Marathon 1946

Page 1









Cl backwaJid glanca a t r\jsAtsUvdag—0. view o f ojlUi coll&qs. life Jodag— O. gtimpAst o f ouh dJisjam campuA JoMDMDW—Jh&M w& phsAsmt to gou on ih& Hollowing pag&A.

Owi hops, id th at thi&

qtam u a t (lfsiAtsJtdag w ill bhing happuj. nuunoJusA to ths. msmbohA o f JthoM jcIoaa&a, th at th& visux) o f Jodag m ay in tthsi (utuM b/iing pieoA ant thought* to jua, and th a t the glim pM o f Jo movww m ag bn an inApiAation to hsdp bhing owi dhsjam campuA to a hsaiitg.

%'oAk Qoilstgs.

tivsA 'IjsLdl&hdag—Jodag —JomoAJww.

Page 3

Ct/e cam s, io Q. oa gjuAhmsun suaqsJi fo i ih s. jy&WtA ihjcdt lay. a h rn d o f jllSu. 7943 bhouqhL JthsL ikhHLbu o f. JthsL qam&A* playsud b y ouh A lois. baAJu dba ll dw m jiA . "C lose harm ony," we think. Jolly up, 1944.

Left to right, LeRoy Bott, G alen Munsinger, Lester Auchard, W ayne K aeding, G eorge Shaneyfelt, Jam es Conway, Harvey Holbrook, Jam es Kaeding, Cleo Cam pbell, DuW ayne Grimes, Clifford Hartman, Don H aberm an, C oach R. E. Tonkin. Invited to attend the K ansas City National Intercollegiate B asketball Tourney

UJiVUL SbaiSL fflu zm pA , Page 4



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d h o p p s d to m a jd y

h a lf

it& n s fim a l m u n Jb si/i. Food tasted mighty good after a hard d ay's work on Clean-up Day, 1945.

A p its jo f ih iA


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a d tiv itisA ,

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Page 5

^ h ja d iu d & jc L Q n .


LESTER AUCHARD Woodston, K ansas

EDWINA BOMHOFF W ichita, K ansas

WALTER BRANT Robinson, K ansas

HERBERT BRYANT M arshalltown, Iowa

STINE DOUGLAS Beach, North Dakota

Jh sA e Aswi&iA qM sdtsd jua, a n d , U vw uqh Ik e w osa o f

J ' h s t fk h m


fo ju A t,


la u q h l juA iohsi d iqnifi& d colkqsi m an a n d w om an. SsD sn msurnbsUiA of. JthiA

jCLoaa w&M h o n ited Jby a p la ce in (x)ho'A W ho in d m

s L h ia m




jt iv s L t e ilie A


foUsuq&A.: ^ZbaIbJl

ChixJiW id, fcA ilw i jfo h n A on ~ ,


a lis ih *

(B h a n L ,

W loAjifusi (Rsd&JbixJi, (DuU Jaym JjhimsiA, (btfw lhy $££UL

Sad dffrisu,


fia lp h dUmA. Jh e VYlxvuj. W h ich Q ain ChvcUvdw oa qiv&n to disd&n d ia ll. P age 6


DuWAYNE GRIMES Harlan, K ansas

HELEN HALL Parsons, K ansas


RALPH HINES Yuma, Colorado

VIRGINIA HINKLE Cam bridge, Iowa

HAROLD JENSEN Caw ker City, K ansas


J'D W i jt ic /i, 3 to ju h if)M a n d fc lw ip i (p h U Iip A th e d o M S ffltfd t S b sica m c a

Page 7

o g Jtfm

, J 'lo ijd J a y k fi, (D u W a y m ^ n Ju m A , lo ft fl& t Jth a a h m s d A&Jwk&A b& fytisi

y su a h.

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Ja b tA

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A fw iily a fJbU i q A a d u a iu m , a n d (p h y lth (t)G U £ .


Jo A jtsA


JACOB SANDOVAL Chacon. New M exico

JthsL AJbuudsmt Jbodi^, fiAthsUL QohnAorL curuL





ELOISE TABOR Spokane, W ashington




^tsA jtsJL G u d fiW itL wslMl sd&risjd oa dfapJisLdJwiaiiv& Tflan and U)oman. (D uU faym "Shim&A sudUtsud

JthsL S&ndJbuhh, uniiL hsL Is fi fsfi ih& wuny ivhsm £ b iejL JaJbffL ajuccssM L him . (Oh. £ . 9. (Oofy JLUjOA Jths ApDHA&l o f ifu A duA A .

P age 8

DuWAYNE GRIMES Representative Football Man

VIRGINIA HINKLE Homecoming Q ueen

MARTHA TUCKER Panther Sw eetheart

tkn a nn u a l Jo o lb a ll fianqusd (buW aifM ^jhimsUk woa pM Asnlsd oa (R&pAsL&jwiaiwG Jo o ib a ll 71/lan, a n d W jvdtka JjudwA oa (panltw i Sxjostsdhsaht. J'lo y d Jayl& L a n d c'XsAJtsifi Cluchahd w ste jco^caplainA o f the tfooiball isuam. ÂŁ aUw i QohnAon hsaqnsd oa TWay Qjusuin dvsa ih s a nn u a l VYIguj. (Day foAtiuitidA. ESTHER JOHNSON May Q ueen

Page 9

$ /u t d t u e d Q

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LESTER BOILESEN Cotesfield LORAINE GARLOCK Trenton, Missouri FRED GASTON Oklahom a City, Okla. CLIFFORD HARTMAN Lecompton, K ansas BRUCE HERRICK Dayton, Ohio


Jiv e msunJbsM o f Jthh cLoaa w oto choAsm fo i UJhoA (j)h o in (bn& Juam lAnw&MJJtisA a n d folkq& A : 3 .oAainc ^ oaLocJl , (Ballcjl M sW ikL, (jJaynsL Jim d u u tp , a n d U )iniptsuL S m iik *. 3LoJuuns 'fyahlock M arived Jths VYLcUuj. VThrfdi C ain CUva/id. VMaa %sdda (x)aksdin AponA&wd ih a cIoaa.

RAY THOMPSON Albia, Iowa MARTHA TUCKER G reat Bend, K ansas

P age 10

May Day Chorus

Qn Jthsi fa ll a Snow J'sndival (Banqusd took Jth& plaai o f Jthu annual J'D o lb a ll fiarufusd, and W auhim VyicUwsriwa& srf&dtudoa Snow Qumn. Jha w xi Ap/dnq (DoU& diahMA waA choA&n a& yyiay Qussut.

Snow Q ueen Maurine Marvel

M ay Q ueen Doris Harris

Left to right: Fred G aston, LeRoy Bott, Kenneth Irwin, Don Hinea, W ayne Keading, Denny Auchard, Clifford Hartman.

J'&w, (But WUqhiy.

Page 11

I IJ t a d u ja h jc L O n . % 5

LeROY BOTT Alexander, K ansas FRANKLIN CODY Sew ard

FRANCES HICKEY Spokane, W ashington

DON HINES Yuma, Colorado


ROBERT TUPPER Roanoke, Louisiana


.A c

fh o m

Q Lom o f 19fyS w oa Jth& A m aU sud claA A io qjvadjuuaJts. cl}s fih fo lh q s i in a qua/d& A a in iu A y .

Jh o u q h thsuj.

w shs. H&w in n u m b o Ji, ifuA jcIczaa a w d s d o u t th e u & u a l cudtiviti& A jo f a A sm hfi jdctAA.

Qn J'sbhuucU u} ihsuy sunioJi-

ta im d u& ju n io U cdt ih& h o rn s o f thsdh A ponA & i, V Y Iua % srfda (jJa k sd in .

P age 12

JhM s. msLmboAA o f the cIoaa wsuie. lidded in UJJwk (x)ho in ChmJikan lAniveM ilieA and QolIsiqeA: filandte bleach, 3Ui(Rdj} (Boil, and (Don dUn&A. Jh e VflaJuj. Wludtdi (Jain ClwaJid woa qiven to WjcUiy Vflilkh who wa& edilsfi o f the Sandhwut and oIao (RepAeAsuilalwe Woman. (Don ddn&A woa fapheA&nlalive W an. (Blanche ^Ceadt and £eflo y (Bolt com pleted ivo’ik fo i thsrih deqAeeA a l the end of. the fvud ASLMSL&l&h. VYUaa o teach accepted a hutching poAition, and W .h. S o il enteJied (BomJbhake Jhsoloykal SjuninaAq.

Back row: Ramos Barela, Jam es Townsend, Professor R. E. Townsend, Robert Moomey, Rudy Rojahn, Reuben Ruybalid. Front row: LeRoy Bott, W ayn e Schwindt, Don Hines, Don Robson, W illis Friesen, Eloy Martinez.

y ~ . Q . A ft b i i t “p i d i L . u p Page 13


Cl diahvsud fianqusd w iih Quean C & J& & ,

3 > A jo ju j2 A

d ik k &


t e iq n


in q, woa Jth& hiyhpoini of. tins. fa lL f.Q AtivitiQ A,. JJridu ysutVL mjoUiksud a cham p in jth& VYlay (Day bvcudithm. JJw fsdts w o a hsdd in ihs. sivsuunq in I/i& pahI&iA o f ih s cdUsujb. diW idt. S ta u ffo A .

ju csl

w aA ,



dw A sm .


First row (seated ): June Beckm an, Becky Spore, N ancy Sack, N ancy Schneider, Jean Rasp. Second row: Audrey Peterson, Betty Stauffer, W ilm a Murphy, R ev a Tomlinson. Third row: Pattie W eidler, Blanche Leach, Mary Miller, Martha Cox. Fourth row: Kenneth Hicks, student prince, Queer. Eunice Stauffer, Betty Taylor, maid of honor.

Page 14

C In d n o w w & k a v & 'lJiL iJjL /u d a y a n d ih& jcIo a m a Jth a l h a v a q o n si b&fyohA u a ,, a n d p M M n L Jb o ip iL in , thsL fo llo w in g fza q M a fiictu A c o ft q u a

camfiuA Jodcuf.

Page 15

J o d a if

A typical Monday chapel service finds D ean C harles Amadon read y to lead in a hymn with Miss Eda Rankin at the piano, and Dr. E. I. Doty asking, "Are there any announcem ents?"

