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, the
Is T h e you have been leading, or vice versa, for the year
represented in these pages. Renewing among ourselves the purposes of a student publica足 tion staff, we vowed to do our best to make this book an accurate review of the year. While you were making thirty-six weeks of collegiate history, the staff shadowed you with camera and notebook, to capture this part of your
for the 1948 MARATHON.
In this volume we present the results of our sleuthing. While recording your memorabilia, we collected some of our own. We have spent many of our extra-curricular hours gathering pictures, information, copy, organization members, and wool; meeting engravers, printers, advertisers, subscribers, and deadlines; discarding plans, layouts, old cuts, and recurring threat 3 of nervous breakdown. But abov贈 all, we have collected memories of working with a student body and faculty eager to make college J ^ all that it can be. W e fervently hope that this has not been the best year of your
. Outstand足
ing as this one may have been, its greatness will lie in its promise of future accomplish足 ment, and its potentiality in terms of success. May the time to come be made more full by these remembrances of one of your eventful years of college
l l l l j
Editor-in-Chief 1948 M ARATHON York College York, Nebraska
FAC U L T Y: Pages 6 to 13.
and the
hands they represent, are symbolic pictured
the in
activity 1948
They serve
as the index to your year足 book, and can, through the years, becom e the index o f the mind behind them.
ATH LETICS: Pages 3 4 to 49.
Page 4
ORGANIZATIONS: Pages 5 0 to 71.
personality as t h e y
molded by tvork and play. Hands acquire character as the character o f their m o足 tivator drags, or gropes, or pushes
along the paths
bounded for him by the in足 tangible hands o f Time.
FEATURES: Pages 7 2 to 83.
Page 5
FACULTY Portraits Candids
Walter E. Bachman, 1936*, President of York College, whose inauguration in the fall of 1947 was one of the highlights of the academic year. Assuming his duties as the expansion becomes
a reality, it is he who is guiding the institution to the realization of the “ Dream Campus” of the Greater Y ork College. ♦ In itial y e a r o f s e rv ice .
• J K ETd u. c& SKW a t io n W w
JA C O B K A R R A K E R D ean 193T
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Behold the intelligentsia, the Y ork College faculty. They are the guiding lights, the counselors, and the teachers. Freely they share with the students their wealth of wisdom and experience. The students find them helpful not only in the problems o f the classroom but also in the problems of life. One of the uniquefeatures of Y ork College isthe relationship which exists between the teachers and the taught.When theschool day is over their relationship is not ended. Quite the contrary, for there is not an organization in school which is not sponsored by a faculty member. This D R . B I S S E T ca rrie s on d esp ite b ro k e n a r m . makes for a feeling of comradeship which is of immeasurable benefit in promoting under standing between these two groups. When students enter the Dean’s office, they find none of the impersonal attitude which is common in many colleges. Dean Karraker’s spirit of friendliness and general knowledge of college procedure quickly puts the shy stu dent at ease. The Dean proves his versatility by his competent handling o f two subjects, psychology and physics. Miss Shipley’s pleasing manner, quiet voice, and sincere sympathy for others have endeared her to all who know her, especially the present seniors, who have chosen her for their sponsor for four years. Evidence of her popularity can be noted by the large number of expression majors in school this year, and by the fact that her required classes in speech are among the most popular attended by underclassmen. When Dr. Weidler goes into his class, His tory of Christian Missions, he carries with him experiences from his own life, for he served Page 8
for several years in Albert Academy at Sierra Leone, West Africa. Dr. W eidler also teaches classes in psychology and philosophy. One of the most beloved men 0 11 the campus is Dr. Earl I. Doty, instructor in history and political science. Dr. Doty has, besides extensive knowledge o f his subjects and world affairs, a humorous insight into human relations. Prof. Holm’s pleasant disposition and rich background of experience as teacher and county superintendent make him an ideal professor of educa tion. He is one of the first faculty members whom the students contact when they enter Y. C. because of his position as registrar. If anyone has ability to extract money painlessly from impoverished' students, Miss Helen Jo Polk possesses that quality. Her bookkeeping effici ency is surpassed only by her good humor. As an avocation Miss Polk acts as godmother to the two Koontz children. Rev. Vaughn Learning has enviable ability to make religion a live, glowing thing, and his sermons are among the most popular heard in chapel. He has rejuvenated the college’s pub licity department this year and constituents are well informed concerning the college activities. Genial, wise Dr. G-. T. Savery has a direct relationship with the school as the well-liked college pastor. Not so well known but of considerable importance is his role as campus landscaper where he collaborates with Mr. W. V. Barker. Veteran of more classes of history than most students like to think about, is Dr. Charles Bisset, expert on past European events. He is also head of the department of sociology. Dr. Bisset carries more seniority than any other professor in Y ork College; has also carried the scholastic office of Dean.
I)„J*y,n o N 1 L . H O L M Pttrrnient o f E d u c a tio n 1940
H E L E N JO P O L K T reasu rer 1941
V A U G H N F . L E A M IN G D ir e c t o r o f P u b lic R e la tio n s 1047
G. T . SA V E R Y C o lle g e P a s to r 1940
C H A R L E S B IS S E T H e a d , D e p a r tm e n t o f S o c ia l S cie n ce , H is to r y 1013
Page 9
J. C L I F F O R D M O R G A N H e a d , D e p a r tm e n t o f C la s s ic a l L a n g u a g e and B ib le 1914
E D IT H M . C A L L E N D E R H e a d , E n g lis h 1928
JE A N M A T T IN G L Y E n g lis h 1941
R U T H W IR E N A U C H A R D E n g lis h 1947
F A N N IE H A R R IS L U P E R H o u se M o th e r , H u litt H a ll 1947
Professor J. C. Morgan, specializing in classical languages, delights the readers of the Sand burr with his column “ They Tramped These H alls.” This vast archive of knowledge which keeps tab on students o f the past years is principally located in his head. He is also sponsor o f Life W ork Recruits and Otterbein-Boehn-Newcomer Fellowship for licensed ministerial students. Miss Edith Callender takes time out from her classes in composition and literature to sponsor the Sandburr and maintain an active position on the Publications Board. Her encouragement to students in the field of creative writing has been a decided asset to prospective journalists. Returning to her Alma Mater in the role of instructor in the English Department, Miss Jean Mattingly puts the Freshmen through their initial composition trials. Serving infamously in the capacity of “ chapel attendance checker,” she would be more successful in catching the truants at the “ Step-Inn. ” Mrs. Ruth Auchard fights the battle of the books in the Y ork College Book Store. In addition she teaches Freshman English, is active in faculty activities and the Alpha Psi Omega, national honorary dramatic fraternity. Having graduated in 1946, she is quick to understand the students viewpoint. Mrs. Fannie Luper comes to Y ork College after many years of service in the church. The re sponsibility for the planning of the redecoration of Hulitt Hall and the annex was hers. The fulfillment of a life-long dream was made possible through her installation as matron in the girl’s dormitory. Miss Maybelle Taylor as head librarian is a very necessary factor in every student’s curricu lum. Her able and willing guidance in every student’s search for source material is of inestimable value. As sponsor of the Zeta Literary Society, she has proved her musical ability with her composition of the Zeta song. Miss Taylor holds a degree in Library Science from Colorado Univer sity. Miss Mary Miller holds dual respon sibility as housemother of the Annex and assistant librarian. Thirteen girls of the Annex look to her for guidance. Miss Miller is a former recipient of the Mary Mutch Cain Award. A fter years of “ Anglin,” a beautiful diamond de notes the fact that her future is as sured. Mrs. J. W. Hartsaw revived the De partment of Art on the Y. C. campus upon her arrival here from Indiana Central. She shares with her husband the hobby of movie photography. At T h e c h e m ica l e q u iv a le n t o f c o ff e e is d e m o n s tra te d b y A L ZE RY VEK H the present time the students of the Art to J E A N M A T T I N G L Y , F L O Y D T A Y L O R a n d H E L E N JO P O L K . Department are engaged in planning a mural for the wall o f Zeta Hall. Page 10
Si *
>1A Y B E LLE A . T A Y L O R H ead L ib ra ria n 1943
M A R Y M IL L E R M a tr o n , H u litt H a ll A n n e x 1945
J O S E P H IN E M c C R E E R Y HARTSAW H e a d , D e p a r tm e n t o f A r t 1946
E D A L . R A N K IN H e a d , D e p a r tm e n t o f P ia n o 1909
G LAD YS PEARSO N P ia n o 1915
Presiding over the piano, organ and harmony students is Miss Eda Rankin. As senior member of the faculty, she continues to hold the admiration and respect of the students. Her patience, wit and expert performance add to her prestige. In addition to her classes she also serves in capacity of college church organist and supervises many of the music recitals. Miss Gladys Pearson, instructor in music, is loved by all who know her, but especially by her pupils. Her reputation as a superior piano teacher has gone far and wide— wherever her pupils have gone. An excellent pianist with seemingly unlimited patience, she admonishes her students to strive for perfection. In addition to a college degree, Miss Pearson has spent several years in perfecting piano technique, having studied with several artist teachers both here and abroad. The most recent male instructor added to the faculty is Professor James Koontz. He has re introduced a course in high school music technique. He is also continuing the courses in group singing and private voice lessons, as well as offering private instrumental instruction. Several outstanding productions were presented under his baton. They include “ The Messiah,” “ The Seven Last W ords of Christ,” and a concert of secular and sacred selections. The latter was the work of the traveling chorus which was presented some sixteen times during their 1500 mile tour of three states. W hen Dr. Bachman relinquished his classroom duties to assume the responsibilities o f the college presidency, Professor Bruce Herrick ably filled the vacancy in the departments of re ligion and philosophy. Into the field of philosophy he carried not only a rational concept of Q-od but also adeep appreciation of beauty. Notonly did he take over the job but also the car, as symbolized in the “ GreenH ornet.” A n ambitious participant in extra-curricular activities, he was initiated into Alpha Psi Omega where he spent a good share of his time in the galley. Or was it gallery? He also performed on the faculty volley ball team, sponsored the CAG-E and showed a keen interest in amateur photography. In this day of shrinking world hori zons the need for modern foreign lan guage becomes increasingly important. More than able to meet this need is Professor Zelda Wakelin, who is well versed in English, Spanish, German and French. She is joint sponsor of the W. A. A., and secretary of the faculty. An outstanding characteristic of this universal favorite is her excellent taste in clothes. Veteran of Y ork College, University of Iowa, the Navy, and domestic life, is Professor A1 Zerwekh, MARATHON sponsor and brewer of coffee deluxe. B R U C E H E R R I C K en ters th e fa m e d p rid e o f H e r r ic k ’ s B a r r a c k s , His outstanding ability for the creation th e G reen H o r n e t, o f foul odors and reading copy with his eyes shut has lifted him from the com mon ranks. Among his responsibilities are the sponsorship o f the PALS, thfe P a g e 11 Panther Club and the Sophomore Class.
For an example of a life of selfless service which Christian philosophy considers the ulti mate in existence, Y ork College offers Professor Charles H. Amadon. Refusing to submit to handicap, he has turned it in stead into a challenge. His sightless eyes have learned to see more clearly into person ality with an understanding granted only to those who have boundless patience c o u p l e d with ability. His vision is the vision of the optimist, the prac tical idealist who plans, and works to achieve fulfillment. Students have learned to know music under his guidance and their technical knowledge C a lifo rn ia a lu m n i: M r, nml M m . C ecil F rftn x , M r. an d Airs. ,|nmcif. M rs. has been supplemented, with a N a th a n G u tsch a s mid fo u r ch ild re n , M r. and M r*. D on F is h e r , M rs. A rt F a rn h a m , R u s se ll L e w is , A rt Furti 1mm, W illia m W h ite , on le a ve o f ab se n ce more cheerful spirit, a new fr o m Y . C . d ra m a d e p a rtm e n t, R e v . H e n d rick s , E.ELB. m in is te r n t H e n d r ic k s , E llen or A llen , M r. N a th a n G u tsclm s. confidence, and a general sense of well being that comes from association with a character worthy of complete respect. Even in the seemingly insurmountable situations he is able to keep his benevolent good humor, and convey it to others. Dean Amadon is a man to be revered by all who come under his influence. Others forget his blindness, because he has forgotten it. His contributions to our welfare have not been those of a man with a disadvantage. They have emanated from a personality ready to share his talents, a personality with a purpose. Dr. W . C. Noll heads our Biology Department. An outstanding man in his field, Dr. Noll is also active in the church, serving in the capacity of Superintendent of Sunday School. His duties on the buildings and grounds committee and his love for flowers have been instrumental in the improvement of campus landscapes. Professor Floyd L. Taylor divides his work between classroom instruction in mathematics and assistant coach, in football and basketball. A ready smile and a friendly “ hello” are character istic of his manner.
CH ARLES H. AM ADO N H e a d , M u s ic C o n se rv a to r y 1914
P a g e 12
JA M E S A . K OO N TZ M u s ic D e p a r tm e n t 1947
B R U C E H E R R IC K D e p t, o f P h ilo s o p h y a n d R e lig io n 194G
Z E L D A M . W A K E L IN H e a d , D e p t, o f M o d e rn Languages 1928
A L ZE RW EK H H e a d , D e p t , o f C h em istry 1946
W . C. N O L L H e a d , D e p a r tm e n t o f B io lo g y 1918, 1928, 1936
FLOYD L . TA YL O R H e a d , D e p a r tm e n t o f M a th e m a tic s 1946
R . E . TOW NSEND H e a d , D e p a rtm e n t o f C o m m e rce 1925
DOROTH Y A. DONOHOE P h y s ic a l E d u c a tio n 1946
R O L L A N D E . T O N K IN H e a d , D e p a r tm e n t o f P h y s ie a l E d u c a tio n an d A th le tics 1940
Professor R. E. Townsend directs the Department of Commerce. A loyal and vigorous sup porter of athletics through the years have kept him young and active. His cooperation and guidance have figured importantly in “ Y ” Club activities. Mrs. Dorothy A. Donohoe instructs the wom en’s Physical Education classes. Participation in her classes includes volley ball, archery, basketball, softball and tumbling. Coach R. E. Tonkin, head mentor of the Athletic Department and Director of Athletics at York for the past eight years, “ T on k ” places equal stress on the fundamentals and spirit of sportsmanship in competition. His department presents a balanced physical education, intramural and athletic program.
E v en
h as t o use a la d d e r h e re .
P a g e 13
g i n m n g ^ o f ^Ihe^new^ g ^15^ ^ ° rr” '^o r y' ^ h i c H
b e g a n the building p roject of the structure w h i c h will b e a r his
JOAN AND JEAN FUSBY, freshmen, Benedict, Nebraska, are identical twins whose similarity caused much confusion among stu足 dents and teachers at the first of the year; at the last of the year, most of us were still con足 fused. Here,' in a relaxed attitude conducive to study, they compare notes on the assignment for the day.
York College, is not. its buildings, nor its equipment, nor its campus. We., the students are York College. Only thru our activity will the college prosper; only thru our sense of social responsibility will the world be assured of a pacific future.
P a g e 17
AN D ERSON , M AR Y A r lin g to n , C o lo r a d o M a jo r , H is to r y
AUCHARD, DENNY A le x a n d e r , K a n s a s M a jo r , M a th e m a tic s
BROO K S, E T H E L C ed ar R a p id s , I o w a M a jo r , M a th e m a tic s
CO N W AY, JA M E S Y ork M a jo r , H is to r y
D IC K , A B E Y ork M a jo r , H is to r y
For the memories of a successful Homecoming Day . . . thank you so much. . . . Memories of the Sophomore reception where the seniors met characters from their fa vorite literature— the comic strips. For an es cape from senior scholastic problems and for a temporary release from reality to fantasy . . . thank you so much. . . . Memories of the Football Banquet which honored the football team and presented Pan ther Sweetheart, Lois Shaneyfelt, and Repre sentative Football Man, Bob Gillespie, both from the senior class. After reviewing the sea son from the standpoint of wins and losses the outlook was dismal, but everyone knew that the men had not lost, but gained in sportsman ship, spirit, and experience. For their gallant effort to represent us . . . thank you so much. S T IL L T O W E R IN G roof-toi> .
th e
ca m p u s ,
O ld
M a in
Thanks for the memories . . . . . . Memories of four pleasant years, especially the final year. The following memories of this last year will stand out in the minds of the graduates of ’48 . . .
sp o r ts
r e n o v a te d
. . . Memories of Valentine Varieties, spon sored by the Pantherettes, which lent a carni val atmosphere to the usually scholastic Ad Building. Don Erfourth, a freshman, was crowned “ King of Hearts.” In spite of the loss . . . thank you so much.
