Beth’s new address is 6840 Oak St, Kansas City, MO 64113
Brian Weisse – family sets World Record. See Milestones
To Bernabe and Robin (Miller) Galvez, a boy, Jonathan, Sept. 16, 2007. He joins older brother Michael (4). 229 E Webster, Osceola, IA 50213
Roni Arellano recently moved to Dublin, California and accepted a job as a pre-school teacher at Nielsen Elementary School. 6942 Lake Dr Apt G, Dublin, CA 94568 Bryan Barnacle honored as a Teacher of the Year. See Milestones Ben Berry has returned to the states and in January will begin a Masters in Missions at ACU. 1525 Washington Blvd, Abilene, TX 79601
Holly Brinkley recently moved and is working for Jim Walter Homes as a branch administrator. 203 E Nettleton Ave #C, Jonesboro, AR 72401
Brenda (Trent) Collins and husband Matthew are happy to announce they are expecting a baby in April. Brenda is a teacher for TheraCare and Matthew is in the Marines. 145 Park Ave, Keansburg, NJ 07734
Annie Keesee completed her M.A. in Special Music Education in May from Wichita State Univ. and is teaching K-6 vocal music at Riley Elementary in Great Bend. She and her dog PJ live at 3324 Lakin, Great Bend, KS 67530
2002 BORN
To Dave and Liz (Barrows) Chalenburg, a boy, Holden Isaac Edwin, Aug. 21, 2007. Holden joins big brother Aiden (3) who is overjoyed at the addition. Dave works in Telecommunications at Harding Univ. 1312 E Market, Searcy, AR 72143
Hirotaka Miyata is working for Word of Life Press ministries. Hiro and his wife Mamiko welcomed their son Jion into the world on Oct. 20, 2007.
A103-550 Futago-cho, Funabashishi, Chiba-Ken, JAPAN 273-0034
DeVoderick Ridley is working as a teacher and coach and his wife Shannon is a CNA in a nursing home. He would love to hear from classmates and friends at 131 Oaktree Lane, Minden, LA 71055
Christina Wilcox is currently working for Sloan Images and would love to hear from classmates 425 N Molley, Bennington, NE 68007
To Andrew and Shannon (Lacey) Braun, a boy, Aidan Lawrence, July 23, 2007. 2320 N Burning Tree, Wichita, KS 67228
To Craig and Jeri (Bullock) Ford, a boy, Caleb James, July 22, 2007. He joins big sister Hannah Ruth (2). Craig and Jeri are missionaries in Papua, New Guinea. http://
To Travis and April Rowedder, a girl, Dezerae Lynn, Nov. 9, 2007. She joins her two older brothers, Daniel (5) and Devon (3). 527 Cedar St, Osage, IA 50461
To Mark and Summer (McNeese ‘03) Dickinson , a boy, Finn William, Nov. 1, 2007. Finn has older brother Ethan (1) looking out for him. Mark is currently working as a substitute teacher for Lincoln Public Schools and Summer is an adjunct faculty member for York College. #4 Lincoln Place, York, NE 68467
To Rachel (Schlosser)
Hanshew , a son, Caleb, Aug. 9, 2007. Rachel asks for prayers on his behalf as he was born with cleft palate and Pierre Robin sequence. Rachel also has another son Nicholas (1). 875 Montclair Dr, Banning, CA 92220
Aimee Burney accepted a job as a cut floor supervisor with Tyson Chicken and will be moving to Arkansas at the end of the year. She will continue to do occupational therapy on the side. 2838 Pierce, Springfield, MO 65803
Nicole Robinson is a residential treatment specialist at one of the top eating disorder programs in the world. She is also a graduate student at Arizona State Univ. studying for a Masters degree in Social Work. She is engaged to be married on January 5, 2008. 3939 W. Windmills Blvd Apt #2106, Chandler, AZ 85226
Alicia White is teaching 2nd grade at Hebard Elementary and would love to hear from classmates. 4700 Moran Ave, Cheyenne, WY 82009
To Kris and Rachel (Russell) Lamm , a boy, Lincoln Miles, Oct. 11, 2007. Both Rachel and Kris are teaching school and can be contacted at 3504 102 nd St, Lubbock, TX 79423
To Thomas and Kortney (Mount) Phifer, a boy, Jonas Ephram, Oct. 3, 2006. Tom is a lockbox processor at a bank and Kortney is an elementary school teacher. 3615 Snapwood Rd Apt A, Birmingham, AL 35216