P age 16

Student football coaches, Denny Auchard and Don Robson, talk it over.

Jh& sufid o fth a wan. a n d ihjL b& qbw inq. o f JthsL atom ic aq& haA qivsun a m w outlook io youth. Ow l



ahnoAi doubisd th at o f LoAtysiaJi. Ssuwksimsm, Asxi/u}* JthsL nsxddu ofc a* wah.-toM l

jluoaLcL, arsJ l

moMsidwcaJtion, andaM hsdtuhninq to ouh h a th .

Page 17

"W elcom e back, P au l!" A glim pse of some of the former service men on our campus.

LT. (jg) LESTER AUCHARD, USNR, Woodston, K ansas, w as a rad ar of­ ficer aboard a subm arine which was reported m issing in June, 1945. He w as aw arded the Subm arine Com­ bat Insignia M edal in absen tia.

LT. (jg) WARREN CALLAHAN, York, enlisted as a naval aviator (dive bom ber pilot). His plane crashed in the P anam a C an al Zone, June 18, 1943.

LT. ORVILLE COTNER, York, served in the Army Air Corps as a pilot of a B-17. His plane w as shot down over “Berlin in February, 1945. The Purple Heart w as aw arded to him posthumously.

Jo JthsAiL jmsutL, fohmsUi, Jdudsmibu o f cljohk Qollsupi, who Juwsz qivm JthsuJi

w sl& in lh& Mhvksi o fth sih counJthq,


do ws. dstdkaJts. ihn 1%6 VYlcUicdthon. Jh&M ipunq m m havn qivm ihsih Jodaq. Jtkat w sl m iqht h cw sL o w l JomoAAoju).

(Not pictured.) COMMANDER JAMES HANNA, Riv­ erside, Illinois. He died of illness in the South Pacific area. LT. EUGENE SELL, Army Air Corps. His B-18A bom ber crashed near Hamilton Field, California, O ctober 24, 1941.

Page 19

LT. WAYNE DAHLSTEDT, York, was killed in action with the 7th Army in Germ any, M arch 31, 1945. He w as aw arded the Silver Star post­ humously.

LT. WILSON GILMORE, York, en­ listed in the U. S. Army Infantry Division. He w as killed in action in Italy, March, 1944. The Silver Star M edal w as aw arded to him post­ humously.

SGT. BRYCE HANNA, York, w as a m em ber of the National Guards. He w as killed in the European theatre, Novem ber 16, 1944. Mrs. H anna re­ ceived the Purple Heart Citation and the Scroll signed by the President.

LT. J. T. HILTON, M ead, Colorado, w as Commanding Officer of the 106th Chem ical Im pregnating Co. He died at Camp Sibert, A labam a, February, 1943.

LT. ROBERT OSWALD, Aurora, w as a navigator on a B-24 in the Army Air Corps. His plane w as shot down over Saigon, French Indo China, Tune, 1945.

LT. JOHN PETERSON, York, w as a pilot of a P-47 Thunderbolt. He flew a reco n n aisan ce mission over G er­ m any. He w as killed in April, 1945.

CAPT. FLOYD RICHERT, W hite Tail, Montana, w as a C haplain in the 316th Army Air Force Troop Carrier Group. His plane crashed in Eng­ land, March, 1944.

P age 20

LT. DEAN HITCHCOCK, Portland, Oregon, w as with the Army Air Corps 439th Fighter Squadron, Talla­ hassee, Florida. His plane crashed at Manitou Springs, Colorado, in the summer of 1944.

LT. DONALD HITCHCOCK, Portland, Oregon, w as with the Army 104th Infantry Division. He w as killed in the plane crash with his brother, Dean, at Manitou Springs, Colorado, in the summer of 1944.

PFC. JOHN KEVE, St. Joseph, Mis­ souri, died in the C ab an atw an Pris­ on Camp, on O ctober 18, 1942. He w as buried in Luzon. He served with the M edical Unit.

CAPT. JOHN SANDALL, Lincoln, was on a B-24 in the 15th Air Corps. He served in North Africa and Italy. His plane w as shot down over Munich, July 19, 1944. He w as posthumously aw arded the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Bronze Medal.

ENS. GEORGE SHANEYFELT, C en­ tral City, served as Communications Officer aboard the LST 460. He went down with his ship in Philippine w aters, Decem ber, 1944. He w as Com pany Commander of his Mid­ shipman C lass. The Purple Heart w as aw arded to him posthumously.

SGT. ROBERT WITT, Shickley, w as a m em ber of the famed Jolly Rogers Squadron of the Air Corps, New G uinea. His plane crashed in Feb­ ruary, 1944. He w as aw arded post­ humously the Purple Heart and the Presidential Citation.

Page 21

Adams, Clifford E. Adamson, Keith E. Allen, Harlie B. Allison, Lute P. Allison; Thompson Anderson, Eldon W. Anderson, Richard N. Anglin, J. H. Askine, Irvin Auchard, C. Denny Auchard, Lesterf Barela, Ramos Barth, Homer Beauseigneur, William Bedient, Carl Beaver, Commodore E. Bemis, W. W. Berry, Everette Bisset, Clifford Boehr, Bernhard Boilesen, Lester Boyd, Richard Bristol, Curtis Brookhart, Maurice E. Brown, Malcolm H. Brugh, Elroy Burhoop, Carl H. Burhoop, Henry Burke, John Buttermore, Vernie C. Caldwell, A. V. Caldwell, Howard Callahan, Leslie O. Callahan, Warren E.* Campbell, Cleon J. Campbell, William Carlson, Carl Carlson, Clarence Carpenter, Vernon Carter, Rex Carter, William Casner, Donald Chambers, George Chenoweth, Floyd Christiancy, Walter Clark, Warren Cline, Walter Cobe, Jarvis Coffey, Laurence Colon, Octavio Conant, William Connor, Elwyn Conway, James Coonley, Franklin Cooper, Verle Cotner, Orville* Crippen, Manson Crouse, J. C. Cunningham, Robert Curnutt, William Dahlstedt, Waldo Dahlstedt, W ayne* Davis, Carleton Davis, Donald

cljn J t k . fo lla q s L The following list is as complete as we were able to make it after publishing the names in the Sandburr in an attempt to secure any corrections or additions. Ratings are not given because of lack of full information. Dawd, John A. Dawd, Wesley Day, Merrill Dean, Richard Dean, William Deardorff, Joe DeBoer, Francis DeBoer, Howard Denton, Garold De Mott, Clayton Detimore, Richard Dick, Abe Dickerson, Reid Doerr, Adrian Doremus, Ralph Dreier, Theron* Eberhart, Don Edgar, Gerald Edmondson, Bruce Edsall, Ray Ekdahl, Walter Ellis, Leonard Elmore, Kenneth Empfield, George Enders, E. Wray Ernst, C. Walter Evans, Harold Farley, James Fast, Harry Feaster, Burton Feemster, William Ferguson, Earl Fleming, Clarence Foster, Robert Foulk, Richard Franz, Cecil Fredrickson, Wesley Freet, I. C. Friesen, Orlando Froid, Oscar Funk, Donald Gallant, Neal Gallant, W. J. Gamble, Gerald Garland, Dorothy Garlock, Marvin Gamant, Lewis Gassman, Lawrence Gifford, Floyd Gillespie, Robert Gilmore, Wilson* Goodrich, Harold Graff, Burl Graff, Earl

Green, Everette Greene, Richard Grimes, DuWayne Grosshans, Donald Haberman, Don Haberman, Harold Haberman, John Hale, Donald Hammar, Donald Hanna, Bryce* Hanna, Dale Hanna, James* Hansen, Henry Hanson, Emmett Harris, Howard Alden Heatherington, Eugene Herrick, Marvin Herrick, Verne Hice, Sutton Hickey, James Hildebrand, Doran Hildebrand, Miles Hilton, J. T * Hitchcock, Dean* Hitchcock, Donald* Hoffman, Leroy Holbrook, Elmond Holbrook, Eloise Tabor Holbrook, Lora Holt, Carvel Houston, Brighton Hubertus, Norman Hurley, Charles Hylton, Don Irwin, Kenneth Jackson, Donald Jaramillo, Perfecto Jenkins, Eldon Johnson, Clinton Johnson, Lee Johnson, Milton Johnson, Wendell Jordan, Roy Jordan, Ralph Kaeding, James Kaeding, Wayne Kamm, Albert Kamm, Alfred Kennedy, Robert Keve, John* Keve, Paul King, Boyd King, Thomas Kingsley, Howard




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Klick, Harvey Klingman, Creston Kloppenburg, Arnold Koenig, Donald Kuntzelman, Harris Labart, Dorsey Lake, William Larson, Edward Law, Maynard Learning, Vayle Learning, R. R. Lewis, I. G. Light, Donald Livermore, Roy Lower, Burdell Lucic, Lucas Lutz, Rex McCandless, Robert McCandless, Thomas McCarty, Robert McConnell, William McGregor, Robert Mabon, Clarence McLaughlin, Paul P. M acagba, Rufino N. MacCanon, Eldon MacCanon, Francis MacCanon, Richard Mahlin, Elmer Mares, Adolph Marvel, Alden Mattox, Otis Mattson, Jean Hollen Mauer, Arnold Maxson, Richard May, Howard May, Robert Megill, Lawrence R. Merryman, Jesse Miller, Dearrel Miller, Harold Miller, Jack Miller, John Miller, Leland Miller, Rex Moline, Robert Monismith, Roderick Moomey, Elton Moore, Winfred Morgan, Robert Munsinger, Galen Murdock, A. R. Myers, Jack Nachtigall, Wilbur Newton, Lyle Noble, Carroll Norton, Paul Novak, Fred Oliver, Robert Oswald, Max