. . . Memories of Freshman Court where the Seniors were the “ big wheels.” Chief Justice, Jim Conway meted out the ludicrous and just sentences to the perplexed freshmen. For memories of the friendship es tablished between the two classes by this method . . . thank you so much. . . . Memories o f Homecoming' Day when alumni, parents, and friends gathered to renew old ac quaintances and make new ones. The senior class will remember the crowning of a charming queen who came from the ranks o f the juniors.
E D G A R ,G E R A L D Y ork M a jo r , E n g lis h -J o u rn a lis m
ELO E , GLEN Y ork M a jo r , S o cia l S cien ce
G A R L O C K , M A R V IN I T r e n to n , M issou ri M a jo r , P h ilo flop h y -lU 'IIjfiol;
. . . Memories of the senior class. They numbered thirty-three, of which thirteen were women, twenty men. Fifteen of the men were veterans. Although there were fifteen married students in the class, there were no married couples. Nine o f the espoused were male. The majors of the graduates were varied, six be ing the most to major in one subj ect — H i s t o r y . Five ma jored in Expression, four in Chemistry, Mathematics, and So ciology, three in Political Science, English, and Religion, one in Mu sic. Nineteen seniors received the degree of Bachelor of Arts, ten, Bachelor of Science in Education, G IF F O R D , F L O Y D G IL L E S P I E , R O B E R T G O O D R IC H , E U N IC E and four, Bachelor of Science. D e n v e r , C o lo r a d o O m aha P o r tla n d , O regon Seven states were represented in M a jo r , M a th e m a tic s M a jo r , M a th e m a tic s M a jo r , E n g lis h the senior class, Nebraska leading the list with twenty, Iowa and Kansas supplying four each; Colorado, tw o; and Oregon, Mon tana, and New Mexico, one. For friends with various interests, aptitudes, and backgrounds . . . thank you so much. . . . Memories of the class under the leadership of Jane Martin and Floyd G ifford during its last two semesters. Miss Irene Shipley was class sponsor for the four years. She spent many hours with the class and with individual seniors, helping to straighten out “ troubles.” For an understanding,sympathetic, youthful sponsor with a sense of humor . . . thank you so much, . . .Memories of theathletic ability o f “ GlamOiu-boy” Auchard, “ Drop dead” Conway, ‘ Tiger meat” Holt, “ Uncle A b ie ” Dick, “ Gypsy the trouhndor” Gillespie, “ Sleepy” Robson, “ Sarge” Eloe, “ P o p ” Gifford, “ Jug,” Speece, “ Cookie” Miller and others who participated in football, basketball, or both. For these Panthers who were the leaders of the teams . . . thank you so much. . . . Memories of those who entertained with music and drama. Eunice Goodrich, pianist, and Dick Riggs, lyric tenor, were presented in recitals. Marie Harris, Hope Howland, and Jean Schneider, of the drama, department presented senior recitals. For their talent and willingness to perform . . . thank you so much. . . . Memories of seniors with special interests and skills. Mary Karraker and Clarence Mabon spent much time with photography. Gerald Edgar and Louis Rachow were interested in journal ism. Poetry writing claimed the attention of Mary Anderson. Drama interested Ethel Bi’ooks and Elaine Hicks. Edith Hulbert was outstanding member of this class because she had four unique extra-curricular activities; namely, Pat, Mike, Midge, and Barry. Dreams came true for Jasm in e Ingraham , Ruth Sanchez, and Jo a n S h ark as they le ft their kn ittin g fo r housekeeping. Jim Townsend w as kept bu sy satisfy in g the local hunters by repairin g their guns in his shop at home. There were those who planned to tend other peop le’s children eight hours p er day, and these were Lucille O ’Keefe, George S w artz and D ick Van P elt. M arvin H errick had enough children of his own to tend to so he chose the trail of the m inistry. F o r the p rivilege of know ing all of these people better , . . thank you so much.
H A R R I S , M A R IE G rea t F a lls , M on tan a M a jo r , E x p ression
H E R R IC K , M A R V IN Y ork M a jo r , H is to r y
H IC K S , L I L A E L A I N E
.M ajor, R e lig io n
HOLT, CARVEL Y o rk M a jo r , C h e m istry
H O W LA N D , H OPE M issio n , K a n s a s M a jo r , E x p r e ss io n
H U E B E R T , E D IT H Y ork S o cia l S cien ce
M a jo r ,
IN G R A H A M , J A S M IN E S e w a l, I o w a M a jo r , C h e m is try
K A R R , H IL D R E D Y ork M a jo r , E d u c a tio n
K ARRAKER, M ARY Y ork M a jo r , E x p r e ss io n
Thanks for the memories . . . . . . Memories of Zetas and PALS—the only event which di vided the senior class. Much cul tural advancement was gained at these meetings. Social events of the literary societies provided oc casions for formality and sophis tication. For a chance to display results of education . . . thank you so much. . . . Memories of the first time the senior class was presented as a group of candidates for gradua tion. Caps and gowns gave the seniors an aura of austerity and glowing pride in the class and each other. To the juniors who worked diligently for one of the “ big days” . . . thank you so much.
M ABON, CLAREN CE P h illip s M a jo r , E n g lish
P a g e 20
M A R T IN , JA N E C o n co r d ia , K a n s a s M a jo r , C h em istry
,i T H E M E N O E H E R R I C K ’ S B A R R A C K S u n v e il p re se n te d t o th e D in in g r o o m o f H u litt H a ll.
M IL L E R , L E L A N D V e n tu ra , I o w a M a jo r , P h ilo s o p h y -R e lig io n
R A C H O W , L O U IS S tra n g M a jo r , C h e m istry
p ic tu re
w h ic h
th ey
R IG G S , R I C H A R D A m es, Io w a M a jo r , M u s ic
H OBSON , B O N T h ayer M a jo r , P o litic a l S c ic n c c
SAN CH EZ, RU TH H o lm a n , N e w M e x ico M a jo r , S o c io lo g y
S H A R K , JO A N Y ork M a jo r , E d u c a tio n
S C H N E ID E R , J E A N R A S P Y ork M a jo r , E x p r e ss io n
S H A N E Y F E L T , L O IS C e n tra l C ity M a jo r , P o litic a l S c ie n c e
Thanks for the memories . . . . . . Memories of the Faculty Reception where the plays presented by the faculty afforded much amusement to all students. The seniors, having known the faculty longest, appreciated seeing them in other than college situations. To the faculty who provided the class of ’48 with varied memories . . . thank you so much. . . . Memories o f the last days of the last year. May Day— the coronation of Jane Martin, a senior, as Queen. For a gracious queen and a lovely clay . . . thank you so much.
A T JLL Y H O L S T A N D O. J . Y A T E S , p a s t a n d p re se n t m a y o r s o f K r o y v illc , c o m p a r e th e ir p o s itio n s w ith th a t o f f o r m e r ones a s s e rg e a n ts in th e s e r v ic e .
SPEE C E , ROSS Y ork M a jo r , P s y c h o lo g y
SW A R TZ, GEORGE Y ork M a jo r , P o litic a l S c ic n c c
T A Y L O R , IO N A S H A W Y ork M a jo r , S p e c c h
. . . Memories of graduation day. Re lief, exuberance, laughter, tears, con trasting emotions were experienced by the seniors. For commencement into life . . . thank you so much.
P E L T , R IC H A R D Y ork M a jo r , S o c io lo g y
P a g e 21
Be «*# ** city v*r ’
ti,K n e a t W
M Y DREAMS ARE GETTING BETTER ALL THE TIME— As Fresh men, the class of ’49 had visions of a great future partially founded in the worlds of fantasy and higher educa tion. Upon gaining the Sophomore level, their greater perspective erased some o f the mystical illusions and left a more stable foundation. Now, these Juniors are again dreaming dreams without the obstruction of the shadows of immaturity. W ith one hurdle still remaining in their college career, the attainment of their goal is in sight. They are eager to break the tape and go on to other fields of conquest. The practical application of the knowledge which they have obtained will be the fulfillment of their ideals. Their dreams are getting- better all the time.
, t o dfu W .
A C K L A N D , B O N N IE L O U ; A m e s , I o w a , M a jo r , S o c io lo g y . . A N D E R S O N , N O R M A J E A N ; Y o r k , M a jo r , E x p r e ss io n . . . A N D R E W S , D O N ; Y o r k , M a jo r , G e o lo g y . . . B A R E L A , R A M O S ; E s p a n o la , N e w M e x ic o , M a jo r , S o c io lo g y . . . R L A U C H , B A R B A R A ; Y o r k , M a jo r , D ra m a , . . C A N O N , D O R IS J E A N ; A lb a n y , O re g o n , M a jo r , D r a m a . . . D IC U S , R O B E R T G E O R G E ; L a w t o n , I o w a , M a jo r , S o c io lo g y . . . H A R N I S H , E U G E N E ; L u r a y , K a n s a s , M a jo r , E u ro p e a n H is t o r y . . . H A R T S A W , J . W . ; O rd , M a jo r , R e lig io n . . . H O L B R O O K , H A R V E Y ; O rc h a rd , M a jo r , M a th e m a tic s .
P a g e 22
H O L S T , A L Y O I S ; Y o r k , M a jo r , P s y c h o lo g y -p h llo s o p h y . . . K A M M , A N N A ; P la tte C en ter, M a jo r , M a th e m a tic s . . . K E E F E , L U C I L L E ; T e lfe rn e s , T e x a s , M a jo r , E d u c a tio n . . . K TJR TZ, M E R W IN R . : Y o r k , M a jo r , E x p r e ss io n . . . L A R K I N S , D U A N E E . ; B e n e d ic t, M a jo r , H is t o r y . . . L A U F F E R , M IL O S . J Y o r k , M a jo r , E u ro p e a n H is to r y . . . M c G R E G O R , R O B E R T R . ; Y o r k , M a jo r , M a th e m a tics . . . M cM IN N , C L A U D E ; Y o r k , M a jo r , R e lig io n . . . M E E H A N , W I L L I A M ; Y o r k , M a jo r , B io lo g ic a l S cie n ce . . . M I L L E R , W A N D A ; ltu s se ll, K a n s a s , M a jo r , M u sic.
Even the most stupendous dreams have their ac tualities and the most remote dreamers have their duties to perform. Outstanding constellations in the Junior galaxy of dreams were for the first semester, president, Tom Robson, vice-president, Eugene Harnish, secretary, Elsie Walker, treasurer, Anna Kanim and Student Council representative, Merl Biggs. Suc cessors to these offices were president, Mary Alice Riggs, vice-president, C liff Rhoades, secretary, W illa Roberts, treasurer, Milo Lauffer, Student Council representative, Wanda Miller. Panther Club repre sentatives for the year were A ully Holst and Ivalee Mizell. Other prominent positions held by Junior ‘ ‘ dream-makers ” are the president and vice-president of the “ Y ” Club, Robert Dicus and Harvey Holbrook respectively. Merwin Kurtz took time out to fulfill the obligations of O.B.N. Fellowship. Reigning over the festivities of the 1947 Home coming was Her Majesty, Wanda Miller. Miss Miller was a member of the Junior Trio which also includes Barbara Blauch and Mary Alice Riggs. This trio is the senior musical combination now on campus, having been organized by Dean Charles Amadon in the first semester of their freshmen year. Stimulating the school spirit this year was the squad of five cheerleaders, three of which were Juniors. Norma Jean Anderson, Wanda Miller, and Milton Snow ably filled these positions. The editorships of the campus publications, the Marathon and the Sandburr were filled by Barbara B lau ch ' and Harriet Thomas respectively. Miss Blauch achieved off-campus recognition when she was appointed to the college board of Madamoiselle Magazine. Harold Walker, second semester Junior, repre sents through his presidency of the Zeta Literary Society the cultural interest of the class.
P a g e 23
M I Z E L L , I V A L E E ; D e llv a le , K a n s a s , M a jo r , S o c io lo g y . . . M O O R E , W I N I F R E D ; A u r o r a , M a jo r , E n g lis h . . . M U N S IN G E R , G A L E N ; S p eed , K a n s a s , M a jo r , H is t o r y . . . R E G E R , O R E N ; A m h e r s t, M a jo r, E n g lis h . . . R H O A D E S , C L I F F O R D R . ; Y o r k , M a jo r , C h e m is tfy M a th c m a tic s . . . R IG G S , M A R Y A L I C E ; A m e s , I o w a , M a jo r , R e lig iou s E d u c a tio n . . . R O B E R T S , W I L L A L E E ; F a lr b u r y , M a jo r , S o c io lo g y . . . R O B S O N , T H O M A S ; T h a y e r , M a jo r , C h e m istry . . . S H A N E Y F E L T , G L E N ; C e n tra l C ity , M a jo r , M a th e m a tic s . . . S N O W , M IL T O N R . ; D e s M oin es, I o w a , M a jo r , S cien ce.
A survey of the class revealed the follow ing interesting facts. Of the members who be gan with the class as Freshmen, only 13 re main. The present enrollment of the class to tals 41 students. This first post-war class was greatly increased by the influx of returning Veterans which now constitute over a third of the total enrollment.
The ratio of men to
women would seem to be favorable to the fe males: 27 to 14. However, 12 of these men are married, which leaves the situation just right for com petition’s sake.
ST U D E N T S N E W A N D OLD o f the A d m in is tra tio n B u ild in g .
d a ily
tr a v e r s e
frie n d ly
p o rta ls
P a g e 24
To the Junior class falls each year the responsibility of playing host to the Seniors both for Senior Recognition Day and the Junior-Senior Banquet. Senior Recognition Day is the occa sion upon which the graduating class is form ally honored by the under-class men. This year’s program was high lighted by the address of Dr. Frank Glick, Head of the Department of So ciology at the University of Nebraska. President W alter E. Bachman pre sented the Mary Mutch Cain Award and recipients of the awards to W h o ’s W ho Am ong Students in American Col leges and Universities. An address by the Junior class president and a re sponse by the Senior class president displayed the mutual respect between the two classes. Selected vocal rendi tions completed the program. Under the able guidance of Dr. Charles Bisset, the class sponsor, the class has had smooth sailing. His pa tience and fortitude, liberally sprinkled with ready wit, has been a prominent factor in the successful ventures o f the class. Neither has the romantic angle been neglected. Those succumbing to the darts of that per sistent cherub, Cupid, were W anda Miller to Milton Snow, Mary Alice Riggs to Max Allen, and Ruth Sanchez to Ray Barela. In the world of culture two Junior girls,Bonnie Ackland and Harriet Thomas, made their appearance in a joint dramatic recital. I Since the class will graduate in the year of ’49, the theme of this year’s Junior-Senior Ban quet was “ The Gold R u sh !” The site of the banquet was the college church parlor. Planning committee chairmen were: Decorations, Doris Jean Canon; Food Committee, Iva Lee M izell; Invitations, W illa Roberts; Location, John Karutz. A ll were under the jurisdiction of General Planning Chairman Norma Jean Anderson. “ The Gold Rush” theme gave way to more dreams; dreams stimulated by vivid imagina tions that soared almost out of reality. W ork on creating “ atmosphere” of the old West, jokes of circumstances and planning, chow, favors, nut-cups— all helped form the bubble that burst with dazzling effectiveness. A n annual event in the Junior curriculum is the selection of candidates for the editorship and position of business manager o f the Marathon. The names of these individuals are submitted to the faculty for approval, and ultimately to the Student Council for acceptance. The individ uals desirous of fulfilling these posts indicate their aspirations to the Sophomore Class. By class vote the persons are chosen and passed on to higher authority. Junior men whose athletic prowess gained them berths on the “ A ” squad were “ H oly ” H ol brook, basketball; “ Curly” Shaneyfelt, football, basketball, track; “ D usty” Rhoades, football and basketball; “ Slush” Snow, track; Aully Holst, G olf; “ Wild B ill” Meehan, G olf; “ E epy” W orthington, Tennis. “ Gus” Munsinger, “ B ” squad basketball, complete the list. Thus the dream-curtain closes 0 11 our fantasy.
T H O M A S , H A R R I E T ; T o p e k a , K a n s a s , M a jo r , E x p r e s s io n , E n g lis h . . . W A L K E R , E L S I E M A Y ; S a n ta C ru z, N e w M exico* M a jo r , C h e m is try . . . W I L L I A M S , C H A R L E S ; S ie rra L e o n e , A f r i c a , M a jo r , S cie n ce . . . W I T H A M , G E R A L D ; Y o r k , M a jo r , R e lig io n . . . W O R T H I N G T O N , P A U L ; M u sca tin e , I o w a , M a jo r , H is to r y .