To Jesse and Calley (Burleson) Welch, a girl, Evie Laine, Oct. 31, 2007. They request prayers on Evie’s behalf as she contracted the virus CMV before she was born. 908 1 st Ave S, Clear Lake, IA 50428
Josh Blew is currently working on an MDiv at Harding University and is fundraising for the MS Walk. 1000 Cherry Rd, Memphis, TN 38117 BORN
To Rob and Beth (Knoll ‘06) Nill, a boy, Owen George, June 6, 2007. Rob and Beth are both teaching. N7426 Beaver Bay Dr, Beaver Dam, WI 53916
Bryanna Martin graduated from Abilene Christian University with a Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy on August 10, 2007. 1914 SE 189th Ct, Vancouver, WA 98683
Brien and Bobbie (Reeves ‘07) Alley report Brien has accepted a job as Development Officer for Epworth Village in York and Bobbie is also employed there as a Life Skills Trainer. They have recently purchased a new house at 820 East Ave, York, NE 68467
Bret and Jerrica (Gibson) Hagerman celebrated their first anniversary on Oct. 28, 2007. Bret is working as an electrician and Jerrica is teaching second grade. 4807 Arlington St, Loves Park, IL 61111
To Titus and Angie (Sobetski) Robison, a girl, Arabella Joy, Aug. 6, 2007. Titus is VP of Development for Foster’s Home for Children and Angie is a stay at home mom. 500 Wedgewood Dr, Stephenville, TX 76401
Rebekah Carden works as customer service administrator for Aeroflex. She would love to hear from classmates and friends. 999 Silver Springs Blvd #2404, Wichita, KS 67212
Amie Cox passed her certification exam and is now officially a medical technologist/clinical laboratory scientist! She will be working as a Med Tech in the blood bank department. Amie says, “I definitely couldn’t have done it without the experience I received at York College. Thank you so much.” 3096 Teardrop Circle, Colorado Springs, CO, 80917
Price and Stephanie (Orman) Fowler recently purchased their first home:13911 Bailie St, Waverly, NE 68462. Price is a quality control analyst for Information Technology Inc., and Stephanie teaches third grade at Belmont Elementary in Lincoln.
Mark and Chrystal (Duquette ’03) Houston and their daughter Lily (1) have moved: 1108A Holik Dr, College Station, TX 77840. Mark has started a Masters program in Medieval Literature at Texas A&M and Chrystal is working for the University as a writer.
Vicky (Girard) Miller married Jacob Miller and is currently living in Manhattan, Kansas, where Jake is a student and she is working for the accounting firm Sink, Gillmore and Gordon LLP.
Erin Derrie recently accepted a job as a line therapist with the Wisconsin Early Autism Project. Her new address is 960 2nd Ave South, Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495
John T. Langley is a full time youth minister in Altus, Oklahoma, working with the Tamarac CofC. 1018 E Cypress, Altus, OK 73521
P P P P Panther milestones
Gene Gene and Grace (Cleveland) Goben Grace (Cleveland) Goben Grace (Cleveland) Goben Grace (Cleveland) Goben celebrated 50 years of marriage on September 1, 2007. After serving nineteen years with the church in Broken Bow, Nebraska, Gene and Grace now live in Canton, Oklahoma, where Gene preaches for the church there and is mayor of the small community. In addition to their three grown children: Pam Love (’79), Randy (’80), and Rick (’94), they have been blessed with five grandchildren. Well wishes can be sent to them at PO Box 505, Canton, OK 73724
1976 1976
To submit news for the Heritage, please visit us on the web at and click on the link Update Your Information. To submit photos, email Sue Roush at
Cindy (Halstead) Croft has published a book called “The Six Keys: Strategies for Promoting Children’s Mental Health in Early Childhood Programs.” It uses evidence-based practice to demonstrate key components necessary for promoting emotional well-being in children. Books can be purchased from Cindy is Director of the Center for Inclusive Child Care at Concordia University in St Paul. Cindy and Tom have three grown children: Melissa, Kimberly, and Matthew. 936 Bluff Pointe Dr, Chaska, MN 55318