Page 23

Oswald, Robert* Otoupal, Dwaine Otto, W allace Otto, Warren Overmiller, Wilbur Pacheco, Alexandra Parker, Harvey Parris, Earl$ Patterson, Frederick Peters, Harvey Peterson, Norris Peterson, John* Peterson, Raymond Phillips, Elwyn Pickrel, Evan Porter, Donald Price, Frank Price, Raymond Pursel, Hugh Quick, Max Rash, Frank Rasp, Fred Ratzlaff, R. L. Ratzlaff, Lean H. Reger, Oren Reger, Paul Richard, Glen Richardson, William Rees, Barney Richert, Floyd* Riggs, Harold Riggs, Merl Riggs, Richard Roberts, Keith Roehrs, Werner Rogers, Marlowe Ronne, Nelson Rouch, Robert Ruppel, Ray P. Rutherford, Betty Myers Samson, Alvin Samuelson, Carlton Sandall, Charles Sandall, John* Sandoval, Jacob Schmidt, Ralph Sell, Eugene* Seng, Hubert Severin, Daryl Severin, Eugene Seward, Edwin Shaffer, Jay Shaneyfelt, George* Shctneyfelt, Glenn Shappell, James Shctppell, Nelson Shepherd, George Shoff, Niles Sill, David Sloan, Darrell

Sloan, Kenneth Sloan, Robert Sloan, Wade Smith, Chester Smith, Denzel Smith, James Smith, Lawrence Snow, Milton Snyder, Stanley Sorenson, Everett Speece, Herbert Speece, Ross Spore, J. B. Spore, Robert Spurlock, Woodson Steven, Robert Stevens, Raymond Strickler, Paul Stuhr, Roy Sullivan, John Surface, Arthur L. Swartz, James Swartzwelder, William Tack, Deane Taylor, Floyd Taylor, William Tebell, Phyllis Foster Thomas, Carrol Thompson, Maurice Thompson, Melvin Thornton, Everett Throckmorton, Arthur Trout, Norval Ulrich, Glen Van Alen, Edward Van Pelt, Richard Virgin, Gail Walbrecht, Hubert Walker, Harold Wallander, George Ward, Anna Jane Watson, Leland W ebb, Le Roy W ebb, Louis West, Edgar Wheeler, Blaine White, Robert White, William Whitney, Charles Williamson, Donald Wildman, Rollie Willets, Kenneth Windsor, Harold Witt, Robert* Womack, Robert Woodward, Roy Worthington, E. P. Yager, Don Young, William Zerwekh, A1 Note: *Died in the service of their country. ■{•Still in M issing Status. ifcDied of illness after discharge.

O ju J c J

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U j^ .

D. E. WEIDLER President WALTER E. BACHMAN Dean of Faculty Philosophy


W. J. KARRAKER Dean of Men Psychology

U)& p Jw ju d lif p JisA su n i oW i fy a u d h }, jth& voJU j, fin it e o f y jo A

k C o U & q s i.

Executive m eetings such as this one showing Dr. G. T. Savery, D ean Bachm an, and President W eidler are typical scenes in the president's office.

Page 25

REV. VIRGIL HAGUE Director of G reater York College Cam paign

REV. M. B. CANON Director of Public Relations


CHARLES BISSET History and Social S cien ce


JA £ A

EARL I. DOTY History and Political S cien ce


jc £ jr fw c r i£ t z t e ifiM

MYRON HOLM Education Registrar

A 0 lt m

iw lA c i&


EDA RANKIN Piano and O rgan

offiicM . ShukrdtA am b& Msun huhJujin q , fiwML jthsJbc conf&MnaiA. with* (Doan {Badfiman to pay ih& h Jbilh to IRENE SHIPLEY Expression

Jtho J a&jOAuAga.

DR. G. T. SAVERY C ollege Pastor

ROLLAND E. TONKIN Physical Education Athletic C oach M athem atics


AMY SINGER M athem atics

R. E. TOWNSEND Com mercial Treasurer

Page 26

MAMIE K. LONG Home Econom ics

TEAN MATTINGLY H ostess of Hulitt Hall Freshm an English

J. CLIFFORD MORGAN C lassical L angu ages Bible

W. C. NOLL Biological S cien ces


C b w u n d jth& M hsuadA hsw olvsA a ll l i f e o n ih e jca m p u A . ^ x d u d in q a n d isb o u Jfu n q

b y ih e Q fo d d Jtia n id& alA

fo A w h ich JthsuA liv sA A la n d , o jua fa c u lt y c o n iin m io b s . ih e h o a rd o f clfo h k fo lk q s i — IjjiA isiA d a y , J o d a y , a n d Jo m o h A D w .

F. C. VON WICKLEN Physical S cien ces

Page 27

ZELDA M. WAKELIN Modern L angu ages

GERTRUDE WHEELER Secretary to the President

FRIEDA WIRZ, R. N. First Aid and Home Nursing


(OsilL JhsL Qapu and- $ownA.

V t t ja y ,

(jJsh cU l. l



Owi zd U s u js i Ufsi id aboul to

L& ju d m a



o ju a

ysL&isAday. J .A c ysunh h iu bum a buAy ow foA ll&. 9n ih& fa ll, plan* bsuqan Jto


balm Akops foA a WLaJtailwn. Thom had basin publhhsid Amcc 1% 2. 0Wi colkqsi dnyA w ould knva. bum inxjomplcJb iviihojudt a VYlwuriJwn. J.A


JtaAk flsrfl lo thsi

jjuwDA. and. asuuoa, jcIoaa&a., h&adsuL bip fcdlloA*, JbbsJilcL CUlsut, a n d ChAosdaJtsL fdttoA, <Rulh Gudnahd.

O ne of the first signs of spring— students gathered on the steps.

Page 29






ojua o fo W


i momboAA w illbs. li&Jt&din Jthi&

yaafi 'a Who ’a UJJw Qn CbrW ikan lA nwoxa H jula IRENE FALK

(b id fo lk q & A : fio b s u d a fills n , d h d h

ChuchtVucL, £

a J J u i/l

V l/h q ilL , a n d , £ u m jlo l

S b n u ffe ji. J J i£ fopJisL A sw Jtcdtujsi W jm a n d (jJo m w t,, tR o b cA t (Ja m sL


£ lu u o l

S la u ^ fs Ju , w siJ isl o Ia d xJ w a sm , ftw m , Ik sL A sm ioA jcI o a a b y ih& A bud su n i b o d y .


OUR SENIOR GIRLS' TRIO O rganized when they were sopho­ mores, these senior girls, with Mar­ jorie Thornton, junior, at the piano, have represented York College in m any programs throughout a wide area. W e are proud of you, girls.

P a g e 30





CL puAcdsA.' dsuv (uAnhhsuL JthsL Jthsum foA Jth& bvadhw rm lfu/rioA -


agjuldA p a h h j, yftjoAch 7ih . Jhi& sjsuaA Jth& jA sA knuan fo w d Q udya jlv jc la

a A&nioA w om an, Qmuqstm

(B la n d , dw Asm by. ih& a o iv d io A u k

w ith a n bw n handovsA ihs. p u a Jim sin.



Page 31







U Jiik. Jthidu daM u wsl havsL Jbsuuv cIdaqIi^

a aaddated in

0 W1

joudtiviiisiA dw dnq Jthsi

pa&jt ysuah. JhdA /coopisiAcdwn Juxa hsilpsid m aksthh VyiwvcdhonpoAdJJbh. JhsuAfiAAi DiiLbJbowjdiw} adwwsunsmi woa ihsi pMp-

Wucdtion (da ihsi annm d SmujdA (Rucoq/uiw n hsdjd cdt Jthsi m lkqc duuhdi, Wlivuch 1fytL. Jhsu^ dwASL JthsL dbw. JJjoh/L ShsdL,

P age 32

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Q w tw JiS u



p.a&loh o f th e lo a d fiheA bytehian Q huhzh, oa

Apeakeh foh th e d a y . ChwtJwi ejuenl o f

th e yeah woa th e Q unioh -$en io h fia n q u el giv en by them on W ay 2n d . fit th e b eg in 足 n in g o f th is yeah, thi& claAA h a d elev en m em behA. JhoA e w ho en h o lled fo h A econd AemeAteh bhought th e to ta l num beh to eig h teen .

Page 33







O. quuj. ptAoqAam, csm isUiinq a bo ut ihsi ihsum o f a co u nty fcuA , jlooa ihsi m

a in a iiJia ciio n o f ihsi a n n u a l AsicsipJtion qivsin by.

ihsiM AophomoJioA in ihsi jckuAch paAloM on ยงanuaA Jj. 18ih. fclsuusn m w AophomohsiA foinsud Jthh duaAA a t ihsi bsiqinninq o f ihsi Astaond m m sl&Iba.



Page 34


Jh&ij'vsL (RmdmrL J h sL d C a lg * - U )a i^






Page 35





O jj U l . J 'A B A k n m L

O idtim A o fJ'M A h m ja n

Qouhiwsihsi fiU I (jOcdktOandcL V?liltsL?L, a n d Stonlsu.p QoJuv, pktw isxL

fi& hinq.

downtown, o n A qiH U U L.


u l








J'&lhj-MJUW ftlSLdJlMSW pa&ASicL JthsL JtsL&tSu jMAkmxm fow ri and sv&te admUbtsd to Jthsi h a n k A o ft d ig m fJu id a o ll& qsi Jduudsm JtA . Jtu u ^

TA pA srf-

(& U M A . A sia ftd iu ,

Jtk tiu d a A A . W M L

Jth si

ft& A h m a n -u p p eA cla A A m a n xxmJtsL&JtA a n d w site a w a h d su d a p w d ij.


Pago 37










(With the Aeamd MmeAleJi came tweniy-Aix AtudenlA to loin the foimeA {tfdy-Aeoen memJbeAA of the cIoaa, and moAt of UuA wunJbeA woa compoAsd of veteAanA. JhiA incAeoAe in the mala population qAeatty booAted the morale.








P age 38

Not to b e forgotten a re the special students on our cam pus who are taking only a few hours. Six of that group are pictured here. (Not p ictu red : MRS. ELTON MOOMEY, MRS. RUDOLPH ROJAHN, GERTRUDE W H EELER, JOHN HOLM, MRS. D ORIS HARRIS, MRS. EL O ISE H OLBRO O K.)




JhsiM f/UL&hjmn bsuqin a mw qsimMdism on ihsi < 2 / . Q. ccunpuA. JhsuiA talsuni and psip indicai&jd pAjojnl&si f&i t h & fu iw u i.


