“ M
y Greatest Life’s Work”
H. Childress
Harvey Childress was a risk taker. As a stalwart visionary who wanted to see the Kingdom grow in the north central states, he was chosen to lead York College as its first president after management was turned over to churches of Christ in 1956. For the remainder of his life he was a proponent for the college.
The risks he faced were considerable: a tiny available student base, limited funds for securing faculty and staff, a small church population – typically essential for a faith-based school of any kind. The positives were also considerable: a supportive community, many friends nationwide, and an unwavering faith. Childress was the kind of man who was aware of the risks but spent his energies focused on the positives and on the potential outcomes.
Harvey and Sue Childress never stopped thinking, praying and financially supporting York College all these years. In February of this year, Darlene and I had our last visit with Harvey and Sue, sharing lunch with them and another godly couple whom have since become our mutual friends. During that time Harvey handed me a sizeable check for this ministry and said simply, “We are closing our checking account and this is all of the cash we have available, and we want it to go to York College.”
At first it so startled me that I said, “Oh, no, Brother Childress this isn’t right – we can’t accept it.”
To which Harvey replied, “The ministry of Christian education at York College has been my greatest life’s work. All of our business affairs are finalized; we have the necessary resources with which to live out our remaining time. Sue and I have talked about this for several years now and our mind is made up. We are ready to go to our heavenly Father; our life’s work is done.”
Darlene and I, with tears in our eyes, joined in prayer with them as we witnessed their dedication to God and His cause. I will never forget that moment in time.
Harvey passed from this life just weeks later on April 28 at the age of 94, but I and every person associated with YC will always be indebted to his capable and consecrated leadership. The outcome of his (and many others) leap of faith more than fifty years ago has been enormous.
In a few weeks the entering freshman class will arrive. They are ready to learn, grow and serve. For our new students who will come to us, I am ready to join Harvey and take a risk. I think they’re worth it.
Dr. Wayne Baker President
YORK COLLEGE HERITAGE is published by the Office of Advancement for alumni and friends of York College. Correspondence can be sent to:
Steddon Sikes Director of Publications
1125 East 8th Street York, NE 68467
(402) 363-5668 slsikes@york.edu www.york.edu
Profile Excellence in
Profile Excellence in
Profile Excellence in
n Dr. Gayle (Savage ‘75) Davidson’s own words, she did not fit into the mold of the good kids at York.
“Mostly, people are going to remember Savage as being a crazy wild thing and might faint to know how I actually turned out,” said Davidson. “But I believe this time in my life and my personality prepared me for mission work and gave me courage to do things that perhaps others would be afraid of doing. I just had to get my “God focus” going and that took a lot of influences.”
Davidson credited the changing influences in her life such as Bible professors Dr. Alex Humphrey and Dr. Mabrey Miller, mentors like Bruce and Sheila Tandy who took her under their wing and made her feel loved even when she was seemingly unloveable, and students such as Pat Craig, Michelle Elliott Ford, Dale Hawley, and Stanten Sikes who were some of her greatest encouragers. “They didn’t judge me; they just loved me anyway. That, more than anything, taught me unconditional Jesus love and has stuck with me through the years.”
A Nurse Practitioner since 1981, Gayle has been a tireless volunteer with medical mission trips for ten years in Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, and New Orleans. Her annual work as a group leader and coordinator with TORCH Missions is in and of itself impressive. Even more astounding is one of the ministries to which she has felt called – tattoo removal for ex-gang members and leaders.
Tattoos or brands identifying a specific gang affiliation, and sometimes a leadership position in the gang, present a lifelong curse for those Honduran men who choose to escape that way of existence. Especially troublesome are those on the fingers, lower arms, and face. A constant fear of imprisonment, beatings, or possible death have forced many of these men to erase their physical signs of the past with battery acid, hot irons, or programs that attempt to electrocute the ink out of their skin leaving them with scars and no hope for the future.
Davidson has blogged many entries on the internet about her work with some of those ex-gang members. The following paragraph that she penned introducing the ministry of tattoo removal speaks eloquently to an ongoing battle we all face.
“Light wins every time... wins every time... time...
To remove the tattoo, we have to use a light that is so bright you can’t even look at it without special goggles.
“Sue and I found early in our lives that the more we could help others enjoy their lives, the happier our lives became.”
“I can look back with a smile at my time at York College. ‘Why do I want to teach?’ Dr. [Kathleen] Wheeler made me want to be a better person. I want to treat every student the way she treated me.” Malcohm Heron Malcohm Heron Heron Middle School Education Grad. 2008 Senior Banquet
“We enjoy the successes in life more, but sometimes the failures teach us more about who we are and who we’re called to be... Remember who you are. Live in such a manner that when you look into the eyes of Jesus, you will not be either ashamed or afraid.”
“In short, it was a great day for hope. It was on all of their faces when they realized someone had bothered to help them... It is so cool that amazing things are still happening to ordinary people today. Being a child of God—even an ordinary one—is such a blessing.”
Dr. Gayle L. Davidson
“Savage” (YC ‘75)
Husband: Keith Davidson (YC ‘74)
Children: Amber (22), Shayn (20), Megan (16)
gayledavidson@hotmail.com www.torchmissionshonduras.blogspot.com www.irccorp.org
! Ph.D., Brevard Christian Univ., 2006
! A.R.N.P., University of Miami, 1981
! B.S.N., Harding University, 1977
! A.S., York College, 1975
Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner
Certified Laser Technology – tattoo removal
Florida Registered Interpreter for Deaf
Member Melbourne Church of Christ
Vice Pres. InterAmerican Restoration Corp.
Mission Coordinator TORCH Missions
Disaster Relief Team (Guyana, Honduras, Haiti, New Orleans)
Co-Director Tattoo Erase Program
Speaker – Spiritual Growth Workshop
Recent Honors & Awards:
2002 Brevard County Humanitarian Award
2002-04 National Speakers Bureau
2003 Presidential Award for humanitarian aid – Honduran Government
Our eyes simply can’t take it. As you put the bright light into the darkness of the black ink of the tattoo, the darkness begins to disappear. Soon the darkness is replaced by light. It is not perfect but it is nothing like it was before. Within an hour of the laser light treatment, the tattoo looks almost the same as it did before we started. But it is ever-changing as our walk as disciples of His. The dark ink will gradually be carried away over the next 6 weeks out through the person’s circulation. By the time we see them again in 6 weeks; over half of the ink will be gone. If the person continues to return for treatment of the laser light (by their choice) the darkness will be gone forever. Continually putting light into our lives will forever change us for good and continually push out the darkness.”
(Below) Gayle holding Christian, an eleven-year-old Honduran boy who has cerebral palsy and has never been able to eat solid food. They gave his mother nutritional supplements and Gayle taught her how to bathe him and do physical therapy at the same time.
Christian loved it.
Davidson commented that she loves the work mostly because no one else wanted to do it. Even though she was afraid, as the places and men were in fact connected with the worst gangs in the world, her thought was to be a witness of the life-changing power of God. What she saw and heard were stories of how these men had already turned their lives over to God. They were helping others and making a new life. Some were preaching. Some were trying to help their friends get out of the gang as well.
“I thought we would go and witness to them, but the reverse happened — the exgangers witnessed to me.” She added one of her favorite closing thoughts, “God is good.”
“Continually putting light into our lives will forever change us for good and continually push out the darkness.”
Davidson has a special place in her heart and volunteer work for the women and children of Honduras as well. She was instrumental in the opening of the Clinica de Esperanza (clinic of hope) in Santa Ana last August and has dedicated much of her time to bringing medical aid to the country. Some of the trips involve ministering to those living in children’s homes while other times the focus is on the actual construction of homes.
At the conclusion of one such visit to Honduras Davidson wrote, “It really doesn’t matter how many houses we built or how many people we helped. The numbers are not relevant. All that really matters is that hearts were changed. I have seen the light reflecting from the kids on this trip. Hearts were changed and will continue to rock the world they live in.”
In 2003, Gayle was given the Honduran Government Presidential Award for humanitarian aid. Again, however, using her own words from her web profile, “It is not about us, it is about how we use our gifts to serve.” #
— by Steddon Sikes
The 2007-08 Panther wrestling season was in a word, TOUGH. First-year Head Coach Greg Smith and his squad endured one hardship after another, but never gave up on the prize.
Just after the Thanksgiving break, Aurora, NE sophomore Brody Mayberry suffered a knee injury at the Newman Invite that threatened the remainder of his season and required surgery.
Soon after he had won the 197 weight class at the Northwestern Open and qualified for nationals, Bryan Irsik, sophomore from Garden City, KS was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma in December and would need to take the spring semester off for chemo.
On January 18, the entire campus community went to their knees with the news that Brock Pigorsch, sophomore transfer from Herington, KS and brother
Brock C. Pigorsch
November 27, 1986 - January 18, 2008
“Brock had a smile that could make even the grumpiest person laugh. He wanted to be a coach, and he would have been a good one. He was tough in every sense of the word. He was a great leader, he was a brother and he understood what brotherly love meant. He was selfless; he did everything he could to help others around him, including myself. He understood the scripture, ‘to be devoted to each other in brotherly love.’ Brock opened his heart to his team and this community. He’ll be missed, but we’ll always keep his spirit with us.”
- Greg Smith, YC Wrestling Coach
“Brock never put himself above the team. His pace was relentless. He had heart and his work ethic made me go that much harder. He was my brother. Whenever things got bad, I could look to him for support. He was always ready to mix things up for the people he cared about.”
- Trey Jackson, YC Wrestler
to Brandon, a senior on the team, was killed when the team’s van rolled en route to an invite in Iowa.
Six weeks later freshman Kelly Johansen’s 21 year-old brother was killed in a car accident in his hometown of Hiawatha, KS.
Two days before the team traveled down for Johansen’s funeral, Ryan Trotter, junior from Federal Way, WA and former YC wrestler Dexter Morin were involved in a one-vehicle accident that caused internal injuries to Trotter and required Morin to be lifeflighted to Lincoln.