A L L I S O N , R O L L A N D ; W in fie ld , K a n s a s . . . A M E N , R A L P H ; C h eyen n e, W y o m in g . . . A N D E R S O N , O P A L ; Y o r k . . . B A S H A W , B A R B A R A ; M o v ille , I o w a , . . B A S O N , R I C H A R D ; D e s M o in e s , I o w a . . . B E R G L A N D , J A M E S ; G le n d iv e , M o n ta n a . . . B R O A D W E L L , D O R IS ; Y o r k . . . C A M P B E L L , C Y N T H I A ; T r e n to n , M isso u ri . . . C L A R K , P A U L ; D e s M o in e s , I o w a . . . C R O U N S E , N O R M A N ; M c C o o l J u n ctio n . . . D E B O E R , R O B E R T ; Y o r k . . . D I C K , B A R B A R A ; D u B o ls . . . D V O R A K , B E R N I C E ; S w ish e r, I o w a . . . D Y E R , D E N Z E L ; Y ork, . , E D G A R , I R E N E ; Y o r k . . . F A H R I N G , M A R K ; S a lin a , K a n s a s . . . F R I E S E N , D E N N I S ; H en d erson . . . F A R R E R , W A Y N E ; S io u x C ity , I o w a . . . G A R C I A , E R N E S T I N E ; S a n ta F e , N e w M e x ico . . . G U T IE R R E Z , R A Y ; V e la r d e , N e w M e x ico . . . H A S E N K R U G , M A R T I N ; G rea t F a lls , M o n ta n a . . . H A Z E N , L E S T E R ; T h e D a lle s, O re go n . . . H E R R O N , L E S L I E ; A m e s , I o w a . . . H O L M , J O H N ; Y o r k .
‘ I ’LL BE AROU ND,’ hummed a member of the sophomore class as he gazed around the room at their first meeting. He noted that 63 of the 115 students who had started with him a year ago were back for another session at Y. C. He, a veteran himself, felt that the 31 veterans in the class were a good stabilizing influence because of their maturity, wondered how different his own atti tude might have been if war had not interrupted his education. P a g e 26
N O T V E R Y M A N Y S P R E A D IN G C H E S T N U T S g r o w In N e b r a s k a , bu t m a p les d o , and th e M a r a th o n is h ere to p r o v e it. T liis p ictu re m u st h a v e b e e n s h o t a t s ix o ’ c lo c k in th e m o rn in g f o r a t n o o t h e r tim e o f the d a y w o u ld o n e fin d su ch a s h a d y , g r a s s y , s p o t b e r e ft o f le isu re se e k in g stu d e n ts.
T H E N E W S T U D E N T C O U N C IL B U L L E T IN b o a r d a ttr a c ts th e a tte n tio n o f F lo y d C a m p b e ll, A r t T e b e ll, H a r r y O w en , D o n N o ll, a n d D on R obson.
H O L T , O R V E L ; Y o r k . . . J A C K S O N , M A R Y ; A d ria n , M isso u ri . . . J A Q U IS S , R O B E R T ; B r o o k fie ld , M isso u ri . . . K A M M , F R A N K ; P la tte C en ter . . . K A R U T Z , J O H N ; S to c k to n , C a lifo rn ia . . . K IL P A T R IC K , A L F R E D ; Y ork . . . K IR K P A T R IC K , H E L E N ; Y o r k . . . K O O N T Z , F R E D E R I C K ; D e s M o in e s, I o w a . . . K U R T Z , J E A N N E ; D e s M o in e s , I o w a . . . L A N G E N B E R G , R A C H E L ; W o o d r u ff, K a n s a s . . . L I G H T , D O N A L D ; S a lin a , K a n  sas . . . M A C Y , L E O N ; P o r te s , K a n s a s . . . M A L S T R O M , R O B E R T ; S c o t ia . . . M A R T I N , J O E ; H a g e r s to w n , M a ry la n d . . M A R T I N , K E N D A L L ; C o n co r d ia , K a n s a s .
P a g e 27
A L L I S O N , R O L L A N D ; W in fie ld , K a n s a s . . . A M E N , R A L P H ; C h eyenne, W y o m in g . . . A N D E R S O N , O P A L ; Y o r k . . . B A S H A W , B A R B A R A ; M o v ille , I o w a . . . B A S O N , R I C H A R D ; D e s M o in e s , I o w a . . . B E R G L A N D , J A M E S ; G len d iv e, M o n ta n a . . . B R O A D W E L L , D O R IS ; Y o r k . . . C A M P B E L L , C Y N T H I A ; T r e n to n , M isso u ri . . . C L A R K , P A U L ; D e s M o in e s, I o w a . . . C R O U N S E , N O R M A N ; M c C o o l J u n ctio n . . . D E B O E R , R O B E R T ; Y o r k . . . D I C K , B A R B A R A ; D u B o is . . . D V O R A K , B E R N I C E ; S w ish er, I o w a . . . D Y E R , D E N Z E L ; Y ork, . , E D G A R , I R E N E ; Y o r k . . . F A H R I N G , M A R K ; S a lin a , K a n s a s . . . F R I E S E N , D E N N I S ; H en d e rs o n . . . F A R R E R , W A Y N E ; S io u x C ity , I o w a . . . G A R C I A , E R N E S T I N E ; S a n ta F e , N e w M e x ico . . . G U T IE R R E Z , R A Y ; V e la r d e , N e w M e x ico . . . H A S E N K R U G , M A R T I N ; G rea t F a lls , M o n ta n a . . . H A Z E N , L E S T E R ; T h e D a lle s , O re go n . . . H E R R O N , L E S L I E ; A m e s , I o w a . . . H O L M , J O H N ; Y o r k .
‘ I ’LL BE AROU ND,’ hummed a member of the sophomore class as he gazed around the room at their first meeting. He noted that 63 of the 115 students who had started with him a year ago were back for another session at Y. C. He, a veteran himself, felt that the 31 veterans in the class were a good stabilizing influence because of their maturity, wondered how different his own atti tude might have been if war had not interrupted his education. P a g e 26
N O T V E R Y M A N Y S P R E A D IN G C H E S T N U T S g r o w In N e b r a s k a , b u t m a p le s d o , an d th e M a ra th o n is h e re to p r o v e it. T h is p ictu re m u st h a v e be e n s h o t a t s ix o 'c l o c k in th e m o r n in g f o r a t n o o th e r tim e o f th e d a y w o u ld o n e fin d su ch a s h a d y , g r a s s y , s p o t b e r e ft o f le isu re s e e k in g stu d e n ts.
T H E N E W S T U D E N T C O U N C IL B U L L E T IN b o a r d a ttr a c ts the a tte n tio n o f F lo y d C a m p b e ll, A r t T e b e ll, H a r r y O w e n , D o n N o ll, a n d D on R obson.
H O L T , O R V E L ; Y o r k . . . JA C K S O N , M A R Y ; A d ria n , M isso u ri . . . J A Q U IS S , R O B E R T ; B r o o k fie ld , M isso u ri . . . K A M M , F R A N K ; P la tte C en ter . , . K A R U T Z , J O H N ; S to c k to n , C a lifo rn ia . . . K IL P A T R IC K , A L F R E D ; Y ork . . . K IR K P A T R IC K , H E L E N ; Y o r k . . . K O O N T Z , F R E D E R I C K ; D e s M o in e s , I o w a . , , K U R T Z , J E A N N E ; D es M o in e s, I o w a . . . L A N G E N B E R G , R A C H E L ; W o o d r u f f, K a n s a s . . . L I G H T , D O N A L D ; S a lin a , K a n  sas . . . M A C Y , L E O N ; P o r te s , K a n s a s . . . M A L S T R O M , R O B E R T ; S c o t ia . . . M A R T I N , J O E ; H a g e r s to w n , M a ry la n d . . .• M A R T I N , K E N D A L L ; C o n co r d ia , K a n s a s .
P a g e 27
M A R T I N E Z , A L B E R T O , V a lle c it o s , N e w M e x ico . . , M c M I N N , B E S S I E ; S a lin a , K a n s a s . . . M c V E Y , E R R O L ; Y o r k , . . M E D S K E R , F R A N K ; C o lu m b u s, K a n s a s . . . M E E K E R ,, C A R O L Y N ; E n id , O k la h o m a . . . M E G I L L , F A I T H ; A r k a n s a s C ity , M is s o u r i . . , M I L L E R , E U G E N E ; B e n e d ic t . . . M I L L E R , R I C H A R D ; V e n tu ra , I o w a . . . N O L L , D O N A L D ; M ilw a u k e e , W isco n s in . , . P O R T E R , W A R R E N ; A u r o r a . . . R E A D , J A C Q U E L I N E ; Y o r k . . . R E G E R , J O H N ; A m h e r s t.
Meeting the first semester, the class elected W arren Porter as their president. Vice president elect was Mark Fahring, and Lois Riddle was chosen to keep the minutes. Trusteeship of the funds was assigned to Les Herron. Dick Miller represented the class on the Student Council, while Cynthia Campbell and Jim Nordstrom did the same on the Freshman Court Bench. Panther Club Representatives were Les Hazen and Opal Anderson. Chosen as sponsor to give the advantage of his wisdom and guidance was Prof. Zerwekh. The first job facing the class was the all-important Sophomore reception. Most of the credit for the clever program should go to Les Hazen, who wrote the lion ’s share of the script. Barbara Dick gave Les considerable assistance in dreaming up the plot, and in the writing of the copy. Harold "Walker acted as narrator, and furnished many of the ideas for his section of the work. The program was based on comic strip characters, some of them amazingly well cast. Barbara D ick and Don Light were hilarious as Maggie and Jiggs, Cynthia Campbell showed experience in
F R O M T o r T O B O T T O M , th ose a d . b u ild in g s ta irs re p e n t th e m se lv e s, su p p ly in g a lib e r a l v ie w o f be tw e e n cla ss a c tiv itie s .
P a g e 28
S E C O N D S E M E S T E R E N R O L M E N T in clu d e d G o rd o n W iclie , N ad eejie B o c b m a n , C a ro l D o a k a n d Iiu th W e sto n .
S econ d S e m e s te r S tu d e n ts : L a k e , B u rlio o p , C reecli, R . A n d e r s o n , R , A llis o n , M a in , U n g e r , U r b a c li, D e C a n ip , W o e fie .
R I D D L E , L O I S ; B r o o k fie ld , M isso u ri . . . R IG G S , B E T T Y J E A N ; M e r n a . . . R IG G S , INLERL; M e r n a . . . S M E L T Z E R , P A U L I N E ; F u lt o n . . . S M IT H , L Y N N ; Y o r k . . . V O R C E , F R E D R I C ; B r o o k fie ld , M issou ri . - , W A L K E R , H A R O L D ; S a n ta C ru z , N e w M e x ic o . . . W A T S O N , D O N ; Y o r k . . . W A Y , D E L M E R ; S u rp rise . . . W O C H N E R , R E X ; Y o r k . . . W O M A C K , R O B E R T ; G a r w in , I o w a . . . Y A T E S , O R E N ; Y ork.
the man-chasing Daisy Mae role, and many said that Dick Miller (L i]’ Abner) could have run much faster than he did. And yet who could blame him? Les Hazen looked as though the creator of Steve Canyon had Les in mind when he started drawing Steve. Ciwen W ade and Fred Koontz looked sur prisingly domestic as Dagwood and Blondie. Don Noll as Humphrey had them in the aisles when lie pedaled onto the stage with his trailer tricycle. Needless to say, Kendall Martin (Dick Tracy) solv ed the mysterious disappearance of Jaccpieline Read (Orphan Annie). To conclude the program, Ralph Amen as Hairless Joe and Martin Hasenkrug as Lonesome Polecat served their special brand of Kickapoo Joy Juice. The second semester W arren Porter was re elected, Ernestine Garcia was picked to be second in command, and Mary K. Jackson was chosen sec retary. Frank Kamin found himself treasurer, John Ilolm qualified for the job of Student Council rep resentative, and again Prof. Zerwekh was vested with the authority of sponsor. The Sophomores, following the traditional prac tice, planted a tree 011 Arbor Day, hoping that it would meet a better fate than the one which was consigned to mother earth with appropriate cere mony a year earlier. Fred Vorce headed the com mittee which planned the program, and one more maple tree now enhances the beauty of the Y.C. campus thanks to the class of ’50.
P a g e 29
A l* C H A R D , CSLHNNA; A le x a n d e r , K a n s a s . . . H A I L E Y , G E R A L D ; Y o r k . . . R A N K S , E L A I N E ; L e c o m p lo n , K a n s a s B E A V E R , JIC N V L E N E ; Y o r k . . . B E T H E K E , A L B E R T A ; W h iU ie r, C a lifo rn ia . . . B O O N E , C H A R L E S ; A m e s , Im vu . . . B O T T , C A R L ; A le x a n d e r , K a n s a s . . . B U T T E R M O H E , L E O N ; W o o d s t 0 11 , K a n s a s . . C A R P E N T E R , R O S E L L A ; E s p a n o la , N ew M e x ic o . . . C L A R K , R O B E R T ; Y o r k . . . D A H L K E , J A M E S , B e n e d ic t . . . D E V E R , L O I S ; A d ria n , M issou ri . . . D IC U S , D O N A L D ; L a w t o n , Io w a . . . D U N C A N , J A N E T ; D a v e n p o r t, Io w a . . . E A S T M A N , E L V I N ; T w in F a lls , I o w a . . . E M B R E E , P A U L ; M ern a . . . E M B R E E , R O B E R T ; B rok en B o w . . . E 3 1 E K IC K , C H A R L E S ; P o r tla n d , O regon . . . E R F O U R T H , D O N A L D ; S t. J a m e s , M in n esota . . . F I L L M A N , G O R D O N ; Y o r k . . . F I I X M A N , W A R R E N ; Y o r k . . . F O X , D A V I D ; G a r fie ld , W a sh in g to n . . . F U L L E R , P A T R I C I A ; Y o r k . . . F U S B Y . J E A N ; B e n e d ict . . . F U S B Y , J O A N ; B e n e d ic t . . . G A R C I A , M A X I M I M O ; O je C'aHentc, N ew M e x ico . . . G IE R H A N , M A R V I N ; G resh a m . . . G O R D O N , L A W R E N C E ; B r a d s h a w .
THERE’S A LONG, LONG TRAIL awinding thru the ordeals of college life, and Freshman trials constitute but tine first quarter of a scholastic mile run. Another class has finished the first Lip, perhaps a trifle winded, but still moving ahead with ideals and hopes flying high.
P a g e 30
Beaming- faces greeted the gloating smiles of upperclassmen as the frosh unwittingly submitt足 ed to the long, long trail of freshman court trials. As time went by they considered the advisa足 bility of their decision, garbed in burlap trousers, crepe paper formals or flannel nightgowns. In like manner, they soon learned that college education began with the simple arithmetic involved in counting bricks, or developing a useful trade such as taking in laundry. However, thru it all the blue capped aspirants maintained their composure (or was that resignation?) At any rate, they valiantly move ahead to new and greater things.
G U S T A F S O N , D O Y L E ; P o lk . . . G U I X I B R R E Z , S A M U E L ; V a la r d e , N e w M e x ic o . . . H A I G H T , H O W A R D ; Y o r k . . . H A R R I S , G E O R G E ; N e lso n . . . H A R R I S , N O R M A ; N e ls o n . . . H E D R I C K , S T A N L E Y ; G re sh a m . . . H E R R I C K , E U N I C E ; M c C o o l Ju n ction . . . H O F F , G E O R G A N N ; L o s A la m o s , N e w M e x ic o , . . H O L B R O O K , H E L E N ; O rch a rd . . , I S A A C S , R A Y M O N D ; K o n o w a , O k la h o m a . . , J A M E S , D O N A L D ; S tr o m s b u r g . , . J A M E S , J I M ; Y o r k . . . K U R T Z , L E T A ; A lto n , K a n s a s . . . L A N D I S , G E O R G E ; S ew a rd . . . L O W E R , D A R R E L L ; Y o r k . . . M A B O N , M E R L I N ; P h illip s . . . M A R Q U E Z , C O R A ; S a n te F e , N e w M e x ico . . . M A R T I N , R O N A L D ; W h ittie r , C a lifo r n ia , . . M c C O R M IC K , J I M ; Y o r k , . . M e K IM M , N O R M A ; M a n k a to , K a n s a s .
P a g e 31
In th e d in in g r o o m , M . A n d e rso n a c ts a s h o s te s s to E . B a n k s, L u p e r , E . K ro o k , It. l/ftn ge n lie rg , 1<\ P o r t e r , am i C. M a r q u e z .