Page 39






Left to right: Roum aine Holt Reynolds, Denny Auchard, Ruth Auchard, M ax Allen, Pattie W eidler, J. W. Tomlinson, R eva Tomlinson, Dr. Charles Bisset, sponsor, Robert V an ce, president, M arie Harris, Jean Rasp, Dollie Schwindt, W ayn e Schwindt, Betty Taylor, Lois Shaneyfelt, Mary Harris. (Not pictured: Howard DeBoer, H arley Danner, Harvey Holbrook, M arie Peters, Paul Reger.) Page 40




(Ruling. (B o d y -

THE STUDENT COUNCIL IN ACTION— President Robert V an ce presents President W eidler with two additional shields to com plete our service list.

Jh e S tu d en i COJUJV°M’ com poAsid o f h&pMtenJbaiiv&A Qadm aiidaAAQ A a n d & iqani$aJtw nA, iA ih s qovsuminjq. body on ojlUi aunpuA . J h it qJw up, ihhouqh ihsi ljsuahA, haA Asdt u p ihsi csm A iiiuiism upon w hich ihsi nxJUiacuM uailaA asdtisjiJtisiA o f 0W1 collsiqsi life a te JaquLaisid.

Page 41

MARATHON STAFF— Left to right: Eunice Stauffer, sales m anager; Denny Auchard, sports editor; Alden S ears, snapshot editor; R eva Tomlinson, business m anager; W and a Wantz, advertising m anager; W ayne Schwindt, assistan t snapshot editor; W and a Miller, class editor; Miss Edith Callender, faculty adviser; Roberta Allen, editor-in-chief; M arjorie Thornton, organization editor; Irene Falk, assistant editor; Ruth Auchard, asso ciate editor; Harriet Thomas, feature editor.

Jkiiu (Book. a. JJwa. oaL 9


Jh& b ifd h o $ a VYlaJtalhon i& a lotvy a n d h a n d phocoaa .

S in ce Tlovsm bsA IhiA A ba ff haA b ssn JbuAy

cU ihanqinq tfoi pidtuteA , A oliaJtinq ad&, w hilinq copy, pjw m olinq AjcdsiA, a n d a m fsju d n q w ith W bi. (B ill O s O hisndl, o f Jths C a p ita l fcnqJiavinq fo m p a n y .


in jy&aAA bo corns Uua iaA h w ill b s hsw aJvdsd by Jths plsaA anl m sm sfiisA Uua booh w ill A stall. Page 42

Jhsd^ (jJhiiSL JhsL yi&W A.

C om piling th& collsuqs. p ap sh , Ik e Sandbuhh, i& ik e job o f ik e P abaa 'B uild, undsUt th e gu id a n ce o f Vfti&A £dU h Q allendeA , fa cu lty . adviAeA. cdwma.

Jh e SandJbuAA

o u t eveJiy tw o w eekA, a n d i& di& lA ibuted to

appJw xim aiehj 1600 a lu m n i a n d AtudentA beAideA thoAQ jon ik e cam puA .

Jk e papeA fo llo w ed ouh AeJw-

ice m m to a ll continentA d u /d n q th e yeahA o f th e w aJi.

PRESS GUILD STAFF— Standing, left to right: Blaine Ronne, business m anager; Norma J. Anderson, reporter; M arcella W alker, reporter; Esther Megill, reporter; Betty J. Schoonover, news editor; Louis Rachow, reporter; V irginia G regg, reporter; Harriet Thomas, reporter; Eunice Stauffer, reporter; R eva Tomlinson, reporter; Miss Edith Callender, faculty adviser. S eated : W and a Wantz, reporter; Dr. J. C. Morgan, alum ni historian; B arb ara Blauch, re­ porter; M arie Harris, editor-in-chief; Mary K. Armstrong, reporter; W and a Miller, reporter.

Page 43

Y . W . C . A .— B a c k ro w , .left to rig h t: M arie P e te rs , N ina Lockw ood, M a rg a re t W e b b , M ary A nderson, Je a n R a sp , S h irle y Kaliff, E la in e G oo d w in , R e ta Sum m ers, Je w e ll D an iel, W a n d a M iller, M arie H arris, W a n d a W an tz, R oum ain e Holt R eyn olds, M ary A. R ig g s, K ath erin e C o x. 1( , ( _ F o u rlh row: Je a n e tte Bolan d, Ja n e M artin , M ary H arris, Im o aen e B la n d , M iss Z eld a W a k elin , E lizab eth A nderson, A b elin a Cruz, B a r b a ra B lau ch , Je a n Ja q u e s , H ope H ow land, M ary K. A rm strong, B etty J. S ch o o n o v e r. M a rce lla W a lk er, M yrna W eed m an . Third row. M a rg a re t F itch ett, Lois S h a n e y fe lt. N adin e A llen, M artha C o x. Miss Edith C a lle n d e r, Mary O lson. D ollie A. Sch w in d t, Iren e F a lk , Ruth S a n ch ez , Io n a S h a w . P e g g y F ord. V irg in ia G re g g . H arlen e Sm ith, R o b e rta Allen S ec o n d row: E lsie W a lk er. Norma J. A nderson, E sther M egill, B etty M. T a y lo r, Ruth A u ch ard , E u n ice S ta u ffe r, M arjorie T hornton, Ja sm in e In g rah am , W ilm a M urphy, R eva T om linson, Joan S ch a rk . First row. Betty D an iels, Iv a le e M izell, D orothy S n e ll. H arriot T hom as. E v a E v enso n . W illa L. R o berts, M ary D. M cC ollough , Bon nie L. A ckland, A lb erta Loth, M ildred H ibner, M arilyn M iller, Lois A nderson.

JA c

th h M -fo ld a im

o ft tth eM


a A S Jo cia tio iu

la to p A o v ick (e ft A pjU uH ual n w d u /ie , m & n Jta l ex eJiciA e, a n d p h ijA ic a t c u ltu M .


jth sM

tw o q h o u p A

A pD fi& jM d th e a n n u a l W .a y (b a y J s d e , a n d a

$ o lly -

ju p a t t h e b e g in n in g , o ft e a c h A em eA teA .

Y . M . C . A.— B a ck row , left to rig h t: R eu ben R u y b alid , O liv er D av id son , G a y lo n B a k e r, R obert Jo k erst, Bill W a lk er, Robert R a n a rd , G len R ich ard , G ilb ert G la d , L eslie Herron Third ro w : P au l R e g e r, Prof. R. E. T ow n son d , Prof. W . J. K a rra k er, Dr. F . C . Von W ick ien , D r. G . T. S a v e r y , P res. D. E. W eid ler, Dr. C h a rle s B is s e t, Dr. E. 1. D oty, C h a rle s W illia m s, Lynn L ee. S e c o n d row : M erw in Kurtz, Clifford R h o ad es, D avid W h ite, Louis R a ch o w , W a y n e Sch w in d t, Ja m es T ow n sen d , G e n e L a n g seth , R o bert B a ttre a ll, A lden S e a r s , K enn eth F o s te r, B la in e Ronne. F irst row : D ea n W. E. B a c h m a n , R o bert V a n c e , R o bert M oom ey, D en n y A u ch ard , K enn eth H ick s, M ax A llen , E lo y M artinez, Don R o bson , J. W . Tom linson.

Page 44

PALS— B a ck row , left to rig h t: R oum ain e Holt R eyn o ld s, M yrna W ee d m a n , H arlen e Sm ith, Je a n e tte B o la n d , E v a E v enso n , K ath erin e C o x, M a rg a re t W eb b , A b elin a C ruz, M ary D M cC ollough , M ary A. R ig g s, B o n n ie A cklan d , M ary H arris, R c b e iia Allen. Third row : M arth a C o x , M ildred H ibn er, N adine A llen , R e ta Sum m ers, D orothy S n e ll, Io n a S h a w , Ruth S a n ch e z , Ja n e M artin, W illa L* R o berts, S e c o n d row : R o bert V a n c e , W illis F rie se n , G le n R ich ard , Louis R a ch o w , D avid W h ite, J. W . Tom linson, B la in e R on ne, G a y lo n B ak e r. F irst row : Clifford M o rg an , R ev a Tom linson, Lynn L e e, M ary O lso n , Iren e F a lk , Kenneth H icks, H ope H ow land, M iss Zelda W ak elin , sp on so r. M ax Allen. (Not p ictu red : C h a rle s W illiam s, R o w en a R ockh old, N aom i Cruz, Mr. a n d Mrs. Pau l R e g e r, Mr. an d Mrs. C la u d e McMinn, Mr. an d Mrs. A lyois H olst, G e n e Ja m eso n , A lvaro G a lle g o s , M arie P e te rs, V irg in ia S w itzer, John R e g e r, C a rl R ig g s, C la re n c e M ab on .)

ZETAS— B a ck row , left to right: B e tte C u n n in g ham , N ina Lockw ood, B a b a : a B la u ch , Norma J A n d e .so n , Iv a 'e e M izell, M arce lla W alk er, E lizab eth A nderson. Betty J. S ch o o n o v e r, A lb erta Loth, S h i.le y K aliff, M ary K. A rm strong. T hird row : Je a n Ja q u e s , H arriet T h o m as, S ta n le y lorn , Clifford R h o a d es, K enneth F o ste r, G e n e L a n g seth , R obert M oom ey, M erw in Kurtz, Robert Jo k erst, V irg in ia G re g g , E lain e G oo d w in , M arie H arris, W a n d a W an tz, P e g g y Ford. S e c o n d row: M ary A nderson, Jew ell D an iel, Im o g en e B lan d , Lois S h an ey felt," Ja m e s T ow n sen d , Joan S c h a rk , P a ttie M cC orm ick, M a rg a re t F itcn ett, L e slie H erron, Lois A nderson, M arjorie T hornton, E lsie W a lk er. F irst row : R eu ben R u y b alid , E sth er M eg ill, Eloy M artinez, Je a n R a sp , Don R o bson , E u n ice S ta u ffe r, M iss M a y b elle T a y lo r, sp on so r, W a y n e Scn w in d t, D ollie A. Sch w in d t. (Not p ictu red : G e o rg e Sw artz, M alcolm Brow n , H arley D an n er, D oris Je a n C a n o n , Bill W a lk e r, S te lla r o s e L am p sh ire.)

e 45

PANTHER CLU B— B a c k row , left to rig h t: B la in e R onne, J. W . Tom linson, S ta n le y John. S e c o n d row : N ad in e A llen , Prof. W . C . N oll, sp on so r; W a n d a M iller, K enn eth H icks, M a rg a re t W eb b , M ax A llen , M iss Z eld a W ak elin , spon sor. F irst row : P attie W eid ler, M arilyn M iller, B e tte D an iels. (Not p ictu re d : W ay n e Sch w in d t, B u rdell Low er, F re d V o rce, H arriet T h o m as, W a n d a W an tz.)