Just before nationals, Smith said in an interview, “Obviously the team has been through quite a bit. It has bonded us together. They realize how precious every day is. That’s a tough lesson learned. They understand the importance of taking and making the best of every opportunity.”
Five wrestlers, all seniors, qualified and wrestled in the National Tournament: Trey Jackson (2-2), Ryan Kromer (0-2), Tyler Phipps (0-2), Brandon Pigorsch (1-2), and Ben-
in Physical Education,
a wrestler for
he was All State Honorable Mention in Kansas in 2005 as well as named to the 2004-2005 KWCA All-Academic Team.
jamin Woodburn (0-2). The Panthers didn’t come home with the hardware they wanted, but according to Smith they were still successful as a team this season.
“There is no doubt about it, these young men battled through adversity throughout this entire season,” said Coach Smith. “Having five individuals qualify for the NAIA National Tournament is an accomplishment in itself, but when you step back and look at the season and the obstacles this team endured and overcame, it speaks volumes concerning the character of the guys on this squad. I am proud of each of these men and how they represented York College and its wrestling program.” #
here is some irony about living in a house that was once owned by Woody and Kathryn Kirk. Mr. Kirk taught at YC for a number of years, including a sociology class to a sleepy freshman in the fall of 1977. In my defense, it was an afternoon class with abundant afternoon sunlight streaming through the window. Perhaps my
Woodrow and Kathryn Kirk made York College their home in 1968 and gave 30 years to what they deemed a ‘higher calling.’ Alumni remember with fondness Woody’s Marriage and Family lectures and Kathryn’s cheerful disposition in the registrar’s office.
When the Kirk’s made their retirement move to Texas, they deeded to the college their house across from campus. Strong proponents of the institution’s mission and the impact YC students could have on the world, their influence will always be embedded within life at York College.
irregular bedtime also had some effect. Whatever the reasons, I napped in Mr. Kirk’s class and now, thirty-one years later, I nap in his former home.
Sometimes I wonder about the sacrifice of people like Mr. Kirk. Many of you reading this magazine could recite their names along with me: Baker, Miller, Larsen, Schulz, Tandy, Lawrence. The only problem with any list is that some names are left off which should be included – some who worked behind the scenes without recognition or notice. These, and many more, gave the gift of time, a sacrifice of income or prestige. And, in addition, they made financial gifts to the school. As a topper, Mr. and Mrs. Kirk (and others) gave their home to YC.
What more personal gift could they give? The home where they lived and undoubtedly spent some anxious days over the school would ultimately be given to the school. It doesn’t seem to have been a matter of high-level estate planning –though they were planners. It was much more an outgrowth of vision for how the Lord might use this place for His glory and for the blessing of many lives.
I was among those lives that were blessed. Arriving on campus as a total goober in 1977, I did much more than simply sleep in Mr. Kirk’s class. Several professors likely wish they had been blessed by my naptime. But during those two years, a handful of teachers, chapel speakers, and many friends changed my life. They weren’t able to work out all the kinks – we’ll leave that part to the Lord – but they helped launch me into a
Dr. Bob and Ruth Lawrence recently set up an annuity trust by deeding their two rental homes to YC. The Lawrences have been a part of the YC family for 35 years.
struggle of faith where my champion is a triumphant Lamb who tenderly leads and provides.
The YC story goes on. Students continue to arrive in a “gooberish” sort of state (was I really that young?). Teachers and staff continue to mentor and love their students. And in this special corner of the world, God continues His patient work of teaching and redemption. What are your plans? We’re all busy making a living, but in what and whom are we investing? Bigger homes, bigger vacations, bigger vehicles, bigger tanks of gas, bigger . . . well, you fill in the blank. Christian schools were built and opportunities were available in the past, and continue today, because prior generations had a great vision and, through faith, they sacrificed for the sake of others. What’s your vision? The Lord may work in your heart in very different ways and lead you to invest in a ministry that’s a world away from York College. But that’s the Lord’s work.
So, while I’m here at YC, I’ll ask you and many others to invest in today’s students and the possibilities for how the Lord may work in their lives. I hope you’ll make that investment. But whether you give to YC or not, I pray that each one who reads this note is called to faith and driven by a vision to build up the Kingdom of God. Ultimately I hope you will give yourself and all that you have for the sake of a joyous Savior who patiently leads us home. #
“Being at YC is a wonderful journey. It provides what I need to succeed academically. I love it here because I feel like I am receiving a solid education, I am making lifelong friendships and relationships, and most important I am growing so much more spiritually.
I can’t express enough how thankful I am for those who are willing to give of themselves and use the blessings they are given to help students like me receive a great education at York College. It would not be possible without your help. Thank you for being such a big part of my YC experience!”
Zach is a senior Vocal Performance and Music Education major from York, Nebraska. He is the tenor section leader in the Concert Choir and active in Sigma Tau social club. Zach is also performing this summer as Joseph in the Yorkshire Playhouse production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat ©. His parents are Mike, YC class of 1984, and Janet (Reno), class of 1983.
“I’m thankful to be at York College. It has given me opportunities and friends and blessed my life in so many ways! Ever since third grade I had dreamed of coming here. I was afraid that maybe I would be disappointed since I had been imagining this extraordinary place in my mind, but it fully exceeded my expectations. I love the atmosphere at York. It allows for learning and growing spiritually, socially and academically as well as serving as the perfect place to build relationships with teachers and friends that I know will last a lifetime.
I’m also grateful for the scholarships I’ve received. They not only made it possible for me to come, but they also made me realize how much York College wanted me and cared about me. I am very appreciative to those that make these scholarships available because they really do make a difference for so many students who come to York College. Their generosity is amazing and such a blessing to so many!”
Y Y Yor or ork College k 2007-2008 Y Y Year-in-r ear-in-r ear-in-r ear-in-r ear-in-revie evie evie evie w w for our alumni and friends for our and friends for our alumni and friends for our and friends for our and
Thank you for your investment in YC students during the 2007-08 school year!
Summar y for July 1, 2007 – June 30, 2008
Total gift revenues: $2.1 million
Number of donors: 1,035
3-year alumni participation rate: 12.6%
Your gifts blessed students through Student scholarships and budgeted campus needs: $1,532,844
Restricted departmental use: $409,066
Endowment for student scholarships: $161,539
Nearly 90% of YC students received financial aid during the 2007-08 school year. Awards helping students are underwritten fully or in part by current gifts to the college or endowment earnings made possible by past donations.
2008 Challenge 2008 2008 Challenge 2008 2008 Update:
• An anonymous donor will match every new gift, dollar for dollar up to $500,000!
• The 2008 Challenge 2008 Challenge 2008 Challenge 2008 Challenge Challenge is part two of a four-year challenge. To qualify for this part, YC must receive $500,000 in new new gifts between January 1 and December 31, 2008. By June 30, we were 60.8% toward our goal!
• If you did not give in 2007, the entire amount of your gift in 2008 will be matched.
• If you gave in 2007, the amount of increase in your gift or gifts will be matched. For example: if you gave $100 in 2007 and give $500 in 2008, the anonymous donor will give $400, matching the increase.
For the upcoming 2008-09 school year, York College needs to secure $1.65 million in unrestricted gifts, Heritage Society gifts and scholarship gifts. These gifts will help underwrite scholarships for more than 90% of entering students this fall.
York College equips students for Christ-centered lives of purpose, leadership and service.
Nathana is a sophomore History and English Secondary Education major from Grand Island, Nebraska. She writes for the Panther Press, is active with Theta Psi social club, participates in theatrical productions and helps with “Cinnamon Buns and Jesus” (a Saturday morning women’s Bible study group). Her dad, Jim, is a member of the YC class of 1978.
illie Sanchez has been a household name on the York College campus for almost thirty years. From the time he entered the door as a freshman in 1980 and won the hearts of hundreds with his performances in Soul Concern, to his many speaking engagements at college events such as Soul Quest, High School Days, and Spiritual Emphasis Week, Sanchez has been an influential part of the YC landscape. Even when separated from his alma mater by 1,500 miles, he would help sponsor an annual York College bus trip with his youth group. In 2007 Willie and his wife Tamara became members of the Panther Parent
Club as their two daughters, Ashley and Aubrey, began their own York Experience.
With nearly three decades of living out YC’s mission as a student, alumni, and a parent, it’s only fitting that he should now be a “card-carrying” member of the family and the leader of a team whose calling is to share the York College story. When the announcement was made in April, it seemed such a natural fit to everyone that Sanchez was named the Director of Admissions.
“Tamara and I love York and have always wanted to come back,” commented Sanchez. He mentioned meeting his future bride his sophomore year and later proposing to her on a YC swing.
“I feel it is an opportunity that God is calling me to and in many ways, a new adventure. I love working with young people, and this seems like a natural progression for me to work with high school and college students in a new way.”
Sanchez built his career working with teens and is known nationwide for his keynote presentations at conferences for youth and college students. He comes to York from the Highland Oaks congregation in Dallas, Texas, where he served as the Student Life Minister since 2006. His longtime work with the
(Above) A beautiful Nebraska sunrise begins the day during this year’s 27th Annual Soul Quest with Willie closing it out as the keynote speaker each evening. Over 450 campers and staff representing 15 states took part in this year’s camp. (Below) Aubrey and Ashley Sanchez began their own YC journey this past August as Mary Reynolds and Megan Grimes welcome the sisters as new members of Delta.
Westside Church of Christ in Bakersfield, California as Youth Minister spanned twenty-two years. He has a passion for helping kids find God in their lives. He is gifted in the study and teaching of God’s word in a way that is relevant in the lives of his audience.
“Willie’s work with teens and his commitment to that ministry for over two decades is a perfect match for this role as Director of Admissions,” said Brent Magner, Vice President for Advancement. “We’re very fortunate to have someone of his experience and talents to say ‘yes’ to this position. This is a tremendous blessing to our recruiting efforts.”
A motorcycle enthusiast who loves playing his guitar and coaching football & basketball, Willie feels his greatest accomplishment, which he shares with Tamara, is raising three faithful, committed children who love the Lord.