M E A D , C A R O L ; Im p e r ia l . . . M E Y E R , M A R I A N ; Y o rk . . . M IL L E R , L O IS ; D aw son . . . N E W T O N , D A R W I N ; P o lk . . . O W E N S , H A R R Y ; C n ffe y v ille , K an sas . . . P O L S O N , M A U D E R U T H ; D a com a, O k la h o m a . . . P O R T E R , F R A N C E S ; A u r o r a . . , R A S M U S S E N , F L O Y D ; H a m p to n . . . R A S M U S S E N , R IC H A R D ; Y ork . . . R E IS IN G E R , L O IS ; W a co . . . R O C K H O L D , C E C I L ; S a lin a , K a n s a s . . . S A N C H E Z , H E L E N ; H o lm a n , N e w M e x ic o . . . S H E L L , M A X ; I o la , K a n s a s . . . S C H L U E T E R , C L A R E N C E ; Y o r k . . . S E W A R D , W E N D E L L ; B u rw e ll.
Following- the LONG, LONG TRAIL the greater things first took form as contests be tween upperclassmen ancl the Frosh. The greatest consolation derived from these con tests was that they mark the end of Freshman court days, as the upperclassmen unmercifully dominated the games by superior numbers and experience. Next along the trail the newcomers came to a treat. It was a ravishing treat which, upon close investigation, revealed itself as just wait ing for the innocent Freshmen. (That they might present it to the upperclassmen!) This they did with revealing graciousness. Reveal ing because, as the Dude Ranch theme was carried out in the program, Freshman talent was unveiled for the first time to the receptive eyes and ears of the now passive (almost friendly) upperclassmen. Freshman-upperclass relations were firm ly cemented before the close of the evening’s activities as refreshments proved to be the best way to the upperclass m en’s hearts. Having fulfilled their obligations to the elder classes the LONG, LONG TRAIL began to smooth and broaden into a pathway pre paratory to its later development into what is hopefully anticipated as “ the road to success.” P a g e 32
M rs.
Traveling- along- the broadening- pathway of their initial college year the Freshman class brought its weight to bear on college life at Y. C. Ninety two members strong- they entered into many activities and tlieir “ favorite sons” (and daughters) moved to the fore. Early in the year freshman athletes established themselves as some proved themselves equal to starting berths 011 the gridiron eleven. Later, basketball, track, and ten nis offered opportunities which eager frosh quickly grasped and thereby joined the ranks of Y. 0. athletes, several braving the initiation of Y Club in order to join the athletic elite. In the musical field a freshman girls’ trio arose to offer capable competition to the junior singinggroup. Soloists of this class made debuts in both the vocal and instrumental music departments. The “ Messiah” audience and spring banqueteers viewed •Fvpstlrm i m I ie s n m d U
v n n u lm n n c m u s ic ia n s
-u n t il W 1U 1
n i i n w i n t i v o n -v e s a p p ie c ia u v e
C O N T R A S T IN G A U T T U D E S b u t s im ila r p e n siv e are d isp la y e d b y A . anil B . <n» r e la tio n ) D ic k ,
a ttitu d e s
Literary aspirants filtered into the ranks of Sandburr and Marathon staffs proving- themselves more than capable of their aspirations and fulfilled their cu pa cities admirably. Displaying a willingness to overcome handicaps the patrons o f dramatic art cheerily went, at xml preparingthemselves for the full scale activities of next year by entering into classes of dramatic study and presenting readings and toasts at. banquets. Perhaps one of the more significant events showing the rising- trend of freshman dignity, was the election of a freshman as “ King of H earts” at the annual “ Valentine Varieties” sponsored by the Pantherettes. This was indicative of the meteoric rise of the class of ’51 into popular ity on the Y. C. Campus. The frosh have proven themselves fine collcgiates, possessing talents and traits creditable to the school and displaying a desire to serve and share in the furthering of a “ Greater York College” .
S E Y M O U R , J A N I C E ; B e n e d ict . . . S M IT H , B E R T ; S e a t t le , W a s h in g to n . . . S T R O N G , D E A N ; G a r fie ld , W a sh in g ton . . , S W A R T Z , D A R L E N E ; Y o r k . . . T A Y L O R , M A R T H A ; Y o r k . . . T H O M P S O N , D A L E ; L a u rel . . . V A N B U R E N , M A R Y C A T H E R I N E ; W h ittie r , C a lifo rn ia . . . W A D E , G W E N ; Ellicl, O k la h o m a . . . W A L K E R , C A T H E R I N E ; M a iz e , K a n s a s . . . W E A V E R , E U G E N E ; T u ls a , O k la h o m a . . . W I N F I E L D , C A T H E R I N E ; T h a y e r . . . W O E L F L E , M A R Y , L o v e la n d , C o lo ra d o .
P a g e 33
The physical phase of the trilogy, mind, spirit, and body, is developed 021 the field and floor of athletic -contests. Jim Conway, sen足 ior, York, displays to Coaches Tonkin and Taylor, his ab ility to compete with other p la y 足 ers. F11 so doing', he dem onstrates the p rivilege of the athlete to benefit his school, fo r much of the fame of a college depends upon the teams it produces.
Sportsmanship, or the lack of it, makes a lasting impression on observers and opposing teams, and serves as a criterion to student sup足 porters. The lesson of cooperation learned in athletic conquests of today, is a lasting les足 son, which will exert its influence as larger conquests of life present themselves.
P a g e 35
Opening the ’47 season on its home sod, York lost its first conference game to the pow erladen Kearney Teachers. A 35 yard jaunt early in the first period by Co-captain Speece of the Panthers opened the scoring. The A n telopes knotted the score at 6-6 with the half ending that way A ]6 lb. per man weight advantage took its toll as Kearney scored 3 times in the second half. Out-manned but not out-scrapped, the Panthers clawed their way to the 16 yard line where the game ended.
An unheralded Ghadron Teachers’ scpiad pleased their home fans by completely shack ling Y o rk ’s offensive game. Ghadron opened the scoring with 7 points. An alert fumble re covery by Y o r k ’s left end, Conway, resulted in a 35 yard run for Y o r k ’s only scoring achievement. Ghadron increased their one point margin in the fourth quarter by punch ing two touchdowns across to “ ice the gam e” . “ Fumbl'dis” by both teams marred the play and helped the Panthers to step down another notch on the conference ladder.
(32) C R A C K S T H E M I D D L E
The Doane Tiger had to “ dig'” for this one. Playing on even terms in the first charter, the Tigers scored 7 points in the second. The half ended 7-0. Doane scored again soon after resumption of the second h a ll It was not until in the final period that Y ork could get its aerial attack working. Passes to ends Dick and DeBoer set up the play with Clif ford carrying the hall across. The York team had only words o f praise for Dick Punches, Doane’s center who was seriously injured in the contest.
A 75-yard run by Co-captain Auchard early in the game was annulled by an off-side pen alty. After that, the Panthers could not get their offensive rolling and permitted Midland to crack their defense in the first and last quarters. Faliring and Eloe, guard and center respectively, were lost for the season from injuries sustained in this contest, DeBoer and Dick bore the brunt of the defensive load for York.
(4 0 )
(4 0 ) M A N E U V E R S A G A I N S T K E A R N E Y
YORK 7— STERLING (Kans.) 0.
HOMECOMING — 1947 !!! Taking the first quarter kiekoff, the Hastings Bronco bucked its way over 73 yards to a first period score. The “ old-grads” found something to shout about when an aerial bomb, Schneider to Co captain Auchard, was good for a touchdown. Speece’s conversion gave York a 7-6 half-time lead. Hastings came back strong in the isecond half to overtake the Panthers and win going away. Her majesty, Wanda Miller, was the one bright spot for York that typified the spirit of the fighting Panthers.
Coach Tonkin took his boys to the “ south lands” for an airing. Again the air lanes pro vided the scoring thrust of the Panthers. A “ guided-missile” , Gifford to Auchard, repre sented the only touchdown of the game. DeBoer had set up the touchdown on a gain of 35 yards o ff a lateral. Sterling threatened as the half ended on a. 30 yard desperation pass which was complete to the York one yard line. Time ran out before they could istart an other play. W E W O N !!
P a g e 38
D U C K — M IL L E R
C O N W A Y ' S IT S
YORK 40— CHILLICOTHE (Mo.) 0 Subs Turn Game Into R o u t!!! Leading 21-0 starting the fourth quarter, Coach Tonkin be gan to substitute and things began to explode. Watson intercepted a pass and returned it 51 yards to score. Martinez, sub guard, “ stole” the ball from a Duck back and romped 45 yards to score. Shaneyfelt was alert and recovered a bad pass in the end zone to end the melee. YORK 0— WESLEYAN 25 W esleyan scored early and lead at the end of the half 7-0. The play was all Y ork in the
second and third quarters. Pass intercep tions in the fourth period by the NCC Cham pions set up the remainder of W esleyan’s score. YORK 0— PERU 26 Peru proved to be the better “ mudders” on their home grounds by punishing York every period. CUBS CUBS CUBS CUBS
0— CONCORDIA “ A ” 27 0— DOANE “ B ” 35 7— HASTINGS “ B ” 6 0— DOANE “ B ” 26
B a c k r o w : T a y lo r , H e d r ic k , H a z e n , M e d s k e r , B o tt, F r ie s c n , R i g g s , B e r g la n d , I s a a c s , M a c y , M o r a n , D ic u s . F r o n t r o w : W a ts o n , F r f o n r t h , M a r tin e z , M a b o n , G a r cia , H u b e r, J o h n so n , W a y , lim e r ic k .
P a g e 39
A . D IC K
( 2 8 ) , D IC K , S IE C K M A N
P a g e 40
SEASON’S RECORD Y O R K 48—CONCORDIA 38 YORK 34— W A YN E 38 YORK 55— PERU 56 YORK 42— MIDLAND 53 YORK 52— W ESLEYAN 54 YORK 33— CIIADRON 57 YORK 40— CIIADRON 46 YORK 39— HASTINGS 4! YORK 33— MIDLAND 35 YORK 48— INDIANA CENTRAL 65 YORK 54— PERU 57 YORK 45— KEARNISY 82 YORK 40—W E SLE YA N 81 YORK 43— W A Y N E 54 YORK 55— DOANE 56 YORK 36— DOANE 35 YORK 48— HASTINGS 45 YORK 56— K EARN EY 68 A u c h a r d (2 8 ) R e c o v e r s F r o m B lo c k e d S h o t A g a in s t H a s tin g s .
R . G IL L E S P I E
Out of the 40 prospective “ hoopsters” re porting to Coach Tonkin, eight returning lettermen were 011 hand for the opening practice. Pilling the big gap left by graduation and pre paring to meet some of the stiffest competi tion ever to hit the maples of the NCC were two problems facing the squad.
No captains
were elected until the end of the season’s play. The co-captains for this yea r’s squad, elected at the end of the season were A. Dick and D. Robson. Y o r k ’s Panthers opened the season by hand ing a stubborn Concordia five a 48-38 loss.
G. S H A N E Y F E L T
Taking the road for a one night stand, the Panthers dropped a rough and tumble contest to Wayne 38-34. The closeness o f this game set the pattern of the season’s play. Through the stretch of a 13-game losing streak the Blue and W hite of Y ork dipped their colors eight times in conference play by margins of one to six points. The Y ork Invitational Preseason Basketball Tournament, revived last year, was won by Peru. Conference teams competing were Kear ney, Wesleyan, Peru, Wayne, Chadron, M id land, Doane and York. Conference standings were not affected by this tournament, but it Page
did afford ail opportunity for teams to size up the year’s competition. York, last yea r’s Invitational Tournament Champions, pushed the Peru Bobcats, the ’47 NCC Champs, to the final whistle in their first encounter 56-55. Auchard paced York with 23 points. A court that would make a better bowling alley and a clock that kept the cor rect time wrecked a would-be tie ball game between Wesleyan and Y ork on their floor. Auchard desperately shot a wild, one-hand push shot from the center of the court just as the gun sounded. The basket was good but too late to go into an overtime. The Midland Warriors garnered 53 points while Y ork could
J. C O N W A Y
R . IS A A C S
dued a stubborn Hastings quintet 48-45. Kear ney cut short Y o r k ’s two-game winning streak by relegating them to the forlorn role of the In spite of finishing in the
conference cellar, the Panthers provided many a thrilling game in the course of the season’s play. The two wins out of the last three starts provided a measure of satisfaction. P a g e 42
played a dual role of host and villain in a 41-39 thriller.
Playing Midland on the home
floor was not enough to win for our “ basketeers” , final score being a loss by 35-33 mar gin.
A fire-wagon brand of basketball by the
“ hoosier hotshots” from Indiana Central gave the boys from the hilltop a lesson to the tune of 65-48.
win column but finally emerged the victor 57-54. The Kearney Antelopes played a tat too of leather o ff their own backboards as they more than doubled up on Y ork 82-40. Taking their cue from this game, the W es leyan Plainsmen administered an 81-40 white washing of their own. W ayne countered with a 54-43 belting and Doane made it 13 straight losses for Y ork by edging them 56-55. Decid ing they had hibernated long enough, Tonkin’s boys played ball for a change and turned back Doane 36-35, thereby ending the long lull. Finding out how much more fun it was to win than to lose, the victory-starved hosts [sub
vanquished 68-56.
only put 42 through the strings. Still on their Greyhound, the boys went “ W est” for a two game series with Chadron. Ghadron emerged on top both nights. Still without benefit of their home court, the winless “ hard luck boy s” journeyed to Hastings where the Broncos
Peru had trouble getting into the
C, B O T T
Five seniors have worn the Blue and White for the last time oil a Panther cage team. Den ny Auchard, Robert Gillespie, Jim Conway, Don Robson and Abe Dick completed their eligibility this season. The conference scoring record of 314 points in 15 games set by Jim Kaecling of last year’s Panther team fell by the wayside when Glen Groves of Chadron chalked up a total of 331 points in 16 games. In the 16 conference games that the Panthers played, they amassed a total of 705 points as compared with 358 points scored against them. In total seasonal play, Y ork had 1088 points scored against them while they were chalking lip 915 of their own. Much can be and has been said as regards this basketball year, but one must remember that the central purpose of athletics is not just winning games. Greater than that is the development of the spirit of sportsmanship and clean play. Our boys did achieve this goal.
YORK 39— CONCORDIA “ B ” 29 YORK 29— NEBRASKA “ B ” 72 YORK 44— W ESLEYA N “ B ” 52 YORK 57— NSTS, MILFORD 42 YORK 38— HASTINGS “ B ” 40 YORK 19— MIDLAND “ B ” 24 YORK 51— NSTS, MILFORD 42 YORK 46—KEARN EY “ B ” 59 YORK 42— W E SLE YAN “ B ” 38 YORK 41— MILFORD LEGION 38 YORK 36— DOANE “ B ” 44 YORK 44— DOANE “ B ” 39 YORK 5.1— HASTINGS “ B ” 66 YORK 61— KEARN EY “ B ” 51 YORK 39— NEBRASKA “ B ” 51 D ic k T ip s O ne I n A g a in s t D o a n e
B a c k : D ic u s , M u n sin g e r, R o c k h o ld , M ille r, V o r c e , W a lk e r , B y e rs . F r o n t : H e d r ic k , R h o a d e s , S ch n eid er, N o rd lu n d , l£ r fo u r th , M a r tin e z , E m e r ic k .
A t the helm of the “ Cubs” basketball des tinies was Assistant Coach Taylor. His squad succeeded in earning' a few more laurels than the “ A ” games.
squad, winning seven out of 15
Considered to be their biggest triumph
was their 42-38 conquest of the M ilford Amer ican Legion Team, which represented the state of Nebraska in the National Legion Finals. Consistent starters for the Cubs included Robert Schneider, Cecil Rockhold, Harold Walker, Galen Munsinger, Cliff Rhoades, Don P a g e 43
S tand ing:: W a y , K e m p , N e w to n , B u ttc r m o r e , R . A llis o n . K n e e lin g : R o b s o n , J , A llis o n , M a r tin e z , G a r c ia , W o r th in g to n , W e a v e r .
Dicus, Kenny Nordlund, Fred Vorce, Stan Hed rick, Eugene. Miller, and Don Byers. Two boys who moved up to the “ A ” squad during the season were Jim James and Carl Bott. In the season’s play the Cubs gained much valu able grooming that will serve next year’s “ A ” squad prospects.
K ittens99
Giving up nothing to their more experienced colleagues of “ hoop-lore” , the “ C ” squad left the Panthers and Cubs far behind in games won. Consisting of the less experienced basketeers and beginners, the Kittens played neighboring high school teams of the county. Getting o ff to a slow start by losing their sea son’s opener to Utica, the Kittens came back later in the season to avenge this one setback. High school teams that played these sizzling “ bucket-m akers” this season were Utica,
P a g e 44
Waco, Polk, Grafton, aud Henderson. The Polk Town Team also felt the sting of the K ittens’ Claws as they were subdued in a fast ball game. Don Robson, coach and mem ber of the “ A ” squad, was the guiding hand behind this crushing basketball juggernaut. The members of the squad were E. P. “ deadey e” W orthington and speedy floor man Delmer W ay at the forwards, rugged 6' 4" Darwin Newton at center, and stellar guards Paul Kemp and Albert Martinez. Frank Medsker, Eugene Weaver, Rolland Allison and Jim Allison completed the squad. If it could have been said, “ As goes Y o rk ’s “ C ” squad, so goes Y o rk ,” the Panther cage sport would have been highly successful. Shrouded in the obscurity of this “ lesser” squad were the abilities of big, modest Dar win Newton. “ N ew t” shows great promise for the future if given the right kind of encour agement. To the Kittens goes the blue ribbon for having such a successful season.