J,'h e (panJth&Ji Q lub l& a p sp chqam % alion fajudthshinq A ludsuni intoJUL&Jt a n d A chool ApjUiil In ApoiiA vn jths. cam puA . Jh s. £ ia Jia p p a h jtha lo ca l co ld ih& CUpka (pAi O m sqa, y ia L b n a l diontfiahq (b/ia m a iic Jh a Jtsh n iiq . 0. numb&A jo f plcdqcA w ill Jb& M caiosid th is qsa h. ALPHA P SI OM EGA— B ack row , left to rig h t, sta n d in g : M ary K. A rm strong, M rs. W . E. B a ch m a n , g u e st; M arie H arris, D on H ines, B etty J, Sch o o n o v er, Io n a S h a w , M rs. C h a rle s S in g e r, H ope H ow land, Ruth A u ch ard , M iss Je a n M attin gly , R ex M egill. Front row , s e a te d : Roum aine Holt R eyn o ld s, M iss A nna J. Thom pson, M iss Iren e S h ip ley , Iren e F a lk , D ean W . E. B ach m an . (N ot p ictu re d : Je w e ll D a n ie l, M ax A llen.)

P age 46

iiy## q l u b — B a c k ro w , stan d in g left lo righ t: C o a ch R. E. Tonkin, Ja m e s T ow n sen d , D en n y A u ch ard . F ro n t row : W a y n e Sch w in d t. J, W . T om linson, Dr. C h a rle s B isset, sp on so r, P rofessor R. E, T ow n sen d, Elo y M artinez, Don R o bson , Robert M oom ey, W illis F riesen (Not p ictu red ; Clifford R h o ad es, Ja m e s H annon, H arvey H olbrook, H ow ard D eB oer, Don H aberm an , A b e D ick, H arvey P e te rs, L arry Sm ith, B u id ell Low er, W illiam Luhy, H arle y D an n er, G len S h a n e y fe lt.)

W . A. A.— B a ck row , left to rig h t: M a rg a re t F itch ett, A lb erta Loth, M arie H arris, B e tty Je a n S ch o on ov er. Sixth row : W ilm a M urphy, V irg in ia G re g g , E v a E v enso n , M ildred H ibner, Lois A nderson, E ls ie W alk er. Filth row : M ary A nderson, M arjorie T hornton, B a r b a r a B la u ch , H arriet T hom as, M ary K. A rm strong, Iv a le e Mizell. Fou rth row : E liz a b eth A n derson , Norm a Je a n A n derson , E u n ice S ta u lfe r, W a n d a M iller, K ate C o x, W illa L ee R o berts, Ja sm in e In g rah am . Third row : M ary C a th e rin e B la in e , H arlen e Sm ith , E sth er M eg ill, M a rg a re t W e b b , Je a n e tte B o lan d , R e ta Sum m ers, N ina Lockw ood, S e c o n d row : Je a n Ja q u e s , D oris Je a n C a n o n , Ruth S a n ch e z , M arth a C o x, E la in e G oo d w in , Lois S h a n e y fe lt. F irst row : M ary A lice R ig g s, B o n nie A cklan d , Im o g en e B la n d , A b elin a C iu z , M ary D on n a M cC ollo u g h , M iss Z eld a W a k elin , sp o n so r, M arie P e te rs.

Page 47

OBN— B a c k row , left to rig h t: O liv er D av id son , C h a rle s W illia m s, G a y lo n B a k e r, P au l R e g e r, Lynn L ee. S ec o n d row : R obert V a n c e , A lden S e a r s , G en e L an g seth (a s s o c ia te m e m b er), D avid W h ite, W a y n e Sch w in dt, K enn eth H icks. F irst row : P res. D. E. W eid ler, sp on so r, M ax A llen , L e slie H erron, Rudolph R o ja h n , J. W . Tom linson, D r. G . T. S a v e r y , a d v iser, Prof. E. I. D oty, a d v iser. (N ot p ictu red : C lau d e M cM inn, A lyois H olst, W a lte r M illet, John R e g e r, L o ra H olbrook, M arvin G a rlo c k , a n d a s s o c ia te m em b ers, C a rl R ig g s, M alcolm Brow n, F red V o rc e .)

L IFE W O RK REC RU ITS— Third row , left to rig h t: W illa L. R o berts, E sth er M egill, H a rle n e Sm ith, Je a n e tte B o lan d , E u n ice S ta u lfe r, D ollie A. Sch w in d t, H arriet T ho m as, Ev a E v enso n , K ath erin e C o x, Bon nie A cklan d , M ary A. R ig g s, Je w e ll D a n iel, M ary H arris. S e c o n d row : E la in e G oodw in , Ruth A u ch ard , N adine A llen, R obert V a n c e , W a y n e S ch w in d t, Lynn L ee, K enneth H icks, M erw in Kurtz, P au l R e g e r, D avid W h ite, Prof. J. C . M organ , fa cu lty a d v is e r, M arie P e te rs, M ary D . M cC ollo u g h , M ary K. A rm strong. F irst row : C lifford M o rg an , W a n d a M iller, W ilm a M urphy, Iren e F a lk , M ary O lso n , Ja sm in e In g ra h a m , Ruth S a n ch e z , Io n a S h a w , M arth a C o x , M arjorie Thornton.

P age 48

THE FAITHFUL CHAPEL CHOIR ON A THURSDAY MORNING — B a c k ro w , sta n d in g : Fred V o rce , R o bert M oom ey, C arl R ig g s, R o bert V a n c e , G en e L a n g seth , K enneth H icks, W il­ lis F rie se n , Pau l R eg er, S e c o n d row : B a r b a ra B la u ch , E la in e G oo d w in , P a ttie W eid ­ ler, Iren e F a lk , D o 11i e S ch w in d t, R o b e rta A llen, Ja n e M artin , W a n d a W antz. F irst row , s e a te d : W a y n e S ch w in d t, D ea n C . H, A m a­ don, P res, D, E, W eid ler, D ea n W , E. B a ch m a n , M artha C o x, E u n ice S ta u ffe r a t the p ian o.

O. k a A d -w & ik in q q jw u p , d sL hstiw inq a J o i o f cJw d ii—J k a i i& ih a Q o lk q si Q Pw huA .

Jh & w a n y sa M

h a v s A o m siw h a i

lim iJts d t h e a ctw iii& A o f ik i& q )w u p , m a k in g JJw ih ip A " jo f A cjcsm i ysuaAA im p o A & ib h .

“ch stw A

diow stvsU i, ik e jck tfiu A ,

und& A ik& d ih su d w n o f O suan Q kahloA th n a d o n , co n Jtin w A io asUw b. ik s co ilsu q s. a n d ik s i c it y o f

C O L L E G E CH ORU S— B ack row . lelt to righ t: S y lv ia A nderson. M ary A nderson, M a rce lla W a lk er, Botte C u n n in g h am , N adine A llen , W illa L. R o b erts, Iv a le e M izell, E lsie W alk er, N ina Lockw ood, Lois S h a n e y fe lt, M arilyn M iller, Jo a n S ch a rk . Kate C ox. Third row : Je a n e tte Bolan d, D orothy S n e ll, M yrna W eed m a n . E v a Evenson , H arriet T h o m as, M a rg a re t W e b b , D avid W h ite, L e slie H erron, Bill W alk er, A lb erta Loth. Sh irle y Kaliff, E lizab eth A nderson. S e c o n d row: B a r b a ra B lau ch , Norma Joan A nderson. P e g g y Ford, Bette D a n iels, Rudolph R o jah n . R obert Ranard^ Robert V a n c e , G len R ich ard , W illis F rie se n , B en jam in C re e c h , Pau l R e g e r, E sther M egill, M ary O lso n , M ary D onna M cC ollough , M ary A lice R ig g s, Je a n Ja q u e s . First row : E la in e G oo d w in , lon a S h a w , R oum ain e Holt R eyn o ld s, P attie W eid ler, Iren e F a lk , Robert M oom ey, K enneth H icks, G e n e L an cjseth , D ollie A. Sch w in d t, R o b e rta A llen, Ja n e M artin, W a n d a M iller. W an d a W an tz, D ean C h a rle s A m adon, d irecto r, E u n ice S tau ffe r, a cc o m p a n ist (Not p ictu red : Bon nie A cklan d, Mary C . B la in e , D oris J. C a n o n , Norm a R. E h ler. Alyois H olst, Jo y ce H olst, B e s s ie McMinn, C la u d e McMinn, M yra R e g e r, V irg in ia Sw itzer, G a y lo n B ak er, R obert B a ttre a ll, C h a rle s B e a n , M alcolm Brow n, E u g en e H arn ish . H arvey H olbrook, Lora H olbrook, E lo ise H olbrook, G e n e Jam eso n , John R e g e r, C a rl R ig g s, G e o rg e Sw artz. Fred V o rce , D arw in W illis.)






J’OoibalL tRswivsuJL After two years of storage, the old football togs were brought out and checked to eighteen football prospectives. Football in 1945 took the form of six-man play, because of lack of material to promote an eleven-m an team. As Coach R. E. Tonkin had not yet returned to Y. C., coaching was under the direction of students, Denny Auchard and Don Robson.






P age 50


Six-m an formation

Four gam es were played with an outcome of two wins and two losses, the outstanding gam e being the homecoming gam e with a 38-19 victory over Dana College of Blair. Next fall eleven-m an football will again be revived, with three weeks of spring practice in April, 1946, under the direction of Coach Tonkin, as a fore runner.


Page 51








Under the direction of Coach R. E. Tonkin, basketball practice started the week following Thanksgiving. Five gam es were played before Christmas vacation with a result of two wins and three losses. How足 ever, the team w as strengthened following Christmas vacation with the return of several veterans. Second semester opened with still more vets, three of whom were on the first five. The season w as an av erag e one resulting in eight wins and ten losses. The outstanding gam e w as York's 57-49 win over the Hastings Broncos, NCAC Cham 足 pions.