Sanchez received his A.S. at York College in 1982 before earning his B.S. in Religious Education at Oklahoma Christian University and a Masters in Ministry at Pepperdine University.
Two months into his tenure Sanchez said, “In a way, it’s kind of funny. I’m doing what I’ve always done; I just get paid for it now and have benefits.” #
Willie Willie Willie Willie Willie Sanchez Director of Admissions
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Megan Megan Megan Megan Megan
Todd Counselor
Shannon Shannon Shannon Shannon
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To talk with the counselor who is responsible for your area of the country, call 800-950-YORK or visit our website at www.york.edu/admissions.
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D D D on and Ramona “B on and Ramona “B on and Ramona “B on and Ramona “B Ramona “Burgy urgy urgy urgy” E ” E ” E ” E ” Ellison, Class of 1955 llison, Class of 1955 llison, 1955
on Ellison and Ramona (Burgett)
“Burgy” Ellison met at York College in 1951. Even as freshmen, they were both involved in many of the activities offered at YC; little did they know it would not stop there. Since 1992, they have been an integral part of planning reunions of the Legacy Alumni. Both Don and Burgy feel that the friends they made over 50 years ago at York College are still among their best friends today.
Like so many of his generation, in 1953 Don volunteered to serve the U.S. Army during the Korean War. During the war he was sent to Panama where he made the base’s basketball team at Ft. Kobbe. His athletic skills proved to be valuable when his team won the Panamanian Armed Forces Championship and was runner up in the Caribbean Command. Don was then named to the Ft. Kobbe Hall of Fame. After his discharge
from the Army, Don finished his Business degree from the University of Nebraska Lincoln, where he lettered his last year on the gymnastics team.
When York College closed her doors in 1954, Burgy transferred to Westmar College and completed her degree. Following college, she taught high school in Hamilton and York Counties. She and Don married in 1958 and later moved to Rising City, Nebraska.
Don was named Assistant Vice President of Farmers State Bank and manager of the H.F. Garhan Insurance Agency. After the untimely death of Mr. Garhan, Don took over as President of Farmers State Bank. For 14 years Don served in this capacity, but was forced to relinquish his position in the mid-1980’s when high interest rates forced so many rural banks to close.
Both Don and Burgy are tireless volunteers. Don has served on his local school board for over 30 years and currently serves as chair of the Educational Service Unit #7, having been on this board since 1972. He has also taken all the training offered for Scoutmasters, having been recognized by the youth in Order of The Arrow. He has also received several awards from the District, Council and National BSA from his almost 40 years of leadership in scouting.
Burgy has been very active in church work, music, scouting, the American Legion Auxiliary and as an emergency medial technician with the Volunteer Fire Department. She has helped plan many
(Below) The Ellisons recently took a trip to Australia to celebrate their upcoming golden anniversary. community activities over the years, and has written the history of Rising City, which is published in two separate books.
Don and Burgy also love to travel. They have visited all 50 states and several foreign countries. Burgy has also taken a mission trip to Nigeria and both of them took a mission trip to the Philippines.
But it was their time at York College which has made such a difference in their lives. They credit York College as having helped form their ideas of service to both family and community. Burgy states, “The York campus in the 1950’s was just what my life needed. Lifelong friendships were made, and a Christian guidance was there to keep me on track.”
The Ellison’s have three children and seven grandchildren. They have also hosted five foreign exchange students from Brazil, Sweden, The Netherlands and Germany. #
—by Sue Roush
B B B B Baker aker aker aker aker T T T T To Complete P o Complete P o Complete P o Complete P o Complete Pr r r r residency esidency esidency esidency
Hendricks to Chair Search Committee
York College’s Board of Trustees has initiated a national search for a new President as Dr. Wayne Baker announced his retirement effective at the end of the 2008-09 academic year. Wayne and Darlene have been a part of the York community since 1996, serving as President and First Lady of York College. Baker has accepted the Trustees’ future assignment as Chancellor of York College and will dedicate his energies totally to fundraising when his successor is named at the end of the 2009 school year.
“We look forward to the coming year and the important work we do together each day on our campus,” Baker said. “I look forward to working closely with the Trustees and the new designate in the years ahead for the success of this vitally important ministry in the Kingdom of God.”
As YC President, Baker’s tenure is the third longest of the nineteen presidents to serve York over its 118-year history. Throughout his presidency, great strides have been made in regards to York College’s physical plant including the construction of the Phyllis J. Mackey Center (dining hall and student center), Holthus Field House (indoor sports practice facility), the renovation and equipping of Dean Sack Hall of Science, the newly restored Prayer Chapel, and two new residential apartments which opened for student occupancy in the fall of 2006.
Over the last twelve years York College has successfully advanced in its four-year programs, offering now over 40 bachelor degrees and disciplines of study. Dr. Baker has worked closely with the city of York and the state of Nebraska to ensure the College’s success as a leader among higher educational institutions. The economic impact that York College has on the community of York alone is estimated to be $25 million each year.
The presidential search committee began its work this summer with Mr. Patrick W. Hendricks of Tulsa, Oklahoma chairing the committee. A 1972 graduate of York College, Rick is a Marketing Representative with WorkNet of Oklahoma and serves as Vice Chairman of the York College Board of Trustees. In addition to several YC trustees, the committee will include Associate Professor of History Tim McNeese, YC Campus Minister Tim Lewis, and Vice President for Finance and Operations Todd Sheldon. The committee will conduct a national search to qualify and recommend candidates to the Board of Trustees. Confidential recommendations and resumes should be submitted to:
Caroline Gaudreault, a 2008 graduate from Cozad High School in Cozad, Nebraska, was recently named the Presidential Scholar at York College for the 2008-09 freshman class. To be eligible, high school seniors must score a 30 or higher on the ACT (a 1320 on the SAT) exam.
The full tuition scholarship is York College’s most prestigious award, recognizing the academic achievement as well as high moral character of the student. Finalists were invited to campus in April for a series of interviews with members of the Academic Council and an alumni panel.
Caroline has a passion for people and has
York College Presidential Search Committee 4184 South Troost Place Tulsa, OK 74105
Or sent electronically to: PresidentialSearch@york.edu
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So, the next time you are surfing be sure to check out these two websites and benefit York College at the same time!
aspirations of doing mission work. One of her interviewers had this to say about her, “What a great personality! Caroline has a very positive outlook on life and will be a tremendous influence on the student body of York College.”
After an application and interview process, three graduating seniors were also recently awarded the Dean’s Scholarship worth $8,500 per year. David Ohlin of Aurora, Nebraska, is a graduate of Aurora High School and will be a Pre-Veterinarian major. Logan Siddall of Bethalto, Illinois, attends Civic Memorial High School and plans to major in English. Sarah Strahle is from Anchorage, Alaska, a senior at A.J. Diamond High, and will major in Secondary Education. #
York College Commencement Surprises One Graduate by Steddon Sikes
“R “R “R “R “Remember who you are. Live in such a manner that when you look into the eyes of Jesus, you will not be either ashamed or afraid.”
— Smith Kite
Family and friends filled the seats of the York City Auditorium as the York College class of 2008, some 81 in all, walked across the stage to receive their diplomas from college president Dr. Wayne Baker.
“It’s time to consider the priorities of your life,” said the commencement speaker, “...that you can accomplish something worthwhile for your neighbor as well as yourself.”
Addressing this year’s graduates was Mr. Smith Kite of Gothenburg, Nebraska. Kite served York College for 40 years as a member of the Advisory Board and then as a Trustee. He has been a fulltime minister for the past sixty years, preaching in Texas, Kansas, Wyoming and Nebraska.
“Remember who you are,” Kite advised the graduating class. “Live in such a manner that when you look into the eyes of Jesus, you will not be either ashamed or afraid.”
While Kite acknowledged the time and committment of the graduating class in earning their degree, he was never able himself to finish his bachelor’s because of his enlistment into World War II.
that he was a little puzzled why so many family members would travel thousands of miles to hear his speech. The surprise ceremony explained everything. “I guess I can’t go on saying that I’m one of the only ones in the family without a college degree,” Kite said with a chuckle.
However, at the end of his commencement address, President Baker had him return to the podium. He then turned to the audience and invited Kite’s family to make their way to the stage for a special presentation.
“By vote of the faculty at York College, today we bestow on you the bachelor’s degree and all the honors pertaining thereto,” said Baker. At this, three of his four sons as well as his twin brother, Haun, helped Smith put on a graduation robe and cap, and hooded him with the blue and white colors of the college. Though shocked by all the attention and the well guarded secret, Smith looked up and, with a wave of his hand, beamed a big smile to everyone.
Dr. L. Ray Miller, Vice President for Academic Affairs, then presented the Dale R. Larsen Teacher of Achievement Award to his wife and colleague in the science department, Mrs. Gail Miller. Recipients of the award are nominated by other faculty members and are considered on the basis of teaching, service, spiritual commitment, attitude, and dedication to York College as demonstrated in activities outside the classroom. Gail is an Associate Professor of Biology and is soon to be in her 24th year at YC.
The Dean’s Award was then announced, honoring an outstanding senior graduate, whose involvement and leadership were matched by their high academic success. The award is the highest academic honor given by the faculty. This year’s recipient was Megan Munsell who graduated Summa Cum Laude in accounting. Munsell is from Hastings, Nebraska and was instrumental in the success of York’s PBL-SIFE program at the state, regional, and national level her four years in the business department.
At the conclusion of these honors, President Baker shook each graduate’s hand as he presented them with their earned diploma. For those receiving bachelor degrees, they were then hooded by a relative or close friend. #
There are no days that are not serious for those who are the children of God.
It’s time to consider the priorities of your life... that you can accomplish something worthwhile for your neighbor as well as yourself.
We enjoy the successes in life more, but sometimes the failures teach us more about who we are and who we’re called to be.
We need to learn how to become a blessing to our family, our children, our neighborhood.
The Bible is the only way you can know God. Read it. Know it. Know who you are and don’t forget who you are.