B rian rian rian rian rian W W Weisse eisse eisse eisse eisse was one of 21 family members to compete in the Fox Cities Marathon on September 23, 2007. Brian’s dad, Chris, also ran the 26.2 mile endurance race and helped set the Guinness Book of World Records for the most siblings to compete in a single marathon. Chris and his 12 close-knit siblings, ranging in age from 54 to 33, ran for their brother Peter who died of brain cancer at the age of 3 in 1968. Their focus of the day was on his memory and to raise money for cancer research. Brian and his wife Shelly both teach in the Milwaukee Public School system. They have two sons, Owen (3) and Ben (1). 3052 S 54th St, Milwaukee, WI 53219
Bryan Barnacle Bryan Barnacle was recognized as one of the nation’s top educators by the Wal-Mart and Sam’s Club Teacher of the Year program. He was one of 31 teachers recognized from the state of Nebraska in 2007. Because of this honor, Lincoln North Star High School, where he teaches English, Literature and Creative Writing, was given an educational grant of $1,000, and the opportunity to compete at the state level. Rachel (Reppart) Rachel (Reppart) (Reppart) is an Assistant Professor and Counselor at YC. They have one son, Corban. 2607 Alvo Road, Seward, NE 68434
Casey Daugherty Casey Daugherty recently attended the first Holocaust Institute for Teacher Educators at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. The institute was designed for educators to explore the content, methods and rationales for teaching about the Holocaust, moral and ethical implications of teaching the Holocaust and genocide in the higher education setting. These ladies made their long-standing friendship at York as freshmen. DeHart was in the first class of education majors to graduate with a Bachelors at YC in the spring of 1994, and Daugherty in the fall of 1994. Both have earned their Masters of Education. Daugherty is the department chair of English at the high school in Willow Springs, Missouri and is a facilitor of the Missouri Writing Project. DeHart is an Assistant Professor of Education at York College as is her husband, Bobby.
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to the forefront of Christian higher education. You can become a member by making an annual gift of $1000 or more. Your gift makes it possible for York College to “provide a quality liberal arts education, equipping students to lead lives of purpose, leadership, and service consistent with Christian ideals.”
$50,000 AND UP
Miss Olive Devine*
Dr. and Mrs. Wilbur Dabbs
Mr. and Mrs. H. Jarrell Gibbs
Mr. and Mrs. John Kooiker
Mr. and Mrs. Edward McLoud
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Stringfellow
Mr. and Mrs. John Alley
Mr. Charles Baucom*
Mr. and Mrs. David Lynn
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mix
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nill
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Schoof
Mr. and Mrs. G. Wayne Studebaker
Mrs. Rose Waltz*
Mrs. Ann Weber*
Ms. Vivian Avey
Mr. Don Freeman
Dr. and Mrs. James Hinkle
Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Hoyt
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Rubart
Mrs. Mary Taylor*
Mrs. Elaine Townsdin
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Watts
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Anderson
Dr. and Mrs. John Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Danielson
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Denewiler
Dr. and Mrs. Jeff Hannel
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Harms
Currently, over forty bachelor degree programs are offered in the areas of Bible, Education, Science, Business, Communications, English, History, Math, Music and Psychology. York College must excel in each of these areas to compete in today’s educational arena. By making a gift to York College you have the opportunity to impact our students in a significant way.