B a ck r o w : W a ts o n , I s a a c s , C o n w a y , R o c k h o ld , 2nd r o w : H e d r ic k , N o rd lu n d , M ille r, H e m p h ill, 3rd r o w : H a r ris , E m b r e c , D ic u s , W h ite , B a e r , 4 tli r o w : M a in , A u ch a r d , S n o w , T o n k in , M a r v e l,
N e w to n , S h a n e y fe lt, W a y . B u tt r r m o r c , K e m p , M a c y . F a r r e r , W a lk e r , E llis . G if fo r d , M e d s k cr.
Among the large group of “ cindermen” reporting to mentor Tonkin were 11 lettermen. Heading the lettermen was Harold Walker, holder of the conference two mile record. Other “ thincla d ” lettermen were Don Watson, Delmer W ay, Frank Medsker, Leon Macy, Denny Auchard, Floyd Gifford, John Karutz, Glenn Shaneyfelt, Milton Snow, and Eugene Miller. An intra-class meet, three duals, one triangular and the con ference meet made up the spring agenda for the track team. Bounding out the squad were the following m en : Stan Hedrick, Cecil Rockhold, Darwin Newton, Kenny Nordlund, Wayne Far rer, Bay Isaacs, Paul Embree, George Harris, Paul Kemp, Don Dicus, Jim Conway, Gerald Main, Bill DeCamp, and George Marvel. Prospects for this year ’s squad are the brightest in years, and optimists gave vent to high hopes for a comeback in a victorystarved Panther land.
P a g e 45
fiif,Vlrrt Goes Hteh , „ 1,1 Bro“'I Jump
N E B R A S K A C O L L E G E C O N F E R E N C E C O -C H A M P IO N S W o r th in g to n , M a r tin , H e rro n , G ille sp ie , V o r c e , G ra h a m . ( N o t p ictu re d , E r fo n r t h .)
N E B R A S K A C O L L E G E C O N F E R E N C E C H A M P IO N S , 1918 S ch n eid er, M e e h a n , E lo e B a s o n , H o ls t
P a g e 46
S ch n eider, M eeh a n C ou n try C lu b.
a n d H o ls t
th e
G reen
a t H illsid e
ii"’e St^
son Tees-off
The m ajor attractions in the field of sports at York seemed to be found in the so-called Minor Sports. On hand in the Tennis ranks was last year’s NCC singles champion, Robert Gillespie, ready to lead the team in their bid for a championship as well as successfully defend his own title. In good preseason form were Fred Vorce, E. P. W orthington and Les Herron, pre vious letter winners. Other contenders for team berths were Don Noll, Kendall, Martin, Charles Graham and Don Erfourth. Sporting new sets of golf clubs from the jovial De cember benefactor, the Golf team could be found daily, trekking about the fairways of the Hillside Country club. Forming the nucleus of this year’s squad were Bill Meehan, Aully Holst, Bob Schneider, and Dick Bason, last year’s letter winners. Glen Eloe gave prom ise of keeping these veterans stepping by exhibiting some outstanding pre-season form.
W o r th in g to n R e a d y t o
H e rr o n a n d V o r c e c h e c k th e strin g s o f F r e d ’ s ra cq u e t
P a g e 47
S erve
H o w la n d an d W e s to n â&#x20AC;&#x153; On T a r g e t* ' s tr iv in g t o Im p ro v e th e ir fo rm
â&#x20AC;&#x153; C in d y " C a m p b e ll an d a ft e r lee sk a tin g .
Ita c h e l L .an gen berg re la x
G e o rg a n n H o f f a t th e w a its fo r the p itch .
P a g e 48
F ra n ces
P o r te r
â&#x20AC;&#x153; S c o t t y " M e e k e r a n d L u cille K e e fe learn to f ly a k it e .
A n d e rs o n P o r t e r , W a lk e r F u ller, M e y e rs , A u ch ard M c K lm n i, V a n B u re n , P o is o n , H o lb r o o k
G lenn a A u ch a r d f o r b a d m in to n .
R u th
S a n ch e z
ch o o s e
uj> sid es
J . F u s b y an d H a r ris in a c tio n .
P a g e 49
P a g e 50
The gavel in the hands of Lester Hazen, sophomore, The Dalles, Oregon, is his sign of authority as Panther Club president. His club, and its sister campus organizations, offer con trast to the serious pursuance of knowledge. Each group has a constructive purpose, to gether with a program for relaxation, which helps students balance their college life with a wholesome interspersing of work and play.
In keeping with the democratic spirit of the Y ork College campus, social Greek letter societies are not a part of Panther life. Instead, students create for themselves, an atmosphere of home in their own co-op houses. Diehl Den, Misner’s Manor, Tonkin’s Frat, H errick’s Bar racks, Prichard’s Palace, and Refsliauge’s Refuge are all familiar titles for the offcampus houses w'hich students call home. P a g e 51
S ta n d in g , le ft t o r ig h t : P o r t e r , G if fo r d , H o ls t, H a r n is h , B la n c h , R lg& s, M cM in n , G . A u c h a r d , le ft t o r ig lit : M iller, D . A u c h a r d , O. A n d e r s o n , W lth a n i, T h o m a s , B a n k s , N . J . A n d e rs o n .
R ob erts,
G o o d r ic h ,
S m e ltze r.
S e a ted ,
One of the more active organizations 0 11 the campus is the Student Council. The membership consists of a representative from each class and organization on the campus. The executive committee of this group, Denny Auchard, president, Dr. Charles Bisset, faculty sponsor, Dick Miller, vice-president, Crlenna Auchard, secretary, and Wayne Fnrrer, treasurer, lead it in the bettering of governmental relationships among student groups and between student organizations and faculty. Arriving 011 the campus in the fall, the first organization to have its weight felt is the council, as they sponsor the initiation of freshmen into college life in a form known as “ Freshman Court.” Taking impetus from the gala, reception which the freshmen afford the initiation, this governing body proceeds throughout, the year sponsoring Homecoming Day festivities, the Spring banquet, and High School Day. They join with the Panther club to produce the annual Football Banquet and also conduct the important, elections such as, Homecoming Queen, Representative Man and Woman, the Fditor-in-Chief of the Sandburr and the Business Manager of the Sandburr. An expansion in the Student Council’s program included the provision of a Student Council Bulletin Board which is used by the campus organizations for announcing meetings and special events. Friday chapel periods have come under the cognizance of the Council for pep rallys and entertaining movies in their new expansion program.
P a g e 52
F r o n t r o w , l e f t to r ig h t : I )r , B isse t, B a s in , Y a n P e lt , W o ith in g t o n , B a r e la , S p eece, W a y , R . E . T o n k in , B . E . T o w n s en d . S econ d r o w : H u lst, H e rro n , M e d s k c r , W a t s o n , G if fo r d , A u ch a r d . T h ir d r o w : W ith a m , F a h r in g , D lc u s , F a r r e r , M iller, S n o w . F ou rth r o w : M a c y , W a lk e r , G illesp ie, D e B o e r , V o r c e , M ille r , R h o a d e s . B a c k r o w : D ic k , S h a n e y fclt, N o r d s tr o m , H o lb r o o k , R o b s o n , C h ristia n se n , C o n w a y .
The Y Club, whose purpose is to promote the spirit of athletics on the campus, inaugu rated a precedent by a mid-year banquet where they played host to alumni, club members, and high school seniors who are prospective stu dents to Y. 0.
The Women’s Athletic Association promotes the participation in sports among Y ork College women. Basketball, volleyball, softball, hiking, and skating are most popular among the girls. President of the W .A.A. is Lois Shaneyfelt.
M . A n d e r s o n , R o b e r t s , C a n o n , S m c ltz e r , S h a n e y fe lt, W a lk e r , W a k e lin , K e e fe , N . A n d e rso n ,
F r o n t r o w , l e ft t o r ig h t : M a rq u e z , H o lb r o o k , K e e fe , S lia n e y fe lt, V a n Birren, W o e fe le , E . W a lk e r , C a rp e n te r, S m e ltz e r , P a u lse n , K ir k p a t r ic k , B . J . R ig g s , M iller. S e co n d r o w : G a r cia , B a s h a w , C a m p b e ll, H o w la n d , S a n ch e z , B e th k e , M lz e ll, L . K u r tz , J . K u r tz , A c k la n d , C a n on , M ea d , D u n c a n . T h ird r o w : M c K im , H ic k s , A n d e r s o n , T a y lo r , M e g lll, W in fie ld , M . T a y lo r , S w a r tz , R id d e ll, K a m m , H e r r ic k , H u e b e r t, R o b e r t s . B a c k r o w : N . J . A n d e rs o n , M . H a r r is , N . H a r r is , D e v e r, M ille r, M e e k e r , K . W a lk e r , H o f f , P o r t e r , W a d e , I,a n g e n b e r g .
This year the YM and Y W became one o f the sparkplug organizations on the campus. It would be possible to say conservatively that they sponsored more worth while activities on campus than any other group. A large part of this increased activity is attributable to the two young spon sors, Miss Irene Shipley and Mr. Bruce Herrick. It was mainly by their efforts that the two clubs took upon themselves the sponsorship of several new campus activities. The veteran students were host to their “ little sister” Freshmen at the annual tea which was held at the college church. The second semester officers were installed at a banquet in the church. The YM cabinet underwent a complete revision of form this year. The purpose of this change was to more evenly distribute the duties of the organization. A note of interest regarding the methods of the club lies in the businesslike way in which the finances were handled. First a budget of estimated expenditures was drawn up, and then the income was estimated. The deficit was made up by pledges from the members. There are very few Y.C. students who have not enjoyed the activities of these clubs at some time or other this year. Possibly the most universally appealing o f these were the movies, which were held on the week ends when there were not basketball games, banquets, or some other student affairs. Some ex cellent productions were shown, many of them old, but most of them worth seeing again. Some of those shown were “ Keys of the K ingdom ” , “ Tales of Manhattan” , “ Stanley and Livingston” , “ When Irish Eyes Are Sm iling” , and several others. Admission to these shows was very reason able and the clubs made little more than their expenses.
l!' s’
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a a s .^ .
jolly-Up Parodies Faculty
A little more along the strenuous line was the skating which was held in the gym all year except during the basket A m e „, H olbrook, , ball season. Every degree of talent from niirlujf. M nrris the stumbling, falling beginner to the trick-performing veteran could be seen. The greatest attraction of these “ skates” , though, lay not in the skating itself, but in the opportunities available to meet members of the opposite sex. Admission to the skates was very nominal, any profit was made on the concession. The money from the skates is nearly always appropriated entirely to refinish the floor for the basketball practice sessions. Probably the most unique of all the en terprises were those which came under the title of CA(?E. This stands for Col lege After Game Enterprises. They were held in the City Auditorium following the basketball games. The student found himself in a dilemma, trying to decide which of the many diversions to choose. Ping-pong tables were swamped with would-be players, such games as monop oly, chess, checkers, were in constant use, and the snack b a r’s cash register kept up a continuous ringing. However, the real highlights of the evening were the folk games. Stu dents found them excellent exercise, and tremendous fun. These organizations are primarily Chris tian. They attempt to build into everything that they do the true Christian spirit of brotherli ness, good fellowship, and tolerance. They teach that a person should live his religion in work and play alike. At the start of each semester a get-acquainted party known as the Jolly-Up is held. This year the program for the first semester party was a take-off on the faculty, in which several of the instructors were shown in more or less typical scenes. The second semester the students en tered a darkened gym and found themselves surrounded by shrouded corpses which they had to identify in order to find their dates. Some of the students commented that this Jolly-Up seemed a little “ dead” but they were considered non-joiners, anyway. An operation on Jim Conway and a few ghost stories completed the very gruesome evening. The fact that the YM and Y W sponsor these affairs is not generally known, fo r they are all school functions. A t the end of the school year one of the most colorful events occurs. The YM and Y W spon sor the May Day Pete, and it is almost always the most eye-catching o f the year’s spectacles. High-light of the evening is the crowning of the Queen, who reigns over subsequent events. The YM and the Y W the open to any student on the campus. Their program is a varied one, and many students find great satisfaction in participating in it.
F r o n t r o w , le ft t o r ig h t : K a r u t z , F a r r e r , G u s ta fs o n , H o ls t, E . M ille r, J. M a rtin , C la rk , N e w to n , S e w a r d , P . E m b r e e . S e co n d r o w : B o o n e , C la r k , D ic u s , B y e rs , R . E m b re e , M cM in n , A llis o n , E a s tm a n , J a q u fs s , M e d s k a r , B e r g la n d , E . M ille r , S tro n g . T h ird r o w ! H e rr ic k , W e a v e r , K . M a r tin , B a re la , E m c r ic k , H a ig h t, O w e n s, S n o w , B u tte r m o r e , H a rn ls h , M a c y , A u c h a r d , R . M a rtin . B a c k r o w : G ord a n , E ig h t, G a r cia , W illia m s , H a s e n k ru g , T h o m p s o n , D a h lk e , B a ile y , W a t s o n , W a y .
"T«-. rr e ^ f # s @ s » f e « « * -
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SSS: K S K * S f l S f c ’ **■"*■s „ . r, MnrqMM- -’"•
The Life W ork Eecruits have devoted them selves to life-long service in a Christian field. The ministry, mission work and religions teach ing are among vocations represented. The Life W ork Recruits sponsor the African Project, a missionary endeavor. Charles Williams of Si erra Leone, W est Africa, is the president of this group.
O.B.N. President Merwin Kurtz leads the sec ond semester group of pre-seminary students who have organized to study religious prob lems and church history. The group took its name from the founders of the United Breth ren church, Otterbein, Boehm and Newcomer. President W. E. Bachman, Dr. D. E. Weidler, and Dr. J. C. Morgan are faculty sponsors of the O.B.N. Fellowship. Rev. G. T. Savery, Col lege pastor, and Rev. Vaughn F. Learning, Director of Public Relations, are the advisors.
Standing: In f o r e g r o u n d : L e e M ille r, p re sid e n t. F r o n t r o w , le ft t o r ig h t : S e w a rd , L a rk in s , D . W e id le r , R e g e r , K a r u t z , F a h rln g. A m e n , E m b r e e , H o ls t, M cM Inn , P re s. B a ch m a n . B a c k r o w : L lg lit, U r. M o r g a n , H a r ris , R . M ille r, J a q u iss, W ith a m , C rou n se, J. M a r tin , P o r t e r , C la r k , M c d s k e r , K u r tz , B e r g la n d , R . M a r tin .
F r o n t r o w , le ft to r ig h t : W o e liner, T a y lo r , S e y m o u r , Jean F u n k y , -lo a n F o s b y , J . M a r tin , H o w la n d , C a rp e n te r, M o o re , G if fo r d , R e a d , B r oa d w ell R . D icu s, R a ch o w , R ic h a r d s . S econ d r o w : M o rg a n , H o ls t, G o o d r ic h , A c k la n d . R . S a n ch e z, S n o w , Z e rw e k h , E . M ille r. A m e n , F n rr e r . J a c k so n , H . E m b re e . T h ird r o w : M . A . H ig gs, I n g r a h a m , L o is M ille r, H . S a n ch e z, W in fie ld , B . J, R ig g s , M e d sk e r, F a h r in g , D y e r, S m eltzer, P oison , W n e fte , B r o o k s , R o b e rts . H c r r ic k , W a lk e r , M a rq u e z , M a b o n . F o u rth r o w : G . E d g a r , I . E d g a r , E . G a r cia , E a n g e n h erg , C a m p b ell, B u tte r n io r e , E m bree', B u n k s, W illia m s , M , G a r cia , B e th k e , M e a d , W e a v e r , V a n P e lt, B e r g la n d , E a u ff e r . F i f t h r o w : B a ile y , M . R ig g s, l>. D ieu s, R o c k h o ld . H e d r ic k . B a c k r o w : B . C h ir k , D a h lk e , R . M a r tin , T h o m p s o n , O w en s, P . C la rk , K . M a r tin , F . K o o n t z , P . Ithnhree, E a s tm a n , S e w a rd , S tro n g , I t , M iller, S m ith , E . M ille r, W lth a m .