Live in such a manner that when you look into the eyes of Jesus you will not be either ashamed or afraid.
omecoming and High School Days weekend is just around the corner on the YC campus. October 12-14 can be your mini-vacation get-a-way as alumni step back into time with their classmates and memories. Hugging friends, singing Lord, Make Me an Instrument, attending a soccer game and a York College musical, and having a bite to eat in the student center... you’ll be a Panther all over again.
Class reunions will be going on throughout the weekend, but a good way to begin is the alumni reception on Friday night. If you’re not over in Gurganus Hall enjoying “Little Shop of Horrors”, then the place to be is the Cornerstone Room of the Mackey Center. We provide the food, drink, and yearbooks... you just show up and enjoy the company.
If you were a Yorkie after 1973, then you remember the drama group Soul Concern. Be willing to stay up past 10:00 p.m. on Friday with the high school teens and you can once again be entertained by their impactive skits. Saturday’s morning bell, however, won’t let you sleep in as Homecoming
Chapel begins at 9:30 with our very own Willie Sanchez (‘82) as the speaker followed by the York College Concert Choir under the direction of Dr. Clark Roush.
After the presentation of Alumni of the Year, grab a quick lunch with friends or go straight over to Levitt Stadium for double-header soccer action and the crowning of our Homecoming king and queen. For those grads who think they can still scrap with the younger talent, put on your own soccer gear and join the challenge from the junior varsity team later that afternoon.
A large number of reunion suppers will be scheduled for the evening, but you’ll want to finish by 7:30 if you have yet to see the 2008 musical “Little Shop of Horrors.” With the combined talents of the YC theatre and music departments’ best and brightest stars taking on this Menken and Ashman production, don’t be surprised if you leave Gurganus singing Somewhere That’s Green.
For alumni parents with teenagers, a separate High School Days’ schedule will also be taking place over the weekend. Have them pack a sleeping bag, give them some money for food and the musical, and then look for them at church on Sunday. #
For a complete schedule of events, including the 12th annual Homecoming Golf Scramble, visit our website at www.york.edu/alumni
Class Reunions Class Reunions
Visit www.york.edu/alumni for reunion updates.
Early 60’s Reunion – Paul Touchton / Bryan Jacobs
Class of 1973 – Roger and Debbie (Cosby) Collins
Class of 1978 – Robin (Miller) Henley
Class of 1988 – Amy (Johnston) Hinds / Dawn Carmody
Cinder Cinder Cinder Cinder Cinderella ella ella ella ella W W W W Wears
Cleats ears Cleats ears Cleats ears Cleats Cleats
t was a Cinderella season for the Lady Panther softball team. From the very beginning of the spring schedule, every athlete knew she would have to dig in, stay relatively injuryfree, and play at the top of her game in order for the team to even have a chance of making the conference tournament in May.
While most teams in the NAIA have a healthy bench to give relief to the nine positions on the field, substituting at the coach’s leisure or maybe when a player isn’t at their best for the game, that wasn’t the case for York College. Nine positions—nine players… no bench.
“If it’s going to be, it’s up to me” became the rule instead of the exception. Plagued with preseason injuries, eligibility issues, and a few changes in plans, the 2008 softball team wasn’t going to get any bigger; every player would take the field until the last out was called for the majority of the 37 games on the schedule.
would get a lot of people believing in the small team from York. After running into a very hot pitcher from Bellevue University and taking a 4-0 loss, the Panthers got the offense going late into the game against Peru State and came away with another 6-5 victory, securing an invitation to the Region IV Tournament.
2008 SOFTBALL TEAM: (1st row) *Amber Williams, *Sara
*2nd Team All-Conference; +All-Conference Honorable Mention
With the win over Peru State, the “neversay-quit nine” had earned their place in the MCAC Championship match up with Bellevue.
Lord, help us to do our very best today At hitting the gaps and turning the play, To go all out and not give an inch, but please Keep us from harm ‘cause we haven’t a bench.
Winning 4 of their first 25 games was a gloomy forecast at best for their hopes of making any post-season play. Freshman starting pitcher, Amber Williams of Woodland Park, Colorado, had a lot of weight on her shoulders. For the season, she pitched 28 games, most of those throwing the entire contest. However, she was backed by a full cast of athletes who didn’t give up despite the odds and took matters into their own hands—winning 7 of the next 11 conference games.
The Lady Panthers were thrilled to qualify for the conference tournament, but they were to face the tournament hosts Park University who were the No. 1 seed team in the MCAC. Twice beaten by the Pirates from Parkville, Missouri, in the regular season, York never looked back in the contest and handed them the 6-5 upset that
Although the Bruins mounted their own comefrom-behind victory in the last two innings of the game and won the MCAC Tournament, the Lady Panthers proved in those final weeks they were a team to be respected.
Nine players—nine All-Conference honors… no bench. Go Panthers! #
MCAC Scholar-Athletes MCAC Scholar-Athletes MCAC
Jesse Anderson, Basketball
+Logan Bahler, Soccer
+Keri Bornschlegel, Soccer
Robin Byrd, Soccer
Angie Chambers, Softball
+Daniel Good, Soccer
+Brendan Hanaphy, Soccer
Trey Jackson, Wrestling
Beth Johnson, Softball
Nicholas Jones, Baseball
+Ryan Kromer, Wrestling
Kaitlin Loney, Soccer
+Mary Reynolds, Soccer
Caleb Rush, Soccer
Megan Thomas, Basketball
Kristin Wiedemann, Basketball
Benjamin Woodburn, Wrestling
+also a Daktronics-NAIA Scholar Athlete
Brendan Hanaphy and Kristin Wiedemann were chosen MCAC Scholar-Athletes of the Year.
· Spanish Language Immersion Prog., Costa Rica, 2004-05
· ESL teaching endorsement, Stephen F. Austin State Univ., 2000
· B.A., Elementary Education, York College, 2000 Volleyball
· 1996-1998 Played college volleyball at York College
· 1991-1995 Played for Smithville High, Smithville, Texas
Scholarships are still available for athletes interested in playing volleyball this fall. Go to www.york.edu/athletics/volley/quest.asp
ooking at the win/loss column of 15/15, it may have seemed like a mediocre year for the Panthers midway through the season. Coach Nick Harlan and his Head Assistant Brian Walth knew the team was capable of more, but they were also very proud of the way the team had performed to this point. A team laden with talent, they preached fundamentals, patience, and strong defense.
Despite the average looking record, the season was not without its exciting moments such as the come-from-behind victory over Rogers State University and defeating Sooner Athletic Conference powerhouse Oklahoma City University in the sixth game of the year, a team that would lead the nation in almost every offensive stat and eventually finish third at the NAIA National Tournament. Other standout performances could be listed, but overshadowing them all to this point in the season were the recent back-to-back wins over MCAC rival Bellevue University.
The first game was won by the Panthers 4-3 without too many fireworks, but the second was a 4th of July frenzy that will be remembered for a long time as one of the all-time great finales. With two outs in the bottom of the seventh and a runner at first base, Second Team NAIA All-American John Richards tripled to deep right center to score a run and trim the Bruin lead to 5-4. Richards had already knocked a three-run laser into the left field L
bleachers in the bottom of the fifth.
As NAIA Gold Glove recipient Dylan Connolly stepped to the plate, the Bruin coaches toyed with an intentional walk but decided to let starter Kyle Wink pitch to him. On the very first pitch, Connolly hit a towering shot that the Bruin leftfielder could only watch land halfway up in the left field bleachers for the 6-5 win.
Ken Kush, Sports Editor for the York NewsTimes, photographed an instant classic when Connolly arrived home to be mobbed by his teammates in the emotional victory. In a post game interview Coach Harlan told him, “These guys play for the moment, and I am so excited for them. I told them you have to believe you can win those games, and all it takes is one. When you come back and win one, or win in a big moment, then it becomes natural for you.”
The Bruins balanced the books with two wins of their own the following day, but then the Panthers went on a 13-game win streak, winning 17 of their last 21 games and qualifying for the conference tournament. Thanks to another come-from-behind win over College of the Ozarks in the second game of the conference tournament, York secured a spot in the Region IV tournament for the second year in a row and only the second time in school history.
The team finished the year 33-24, receiving a host of post-season honors in-
cluding Richard’s and Connolly’s NAIA accolades. First Team All-Region IV honors went to Richards, Connolly, and Kellen Love (3B). Nick Jones (P) joined these three in being named First Team AllMCAC. All-MCAC Honorable Mention went to Robert Enriquez, Curtis Eubanks, Joel Fleck, Langston Frison, Adam Janky, and Joe Ramirez. An impressive honor for the defense were the four players who were named to both Region IV (14 colleges and universities) and MCAC Gold Glove Teams: Richards, Connolly, Love, and Curtis Eubanks (1B). #
Don and Darlene (Swartz) Miltner have recently moved to 6335 ‘O’ St #227, Lincoln, NE 68510 dmiltner@juno.com
Arthur and Susanne (Merches ’63) Keller have moved to 130 S Florida Ave, York, NE 68467. They’re both retired and Art is still recovering from the stroke he had in June 2006.
