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Expanding Our Reach What's in a Name? YORK UNIVERSITY

York College will transition to York University during the summer of 2022. The name change was approved by the board of trustees at their January 2021 meeting and announced by Dr. Sam Smith ’95 during his inauguration as the school’s 21st president.

“The very root of my vision for this institution is to unashamedly be the Christian school that we claim to be,” Smith stated during his inaugural address. “Who we are now is much more than a college, and we are ready to lean into a new name. Next summer, we will officially transition from York College to York University.”

University will more accurately describe York’s profile as a comprehensive institution offering fouryear and graduate degree programs that encompass the liberal arts and professional studies. Recent record enrollments, tripling of the permanent endowment during the past decade, and ongoing fundraising successes provide a context of strength to make the change now.

Board chair, Dr. R. Wayne White ’63 reflects, “Knowing the importance of this step, the trustees moved slowly but with a vision for future academic development and success for student and college alike. When we interviewed Dr. Smith, we shared our vision to become York University. We had yet to make it official, but we knew the direction we needed to go. There was no going back.”


ork College will transition to York University during the summer of 2022. The name change was approved by the board of trustees at their January 2021 meeting and announced by Dr. Sam Smith ’95 during his inauguration as the school’s 21st president.

The name change also provides an important enhancement for York’s recruiting efforts. University status is more widely understood among international, graduate and non-traditional audiences. These groups are increasingly important and represent an opportunity to have a far greater reach than ever before possible in the school’s 131-year history.

For prospective employers, the university name will provide clarity about the nature of the degrees held by York alumni. It also creates new opportunities for expanded academic partnerships benefiting students and faculty.

Discussions about changing our name to York University began years ago culminating in the board’s decision earlier this year. The name will change. The heart of the institution will not. Our mission, identity, values, and vision will remain focused on transforming lives through Christcentered education.

To learn more about the transition, visit www.york.edu/university. n

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