Left to rig h t, stan d in g : B lain e R onne, stud en t m a n a g e r; D ennv A u ch ard , Don R o bson , H arley D an n er, H arvey H olbrook, G len S h a n e y fe lt, Jam es H annon, W a y n e Sch w in d t, C liiford R h o a d es, Burdell Low er, W illiam L u by , C o a ch R. E. Tonkin. K n eelin g: Rudoph R ojah n, R eu ben R u y b alid , R ich ard D ea n , Robert M oom ey, F red V o rce , C h a rle s B e a n , W illiam M eeh an , J. W. Tom lin son , Don H aberm an , Ram os B a r e la , How 3 rd D eBoor.

P age 52

In the summer of 1943, Coach R. E. Tonkin left Y. C. to take up his duties as a ground instructor, training U. S. Army jflir Cadets at Tulare, California. During the absence of Coach Tonkin, Professor R. E. Townsend took over his responsibilities. Following Thanksgiving vacation 1945, Coach Tonkin returned to Y. C. to again take over the coaching duties. In spite of the fact that the team had only an av erage basketball season, three of Coach Tonkin's players m ade all-state honorable mention. They were: Denny Auchard, Don Robson, and Harvey Holbrook. Denny Auchard w as also second-high in the NCAC conference scoring.


P age 53





B ack row , left to rig h t: K enneth Bu rnham , A lvaro G a lle g o s , C h a rle s B e a n , G len S h a n e y fe lt, Ja m es H annon, H arvey H olbrook, H arley D an n er, R o berl M cG reg o r, G en e Ja m eso n , C h a rle s H atfield, C o a ch R. E. T onkin. F ro n t row , k n ee lin g : Ram os B a r e la , R eu ben R u yb alid , D enny A u ch ard , Don R o bson , Bill M eeh an , R ich ard D ea n , Burdoll Low er, Bill L u by , C h a rle s W illiam s, R oberl V a n ce .

Left to rig h t: L e slie H erron, Alden S e a r s , W a y n e S ch w in d t, W illiam F e e m ste r, F red V o rce , A lyois H olst, C o a c h R. E. Tonkin.

P age 54

RUTH AUCHARD Homecoming Q ueen Chosen b y student body.

WANDA MILLER Panther Sw eetheart CLIFFORD RHOADES Representative Foo'.ball Man Chosen by football squad.

Page 55

JhsL %b VyiahaihotL 1

ROBERT VANCE, Republic, Kansas, and EUNICE STAUFFER, Meadow Grove, N ebraska.

Page 56

MARGARET WEBB. DuBois, N ebraska.

Page 57

The building committee of the G reater York C ollege lunches at the McCloud Hotel. Left to right: Dean W. E. Bachm an, President D. E. W eidler, Mr. F. C. Middlebrook, chairm an; Dr. G. T. Savery, secretary; Mr, E. A. Levitt, Mr. C. P. Hildebrand, Mr. E. L. Malster.

Page 58

"I remember a cinder path over there" —reminisces Dr. W. C. Noll, 1911, as he stands on the site of the new dormitory with students, Gene Jameson, Amherst, Nebraska; Harriet Thomas, Topeka, Kansas; Fred Vorce, Brookfield, Mis­ souri; and Mary Alice Riggs, Ames, Iowa. The newly acquired dormitory annex now undergoing renovation can be seen in the background.

"Here will be a built-in chest of draw­ ers with a closet on each side"— explains President D. E. Weidler, as he studies the blueprints for the new dor­ mitory with Rev. M. B. Canon, Director of Public Relations, Miss Jean Matting­ ly, Hostess of Hulitt Hall, and Dean W. E. Bachman.

Page 59

Pres. D. E. W eidler pays a friendly visit to Mr. Orman Jeffery, a pioneer farmer of York County, who is one of the larger contributors to the G reater York C ollege Cam paign.

Page 60

Here is the architect's drawing of the new women's dormitory to b e built on the northwest corner of the campus.

P age 61

Student Union

Fine Arts Building


Hulitt Hall Student Union Dormitory

4 5 6 7

Library Administration Building Fine Arts Building School of Religion

Athletic Field Page 62

Hulitt Hall

Administration Building

Central H eating Plant

P age 63

Pag i

W o rk in g to g e th er a r e B ill D eV rien d t, C a p ita l E n g rav in g C o ,, R o b e rta A llen, Ed itor, a n d Ruth A u ch ard , A ssista n t Editor.

Pago 65

The problem of choosing from so m any lovely styles faces Bette Cunningham and Pattie McCormick when they shop for fur coats at the SMART AND THRIFTY SHOP. Clerks M arie M organ and Pearl Blackburn are read y to help in the solution a s Mr. Rosenberg, m anager, looks on.

Mr. Zethren, m an ager of the new COAST TO COAST STORE, and C larence M abon dem onstrate the required skill in flourishing a broom and mop. W anda W antz absorbs the knowledge for future use.

Buying shoes alw ays delights Im ogene Bland and that thrill is doubled when she has all the varieties from MEEHAN'S SHOE STORE from which to choose. Laverne Lake assures Lois Shanayfelt that the shoes from M eehan's are good quality.

Miss M attingly d eclares to Howard May, who is showing her a bouquet- that she has seen m any of the corsages from the YORK FLORAL SHOP at the "C on," esp ecially when there is a formal function. Mr. Grover May looks on.

Those on the cam pus who are fortunate enough to own cars know that Paul G eis' attractive TEXACO SERVICE STATION is a good p lace to have the car serviced.

Ex-servicem en Bill Luby and Leonard Davis feel that they are really home ag ain when they can sip cokes at MERE足 DITH'S BOOK STORE. M arcella W alker and Joan Schark are willing to help m ake them feel at home. Bill Cam pbell, also an ex-servicem an, is the new owner of the store. P age 66

Even w aiting is p leasan t when it can b e done in the comfort of the McCLOUD HOTEL lobby. Hope Howland and W ilm a Murphy are w aiting to see Mr. Davis, the m anager, about reservations for their parents over the week-end.

Fred Vorce hungrily eyes the thick steak that Bob Moomey is proudly displaying. Ivalee Mizell m aintains that the food and esp ecially the clerking service in MOOMEY'S MARKET are exceptional.

Mr. Foster, who is a loyal Y. C. booster, hands Roberta Allen a dress that she has just had cleaned . Ruth Auchard say s that she likes the cleaning service of FOSTER DRY CLEANERS and that the deliveries m ade to the "C on " are certainly convenient.

Even roommates are in harmony when choosing clothes from CHAPMAN'S STYLE SHOP. M arie Harris approves Jean R asp's date dress and can hardly wait to try on one for herself.

The ideal p lace to go for birthday dinners, for sp ecial o cc a 足 sions, or when com pany comes to town is the attractive new HOBB'S CAFE. Mr. and Mrs. Hobbs present the menu for today to Jan e Martin, Ruth Auchard, Roberta Allen, and Denny Auchard. Good food and friendly service are assured.

W hile Mr. Baker cuts W alter W ill's hair, he comments to Mr. Nelson about the m any kinds of hair styles he has cut for "cam pus lad s." His talent includes everything from "bu tch " haircuts to sideburns. BAKER'S BARBER SHOP also includes a department for the women.

Page 67

Three freshmen girls are starting their college careers wisely by shopping at PENNY'S. Mrs. Robson is helping W anda Miller select a spring dress while Jean Jaqu es comments to E va Evenson on Penny's nice new third floor.

W atching a Bendix w asher dem onstration -at CONSUMER'S PUBLIC POWER, b ein g given by Jeannette Bedient. Mrs. Holst and Mrs. Tomlinson confess that this is one of the items in the many lines of products featured at Consumer's that heads their "w ishing" list.

The beautiful ring that Mrs. Barret and Mr. Hilder are show足 ing the girls looks smart on Irene Falk's hand. Jan e Martin and Pattie W eidler ag ree with Irene that HILDER'S jew elry alw ays reveals good taste.

"M eet us at GERHARD'S" seem s to b e the motto of the college gan g since that new ice cream shop w as opened. Denny Auchard, Iona Shaw , Lois Anderson, Ruth Sanchez, and Don Robson approve w holeheartedly of the idea.

Glen Shaneyfelt finds shopping for "civ ies" a pleasu re at MIDDLEBROOK'S DEPARTMENT STORE. G ene Langseth helps him in his decision while Floyd Nelson looks on a p 足 provingly. Women, too, find shopping convenient in the other departm ents of the store.

C ollege students have discovered that for friendly service the PHILLIPS 66 STATION is ahead . Little Jo Ann Rakestraw is proud to w ear a uniform that m atches that of her father, the proprietor, and of his assistan ts, Ronald Fickes and Leonard Reed. Page 68

"The chairs from the house of the BAER'S are neither too hard nor too soft," laughs Mrs. "G oldilocks" Reger. Mr. Reger, Mr. and Mrs. McMinn all m aintain that B aer's is the p lace to shop for their "Dream House" furniture.

W hile selling an ad to the VOGUE DRESS SHOP, H arley Danner stops to lend his expert ad vice to Ruth Auchard who is buying a coat. Miss Emma Ferguson and Mrs. Estelle LeRoy offer helpful suggestions.

C ollege students find the com bination of spring w eather and the fine assortm ent of food stuffs in GRAND CENTRAL too much to resist. The results are picnics, hikes, and w iener roasts.

V irginia G regg a g re es with Mary and Beth Anderson that no spread at the "C on" would b e com plete without som e p astries from the SOUTHSIDE BAKERY. Although inexperi足 enced at that point, B laine Ronne knows that Mrs. E lsasser's nut rolls are "top s."