Devoted to cultural advancement are the two literary societies, the Zetas and the PALS. Although the groups are friendly rivals, their purpose and constitution are basically the same. Harold W alker is Zeta president, Lee Miller president o f PALS. “ To be a Zeta is to be inform ed” Zeta boys are just the best 1 know, Zeta gh’ls will always steal the show, Through all our days, W e ’ll sing the praise, Of Zetas where e ’er we go. To be informed is what we strive to do In all the arts and current topics, too. In college days and when w e ’re through Zetas we all love you.
“ Once a PAL, always a PAL. Dear old PALS Jolly old PALS Always together In all sorts of weather Always game, Ever the same Give me the friendship of Jolly old PALS.
F r o n t r o w , le ft t o r ig h t : M . T a y lo r , W . M ille r, R e g e r, K e e fe , fla x e n , W a d e , J . K u r tz , H . W a lk e r , H u e b e rt, V o ic e , F . K a n im , M irK lni, N . J . A n d e r s o n . S econ d r o w : M lzell, G . A u c h a r d , >1. S„ T a y lo r , L , K u r tz , M e g ill, B a s h a w , E . W a lk e r , K ir k p a tr ic k , S w a rt/., M . K u r tz , L a rk in s , H erron , lla s c n k r u g , W . P o r t e r , D ic k M e y e r, B e a v e r , H elen H o lb r o o k , D . S w a r l* , Hlnueli T h ird r o w J F illm n n , M eeker* .Meehan, S hiH ieyfelt, C a n on , M . A n d e r s o n , R o b s o n , V o n D a r e n , T e b e ll, D v o ra k , J. M a r n n , D o v e r, B a re la , W a ts o n , T h o m a s , S ch n eid er, H a r ris , H o ff , F . P o r te r , A . K a m m . B a c k r o w : A u ch a rd , G ille sp ie , B . S ch u e id cr, B o t t , G , F illm a n , A llis o n , H a ig h t, M uiiKinger, W a y , H o lb r o o k , G arden , H a ra ish , E m e r ic k , J an ies.
B u n k s, J a m e s , V a n B „ r c n , H a s e n ,
The Panther Club promotes school spirit and loyalty. Members of the club are representa tives from each class and the cheerleaders. Les Hazen is president, Miss Jean Mattingly and Prof. A1 Zerwekh are sponsors.
The Pantherettes, led by Scotty Meeker, add interest and pep to athletic games. They march between halves of games and sit in a body to cheer. The Pantherettes sponsor the “ Valen tine Varieties” and the election of the King of Hearts. Prof. Bruce Herrick is sponsor.
P a g e 58
M a r tin , S n o w , O. A n d e rs o n , N . J . A n d e r s o n , M ille r.
Unique cheerleading routines, including snappy tumbling, ranked the Y.C. cheerleaders among the best in the conference. These five, elected by the student body, are sponsored by the Panther Club, who presented them with jackets.
r r ™ ;. B a n k ., Barnes, V a n B u re n , H a a cn ,
The Panther Club promotes school spirit and loyalty. Members of the club are representa tives from each class and the cheerleaders. Les Hazen is president, Miss Jean Mattingly and Prof. A1 Zerwekh are sponsors.
The Pantherettes, led by Scotty Meeker, add interest and pep to athletic games. They march between halves of games and sit in a body to cheer. The Pantherettes sponsor the “ Valen tine Varieties” and the election of the King of Hearts. Prof. Bruce Herrick is sponsor.
P a g e 58
M a r tin , S n o w , O. A n d e r s o n , N . J . A n d e r s o n , M ille r.
Unique cheerleading routines, including snappy tumbling, ranked the Y.C. cheerleaders among the best in the conference. These five, elected by the student body, are sponsored by the Panther Club, who presented them with jackets.
X jeC am p ,
W l„«V eia. T/..nE<'"»crK '
alph a
The Eta Kappa cast of the Alpha Psi Omega, national honorary dramatic fraternity, spon sored the filming of a modern dramatization of “ The Prodigal Son” . Several drama stu dents were initiated into the organization. Edith Huebert is the leader of this group.
Interest of students in world affairs and the current Eastern problem is guided by Dr. E. I. Doty, sponsor of the International Relations Club. Representatives were sent from this or ganization to conventions during the year. The outstanding convention was held in Missouri, attended by Barbara Blanch. W arren Porter is president of I.R.C.
H e r r ic k , G a r cia , J a c k s o n , B la n c h , M alnm , D o ty , Shancyfclfc, E a stm an * P o r t e r , L a n d is, S tru n g , N e w to n , K e g c r , L a u ff e r , W a lk e r.
P a g e 60
E d g a r , M ille r , T h o m a s , P r o f . E , C a llen der
The Press Guild is the organization behind the campus publications. Harriet Thomas, as editor of the Sandburr, is president of the Guild. The members are the Sandburr staff, the Marathon staff, and members of the newswriting class. Miss Edith Callender and Dr. J. C. Morgan are the faculty sponsors. Main concern of the Press Guild is the writing, publication, and distribution of the. Sandburr. The annual newswriting contest and presentation of awards are sponsored by the Press Guild.
4 PA U SIN G - W H I L E P R E P A R I N G B U R R S F O R INIA I L IN G , B e rn ice D v o r a k , Ir e n e E d g a r , and P a u lin e S m e ltz e r ch e ck th e la te s t ed ition f o r t h e ir b y -lin e s .
A L U N C H E O N M E E T I N G g iv e s th ese Y . C. calm b e fo r e th e s to r m o f the bu sin e ss m ee tin g ,
jo u r n a lis ts
s o c ia l
P a g e 61
T h o m a s , B a ile y , R a c h o w , P o r te r , A u ch a r d , E d g a r , J a ck s o n , H u e b e rt, M iller, D v o r a k , S m e ltze r, I . E d g a r , B la n c h , M o r g a n
C a lle n d e r, A n d e r s o n , V o r c e ,
THE SANDBURR Published every other Thursday by the Y ork College Press Guild. Entered as seconcl-elass matter January 15, 1925, at the post-office at York, Nebraska, under the A ct of August 25, 1912. Harriet T h o m a s .......................................................................................................................Editor-in-chief Gerald Edgar
.................................................................Business Manager
Mary K. J a c k s o n ................................................................................................................... Feature Editor Prof. Edith C a l l e n d e r ................................... Dr. J. C. Morgan
............................................................ Faculty Advisor
............................................................ ........ .................................... -
Alumni Historian
Bernice Dvorak
Fred Vorce
........................................................................................................ -
Marie H a r r i s ............................................................
Sports Editor Organizations
REPORTERS AND CONTRIBUTORS: Norma Jean Anderson, Barbara Blanch, Denny Auchard, Wanda Miller,
Marie Harris,
Porter, Gerald Bailey, Irene Edgar, Pauline Smeltzer, Mary Alice Riggs, Louis Rachow, Richard Miller, Donald Er,fourth, Robert Patenaude. MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS
Pa ge
THE MARATHON Published annually by the Junior Class of Y ork College in honor of the seniors. EDITORIAL STAFF Barbara Blauch Robert Dicus Norma Jean Anderson
Editor-in-chief ...................................................................................................... Sports Editor Associate Editor LITE R A R Y BOARD
Robert Gillespie W arren Porter
Fred Vorce Marie Harris CLASS EDITORS
Eunice Goodrich ................................................ ...................................................................Senior Anna Kamni - ........................................ Junior Opal Anderson « » » Sophomore Georgann H off, Frances P o r t e r .......................................................................................... Freshman BUSINESS STAFF A ully Holst Hope Howland
Business Manager Advertising Manager
FACU LTY BOARD Prof. A1 Zerwekh, Sponsor Prof. Edith Callender
B la u ch , D ic u s , H o w la n d , G ille sp ie , V o i c e ,
Prof. Ruth Auchard Prof. Jean Mattingly
H o ls t,
A n d erson ,
H o ff,
P o r te r
F r o n t r o w , l e f t t o r ig h t : A u c h a r d , H o lb r o o k ,
B la u c li, D u n c a n , C . W a lk e r , O. A n d e r s o n ,
W ade,
T h om a s,
D ir e c t o r K o o n t z
P a g e 64
M iz e ll,
B a c k r o w : K o o n t z , L ig h t , E a s tm a n , O w e n , E m b r e e , S n o w , W itlia m ,
R eg er,
F u sb y, W a lk e r ,
F u sb y,
C lark .
In g ra h a m ,
F r o n t r o w , l e f t to r ig h t :
Sm eTtzer, P o is o n , L a n g e n h e r g , K ig g s ,
B a ck r o w :
M ille r,
R . M ille r , E ,
H e rr ic k ,
L a n d is,
M ille r ,
D e v e r, M e a d , S e y m o u r, M e g lll, W . M ille r , F . P o r te r , N . J . A n d e r s o n . B o tt, W e a v e r , W . P o r t e r , H o ig h t.
M . P o is o n , J . I n g r a h a m , F . l*orter, R . M ille r , G . W a d e , W . P o r t e r , a n d G . A u ch a r d e m h a rk on ch o ru s trip .
P a g e 65
F r o n t r o w , le ft to r ig h t : B la u c h , C . W a lk e r , D ic k , T a y lo r , S a n ch e z , D e v e r , H e rr ic k , C a n o n , O. A n d e r s o n , B e th k e , T h o m a s , W o e lfle , B ig g s , M e a d , R o b e r t s , S m e ltze r, P o is o n , E . W a lk e r .
The W om en’s Glee Club and the M en’s Glee Club, directed by Prof. James Koontz, formed the nucleus of the Y ork Community Chorus which presented D uBois’ “ Seven Last W ord s” , an Easter cantata, at the City Auditorium. Membership in these clubs is elective. The women are accompanied by Prof. Bruce Herrick and the men by Eunice Herrick. Both clubs first appeared on Homecoming Day. The W om en’s Glee Club sang at the coro nation of the Homecoming’ Queen, and the M en’s Glee Club appeared at the Homecoming Day Luncheon. High School Day, visiting sen
M ille r.
B a ck
row :
A n d e rs o n ,
iors witnessed another appearance of the clubs. Since the members choose to join, the clubs are comprised of people who sing for the joy of singing. Harmonious song sessions and the arranging and presenting of various types of songs entice the singers to join. Under the direction of Prof. Koontz, these groups came to be skilled in musical presenta tion and interpretation. The future outlook of the Glee Clubs on Y ork College campus is bright. The clubs will advance in musical knowledge and skill and will take their place among Y ork College’s musical stars.
F r o n t r o w , le ft to r ig h t : H e rr ic k , E a s tm a n , E m b r e e , W lth a m , M e d s k a r , B a ile y , S e w a r d , I s a a c s , D a h lk e , G illesp ie, B e r g la n d .
P a g e 66
W a lk e r ,
O w en,
E ig h t.
B a ck
row :
A llis o n , H a ig h t ,
R eg er,
Dick Riggs
The stimulation of the limeligâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ht was shared by these music recitalists. This year, as every year, added finesse was given each performer as lie faced an audience, and learned that phase of artistry which audience contact alone can give. Richard Riggs bid a musical farewell to his col lege career as did Eunice Goodrich, the first vocally, and the second, at the piano. Barbara Dick, soprano, and Harold Holton, pianist, presented solo recitals, while Faith Alegill, Harry Owen, and Kredric Vorce, with others offered a ;join1 pianist.ic presentation during- the year.
Dick Holton
. ..
Megill, Oiven Vorce .
C a th e rin e P o r te r .
W a lk e r ,
G lenn a
A u ch a rd ,
F r a n ce s
The Chapel Choir, directed and accompanied by Prof. Bruce Herrick, appears regularly at formal chapel held on Thursdays. Members o f the choir are chosen by the director, regarding musical ability and reliability. Familiar hymns, with unique arrangements by the director, formed the basis of the music pre足 sented by this group. Many of their numbers were presented a cappella. The Choir appeared in a special program during H oly Week. This musical worship service was written by Prof. Herrick and first was presented by him when he was at The Bonebrake Theo足 logical Seminary in Dayton, Ohio. The Chapel Choir is to be commended for its many faithful appearances and for the worship足 ful music it offers to formal chapel.
The Chapel Choir .
F r o n t r o w , le ft t o r ig h t : B la u c h , D ic k , T a y lo r , W a d e , L a n g e n b e r g , M a rtin , M . A . R ig g s , O w en s, E m b r e e , D . R ig g s , S n o w , D . M iller, E . M iller, L , M ille r, P o r te r .
P a g e 68
W . M ille r .
B a ck
row :
H e rr ic k ,
The Orchestra . . .
C a rp en ter,
B els in g e r ,
K oon tz,
A u ch a r d ,
H e rro n , R e g e r , M ille r , D u n c a n ,
P o is o n .
Holiday fo r S t r in g • • •
The musical aggregation, while not large, contained earnest musicians, whose faith ful practices produced some worthy solo ists. W ith James Koontz at the head, the orchestral group made guest appearances. Janet Duncan, violinist, who has had pre vious experience with the Davenport, la., Symphony Orchestra, was one of the most active soloists. W ithin itself the orchestra formed smaller groups. Trios and string quartettes gave members added musical experience.
Janet D u n can .
"W anda Mill®*"
The Recorder H a r o ld
Students were subjected to the sound of their own voices, as a wire recorder was added to the equipment belonging jointly to the display arts departments. Frequent use was made of it, and the pupils could discover for themselves the faults in tech nique and the progress in rectifying them. Professional recordings served to exempli fy improved technique, and the contrast between good and faulty work.
P a g e 69
. ..
W a lk e r
Jean S ch n e id e r, H o p e H invlan d, M a r ie H arris
“ Let’s Make Up” and “ When the Whirlwind Blows” , one-act plays, were presented by stu dents of the drama department on several oc casions this year, including chapel programs. These two plays displayed ability of actors in
Com edy
both comedy and drama. “ L et’s Make U p ” concerned a farcial situation involving the atti tude of men towards women malting-up in pub lic. Heavy drama was ably portrayed in “ When the W hirlwind Blow s,” an episode from the Russian revolution.
... Drama
N o n n a Jean A n d e r s o n , D o r is Jean C a n on , B a r b a r a B la n c h .
F r e d V o r c e , L e s H a z e n , H a rrie t T h o m a s , N o rm a J e a n A n d e rs o n
P a g e 70
Student Going Mad
Three senior drama students were presented in recitals this year. Two of the recitals were varied programs, and the third was a cutting of the play “ Outward B ound” . These three recitals presented comedy, drama and fantasy. Jean R. Schneider and Marie Harris presented the varied programs. Hope Howland cut the play. A unique feature of Jean Schneider’s recital was the reading of the dramatic poem “ W ild Zingarella” . An adaptation of II Tim othy incorporated with a background by Mr. Vaughn Learning, was the highlight of the recital given by Marie Harris. Hope Howland spent three weeks cutting and organizing a three-act play for presentation. These students majored under Miss Irene Shipley.
M arie H a rris
Juniors in Recital
Several underclassmen joint recitals were presented. Harriet Thomas and Bonnie Lou Ackland appeared together. Ruth W eston and Ethel Brooks pre sented a dual recital. Five students gave a recital together near the end of the season. The readers were Elaine Hicks, Irene Edgar, Fred Koontz, Les Iiazen, and Fred Vorce. Students interested in drama, who appeared in several programs at the college and at city meetings, are Mary Karraker, Frances Porter, lona Shaw Taylor, Harold Walker, Elsie Walker, and Gerald Edgar. Senior members of the Expression Department were asked to assist with dramatic productions in York. Barbara Blauch, Doris Jean Canon, Norma Jean Anderson, and Fred Vorce applied make-up for several of the high school plays. Marie Harris and Jean Schnei der were called in as advisors to criti cize the high school productions. Miss Shipley and several students were asked to judge District and Amer ican Legion speech contests. Hope Howland, Mary K a r r a k e r, Ethel Brooks, and Harold W alker all served as judges for such competitions. Betty Jean Noll, although not at tending school this year, presented her senior recital. P age 71
E d g a r , A c k la ijd , H ic k s , T h o m a s , K o o n t z , V o r c e , W a lk e r , H a z e n , B r o o k s , W e s to n
The pomp of formal events begins when fresh blossoms are pinned in place on lovely damsels. (Iwen Wade, Enid, Oklahoma, smiles her thanks as Don Erfonrth, freshman, St. James, Minnesota, presents her with a corsage. Mir rored here is a phase of college training which every strident needs for his own best develop ment. The extra-curricular activities offer the lessons o f poise and assurance which no book can teach, no mentor effectively portray.
Most students achieve a balance between study and recreation. Some excel in both, become outstanding to such a degree that fellow-students reward them with honors and offices that have become part of college tradition. These students should not be the exception— they are representative, and as typical collegians, fre quently find themselves involved in the flurry of collegiate social events and leisure time pur suits.