Walter and Carolyn (Clarkson) McFadden are celebrating forty years of marriage. They have three granddaughters and one foster granddaughter. 12605 S Villa Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73170 mcfaddenwe@aol.com
Dale Neal took his FreedHardeman University Lady Lions to the Final Four of the NAIA National Basketball Tournament this year, marking his 12th consecutive appearance at nationals. The team finished 29-8 and ranked 7th in the nation. Kathy (Miller) also works at FHU as the president’s assistant for Institutional Advancement. 155 Valley View Dr, Henderson, TN 38340 dneal@fhu.edu
Lee and Suwanna Ming Paul are enjoying retirement on the west coast of Canada and have moved to 2635 Island Highway, Nanoose Bay, BC, Canada V9P 9E5 mingpaul@telus.net
Billy and Carole (Ellis) Steele have been happily married for 38 years, 28 of which Billy has been preaching at the Mentone CofC. They have two children, and one grandson. Carole works as a caregiver at Globe Star. PO Box 24, Mentone, IN 46539 bjcjs@kcoline.com
Betty Lou (Campbell) Knowles wants to show off her grandson, Campbell Kenneth, who was born Oct. 17, 2007. The three generation picture is her son Lucas Melott,
little Campbell, and great grandfather Colis Campbell who coached YC basketball for many years. jimandbl@yahoo.com
Bob Barton is a Theatre Director and would love to hear from classmates and friends at 3633 FM 89, Buffalo Gap, TX 79508 bartonact@att.net
Marcia (Black) Dilbeck works as a caterer and grant writer. She and Jim have two children and five grandchildren. 128 Oak Ave, Vilano Beach, St. Augustine, FL 32084 dilbeckj@bellsouth.net
Davida (Desha) Bland and husband Lee own a Schlotzsky’s Deli and would love to hear from classmates. 26 Partridge Dr, Agency, MO 64401 midland1@stjoelive.com
Effendi and Sherry Daoedsjah are living at 102 Eastland Cove, Canton, MS 39046. edaoedsjah@aol.com
Ben and Susan (Waller) Noah are living in Oklahoma, where Ben is a professor at Capella University and Susan is an accounts payable coordinator at Intergris Marshall County Medical Center. 2929 McClain Rd, Ardmore, OK 73401 senoah@gmail.com
Ken Riediger would love to hear from friends and alumni at 2324 Moore St, Abilene, TX 79605 riediger@suddenlink.net
Dennis B. and Diana Lyn (Roberts) Knight spent the last eleven years as missionaries in the Ukraine. Diana passed away in 2006. Dennis is attending the Hawaii Theological Seminary to get his MDiv. 95-156 Waikalani Dr, Mililani, HI 96789 uaknights@yahoo.com
Joyce (Cox) Savage and her husband Frank live at 12 Trailbridge, Cincinnati, OH 45241 JSavage@cfl.rr.com
Brad and Cheryl Tuggle would love to hear from friends and classmates at 4642 Shavano Birch, San Antonio, TX 78230 btuggle@satx.rr.com
Tonita (Regier) Stovall is currently teaching at Christ Church School. She and Daniel have three children: Caleb, Benjamin, and Abbie. 4413 Cactus Trail, Temple, TX 76502 stovalldt@clearwire.net
Drew and Jody (McDonald) Dacus have moved: PO Box 412, Worland, WY 82401. Drew is the manager for Pizza Hut and Jody is a stay-at-home mom. Their daughter Kelsey is a sophomore at OC and their son Aaron will be in the 8th grade. timnjo@bresnan.net
Edward and Margie Rayls have moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma. Edward works in radiology at Hillcrest Medical Center and Margie is a nurse practitioner at Redi-Med. They have two children: Weston and Hayden. xrayeddie7@aol.com
James Olson works at the Bank of America. He and his wife Sharri can be reached at 3442 N Cook Rd, Powder Springs, GA 30127 w4jo@mindpring.com
Trudy (Anderson) MorrellStinson and her children have moved: 12102 Idaho Ave North, Champlin, MN 55316 . Trudy works for Homeward Bound, Inc. as an on-site supervisor. tk.morrellstinson@comcast.net
Jephthah Sr. and Yvonne M. (Brooks) Winters celebrated 22 years of marriage on May 28. Jephthah is a tool room machinist and Yvonne is a phlebotomist. They have four children: Ashley, Rachel, Jephthah Jr., and Skyler. 1617 Terrace Rd, Homewood, IL 60430 mrswinters1986@sbcglobal.net
Donna (Martin) Holland has a new job at Head Start. She and her husband Daniel are in the process of adopting their third child. N9620 Bass Lake Ln, Phillips, WI 54555 angelstarre@pctcnet.net
Gary Walling is the owner of Airbrush Alley and Gary’s Pro Graphics. He and Zelta have four children: Hannah, Kaylea, Cassidy, and Rachael. 17527 Rt 37 North, Johnston City, Illinois 62951 GarywMillard@aol.com
Monte and Evelyn (Cox) Bryant have just bought a new home: 1005 Tallahassee Dr, Denton, TX 76208. Both of them work for ENGlobal Land & Regulatory and have two children. redswan0923@yahoo.com BORN
To Ron and Heather (Wolken) Blankinship , a boy, Quinn Nathaniel, May 18, 2007. He was delivered by his father
when the midwife was late. Quinn joins big sisters Kiera and Ciana. Ron is the pulpit minister at the Huber Heights CofC and Heather is a stayat-home mom and freelance graphic designer. 4701 Passaic Ct, Huber Heights, OH 45424 hblankinship@yahoo.com
J.D. Dutch left Standard Pacific Homes in February of 2007 to take a purchasing manager position at Berkshire Homes, a small custom builder in the Denver area. Julie is the Director of Language Acquisitions at Adams 12 Five Star School District. They have one son, Andrew (9). 10588 Troy St, Commerce City, CO 80022 dutch_j@msn.com
Taggert Harniss is teaching Kindergarten at Ogden City School District. 947 Canyon Rd #15, Ogden, UT 84404 tagharniss@q.com
Jeannie (Romans) Miller is a 24-hour site supervisor at Lutheran Services in Iowa. She and her husband Dave have 4 children. 821 S 13th Ave East #F1, Newton, IA 50208 jeannie.miller@lsiowa.org BORN
To Lance and Jamie (Bennett) Logan, a boy, Caden Jacob, June 2, 2007. He’s spoiled by his older siblings Caleb, Colton, Elizabeth, and Emma. They are starting their fifth year of ministry at Montgomery CofC in Albuquerque. Lance has served on the board for the National Conference of Youth Ministries for the past three years and most recently as Board President. 4149 Chama St NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109 jamielogan1289@gmail.com
Rhett and Wendy (Clothier) Schelhorn live in Oroville with their two children, Blake and Clay. Rhett works for the Department of Energy as a lineman and Wendy works for Kaiser Permanente as an R.N. 824 Lower Hocut Rd, Oroville, CA 95966 cowkidz@sbcglobal.net
April Thompson is living in Bellevue with her children, Soren and Liam. She is an assistant store manager at Kohls Department Stores. 11716 S. 27 th St, Bellevue, NE 68123 aprilrenae0425@yahoo.com
Stephen and Michelle Buchanan would love to hear from friends and alumni at 10881 CR 2173, Whitehouse, TX 75791 m_spring_carter@yahoo.com
Thomas and Tatanjia “Taj” McNamara have moved to a new house with their children, Logan and Alexandra. Tatanjia works for The Durango Herald as a web engineer and Thomas is a broker
associate for The Wells Group. 190 Maple Ln, Durango, CO 81301 tntmcnamara@gmail.com
Heidi Schreifels is working as a customer testimonial program manager at F5 Networks. 3601 24 Ave West, Unit 104, Seattle, WA 98119 heidi_schreifels@hotmail.com
William C. Minley would love to hear from friends and alumni at 4548 Ave A #204, Austin, TX 78751 william.minley@gmail.com
Charlie Gilliam is the proud owner of Cowboy Carriers and would love to hear from friends at PO Box 3, Hayden, CO 81639 charlieg@springsips.com
Jeremy and Stephani (Crews) Ebenstiner are living in Washington where Jeremy is a machinist and Stephani is an administrative assistant. PO Box 295, South Prairie, WA 98385 jersteph@juno.com
1995 BORN
To Ron Michael and Brandi (Frisch) Naragon, a boy, Marcus John, May 13, 2007. He joins his brothers David and Alexander. Brandi is a stay-at-home mom and would love to hear from friends and alumni at 25 Aiken Ct, Covington, GA 30016
Lisa Berger has recently moved and is pursuing a Master’s Degree in Secondary Education. She currently works for the University of Phoenix as an enrollment counselor. 7009 E Acoma Dr #2108, Scottsdale, AZ 85254 lisaandelle@gmail.com
Sarah (Brunson) Dod and her husband Alan have just purchased their first home just outside of London in the UK. Sarah has been promoted to manager for one of Whittard of Chelsea’s shops, an English tea company. 55 Caspian Way, Purfleet, Essex, UK RM191LA The_dods@hotmail.com
Brennon and Twyla (Christian) Abraham have recently purchased Dream Valley Golf Course in Buffalo, Missouri. The course is 18 holes and they would love to have any classmates stop by and play a round of golf. Both teach for Dallas County R1 Schools. 92 Golf Course Rd, Buffalo, MO 65622 babraham@dallasr1.k12.mo.us
Dave and Talley (Banning) Morrow have started a family blog at davemorrowfamily.blogspot.com Dave is pursuing a Masters degree
in Educational Administration at Ft. Hays State. He coaches and teaches English at the high school and Talley is working as a photographer. 411 E Spencer St, St. Francis, KS 67756 dave_tal@hotmail.com BORN
To Andy and Kristina Boyce, a boy, Hunter Koda, March 4, 2008. Born on his dad’s birthday, he joins big sister Kaitlyn. 602 S 2nd St Apt #1, Winterset, IA 50273 andy3476@fromthewoodsstructures.com
Kate Blanchard, J.D., M.Ed. has been named Director of Special Education Achievement with Achievement First, a charter school network in New York and Connecticut. 200 Fountain St Apt 711, New Haven, CT 06515
Garrett and Tera (Baker) Knapp purchased their first home in November: 417 N Blackburn Ave, York, NE 68467 tagknapp@neb.rr.com
Chad and Georgia (Wiebusch) Parment both volunteered to deploy to Iraq for “reconstruction and rebuilding” early in 2008. They are thankful they don’t have to spend the year apart. Chad will be working rule of law and Georgia will be working in public education for the United States Marine Corps as C.A. planners. gparment@msn.com
Travis and Kari (Dahl) Sears are proud to announce that Kari has finished her M.B.A. at the University of Phoenix and started her new job at Koch Industries in January as an accountant. Travis works for Digital Office Systems as a sales manager and they are both training for the upcoming Chicago marathon. Their family includes Taylor (8), Matthew (5), and Ali (2). 1315 Elm St, Andover, KS 67002 travissears@hotmail.com
Dilania (Lee) Soto recently retired as a paralegal and has transitioned to stay home and build her Mary Kay business. Her husband Jimmie is a program director at the Center for Independent Living. 7395 N Ciancetti Ave, Fresno, CA 93722
Clif and Shannon (Riech) Williams have recently moved: 11564 Barrett Dr, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730. Clif is a deputy for the LA County Sheriff’s Department and Shannon is a homemaker. They have two children: Ethan (6) and Hayden (2). c_s_williams1978@msn.com BORN