Page 69

Page 70







ADMINISTRATION P age .................... 25

Bachm an, Mrs. Lucille W illiam s D ean of W omen Bachm an, W alter E................................................................25 D ean of the C ollege, Philosophy, Re­ ligious Education Canon, Rev. M. B....................................................................25 Director of Public Relations Hague, Rev. Virgil............................................................. - 25 Director of G reater York C ollege C am ­ paign Taylor, M aybelle „ — .................. — .26 Librarian Savery, Dr. G. T................................................................... 26 College Pastor Townsend, Prof. R. E............... :........................................ -26 Com mercial, Treasurer W heeler, Gertrude ........ _ ............... 27 Secretary to President Holm, Myron ...... 26 Education, Registrar W eidler, D. E,........................................................................ 25 President of C ollege

FACULTY Amadon, C harles H -----------------26 Dean of Hulitt Conservatory of Music Voice, and History and Theory of Music ..............................—.....-........... 26 Bisset, Dr. C harles So cial S cien ce, History C allender, Edith M.............................................................. 26 English Doty, Dr. Earl I............... :........ -............ - 26 History, Political S cien ce Karraker, Jacob W................................................................ 25 Psychology and Education, D ean of Men Long, Mamie K ..................................... 27 Home Econom ics M attingly, Jean ................. ................ ........ .......... ......... 27 Hostess at Hulitt Hall, Freshm an EnglishM organ, J. Clifford -..... —...............-..... —----27 C lassical L angu age and Bible Noll, W. C....................... 27 B iological S cien ce Pearson, G ladys ..................................................................... 27 Piano Rankin, Eda L.....................—.......... —........ 26 Piano and O rgan Shipley, Irene — .......—......... - ................. 26 Expression Singer, Mrs. Amy.............—................... 26 M athem atics Tonkin, C oach R. E.............................................. 26 M athem atics, Physical Education and Athletics Von W ickien, Frederick C ................ -. 27 Physical S cien ce W akelin, Zelda M______________ 27 Modern L angu ages Wirz, Frieda, R. N„ ........— ......... 27 First Aid, Home Nursing

Page 71

P age Allen, Roberta, Berthoud. Colorado ____ 29 Major, French Pals 1, 2, 3, 4; Chorus 1, 2. 4; M arathon staff 4; Student Council 3; Histrionics 4; Panther Club 2; C hapel Choir 3, 4; Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3, 4. Armstrong, Mary Katheryn, Lincoln ------------29 Major. English Zetas 4; Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Life Work Recruits 3, 4; Press Guild 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council 3; W. A. A. 3, 4; Histrionics 1, 2, 3, 4; Alpha Psi O m eg a 2, 3, 4. Auchard, Ruth, Woodston, K an sas ...................... 29 Major, English Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Life Work Recruits 1, 2, 3, 4; Chorus 1, 2; M arathon Staff 4; Student Council 4; Histrionics 3, 4; Alpha Psi O m ega 3, 4; I. R. C. 1. Bland, Im ogene, Sh elb y ......................................................29 Major, M athem atics Zetas 3, 4; Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council 2, 3; W. A. A. 1, 2, 3, 4. Cox, M artha, E spanola, New Mexico_______ 29 Major, Biological S cien ce Pals 1, 2, 3, 4; Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Life Work Recruits 1, 2, 3, 4; Chorus 2; Student Council 3; W. A. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Panther Club 3. Daniel, Jewell, Lockport, New Y ork-..............................30 Major, Biological S cien ce Zetas 2, 3, 4; Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Life Work Recruits 1, 2, 3. 4; Press Guild 2; W. A. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Histrionics 3, 4; Alpha Psi O m ega 4; I. R. C. 3, 4. Falk, M argrette Irene, Strom sburg.............. -................ 30 Major, Expression Pals 2, 3, 4; Y. W. C. A. 2, 3, 4; Life Work Recruits 2. 3, 4; Chorus 2, 3, 4; M arathon Staff 4; Student Council 2; Histrionics 2, 3, 4; Alpha Psi O m ega 2, 3, 4; C hapel Choir 2, 3, 4; Trio 2, 3, 4. Harris, Mary, N elson...............-................................ Major, M athem atics, Chemistry Pals 1, 2, 3, 4; Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Life Work Recruits 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council 4; Histrionics 2, 3.


Peters, Harvey, H enderson................................................. 30 Major, History Zetas 3, 4; "Y " Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; B asketball 1, 2, 3, 4. Schwindt, Dollie, Albuquerque, New M exico.......... 29 Major, Music Zetas 2, 3, 4; Y. W. C. A. 2, 3, 4; Life Work Recruits 2, 3, 4; Chorus 2, 3, 4; Student Council 4; C hapel Choir 3, 4; Trio 2, 3, 4. Schwindt, J. W ayne, Phoenix, Arizona - ___ Major, Philosophy, Religion Zetas 1, 2, 3, 4; Y. M. C. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Life Work Recruits 1, 2, 3, 4; O. B. N. 3, 4; Cho­ rus 1, 2, 3; M arathon Staff 4; Student Coun­ cil 2, 3, 4; Track 4; Tennis 4; Histrionics 2, 3; Panther Club 1; "Y " Club 2, 3, 4; Football 4; B asketball 2. 3; Chapel Choir 2, 3.


Page Smith, Law rence C., Giltner............................ 31 Major, Philosophy Pals 1, 2, 3; Y. M. C. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Life Work Recruits 1, 2, 3, 4; Chorus 2, 3; Press Guild 1, 2. 3, 4; Tennis 1, 2, 4; "Y " Club 2, 3, 4. Taylor, Betty M ae, York........................................................ 31 Major, English Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council 3, 4; I. R. C. 3, 4. V an ce, Robert, Republic, K ansas .......................31 Major, History Pals 3, 4; Y. M. C. A. 3, 4; O. B. N. 3, 4; Chorus 3, 4; Student Council 4; Panther Club 3; I. R. C. 3; C hapel Choir 3, 4. W eidler, Patricia, York ................................. 31 Major, Sociology Pals 1; Y. W. C. A. 1, 2. 3, 4; Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Press Guild 3; Student Council 1, 4; Panther Club 3, 4; C hapel Choir 1, 2, 3, 4; Trio 2, 3, 4. .......... 30 M egill, Esther Lenora, Elmhurst, Illinois Major, Chem ical S cien ce ■ Zetas 1, 2, 3, 4; Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Life Work Recruits 1. 2, 3, 4; Chorus 2, 4; Press Guild 2, 3, 4; Student Council 2; W. A. A. 1, 2, 3, 4. Stauffer, E unice J., M eadow Grove..............................31 Major, Sociology Zetas 3, 4; Y. W. C. A. 3, 4; Life Work Re­ cruits 3, 4; Chorus 3, 4; Press Guild 4; M arathon Staff 4; Student Council 3; W. A. A. 3, 4. Tomlinson, J. W., Enid, O klahom a .................31 Major, History Pals 2, 3, 4; Y. M. C. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Life Work Recruits 1, 2, 3, 4; O. B. N. 3, 4; Chorus 2, 3; Student Council 3, 4; Golf 4; Panther Club 3, 4; "Y " Club 3, 4; Football 4;. B asketball 3, 4; I. R. C. 2, 3; C hapel Choir 3, 4.

JUNIORS Allen, M ax Lyle, W ashta, Iow a.......................................32 Major, English Pals 1, 2, 3; Y. M. C. A. 1, 2, 3; Life Work Recruits 1, 2, 3; O. B. N. % 3; Chorus 1, 2; Student Council 3; Histrionics 2, 3; Panther Club 3; Alpha Psi O m ega 3; Chapel Choir 1, 2 . Allen, Nadine, D elaw are, O klahom a............................32 Major, History Pals 3; Y. W. C. A. 3; Chorus 3; Panther Club 3. Anderson, Elizabeth Jane, Arlington,Colorado 32 Major, History Zetas 3; Y. W. C. A. 3; Chorus 3; W. A. A. 3; Histrionics 3. Anderson, A. Lois, Billings, M ontana ......... 32 M ajor, Sociology Zetas 2, 3; Y. W. C. A. 1, 3; Student Council 2; W. A. A. 2, 3; Histrionics 2; Panther Club 2. DeBoer, Howard, York ........ 32 Major, C hem ical S cien ces Y. M. C. A. 1, 2, 3; Student Council 3; "Y“ Club 3; Football 1, 3; B asketball 1, 3. H aberm an, Donald, York ...................................... 32 Major, Political S cien ce "Y " Club 1, 2, 3; Football 1, 2, 3; B asket­ b all 3. Harris, Howard, G reat Falls, M ontana.......................33 Major, Scien ce Pals 1, 3; Track 1; Panther Club 3; Football 1, B asketball 1, 3.

Page Hicks, Kenneth, Iola, K ansas............................................. 33 Major, History Pals 2, 3; Y. M. C. A. 1, 2, 3; Life Work Recruits 2, 3; O. B. N. 3; Chorus 2, 3; Panther Club 2; I. R. C. 2; Chapel Choir 2, 3. Millet, W alter, Stran g :................ 32 Major, History Y. M. C. A. 2, 3; Life Work Recruits 2, 3; 0 , B. N. 2, 3. M abon, C larence Phillips.................................. .....32 M ajor, English Pals 1, 2, 3; Y. M. C. A. 1, 2; Life Work Re­ cruits 1, 2; Press Guild 1, 2, 3; I. R. C. 1, 2. Pickrel, Evan, York............... 17 Major, Pre-law Reynolds, Roumaine Holt, K ansas City, K an sas 33 Major, Music P als 1, 2, 3; Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3; Chorus 1, 2, 3; Student Council 2; Histrionics 1, 2; Alpha Psi O m ega 2, 3; I. R. C. 1, 2, 3; C hapel Choir 1, 2, 3. Ronne, Blaine, York.................... ...........,........... — .-32 Major, M athem atics Pals 1, 2, 3; Y. M. C. A. 1, 2, 3; Press Guild 1, 2, 3; Histrionics 1; Panther Club 1; Stu­ dent M anager of B asketball 2, 3. Tomlinson, R eva Allen, W ashta, Iow a..........................32 M ajor, History Pals 1, 2, 3; Y. W. C. A. 1, 2. 3; Chorus 1, 2; M arathon Staff 3; Histrionics 1; I. R. C. 2; Chapel Choir 2, 3. Thornton, M arjorie, Billings, M ontana............................ 32 C hem ical S cien ce Zetas 1, 2, 3; Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3; Life Work Recruits 1, % 3; Chorus 2; M arathon Staff 3; W. A. A. 2; I. R. C. 2, 3. Ulrich, Evelyn Babcock, Shelby..., .............. ;.„.._33 Major, English Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3; Life Work Recruits 1, 2, 3; Chorus 1, 2. Wantz, W anda, Sh elb y.................. ......... ...........................33 Major, Sociology Zetas 1. 2, 3; Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3; Chorus 1, 2, 3; Press Guild 2, 3; M arathon Staff 3; Histrionics 3; C hapel Choir 2, 3. W ebb, M argaret, DuBois............................ 33 Major, Sociology Pals 1, 2, 3; Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3; Chorus 1, 2, 3; W. A. A. 1, 2, 3; Histrionics 1; Panther Club 3. Holbrook. Lora, York............................................ 17 Major, Philosophy-Religion