Rep resentative W oman Elected by the students . . . scholastically superior . . . so cially active . . . pleasing per sonality . . . friendly . . . tal ented . . . leadership . . .
woman’s woman. . . . Ja n e M ar tin.
Representative Man Students choose an athlete . . . grades above average . . . per sonality . . . mingles easily . . . versatile . . . amiable . . . man’s man . . . Don Robson.
P a g e 74
Panther Siveetheart Chosen by football squad . . . full of pep . . . loyal to Panthers . . . sports
. . .
friendly . . . sincere . . . Lois Shaneyfelt.
Representative Football Man Panther honored by Panthers . . . valuable to team . . . team spirit . . . sportsmanship . . . athletic prowess . . . letterman in football . . . steady player . . . Bob Gillespie.
P a g e 75
Homecoming Queen A
student to
Homecoming alumni . . . pop足 ular . . . talented . . . versatile . . . gracious . . . active in cam足 pus life . . . Wanda Miller.
M ay Queen Charming queen of May nomi足 nated by Y.M .-Y.W . . . . elected by students . . . beauty plus personality . . . talented . . . Jane Martin.
P a g e 76
Jane Martin
Denny Auchard Ethel Brooks
Four seniors represent Y ork College in the 1948 edition of W hoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Who Among Students in American Uni versities and Colleges because
scholastic achievement and future possibilities.
Bob Gillespie P a g e 77
MARA THON Reception by Chamber of Commerce pairs Er nestine Garcia and Merl Riggs, Hope Howland and Wayne Farrar, Ralph Amen and Barbara Bashaw, Faith Megill and Denny Auchard. Alpha Psi Omega party de mands the services of an expert cook, Marie Harris, and an ex pert taster, Jean Schneider.
P a g e 78
Football banquet reveals the Panther Sweet heart, Lois Shaneyfelt, who receives roses of recognition from toastmaster, Denny Auchard.
Christmas parties mean festive decorations, and the “ con ” re ception room becomes gay with its veiled but. brilliant ever green.
Literary Society banquet en tertaining made living silhou ettes of Harold Walker, Pat Huebert, Gwen Wade, and Denny Auchard.
PARTIES “ Y ” Club banquet toastmaster, Fred Vorce, welcomes alumni, among them the speculative Harvey Peters.
The concert season was high lighted by the performance of the U. S. Marine Band, Major William Santelmann conduct ing.
Record Hour selections are made at the weekly gathering of music lovers, tliis time by Elsie Walker, Don Dicus, and Max Garcia.
Faculty party— not a hangover from the 1892 MARATHON, but Mr. and Mrs. Koontz and Mr. Herrick, looking tintyped.
The Jolly-up remained time to its name in spite of appear ances ; this morbid scene was only a mixer.
Sophomore reception menu fea tured a special brew o f “ Kickapoo Joy Juice” , being con cocted by “ Hairless J o e ” Amen and “ Lonesome P olecat” Hasenkrug. Page 79
Superintendent of tlie Kansas Conference, Dr. Harlan Thom as, addresses the Homecoming' guests on behalf of the parents. Chef Leland Miller does some fow l play just before Thanks giving dinner is served in the college dining room.
Bride and groom, Floyd and Iona Taylor, perform cake cut ting ceremonies for reception guests, following their mid-December wedding.
Daydreamers wear regalia ap propriate to their occupation. Leta Kurtz and Catherine W in field being punished by the Freshmen Court.
Official board gives added dig nity to the campus at one of their sessions early this fall.
Story-teller Charles Williams entrances audiences with vivid tales of his native Africa.
Husband and wife, Jeannie and Merwin Kurtz, display one of the reasons why they were wed — their sweaters looked so much a lik e!
Foursome makes music in the name of the Zeta’s during Rush Week. Quartet members: Vorce, Walker, Gillespie and Porter.
Victim of the Frosh court judges, Eugene Weaver carries out an official order.
King of Hearts was the official title given Don Erfourth by Gwen W ade at the Pantherette’s “ Valentine Varieties.”
Gourmets Don and Shirley Light prepare to sample the re freshments served at a JollyUp.
President W . E. Bachman is officially installed by Bishop W eidler at impressive service in the fall of the year.
SPEAKING OF PICTURES . . . Class of ’48 honored at annual Senior Recognition Day
P R E S E N T I N G T H E W I N N E R o f th e M a r y M utch Cain a w a r d , E thel B rook s . T h is a w a r d is m a d e ev e ry y e a r to ;i s e n io r girl w h os e c h a r a c te r seem s b est (o c o m p a r e w ith I hat o f .Mrs. C a in , a m is sion a ry w h o died in (lie fie ld . T h e ch o ice is m a d e b y the, f a c u lt y and co n s ists o f e. sm all fin a n cia l
Annually t.o the .junior class comes the privilege of entertaining the seniors on sev eral occasions. One of the more, impressive of these is the Senior Recognition Day, which features the announcements of the Mary Mutch Cain award and W h o ’s Who appointmenls. This event, and others like it. all hough sponsored by the junior class, are. representative, of the respect in which the entire student body and faculty hold the seniors. These services of graduation are a climax to four years oil hard work, during which this class o f '48 has captured a. lion ’s share of laurels. It is with regret that we see them go from V. 0. Hoping that their contributions to society remain as construc tive as their work in college, we whom they leave behind, Mish them the happiness they deserve.
E V E N R E H E A R S I N G the p r o c e s s io n b r o u g h t v a r y in g e m o tion to the sen iors. E xuberan ce, and r e g re t f o u g h t f o r a p la c e in the h ea rts o f the c la s s o f ’ 48 a s th e y learned to k eep step w it h th eir p a r tn e r , an d the m u s ic. J im C o n w a y an d A b e D ic k lea d , w ith Dun R o b s o n an d L o u is lia c h o w fo llo w in g .
C O N G R A T lll-A T I O N S fro m M a r y A lic e ItiKKS, ju n io r cla ss p resid en t, to F lo y d G iffn r d , w hn heads the g r a d u a tin g cla s s.
E lo e , G illesp ie, R a c h o w , R o b s o n , K ig g s , M iller.
D ic k ,
C on w ay,
Cdgar, V a n P e lt, H a r ris , K a r r , K a r ra k e r , M c C o r m ic k , S h a n e y fe lt, B r o o k s , M a rtin , G o o d r ic h , M a b o n , S w a rtz .
“ What gift would you give to each c o l lege graduate, in order that the world more closely approach the m illennium ?” a wise man was asked. “ A sense o f duty toward his fellow m an,” he replied. "Whan sponsor Irene Shipley presented the class of ’48 to Dr. W. E. Bachman, they were candidates for a scholastic degree which had an unwritten clause. Some graduates com prehend it, others never learn of it. It is the
T H E P R O P E R A N G L E f o r th e c a p o f th e s c h o la r is s o u g h t b y th ese sen ior g irls. H o p e H o w la n d o f fe r s a d v ic e to I o n a Shaw and Jean Sch n eider.
H o lt, A u c h a r d , S ch n eid er, H ic k s , H u ebert, T a y lo r , S a n ch e z, In gra h a m , A n d e rso n , H o w la n d , H erriclc, G iffo r d , S h ip ley (s p o n sor) .
clause of responsibility. Having the privilege of an education, a graduate must assume a larger measure of concern for mankind. He must be more than willing to accept the re sponsibility of the second mile o f help and assistance for those in the universe about him. We know that the seniors for whom this col lection oE memoirs is assembled are capable of fulfilling the positions of importance which will be an inspiration to those who came be fore and an example to those who will follow. We know that in them a fully developed sense of social responsibility will cause them to give their ultimate for the good of mankind.
T H E G U E S T S P E A K E R f o r the o c c a s io n w a s I )r . F r a n k Z. G lick , d ir e cto r o f the g r a d u a te sc h o o l o f s o cia l w o r k a t the U n iv e rsity o f N e b r a s k a , in L in c o ln .
Local flying enthusiasts can give vent to their Icarus complex at the York Airport, which becomes more and more the center of activity as the community goes air-minded. Chartered trips and passenger hops are among the services offered by this C.A.A.-approved dealer in Stinson, Aeronca and Piper Cub.
Flight instruction for private, commercial or instructorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rating, as well as straight fly  ing time, is available to all students qualify ing under current C.A.A. regulations. The school is V.A. approved for instruction under the C t . I . Bill.
P a g e 85
G ift giving- is a pleasure w hen you bu y at the A and T D rug Com pany. R ach el L an gen berg beam s at T om R ob son ’s ch oice ot a m a k e-u p kit from their com plete stock.
The new est in style and efficiency in electrical appliances are show n to Mr. and Mrs. R aym ond Isaacs b y Jeanette Bedient. A n y ch oice w ill be the right one, w hen chosen fro m C on sum ers P u blic P ow er.
Hungry students w elcom e the convenient location o f the S tep -In n , ow n ed and operated b y Mr. and Mrs. B ill Schleiger, across the park fro m the cam pus. D on E rfourth and G eorgann H off feed N orm a A nderson, G len Shaneyfelt, R ollan d A llison , and G eorge Landis, w h ile F red V orce and R ay Barela feed the ju k e box .
An annex spread is being planned b y Elsie W alker from the fresh ly bak ed goods of Elsasser’s B akery. Sally K roek er is helping her. Louis R a ch ow waits to choose from the delicious cakes w h ich R on M artin is com in g to show him.
Pride and joy o f Jim C on w a y ’s heart is his station w agon, w h ich is receiv in g the ex p ert care of C h u ck’s Sinclair S ervice.
Clothes make tlie man, so tw o Dons, D icus and A n drew s, b u y from L. M. Sm ith at Russ W illiam s’ store fo r m en, w h ere any selection is the right one.
P a g e S6
P a g e 87
The tall grey bulk o f a grain elevator is a prairie landm ark. The Y ork M illing and E levator Com pany, ow ner o f this elevator, is o f service to the entire com m u n ity w ith their carefu l h andling o f valu able grain products.
Cabs such as these are on call to serve you day and night at the Y ello w Cab Com pany. Use them often to save tim e and insure y ou r ow n prom ptness.
This is a frame-up w h ich is sure to please A lberta B ethke as Mrs. G ale helps her choose a m ounting for her fa v orite ph oto from G ales. Mrs. M cLean finds shutterbug Barbara D ick a cam era w h ich w ill record m em orable colleg e days as they happen.
Assured of smooth riding, A1 M artinez can drive aw ay from D ahlâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s T exa co S ervice w ith M ax Garcia, and get the m ost from his n ew car in w ear and perform an ce.
The com e-liith er look in w in d ow display makes c o-ed s shop at B row n -M acD on ald s fo r a sim ilar look in personal groom ing. M en, too, find their needs easily cared fo r in this departm ent store. Page 88
Every student has a sw eet tooth, and M ax Sch ell and Les Hazen find can dy at D resd en â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s W holesale Candy C om pany fo r every taste. M r. D resden and his assistants aid them in their bu yin g fo r the CAGE.
Coke dates are one o f Y. C .’s m ost popu lar form s o f entertainm ent and M ered ith ’s B ook store affords the p erfect pla ce fo r relaxation and refreshm ent. John K ra ft stands ready to assist Janet Duncan, Joan Schark, D ick H uber, Jacquelin e Read, D oris B roadw ell, R ob ert D eB oer, and Janice Seym our.
The luxury of fur provides a thrill even to the on look er as Elaine Banks w atch es E thel B rooks m odel a beautiful coat. P earl B lackbu rn is fitting this, on e o f the values w hich helps the Sm art and T h rifty liv e up to its nam e.
Reliable banking: is the k eyn ote o f the First National B ank o f Y ork , w h ere L ee M iller, D ick Van Pelt, Mrs. Luper, Mr. Learning and Mr. T ow n sen d are seen m aking deposits to T ed M oline and Ed M arquardt in this establishm ent w h ere dependable serv ice is assured.
Work will be made easier in the G erald W itham h om e w ith the purchase o f this refrigera tor from The Gas C om pany. D oris Sm ith is poin ting out its m any advantages to the W itham s and daughter M arcia.
In the gracious lobby o f the M cC loud H otel, Faith M egill and B ern ice D vorak are w aitin g to m ake H om ecom ing reservations fo r their parents. F acili ties to their liking w ill aw ait these fortu nate v isi tors.
The new look o f carefu l cleaning pleases H elen H olb rook w hen she picks up a fa v orite dress from H esler’s C leaners. B etty R iggs follo w s h er w ise exam ple and leaves a garm ent w ith R u ssell and C larice Sm ith. P a g e 89
Mile-high malts and the gooiest o f sundaes co m p letely absorb B arbara B ashaw , R a lph Amfen, M ary W oelfle, C arl Bott, and G lenna A u ch a rd at G erh a rd t’s Ice C ream S tore, w h ere h u n gry students are sure to be satisfied.
Many of the winter affairs in colleg e are brightened b y corsages fro m R o b er t’s Floral C om pany. In their greenhouse in north Y ork , M r. and M rs. A b e D ick and L ee adm ire the prize chrysanthem um s.
Chow line, college style is a frequ en t event at V ic and G ra ce Joh n son ’s Meridian Cafe. H ere H ope H ow lan d, W ayn e Farrer, Ruth A u chard, M arvin Bottum , and D ennie Johnson find fo o d ex a ctly to th eir liking. P a g e 90
Smiles of approval greet the array o f fashions at P en n ey s. Jacquelin e R ead show s O pal A n derson the p erfect fit o f A n n a K a m m ’s n ew purchase.
Where industry and tradition m eet is w h ere the C oca-C ola B ottlin g C om pany turn out their fam iliar product, w h ich has becom e a colleg e custom . Fran k K am m , E unice H errick, and E ugene W ea ver v isit their n ew plant and sam ple a coke.
The language of flowers m akes conversation easy, fo r C h u ck E m erick, C arol M ead and C liff Rhoades th orou g h ly ap p rov e o f these blossom s h eld b y B ob M ay, representing the ca refu l selection Y o r k F loral can m a k e fo r you.
Discretion in style and price are available to this w ise couple, M r. and Mrs. B ob D icus, in the Johnson Tailor Shop. Charles Johnson aids in their selection o f the ideal m aterial fo r garm ents th ey ’ll be p rou d to w ear.
Your welfare as a depositor is alw ays in m ind at the Y o rk State Bank, w h ere M r. and Mrs. M ilo L au ffer and the F loy d G iffords are bein g assisted b y G lenn Sw anson and H ollis G ew ecke. Veterans fou n d this bank ready to ba ck n ew enterprises, keepin g the progress o f the com m u n ity in m ind.
Where the community places its trust, colleg e stu dents w ill seek service. G eis M otors offer h eavy duty w reck er serv ice as w e ll as a com plete line of farm m achinery.
In this case, as alw ays, the custom er is pleased w ith the m erchandise purch ased from V ic Rogers, in R o g ers’ Shoe S tore. M r. and M rs. Ross Speece w atch y ou n g son M ike get enthusiastic at the prospect of learn in g to w a lk in T rim foot b a b y shoes.
Critical college tastes are easily pleased w ith styles from T he V o g u e ; B on n ie A ck lan d w ears a striking fr o ck to show Em m a Ferguson, and room m ate H arriet Thom as, w h o is u ndou btedly already think in g o f b o rrow in g it.
Anticipating all the delights that a soda fountain offers are G eorge Epp, G w en W ade, E u n ice G o o d rich, and W arren P orter. T h ey w ill find every departm ent o f F le tc h er ’s D rug C om pan y rea d y to m eet their needs w ith fam ous R ex a ll products. P a g e 91
P a g e 92
P a g e 93
P a g e 94
P a g e 95
P a g e 95
P a g e 96
P a g e 97
P a g e 98
Pacre 99
P a g e 1Q0
P a g e 101
Robert Jaquiss
Don Fischer
Townsend Studios
Clarence Mabon
Gale Studios
State Journal
Mr. and Mrs. W . J. Karraker
Bill DeVriendt
United States Marine Corps
Lee Huebert
P a g e 102
Student Directory Ackland, Bonnie Lou, junior, Ames, Iowa.