To Morgan and Anna Lisa Bowden,a girl, Mia Leigh, Jan. 9, 2008. She joins Anaiah (2). Morgan works for AT&T as a communications technician and Anna Lisa is a physician’s assistant. 1577 Buckingham Ave, Clovis, CA 93611 mbow19@yahoo.com
David Buggeln recently moved to the Twin Cities area and is the I.T. Systems Manager for Frandsen Financial, an interstate bank holding company consisting of nine different banks. 2849 85th Court NE, Blaine, MN 55449 dbuggeln@hotmail.com
Clint Underwood recently was accepted into the International Society of Arboriculture as an arborist and is actively pursuing a Utility and Municipal Specialist Certification. His wife Tabitha is a beauty consultant for Mary Kay. They have one daughter, Valerie (1). 312 Clifton Dr, Cameron, MO 64429
Teresa (McKeen) Vogtman finished her Masters in Education degree at Lesley Univ. in February and is a kindergarten teacher for the Port Angeles School District. Scott is a correctional sergeant for the Washington State Department of Corrections. They have two children: Maegan (9) and Matthew (3). 225 Dolan Ave, Port Angeles, WA 98362 cogtmans4@olypen.com
To Jason and Kendra (Sykes) Matkins, a girl, Jubilee Mae, March 18, 2008. Jason and Kendra both teach in the Hastings School
District. 942 East 5th St, York, NE 68467 kmatkins@esu9.org
To Matt and Casie (Hansen) Reese, a girl, Chloe Grace, Nov. 1, 2007. Big brothers Caleb (5) and Micah (3) are thrilled to have a little sister and are big helpers. Matt is a mechanical engineer at Cessna and Casie is a stay-at-home mom. 1523 Jeanette, Wichita, KS 67203 hansencasie@hotmail.com
To Ryan and Leann (Garrison) Woodard, a girl, Sydney Evangeline, Oct. 24, 2007, joining Isabelle (3) and Gideon (1). Ryan and Leann are house parents at Maude Carpenter Children’s Home. 1501 N Meridian, Wichita, KS 67203 rylewoodard@yahoo.com
Benjamin Cody and Tracy Lynn (Widel) Babcock have recently moved with their children, Milan Lauren and Abbey Michelle Draper. Benjamin is a program manager at Cerner Corp. and Tracy is an independent accountant. 9008 N Oxford Ave, Kansas City, MO 64157 bcbabcock@hotmail.com
Brian Gilchriest is currently working as a teacher and would love to hear from friends and alumni at 741 Bedford Ct, Hurst, TX 76053. bgilchriest@hotmail.com
Aaron and Katie (Treat) Miles are still in San Antonio, where Aaron works as a steel detailer at Innovative Steel Detailing and Katie is a respiratory therapist at Brooke Army Medical Center. They have one son, Jayden (2). 6135 MacKenzie, San Antonio, TX 78247 akmiles02@yahoo.com
Casey Schroeder works at Turpin Meadow Ranch as a snowmobile guide and wrangler. Box 77, Moran, WY 83013 lonewolf68467@yahoo.com
David and Amanda (Snyder) Thornton are currently both employed at Camp Gruber Training Center where Amanda is a full-time scheduler and range controller for the Army. She also specializes in diesel mechanics, carpentry, and masonry. Deployed to Iraq in 2004, She met David (he had lived 3 tents down from her) and they were married a year after they returned home. Amanda is still attempting to achieve her degree in Sports Medicine and has 24 hours to go. amanda.n.thornton@us.army.mil BORN
To Matthew and Brenda (Trent) Collins, a girl, Alexandria (Lexi) Courtney, April 7, 2008. They have also made their third military move to 235 Echelon Rd, Voorhees, NJ 08043 where Matthew is working as a Marine Corps Recruiter. brendacolinsm@hotmail.com
To Jess and Joni (Boyce) Duckart, a boy, Rylee Austen, Nov. 5, 2007. Jess is a cranberry farmer at Jacob Searls Cranberry Co. and Joni is a homemaker. 3909 Searles Rd, Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495
To Jason and Cheri (Chinn) Haskett, a girl, Emmersyn Ann, Jan. 5, 2008. Ethan (5) and Averey (3) are very excited for a little sister. Cheri is currently working as a homemaker. 1437 E Frontier Ln, Olathe, KS 66062 cherijason2000@yahoo.com
To Josh and Julie (Stephens) Marcum, a girl, Jana Faith, Feb. 4, 2008. Michaela (3) and Eliana (1) are her sisters. The Marcums are missionaries with four other families in Cochabamba, Bolivia. jjmarcum22@hotmail.com www.jjmarcum22.blogspot.com
2001 (continued)
Jimmy and Amy Schellekens were married on July 28, 2007, and then moved to Chicago where Jimmy works in special education for Chicago Public Schools and Amy is a law student at Loyola School of Law. 3639 N Pine Grove Ave Apt 16E, Chicago, IL 60613 coachschellekens@hotmail.com
Daniel Fiske is an accounts manager at Fiske Electronics. He and wife Brooke and daughter Brailie live at 420 Frontier Ln, Johnstown, CO 80534 corban0112@yahoo.com
David and Carolyn (Barr) Johnston are in their fourth year of living in Australia and loving it. David is in communications for the U.S. government, and Carolyn is a regional coordinator for Active AfterSchool Communities Program for Australian Sports Commission. They have one daughter, Taryn Simone (9-11-07). PSC 276 Box 232, APO, AP 96548 carolyn.a.johnston@gmail.com
Riley Killingsworth is a youth advisor at Washoe County Juvenile Services in Reno, Nevada. He and Rhiana have one son, Beau, who was born June 15, 2006.
Esther Kern recently moved: 13225 58th Ave N Apt C, Plymouth, MN 55442. She’s been working for ING Employee Benefits for 3 years and would love to hear from friends and alumni at sotadragon@gmail.com
Glenn and Emily (Eckert) Tandy have just purchased their first home: PO Box 303, Stromsburg, NE 68666. Emily finished working for York College in June and Glenn works for Abengoa Bioenergy. emilyltandy@gmail.com
Josh Blew is happy to announce his engagement to Gwen Jackson. He is moving back to Ottumwa, Iowa, and starting radiology school with plans of becoming an X-Ray Tech. 1214 Brentwood Dr.; Ottumwa, IA 52501 joshua_kotc@yahoo.com
Jessica Schledewitz is happy to announce her engagement to Chett Hooper, a sergeant for the Teton County Sheriff’s Office in Jackson Hole, WY. Jessica teaches English at the high school. PO Box 3748, Alpine, WY 83128 jschledewitz@silverstar.com BORN
of the group Watershed, as well as the director of Youth in Action of Kansas City. sean@jenkschurch.org
To Tom and Sarah (Williams) Bush, a boy, Garrison Brian, Jan. 12, 2008. Tom is a youth pastor at Bayside Baptist Church and Sarah is a nanny. 1526 E 2nd St, Superior, WI 54880 tbush@baysidesuperior.org
To Josh and Amanda (Tedford) Couch, a boy, Jacob Dillon, Aug. 22, 2007. He joins his sister Tyra (4). Josh is a graphic designer with Bully Dog Technologies and Amanda continues to run
her photography business, Vivid Photography, and also enjoys being a full-time mom. 201 Lee St C101, American Falls, ID 83211 wecouches@gmail.com
To Dan and Julie (Barrett) Goodwin , a girl, Ava Jule, Dec. 20, 2007. 12814 Nebraska Ave, Omaha, NE 68164 dgoodwin@sammonsrep.com
Doug and Dixie (Miller) Gunselman are expecting their second child in late September. In his second year as head baseball coach at Central Arkansas Christian, Doug’s team won districts and regionals and made it to the state semifinals. He was named district coach of the year in his first season. He has also started a debate team at CAC. #10 McGovern, Little Rock, AR 72205 dgunselman@cacmustangs.org
Joshua and Kristina (Warren) Walsh have moved: 3930 NW Witham Hill Dr Apt 64G, Corvallis, OR 97330 krisiw@hotmail.com
To Erik and Kara Scharrer, a girl, Maida Raine, May 3, 2007. Erik is currently in medical school at the University of Minnesota, Duluth. 7505 Lyndale Ave S #6, Richfield, MN 55423 scharrer@gmail.com
Rebekah Carden works for Aeroflex as a customer service administrator. 100 S Ridge Rd, Wichita, KS 67209 bekeelou@hotmail.com
Stacie (Lee) Grayson is teaching and coaching for Tecumseh Public Schools. She married Shawn Grayson in January and would love to hear from classmates and friends at 102 Oklahoma Ave, Dale, OK 74851
Josh and Suzanne (Stanton) Graves were married July 14, 2007. Suzanne teaches K-6 special education and coaches jr. high track at Southern Valley Schools. Josh teaches jr. high math and science and coaches football and basketball at Cambridge Public Schools. PO Box 434, Cambridge, NE 69022 suzannegraves07@yahoo.com
Damon and Michelle (Prather) Grimes were married July 14, 2007, and have moved into their first house. Damon is an account executive at Money Handling Machines and Michelle is an administrative assistant at U.S. Cellular. 2711 N 191st Ave, Elkhorn, NE 68022 savers19@cox.net
Abby Henderson, a graduate student at Indiana Univ., earned the $500 Outstanding Associate Instructor Award this spring for her contributions to BIOL-L 319, Genetics Laboratory. 4291 W Craig Dr, Bloomington, IN 47404 abmhende@indiana.edu
Sean and Sammie (Ballowe) Johnson were married June 12, 2008, at Giant Springs State Park. Sammie is the office manager for Garco Construction and Sean works for UPS. 3901 9th Ave S, Great Falls, MT 59405 climb21up@hotmail.com
Amanda Montadon would love to hear from friends and classmates at PO Box 20, Hot Sulphur Springs, CO 80451 m737@yahoo.com
degree in Mathematics. 103 N Francis St, Excelsior Springs, MO 64024 prov19_21@hotmail.com
Jessica Agler is working on a Masters of Science in Information Studies with an emphasis on Archives at the University of Texas. 11250 Taylor Draper Ln Apt 812, Austin, TX 78759 jessicarobin83@hotmail.com
Matthew and Rachel (Dudrey) Miller would love to hear from classmates and friends at 13900 Benson Rd Apt 114, Edmond, OK 73013 matthew.miller@oc.edu
Jim Doty is a deputy sheriff at Pottawattamie County Sheriff’s Department in Council Bluffs. 3215 8th Ave, Council Bluffs, IA 51501 jdo203@aol.com
Andrea Howard is teaching at Crawford K-8 School and would love to hear from classmates at 1325 Bluff St, Delta, CO 81416
Martin and Kelly White and son Elijah are living in Coeur D’Alene, Idaho. Martin commutes to Spokane, Washington, everyday where he is working in Research and Development at an Industrial
Roof Coatings company. 4686 Fairway Dr Apt #201, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83815 martin.runner@gmail.com BORN
To Josh and Crystal (Sitton) Nething, a boy, Ethan Philip, Feb. 14, 2008. Josh is teaching Physical Education at Montrose High School and Crystal works at Wells Fargo Bank. 3266B Meadows Pkwy, Montrose, CO 81401 josh.nething@mcsd.org
To Sean and Misty Algaier, a girl, Ella Rian, Dec. 16, 2007. Sean is the youth minister at Jenks Church in Jenks, Oklahoma, and is a member
To Ryan and Amy (Colwell) Davis, a boy, Logan Ryan, Dec. 14, 2007. He joins proud sister Leah (2). Ryan is a teacher and coach at Grapevine Colleyville ISD and Amy is a stay-at-home mom. 239 Cedar Crest Dr, Justin, TX 76247 rad254@verizon.net www.davisclan4.blogspot.com
Kully and Amanda (Larson) Thatcher and son Gage (2) recently bought a new house: 1408 W 78th St, Kearney, NE 68845 thatcher@frontiernet.net BORN