SOPHOMORES Anderson, Mary Myrtle, Arlington, Colo...................... 34, 44, 45, 47, 49 Auchard, Denny, Woodston, K ans— .............. _..., 17, 36, 40, 42, 44,47, 52, 54 B arela, Ramos, Espanola, N. M...............13, 17,34, 52, 54 Coufal, Edna, York, N ebr .............. ......... .................... Cox, Katherine Ann, Ames, Ia.. ..34. 44, 45,47, 48, 49 Crux, A belina, S a n ta Fe, -N. M.......... .....34, 44, 45, 47 Deardorff, Joe, Jr., York, N ebr..................................... 17, 34 Fitchett, M argaret, Ankeny, la ................... ...34,44, 45, 47 Ford, Peggy Earline, Mullinville, la ............. 34/44, 45, 49 Froid, O scar, York, N ebr................................................17, 34 Goodwin, Elaine, Shickley, Nebr...34, 44, 45, 47,48,49 Harris, Marie, G reat Falls, Mont...34, 40, 43, 44,45,47 Holbrook, Harvey, Orchard, N ebr...............4, 34, 52, 54 Holst, Mrs. Joyce, Coffeyville, K ans ,........ 34 Howland, Hope, G reat Falls. Mont .......... 34, 44, 45


P age Ingraham , Jasm ine, Sew al, la ...................... 34, 44, 47, 48 Karraker, Mrs, Mary E., York, N ebr................................... Lee, Lynn, York, N ebr..................................... 34, 44, 45, 48 Lower, Burdell, York, N ebr............................. 17, 34, 52, 54 M cGregor, Robert, York, N ebr ............ 54 Martin, Jane, Concordia, K ans....................34, 44, 45, 49 Martinez, Eloy, Antonito, Colo 13, 35, 44,45, 47, 50 Miller, Marilyn, Byron, Nebr ........... 35, 44, 46, 49 Brown, Malcolm, M uskogee, O kla ................17, 34 Moomey, Robert, York, Nebr.__13, 35, 44, 45,47, 49, 52 Murphy, Wilma, Woodston, K ans...............-35, 44, 47, 48 Olson, Mary, Imperial, N ebr.................. 35, 44, 45, 48, 49 Rachow, Louis, Strang, N ebr................. 35, 40, 43, 44. 45 Rasp, Jean, Shelby, N ebr ...................... 35, 44, 45 Reger, Paul, Julian, N ebr......................... 17. 35, 44, 48, 49 Riggs, Carl B., Ames, l a .................................. ....17, 34 Rojahn, Rudolph, Stockton, C alif ______________ 13, 17, 35, 48, 49. 50, 52 Robson, Don, Gresham , Nebr,..13, 35, 44, 45, 47, 52, 54 Sanchez, Ruth, Holman, N. M...............35, 44, 45, 47, 48 Schark, Joan, York, N ebr ...... 35, 44, 45, 49 Schoonover, Betty Jean, Des M oines, l a ...................... 35, 43, 44, 45, 47 Shaneyfelt, Glenn, Central City, N ebr—17, 34, 52, 54 Shaneyfelt, Lois, C entral City, Nebr. ....................... 35, 40, 44, 45, 47, 49 Shaw , Iona Elizabeth, G reat Falls, Mont.................... 35, 44, 45, 48. 49 Summers, Leland, York, Nebr.._.._________ .....39 Swartz, G eorge, York, N ebr.............................................. 38 Townsend, Jam es, York, Nebr..............13, 35, 44, 45, 47 Ulrich, Glen, Shelby, N ebr............................. 17.34 V an Pelt, Richard, York, Nebr................................... 17, 34 W alker, M arcella, York, Nebr..............35, 43, 44, 45, 49 Garlock, Marvin, Trenton, Mo ______________17 Friesen, W illis E ugene, Henderson, Nebr.. . 44, 45, 47, 49 Ruybalid, Reuben, Antonito, Colo.............. .................. 13, 37, 44, 45, 52, 54 Dick, Abe C., York, Nebr ..... 17 Feem ster, W illiam, York, N ebr—.....................................17 Sloan, Darrell, York, N ebr..............:____ _______________

FRESHMEN Ackland, Bonnie Lou, Ames, la ...........36, 44, 45, 47. 48 Anderson, Norma Jean, York, N ebr ................... 36, 43, 44, 45, 47, 49 Baker, Gaylon, Moville, la .......................... 36, 44, 45, 48 Battreall, Robert, Lushton, N ebr ...................... 36, 44 Bean, Charles, Des Moines, la ..................38, 52, 54 Blaine, Mary C atherine, York, N ebr...................... 38, 47 Blauch, B arbara, York, Nebr.. .36, 43, 44, 45, 47, 49 Boland, Jeanette, M uscatine, la ...36, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49 Burnham, Kenneth, York, Nebr................................. 38, 54 Cam pbell, W illiam, York, Nebr____________ ,..... Canon, Doris Jean, York, Nebr................................. 38, 47 Cruz, Naomi, S a n ta Fe, N. M............................................ 38 Cunningham , Betty, York, Nebr..................36, 44, 45, 49 Danner, Harley, Milford, Nebr.—................17, 38, 52, 54 Davis, Leonard, York, N ebr........................................17, 38 Dean, Richard, Tulsa, O kla................................. 17, 52, 54


P age Ehler, Norma Ruth, Johnstown, Colo.............................39 Evenson, E va M arie, Goodell, Ia...36, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49 Foster, Kenneth, York, N ebr...............................36, 44, 45 Glad, Gilbert, Clarks, N ebr.........................................36, 44 G regg, Virginia, Law rence, K ans 36, 43, 44, 45, 47 Hannon, Jam es, Beaver Crossing, N ebr......... 37, 52, 54 Harnish, Eugene, Luray, K an sas............................... 17, 39 Hatfield, Charles, York, N ebr .17, 39, 54 Herron, Leslie, Ames, l a ...................... :...37, 44, 45, 48, 49 Hibner, Mildred, E sp an ola, N. M...............37, 44, 45, 47 Holst, Alyois Efford, Red W ing, Minn..................... 17, 39 Jaques, Eugenie M aye, Lincoln, N ebr...................... 37, 44, 45.47,49 39, 54 Jam eson, G ene, Amherst, N ebr................. Jorn, Stanley, Lushton, N ebr.......................37, 44, 45, 46 Kaliff, Shirley, Fairmont. N ebr................... 37, 44, 45, 49 Kurtz, Merwin, Alton, K ans....................37, 44, 45, 48, 50 Lampshire, Stellarose, Lincoln, N ebr.............................37 Langseth, Eugene, Albuquerque, N. M ............. 37, 44, 45, 48, 49 Lake, Richard, York, N ebr ....... ..38 Loth, Alberta, Des Moines, la .............. 37, 44, 45. 47, 49 Luby, W illiam, York, N ebr............................17, 38, 52, 54 Lockwood, Nina, G reat Falls, Mont—37. 44, 45, 47, 49 McCollough, Mary Donna, W ebster City, la...:....... 37, 44, 45, 47,48,49 McCormick, Pattie Ann, York, N ebr.............37. 44, 45 McMinn, Mrs. Bessie, S alin a, K ans...............................38 McMinn, Claude H., S alin a, K ans............................17, 38 Miller, Rex, York, N ebr....................................................17, 38 Mizell, Ivalee, Dellvale, K ans...............38, 44, 45, 47, 49 .........17, 38, 52, 54 M eehan, W illiam , York, N ebr Miller, W anda, Hoisington, K ans_______,___ _____ 38, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47. 48, 49, 55 Peters, M arie, Henderson, N ebr............... 38, 44, 47, 48 38 Reger, John, Julian, N ebr..................................... Richard, Glen, York, N ebr...................... 17, 38, 44, 45, 49 Roberts, W illa Lee, Fairbury, N ebr............................... 37, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49 Riggs, M ary Alice, Ames, la 38, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49 Rockhold, Row ena, S alin a, K ans............................ ....39 Smith, G arland (S p ecial), York, N ebr............................... Smith, H arlene, Cedar Rapids, la . 37, 44, 45, 47, 48 Snell, Dorothy, M uscatine, l a ......................37, 44, 45, 49 ............. 37, 44, 45, 47 Summers, Reta, York, N ebr Switzer, Virginia, W ichita, K ans................................... 39 Thomas, Harriet, Topeka, K ans____________ ______ 38, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49 Treadw ay, Elaine, O sceola, Nebr....................................... Vorce, Fredric W., Brookfield, Mo....................17, 39, 52 W alker, Elsie, S a n ta Cruz, N. M 38, 44. 45, 47, 49 W alker, W illiam , York, N ebr................................38, 44, 49 W eber, Mary Lou, Bradshaw, N ebr ........ 39 W illiam s, Charles, Sierra Leone, W est Africa.......... 38, 44, 48, 50, 54 Rhoades, Clifford, York, N ebr ........ 38, 44, 45, 52, 55 Reger, Mrs. Myra, York, N ebr..........................................39 Willis, Darwin, Des Moines, la .............................. —.39 G allegos, Alvaro, Antonito, Colo .............. 17, 39, 54 Jokerst, Robert, York, N ebr _________________ 44, 45 Hatfield, Jam es E., York, N ebr............................................ Lauffer, Milo S ......................... —......—......................................



Page Anderson, Sylvia, York, N ebr.......................-...........39, 49 Davidson, Oliver, Helvy, N ebr 39, 44, 48 Moomey, Mrs. Elton, York, N ebr.......................................... Morgan, Clifford, York, N ebr........................ 39, 45, 48 Rojahn, Mrs. Rudolph, Stockton, C alif............................... W heeler, Gertrude, York, N ebr — ................................

P age Koester, H. J. W., York, N ebr....................... ,........ 39 Holm, John, York, N ebr ....................—..............- ......... Harris, Mrs. Doris, York, Nebr............................... -.......... Holbrook, Mrs. Eloise, York, N ebr_______ — Summers, Leland ................. 39

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