Mr. Adron Hawkins
Mr. and Mrs. Van Harrold continued
Mr. and Mrs. Keel Hendricks
Drs. Joe and Jackie Humphrey
Mr. and Mrs. Richard James
Mrs. Margaret Parker
St. John Church of Christ
Mr. and Mrs. Drew Woodburn
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Armbrust
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Arterburn
President and Mrs. Wayne Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Belden
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Deal
Mr. and Mrs. Dimitri Gaitanopoulos
Dr. and Mrs. E. LaVerne Haselwood
Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Hawley
Miss Sherri Herndon
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Hotovy
Mr. and Mrs. Chester James, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Mangan
Drs. Tyler and Kelli Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Kimball Matkins
Mrs. Wanda Middleswarth
Mr. and Mrs. A. Keith Miller
Dr. and Mrs. L. Ray Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Morrow
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Murphy
Ms. Ruth Noffsinger
Mr. and Mrs. James Reischl
Dr. Dorris Schulz
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sheldon
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Sheldon
Mr. Dale Talmage
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Waldrop
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Willis
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Anderson
Mrs. Flossie Barker*
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Baum
Mr. and Mrs. Lenard Boesch
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brackett
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Colwell
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Conway
Mr. and Mrs. J. Ken Davidson
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Faulkner
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fischer
Dr. and Mrs. Aaron Fletcher
Mr. and Mrs. Jansen Fraser
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fry
Mr. and Mrs. Galen Groves
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gunselman
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hance
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hance
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Don Hornbaker
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kinnison
Mr. G. W. Knight
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Lawrence
Mr. James Leadabrand
Mr. and Mrs. H. Ken Leopard
Mr. and Mrs. Quinton Martin
Dr. and Mrs. Jimmie McGuire
McPherson Ave Church of Christ
Mrs. Erin McSween
Dr. and Mrs. Mabrey Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Don Millican
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Norris
Northwest Church of Christ
Mr. and Mrs. William O’Dell
Mrs. Sandra Olson
Ms. Willa Patterson
Miss Maribel Poundstone
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Reetz
Mrs. Liz Rhodebeck
Mrs. Dulcie Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Roe
Mr. and Mrs. James Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rowe
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Saffell
Mrs. Ermalee Scroggin
Mr. and Mrs. C. Ray Shockney
Ms. Ruth Short
Ms. Eliese Skelton
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Steele*
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Villet
Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin Wilson
Becton, Dickinson and Company
Burlington Northern ConocoPhillips
Cornerstone Bank
Cornhusker Christian Children’s Fdn.
Euphrasia Martin Foundation
AVAYA Foundation
F.W. & E.J. Carruth Family Group LP-A Gibson Holdings, Inc.
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
IBM Corporation
Marlin Oil Corporation
Modern Methods, Inc.
National Helping Hands Chapter
Nebraska Ind. College Foundation
Raindrop Repair
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Tulsa Christian Foundation, Inc.
Victor E. & Rosa M. Blum Charitable Fdn.
Washington Foundation
Please join us today as we continue to educate minds and hearts in America’s
Cat The Cat The Cat The Cat Cat’
Collection Village Collection Village Collection Village Collection Collection
The Trustees’ Wives Chapter of Helping Hands is offering this opportunity to purchase a 4” x 3” x ¾” wood replica of the York College Arch. This custom-designed keepsake is the sixth in this beautiful collection. A new design from the York College campus will be added each year.
Order now!
A limited supply of the Mackey Center, Prayer Chapel, McGehee Hall, Hulitt Hall, and Middlebrook Hall replicas are also available to order.
At the intersection of 9th Street and Kiplinger Avenue, the York College arch was presented to the campus by the Class of 1942, and has welcomed visitors to the campus for many years.
Mail information and payment to:
Mail information and Mail information and payment to:
Mail information and information Office of Advancement 1125 East 8th Street York, NE 68467
To close out the semester, students were treated to the traditional late night country-style breakfast by the faculty, staff, and administration. This extra burst of energy supply was to assist in preparations for their upcoming finals.
Spring High School Days and Songfest ‘08 April 3-6, 2008
Concert Choir Winter Tour ..................... January 4 - 12
Second Semester Registration ...................... January 14
Shine Retreat ......................................... February 8 - 10
Theatre Production ................... February 28 - March 2
Spring Break ........................................... March 15 - 23
Spring High School Days ........................... April 4 - 6 (Songfest ‘08 ......... April 3 - 5, 7:30 p.m.)
Senior Citizens Appreciation Banquet ......... April 17
All-College Banquet ......................................... April 24
Summer Session I .............................. May 14 - June 2
RoundUp .................................................. May 18 - 24
Summer Session II ............................ June 4 - June 19
Soul Quest ‘07 ........................................... June 15 - 21
Summer Session III .............................. June 23 - July 8
New Student Orientation ........................ August 23 - 25
Classes Begin ............................................... August 27
Celebration Days ............................... October 10 - 12 (Homecoming and Fall High School Days)
Concert Choir Spring Works Concert............ April 29 Commencement ............................................... May 10