To Bobby and Katrina (Reno) Duncan, a son, Robert Edward Duncan IV, April 2, 2008. Bobby is a delivery driver for Geiger Ready Mix and recently completed his
Christopher and Katrisha (Lee) Tomberlin have moved: 6110 36th St #1, Lubbock, TX 79407. Christopher is a student at Sunset International Bible Institute and Katrisha works for the Lubbock Police Department. c_k_tomberlin@hotmail.com
To submit news for the Heritage, please visit us on the web at www.york.edu/alumni and click on the link Update Your Information To submit photos, email Sue Roush at smroush@york.edu
P P P P Panther milestones
Ramona (Miller ‘69) Ratliff Ramona (Miller graduated from the University of Missouri at Columbia on May 16, 2008 with her Masters in Information Science & Learning Technologies. Recently completing her 15th year at York College, Mrs. Ratliff’s areas of responsibility in Levitt Library are managing circulation, periodicals, reserves and supervising the 17 work-study students. York became Ramona’s home in 1956 when her parents, Dr. Mabrey and Madge Miller, began their ministry with the college. She and her husband John (‘70) John (‘70) have three grown daughters: Tracie, Cheryl, and Crystal. 915 East Ave, York, NE 68467 rjratliff@york.edu
Greg Greg and Lisa (Rhodes ‘77) Ziegler Lisa ‘77) Ziegler Lisa (Rhodes ‘77) Ziegler Lisa ‘77) Ziegler Ziegler held a big league celebration at the end of May when their son Brad was called up to the majors. Since signing with the Oakland A’s out of the Independent Leagues in 2004, Brad has been one of the A’s most successful minor league pitchers, winning at least nine games all three years. In 2007, Ziegler converted from a starter to a submarine reliever and won 12 games with a 2.41 ERA. The success in his new role and throwing motion attracted the attention of the A’s management, and it was made official May 30 when they flew Brad down to Dallas to meet up with the team in Arlington. The following week Brad got his first win for Oakland against the Angels in an extra inning game. Greg preaches for the Odessa Church of Christ and Lisa is a substitute teacher at the high school. 416 E Maine St, Odessa, MO 64076 lz416@embarqmail.com
P P P P Pamela (Rathe ‘01) M amela amela (Rathe ‘01) M amela (Rathe ‘01) Miller iller iller iller iller, is in her final year of pursuing a doctorate in Vocal Performance at the University of NebraskaLincoln. She recently performed in the university’s production of Dead Man Walking, an opera by Jake Heggie and Terrence McNally based on the book by Sister Helen Prejean. Pamela sang the role of Mrs. De Rocher, mother of death row inmate, Joseph De Rocher. Miller’s prior performances include understudy to Suzuki in Madama Butterfly, Erika in Vanessa, The Second Lady in The Magic Flute , and the title role in Cinderella . She and her husband Les (‘00) Les (‘00) Les have one daughter, Madelynn (1). 7001 Helen Witt Dr #708, Lincoln, NE 68512 pameladawnmil@yahoo.com
YC Alumnus Making Mark in Texas
by Stephen Colwell (‘05), York News-Times
The York College athletic department has taken some big leaps over the past few years, turning out two major league baseball players and hiring three former Panther athletes as collegiate head coaches inside their own department. But there is another level of success that is seldom seen. Many Panthers get their college degree in education and go on to coach at high schools across the country.
Ryan Davis (‘04) Ryan Davis (‘04) Ryan Davis (‘04) Ryan Davis (‘04) Ryan (‘04), has made quite a name for himself since moving to Texas after graduating four years ago. Davis began his career in the greater Dallas area as an assistant soccer coach at Coppell High School. After two years there, he moved on to another coaching job at Grapevine High School where he spent one year as an assistant, and was awarded the girl’s head coaching job for the 2007-2008 season.
“I knew that it was a successful program previously,” Davis said about his decision to make the move from Coppell to Grapevine. “They had been in the playoffs the last couple of years and they continue to produce good players. Their reputation was already good.”
As the season kicked off, the Grapevine Mustangs surprised a lot of people with their quick 6-0 start. Midway through the year, Davis’s girls defeated the #1 team in the nation and received their own national ranking at 11th. The Mustangs were 20-5 on the season, shared the title in districts, and secured a bid for the state playoffs where they went 2-1, losing by one to the eventual state champions.
“I think it’s been an overall thing,” Davis said when asked what his favorite part of the season was. “Watching the girls grow and become a team, a true team, and seeing their commitment level get to the point that it’s at now. Watching a group come together and buy into the system and seeing it become such a family. As a York alum, it’s pretty awesome to represent my college in my own program and continue on in soccer. It would be pretty cool to send a few players I’ve coached back to York College and see them succeed.”
Along with coaching a great inaugural season, Davis was named Texas District 5-5A Coach of the Year along with his counter part of district rival Colleyville.
Not too shabby for a first year head coach. #
see Alumni News & Notes, pg. 18, for more on the Davis family.
Ira & Elsie Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Evans
Neal Aspey
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Guest
Dr. Elmer Baker
Wylene Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Gayland Roberts
Flossie Barker
Sandra Olson
Evelyn Brown
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Kuskie
Lois Buggelin
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Montford
Dr. Harvey Childress
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Baker
Mr. & Mrs. D. Craig Baugh
Callie Bloomberg
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bloomberg
Mr. & Mrs. Rodger Chambers
Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Chase
Sue Childress
Dr. and Mrs. Roger Collins
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Evans, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Johnson
Dr. & Mrs. Dale Larsen
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lawson
Douglas McSwane
Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy Murphy
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Oglesby
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pearson
George Reese
Richfield Church of Christ
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Sellers
Mr. & Mrs. William Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Stanley
Mr. & Mrs. Gabe Utz
W. A. & Camilla Cogswell
Margaret Cogswell
Ralph Collins
Norma Collins
Billy Ray Cox
Patricia Cox
Leonard James Davidson
Mr. & Mrs. Rod Farthing
Harry & Martha Denewiler
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Denewiler
Gail Drake
Mr. & Mrs. William O’Dell
Wilma Easley
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Carpenter
June Claar
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Thomas, Jr.
Bill Eddy
Sybil Tandy
Jerry Emal
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Young
Bonnie Etherton
Marjorie Goodwin
Dr. & Mrs. Mabrey Miller
Ruth Foster
Hubert Foster
C. R. Friberg
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Friberg
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Horchem
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Keller
Edna Mae Simpson
Dr. Don Gardner
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Patterson, Jr.
Myron & Dorcas Goeppinger
John Goeppinger
Doris Hardman
June Claar
Ralph Harrington
Ruthvernelle Harrington
Dr. Roger Hawley
Dr. & Mrs. Dale Larsen
Donna Roerig
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Scott
Virginia Hearn
W. L. Hearn
Steve Hickel
Mr. & Mrs. James Leupold
Dorothy Horsley
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Gunselman
Verla Howard
Mr. & Mrs. James Gilfilen
Marion & Emma Lee Humphrey
Drs. Joe & Jackie Humphrey
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Hance
Jack Jones
Lu Jones
Sue Jurney
Larry Jurney
Glen & Lavone Kauffman
Wanda Bonney
Mr. & Mrs. David Conder
John & Ruby Kerr
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Denewiler
Elmer Leach
Dr. & Mrs. David Ellison
Brian Lemons
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Lemons
Lorraine Levitt
President & Mrs. Wayne Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Boyer
Don Freeman
Jensen Lumber
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Vodehnal
Lloyd Vodehnal
Valasta White
Leonard Liehr
Mr. & Mrs. David Liehr
Lois Manchester
Baker Group
Judith Barrett
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bell
Constance Bolon
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Bolon
Leila Bonnett
Mr. & Mrs. James Boyce
Mr. & Mrs. Duane Burchett
Clark County Soil & Water
Darwin Downing
Mr. & Mrs. W. Keith Edwards
Mr. & Mrs. Russ Flaherty
Mrs. Tharon Flaherty
Mr. & Mrs. J. Gillespie
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Guffey
Mr. & Mrs. Guy Hampton
Paul Manchester
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Marks
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Parson
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Reynolds
Dianna Robins
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Rumley
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Salsman
Mr. & Mrs. Davis Sams
Janet Short
Shirley Snell
Mr. & Mrs. Elvin Soll
Mr. & Mrs. John Stearns
Mr. & Mrs. David Stowers
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Tursi
Clara Yaw
Robert Maninger
Vera Maninger
Moretha Mathews
Judy Hocott
Debbie Matkins
Robert Hinton
Mr. & Mrs. Kimball Matkins
Mr. & Mrs. Eldon Dirks
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Ellis
Judy Gallagher
GSC Faculty
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hammitt
James Janzen & Carol Knieriem
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Mackovicka
Erin McSween
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Niemann
Dr. & Mrs. John Nordlund
Dr. & Mrs. Clark Roush
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Schipper
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Seboldt
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Vavra
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Wempe
Kirk Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Quinton Ghormley
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Miller
Dr. & Mrs. Mabrey Miller
Mr. & Mrs. John Ratliff
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Worten
Dalton Mimms
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Carpenter
June Claar
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Thomas, Jr.
Roger Minton
Mr. & Mrs. Jim McInteer
Wayne Moody
Eunice Moody
Jim Morrow
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Morrow
Dr. Wilbur Overmiller
Dulcie Robinson
Steven Penick
Mr. & Mrs. E. L. Penick
Brock Pigorsch
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Carver
College of the Ozarks
Dr. & Mrs. Russell Dudrey
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Good
Rolinda Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Smith
Pete & Kathryn Poundstone
Maribel Poundstone
Frank Riggs
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Freeman
Paula Rivoire
Murthel Rivoire
Jenny Rix
Lu Bright
Edna Roll
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Roll
Cheryl Rucker
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Dillard
Keith Schinnerer
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Durham
Dr. Tom Schulz
Mr. & Mrs. Mike McCalister
Dr. & Mrs. Ray Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Gayland Roberts
Dr. Dorris Schulz
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Trimble
Jack Schuman
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Cody
Bruce Scroggin
Ermalee Scroggin
Nita Jo Selby
Carl Selby
Paul Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Emerson Stewart
James Tandy
Ann Eddy
Alice Thayer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fry
Dr. & Mrs. Ray Miller
Ermalee Scroggin
Myrtle Thompson
Dr. Harvey A. Childress
1913 - 2008
A longtime preacher of the Gospel, Dr. Harvey A. Childress served as the first President of York College (1955-57) under the administration of the churches of Christ. Childress passed away April 28, 2008, in Richardson, Texas, at the age of 94.
Childress came very close to giving his life literally for York College fifty-one years ago. According to Dr. Dale Larsen’s dissertation about The History of York College , Childress “experienced countless periods of great pressure and stress as he took the lead in organizing and raising funds for the completely new administration. On March 20, 1957, during the annual meeting of the Board of Trustees in Middlebrook parlor, Childress suffered a severe heart attack. Though unable to continue as President, he served for several years as a trustee and for two years as Chairman of the Board.”
Childress Hall, a small but attractive auditorium, was completed in March of 1958 and named in honor of the college’s first president. This building served for daily chapel and all auditorium uses until it was outgrown in 1964.
Harvey and Sue were married 73 years and served the Waterview congregation in Richardson, Texas, for nearly three decades. One of Harvey’s ministries into his late 80’s was a series of inspirational messages entitled “Happiness Unlimited.” In the first message of the series (46 total) he wrote that he and Sue “found early in our lives that the more we could help others enjoy their lives, the happier our lives became.”
Memorial donations may be made to:
Harvey & Sue Childress Endowed Scholarship Fund York College 1125 East 8th St York, NE 68467
Dr. Roger W. Hawley 1929 - 2008
John Reeves
Ken Matkins
Mr. & Mrs. Dondi Eckert
Kenneth McCune
Betty McCune
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Studebaker
Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Williams
Adam McSween
Mr. & Mrs. Zachary Ahrens
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Andersen
Dr. Mack Craig
Roberta Andrews
Sport Townsend
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Hedtke
Ann Weber
O.J. & Ann Weber Family Found.
Bessie Witt
Billy Witt
Nancy Woods
Dr. & Mrs. Greg Woods
A longtime preacher for the East Hill Church of Christ in York, Dr. Roger W. Hawley, 79, passed away Tuesday, April 15, 2008. Hawley taught Bible, speech, and counseled at York College for almost a decade and served as Dean of Students until 1976. Roger grew up in Michigan and was educated at Harding University (B.A.) and the University of Nebraska (M.A. & Ph.D.). He and Nelda met at Harding and were married for 58 years. All five of Roger and Nelda’s children attended York College: Cecelya Keller (’69), Dave Hawley (’72), Sandy Massey (’72), Steve Hawley (’75), and Scott Hawley (’82). Roger preached fulltime for 19 years, taught in Christian colleges for 17 years and had been active in family counseling for 30 years. He served as an elder for the East Hill congregation, Greenlawn Church of Christ in Lubbock, and Lafayette Church of Christ in Ballwin, Missouri.
Anyone interested in purchasing the new tribute CD’s may do so at one of the Concert Choir’s programs or may contact Dr. Roush at (402) 363-5610; croush@york.edu. The 39 track - 2 disc CD set will sell for $20. For a complete listing of songs, go online to www.york.edu/news/2008/choir_cd.asp.
Chance of a Lifetime
This recording has been assembled, edited and digitally re-mastered by Dallas Christian Sound, and is evidence of the expertise of the York College Concert Choir and its conductor, Dr. Clark A. Roush. It has been compiled and extracted from compositions sung at live choral concerts and engagements in the northern hemisphere. It preserves and supports positive attitudes abundant at York College that are now influencing the world.
Though we at Dallas Christian Sound have recorded and released these songs previously, we thought it appropriate to share with the religious world the tour songs that so many have not had
YC Student Punches for $5,000 on Price is Right by Eric
(‘03), York News-Times
ork College senior Zachary Rush was lucky enough in May to be selected to sit in the audience of the popular CBS gameshow, “The Price is Right”. Little did Rush know, he was one of the initial four selected to get to bid for items.
“I don’t remember it. I remember screaming and laughing and didn’t know what to do,” said Rush. “I was so excited to be a York celebrity.”
Friends and family gathered at Rush’s house to watch the show on TV, not knowing what to expect. Rush told his fellow Starbucks employees that they were coming over for a “training session”. Everyone reacted excitedly when Rush’s name was called and even more when he won his bid and walked onto the stage to play “Punch-ABunch”.
After winning four opportunities to “punch” out a hole, Rush stood back as host Drew Carey revealed his winnings. The first three dollar amounts weren’t enough for Rush, so he opted
for his final punch. Carey slowly revealed that amount to be $5,000.
Rush went on to spin the big wheel, but wasn’t able to get close enough to the $1 to continue to the Showcase Showdown.
“I kept it a secret from my grandma and my dad. I wanted to surprise a lot of people in my family, so we called everybody the night before and let them know to watch it.”
Rush won a silverware set worth $900 and $5,000 cash while on the show. #
the privilege of hearing. This tribute recording allows these songs to edify others because of this superior Choir’s range and ability.
Through the years Dr. Roush has worked to bring this choir to national prominence. The world in general, and the choir members in particular, have been blessed by the music emanating from York College. Dr. Roush’s dedication and persistence are apparent in the York College Choir’s musical quality and in their attention to detail.
Yes, Dallas Christian Sound wanted to honor Dr. Clark A. Roush and the York College Concert Choir with this tribute album. Simply masterful.
Friends and family honored the following people this year with donations to York College in their name.
Dr. Scott Abraham
Alyssa Bahler
Don Bahler
Terry Bahler
John I. Baker III
President & Mrs. Wayne Baker
Lynda Busbee
Amie Cox
Jared Davis
Judy Dye
Percy Espinoza
Joel Fleck
Charles Freeman
H. Jarrell Gibbs
Glen Hackler
Alex & Ruth Humphrey
Nicholas Jones
Ben Ketcherside
Dr. & Mrs. Dale Larsen
Dr. Robert Lawrence
Christopher Lough
Michael Lough
Deb Lowry
Brent & Kay Magner
Tod Martin
Ed & Pat McLoud
Dr. Mabrey & Madge Miller
Darrell Murphy
Ruth Noffsinger
Emily Nossaman
Brandon Pigorsch
Chris Riske
David Rivorie
Roy & Eleanor Rankin
Pat Ross
Dr. Clark Roush
Mike Rush
Flowayne Sandlin
Jack & Robbie Sikes
Nolan & Alyssa Sollenberger
Ryan Stuckey
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Taylor
Sharyl Jolee Thayer
Paul Touchton
Victoria RaJean Vawter
Priscila Vieira
Leonara Word
YC Women’s Soccer
Memorial and Honor gifts can be mailed to Gayle Good, 1125 E 8th St, York, NE 68467
(Left) London Hawley and Caleb Rush show off their groove in Theta Psi and Sigma Tau’s award winning Songfest show. (Above) Representatives of all the clubs joined the 2008 Songfest hosts and hostesses for the production’s finale.
Residence Halls Open for Students ........... August 23
New Student Orientation ....................... August 24 - 25
Registration for Classes ............................. August 26
Opening Convocation of 118th Year ............ August 27
Homecoming and High School Days .... October 10 - 12
Fall Break ............................................ October 16 - 19
Thanksgiving Break ......................... November 26 - 30
Cocoa & Carols ............................... December 11 - 14
Final Examinations .......................... December 15 - 18
Second Semester Registration ................... January 12
Spring Theatre Production ....... February 26 - March 1
Spring Break ........................................... March 14 - 22
Spring H.S. Days & Songfest ‘09 ................... April 2 - 4
All College Banquet .................................. April 23
Spring Works Concert ................................ April 28
Commencement ............................................... May 9
RoundUp .................................................. May 17 - 23
Soul Quest ‘09 .......................................... June 14 - 20
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