Bason, Richard, sophomore, Des Moines,
Major: Sociology. PALS, treas. 3; YWCA; Recruits, sec. 1; Chorus; WAA, sec. 2; His trionics; Class treas. 1 .........................*22
Iowa. Zetas; YMCA; Golf; Panther club; Football; Cheerleader; Y club . . . 2f Beaver, Jenalene, freshman, York. Zetas
Allison, James, freshman, Winfield, Kansas . 26
sophomore, Winfield, K a n s a s ......................................................26 Allison,
Amen, Ralph, sophomore, Cheyenne, Wyoming. PflLS, chaplain 2; YMCfl, vicepres. 2; Recruits, vice-pres. 2; OBN . . 26 Anderson, Mary, senior, Arlington, C olo
rado. Major: History. Zetas, treas. 3; YWCfl; Chorus; W f l f l .......................... 18 Anderson, Norma Jean, junior, York. Major:
Expression. Zetas, vice-pres. 2; Chorus; YWCfl, vice-pres. 2; W flfl; Press Guild; Marathon, Assoc, editor 3; Student Council; Histrionics; Panther Club; Alpha Psi Omega; Cheerleader; Pantherettes; class sec. 1; Girls Glee; Sandburr . . . 22
James, sophomore, Glendine, Montana. PALS; YMCA; OBN; Recruits; Chorus; F o o t b a l l ...................................... 26
Betheke, fllberta, freshman, Whittier, Cali
fornia. YWCA; Girl's Glee Club; Recruits; W A A ..................................................................30 Barbara, junior, York. Major: Drama. Zetas, sec. 1; WAA; Trio; YWCA; Chorus, sec. 2; Press Guild, treas. 2; Mara thon, Assoc. Editor 2, Editor 3; Histrionics, treas. 1; Pantherettes; Alpha Psi Omega, sec.-treas. 2; IRC; treas. 2;Sandburr 25
Bachman, Nadine, freshman, Aurora. Boehr, Bernard, freshman, Henderson.
Anderson, Opal, sophomore, York. PALS; Student Council; Chorus; YWCA, vicepres. 2; Orchestra; Panther club, vice-pres. 2; Cheerleader; WflA; Marathon; class treas. 1 ..............................................................26
Boone, Charles,freshman, Ames, Iowa
Anderson, Ronald Norris, freshman, Arling ton, C o l o r a d o .................................................. 18
Auchard, Denny, senior, Alexander, Kan
Broadwell, Doris, sophomore,
sas. Major: Mathematics. Zetas; Football, captain 4; Basketball; Track; Y club; Stu dent Council, pres. 4; W ho's W ho 4; Jack Dempsey Award 3 ......................................... 18
Brooks, Ethel, senior, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Auchard, Glenna, freshman, Alexander, Kansas. Zetas; Girls Missionary Guild; YWCA; Student C o u n c i l ................................30 Gerald, freshman, York. YMCA; PALS; Men's Glee Club; Press Guild; Sand burr ..................................................................... 30
Banks, Elaine, freshman, Lecompton, Kan
sas. Recruits; Y W C A ....................................30 Barela, Ramos, junior, Espanola, New Mex
ico. Major: Sociology. Zetas; Chorus; YMCA, sec. 2; Track; Recruits; Y club; Football; B a s k e t b a l l ....................................... 22 Barbara, sophomore, Moville, Iowa. Zetas; YWCA; Chorus; Recruits; Pan therettes \ ........................................ 26 * Denotes class picture
Bott, Carl, freshman, Alexander, Kansas.
Zetas; Football; Basketball; Men's Glee C l u b ............................................ 30 Marvin, freshman, Bradshaw. F o o t b a l l .............................................................30
York. Pan ............................................................ 26
Major: Mathematics. PALS, sec. 3; YWCA, pres. 3, 4; Recruits, pres. 2; Press Guild; Marathon; Panther club; Pantherettes; class president 2, 3; Business Manager, Sand burr; Girls' Missionary Guild; W ho's Who; Mary Mutch Cain Award 4. Burhoop, Dorothy Jean, freshman, McCool. Leon, freshman, Woodston, Kansas. PALS; • YMCA; class vice-pres.; Football; B a s k e t b a l l ....................................... 30
Byers, Don, freshman, Osceola. Basketball, Y M C A ................................................................30 Campbell, Cynthia, sophomore, Trenton, Missouri. PALS; YWCA; Chorus; WAA; Recruits; H i s t r i o n i c s ........................................26 Campbell, Floyd, freshman, Trenton, Mis
souri. F o o t b a l l .................................................30 P a g e 103
Bernice, sophomore, Swisher, Iowa. Zetas; Recruits, vice-pres. 2; YWCA, treas. 2; Pantherettes; Press Guild, vicepres. 2; S a n d b u r r ......................................... 26 Dvorak,
Campbell. James, freshman, York. Canon, Doris Jean, junior, Albany, Oregon. Major: Drama. Zetas, vice-pres. 2; YWCA; Chorus; Girls Glee Club; W flfi; Histrionics; Alpha Psi O m ega; vice-pres. 2; IRC, pres. 2; Pantherettes, pres. 3 ................................. 22
Denzel, sophomore, York. PALS; C h o r u s ...............................................................26 Dyer,
Eastman, Elvin, freshman, Twin Falls, Iowa.
freshman, Espanola, New Mexico. YW Cfl; PALS; Recruits; Girls Missionary G u i l d .............................................30 Carpenter,
Christiansen, Alien, sophomore, Bradshaw.
Football; Basketball; Y club
P A L S .................................................................. 26 Clark, Paul, sophomore,
Topeka, Kansas. PALS; YMCA; Recruits; OBN; Chorus; Stu dent Council; F o o t b a l l ..................................26 freshman, York. PALS; Y M C A ................................................................ 30 Robert,
Conway, James, senior, York. Major; His tory. Track; Football; Basketball; Y club; class pres. 3 ..................................................... 18 Creech, Benjamin, freshman, York
Edgar, Gerald, senior, York. Major: Eng lish— journalism. PALS; YMCA; Press Guild, vice-pres. 3; class treas. 4; Band; S an d bu rr...................................................................18
Christiansen, Dale, sophomore, Bradshaw.
YMCA; IRC; Recruits; PALS; Chorus; Men's Glee C l u b ........................................................ 30
Norman, sophomore, McCool. Y M C A ................................................ 26 Crounse,
DeBoer, Robert, sophomore, York. Football;
Irene, sophomore, York. PALS; YWCA; Chorus; Press Guild, sec. 2 . 26
Ellis, James, freshman, York .
Eloe, Glen, senior, York. Major: Sociology.
Football; Y club; Panther club
Embree, Helen, freshman, Merna. PALS. Paul, freshman, Broken Bow. PALS; Y M C A .................................................... 30
Emerick, Charles, freshman, Portland, Ore
gon. Zetas; YMCA; Recruits; Basketball, ” B" squad mgr. . .
Football; . 30
George, sophomore, Henderson. PALS; C h o r u s ................................................... 26
Basketball; Y c l u b ......................................... 26
Epp, Glen, freshman, Henderson
DeCamp, William, freshman, York
Erfourth, Donald Keith, freshman, St. James, Minnesota. Zetas; Basketball; Foot ball; Tennis; Y c l u b ......................................... 30
Denton, Garold, sophomore,
York. Foot ball; Y d u b ......................................................26
Adrian, Missouri. YWCA; Recruits; W'AA; Zetas; Girls Mis sionary Guild; Chorus; Girls Glee Club . 30
Fahring, Mark, sophomore, Salina, Kansas. PALS; YMCA, pres. 2; Recruits; OBN; Stu dent Council; Football; Basketball; Y club; class vice-pres. 2 ................................. 26
Dick, Barbara, sophomore, DuBois. Zetas;
Dever, Lois, freshman,
Recruits; Chorus; Chapel Choir
. . .
Dick, Abe, senior,
York. Major: History. Student Council; Y club; Football; Basket ball ..................................................................... 18
freshman, Lawton, Iowa. PALS; B a s k e t b a l l ........................................... 30 Dicus, Donald,
Dicus, Robert, junior, Lawton, Iowa. Major:
Sociology. PALS, pres. 2; YMCA; Track; Football; Ass't. "B" squad coach 3; Y club, pres. 3; Marathon; class pres. 2 . . . 22 Doak,
Zetas; Recruits.
Wayne, sophomore, Sioux City, Iowa. PALS; YMCA; Track; Football; Y club; Panther club; Marathon; Student C o u n c i l ..............................................................26
Fillman, Gordon, freshman, York.Zetas Fillman, Warren, freshman, York. Zetas
30 30
Fox, David, freshman, Garfield, W ashing
...................................................................... 30
Dennis, sophomore, Henderson. Basketball; F o o t b a l l ....................................... 26
Patricia, freshman, York. PALS; Class treas............................................................. 30
Duncan, Janet, freshman, Davenport, Iowa. Zetas; YWCA; Orchestra; Chorus . 30
Duval, James, sophomore, Republic, Kan sas. Y M C A ....................................................... 26
P a g e 104
freshman, Benedict. PALS; > ...............................................................30
Joan, freshman, Benedict. PALS; C h o r u s .............................................................. 30
sophomore, Santa Fe, New Mexico. PALS; YWCA; WAA; Panthere t t e s ................................................................... 26 Garcia, Ernestine,
Hartsaw, J. W ., senior, Powell, Nebraska.
Major: Religion. YMCA; Press Guild
Garcia, Maximinio, freshman, Oje Caliente,
Martin, sophomore, Great Falls, Montana. Zetas; YMCfl; Recruits . 26
New Mexico. PALS; YMCA; IRC; Football; R e c r u i t s ............................................................. 30
Hatfield, Charles, sophomore,
Gifford, Floyd, senior, York. Major: Mathe matics. Football; Track; Student Council; Y c l u b ............................................................... 19 Gierhan, Marvin, freshman, Gresham
Lester, sophomore. The Dalles, Oregon. Zetas; YMCfl; Chorus; Histrionics; Alpha Psi Omega; Panther club, pres. 2; F o o t b a l l .............................................................26
Stanley, freshman, PALS; Football; Basketball .
Gresham. .. . 31
Hedrick, Gillespie, Robert, senior. W orld Traveler.
Major: Mathematics. Zetas, vice-pres. 2; YMCA; Chorus; Marathon; Track; Panther club, pres. 3; Y club, sec. treas. 4; Football; Basketball; Tennis, singles champion 3; Men's Glee Club; W ho's Who, 4 . . 19
Hemphill, James, freshman, Gresham Hergert, Forrest, freshman, Kansas. YMCA; Recruits .
Alexander, . 31
Herrick, Eunice, freshman, M cCool Junc
Goodrich, Eunice, senior, Portland, Oregon.
Major: English. PflLS; YWCfl; Recruits, vice pres. 3; Student Council, sec. 3; Pantherettes; Marathon; Chorus; class sec. 4 . 19 freshman, Bradshow. Recruits; Y M C f l ...............................................30 Gordon, Lawrence,
Gordon, Ted, Jr., freshman, Bradshaw
Graff, Everett, sophomore, York
Charles, sophomore, Colorado. Basketball; Tennis .
Denver, . . 26
Gustafson, Doyle, freshman, Polk. YMCfl;
tion. Chorus; PALS; YWCA
Herrick, Marvin, senior, York.
Major;His tory. Zetas; YMCA; Recruits; OBN; Chorus . 19
Herron, Leslie, junior, Ames, Iowa. Major:
English. Zetas; Recruits, vice-pres. 1; OBN; sec.-treas. 1; Chorus; Tennis; Y club; IRC; YMCA; Glee Club; Orchestra; class ..............................................................28 treas. 2 Hicks, Elaine, senior, York. Major: Religion.
Zetas; YWCA; Recruits; Histrionics; Chapel Choir
Chorus; WAA; . . 19
F o o t b a l l .............................................................31 Gustafson, Paul, freshman, Polk. YMCfl
Gutierrez, Ray, sophomore, Velarde, New Mexico. Zetas; YMCfl; Recruits; OBN . 26
freshman, Velarde, New Mexico. Y M C f l ................................................ 31 Gutierrez,
Haight, Howard, freshman, York. YMCfl;
Chorus; Men's Glee Club; Zetas
Holbrook, Harvey, junior, Orchard. Major:
Mathematics. Zetas; YMCA, treas. 3; Chorus; Student Council; Track; Y club, vice-pres. 3; Football; Basketball . . 22 Holbrook, Helen, freshman, Orchard. Zetas;
YWCA; Chorus; Girls Missionary Guild
Halstead, James, sophomore, York. Basket
Georgann, freshman, Los Alamos, New Mexico. Zetas, YWCA; Pantherettes; WAA; Marathon class editor 31
Harnish, Eugene, junior,
Luray, Kansas. Major: European History. Zetas; YMCfl; . . . . Recruits; Student council 22 Harris, George, freshman, Nelson. YMCfl;
R e c r u i t s ............................................................. 31 Harris, Marie, senior, Great Falls, Mon
Holm, John, sophomore, York. PALS
31 26
Holst, Alyois, junior, York. Major: Psychol-
ogy-Philosophy. PALS; YMCA; Recruits, pres. 2; OBN, vice pres. 1, 2, sec.-treas. 3; Chorus; Golf; Y club; class pres. 2; Student Council; Panther club; Marathon, business manager 3 ....................................................... 23
tana. Major: Expression. Zetas, sec.-treas. 1; YWCfl; Press Guild, pres. 3; Student Council; Marathon; W flfl; Histrionics; Alpha Psi Om ega; Editor, Sandburr; Pan ther c l u b ............................................................19
Holt, Carvel, senior, York. Major: Chemis
Harris, Norma, freshman, Nelson. Recruits;
Holton, Harold, sophomore, Russell, Iowa, PALS; YMCA; C h o r u s ...................................27
YWCA; Girls Missionary Guild
try. Chorus; Football; treas. of senior class 4 ................................................................19 Holt, Orvel, sophomore, York
P a g e 105
Howland, Hope, senior,
Mission, Kansas. Major: Expression. PALS, vice-pres. 2; YWCfl; Recruits; Chorus; Press Guild; His trionics, sec. 2; Alpha Psi Om ega; IRC, sec.treas. 2; Pantherettes, treas. 3; Marathon . 19
Fred, sophomore, Des Moines, Iowa. PALS; YMCA; Recruits; Histrionics 27 Koontz,
Kurtz, Jeanne, sophomore, Des Moines, Iowa.
Zetas, sec. 2; YWCA; Recruits, sec. Chorus; Panther club, sec.-treas. 1 .
2; 27
Huber, Richard, freshman, York. Football . 31 Leta, freshman, Alton, Kansas. YWCA; Zetas; R e c r u i t s ................................. 31
Kurtz, Huebert, Edith, senior, York. Major: Social
Science. Zetas, vice-pres. 4; YWCA, c a b inet 3; Alpha Psi Omega, sec.-treas. 2, 3; class pres. 4 ...............................................20
Kurtz, Merwin, junior,
Jasmine, senior, Sewal, Iowa. Major: Chemistry. YWCA, treas. 1, 2, pres. 2, 3; Recruits, treas.; Chorus; WAA . . 20
Raymond, freshman, Konowa, Oklahoma. Men's Glee; PALS; Football; B a s k e t b a l l ..................................................31 Isaacs,
Lake, Richard, sophomore, York
Landis, George, freshman, Seward. IRC . 31 Rachel, sophomore, W ood ruff, Kansas. PALS; YWCA; Recruits; Chorus; WAA; Pantherettes; class vicepres. 1; Chapel C h o i r .................................. 27
Jackson, Mary Katherine, sophomore, Ad
rian, Missouri. PALS; YWCA, sec. 2; IRC, sec. 2; Chorus; Recruits; Press Guild; class sec. 2; S a n d b u rr ..........................................27 James, Donald, freshman, Stromsburg
York. Major: Ex pression. Zetas, Chaplain 2; YMCA; Re cruits, pres. 2; OBN, sec. 2; Histrionics; Alpha Psi O m e g a ..........................................23
Larkins, Duane, junior,
Benedict. Major: H i s t o r y .............................................................. 23
31 Lauffer, Milo, junior, York. Major: Euro
freshman, York. Basketball, Panther c l u b .............................................. 31
pean History. PALS; YMCA; IRC; class treas. 3 ..............................................................23
Robert, sophomore, Brookfield, Missouri. YMCA; Recruits; OBN; Chorus; Football; B a n d ..........................................27
Light, Donald, sophomore, Salina, Kansas. Lower, Darrell, freshman, York
Johnson, Dennie, freshman, York. Basket ball; F o o t b a l l .................................................. 31
Mabon, Clarence, senior, Phillips.
Kamm, Anna, junior, Platte Center. Major: Mathematics. Zetas; YMCA; Recruits; Chorus; Pantherettes, treas. 3; class treas. 2, 3; M a r a t h o n ................................................ 23
Frank, sophomore, Platte Center. Zetas; Y M C A ....................................................27
YMCA; Recruits; O B N .................................. 27 31
Major: English. PALS; YMCA; Recruits; Press Guild; Marathon; I R C ...................................20
Leon, sophomore, Porter, Kansas. PALS; YMCA; Track; Football; Basketball; Y c l u b ................................................................27
Karraker, Mary, senior, York. Major: Ex pression. Chorus; Marathon; Delta Lambda
Mu s c h o l a r s h i p ............................................... 20 Karr, Hildred, senior, York. Major: Educa
sophomore, Stockton, Cali fornia. OBN; YMCA; Track; Football; Y c l u b ....................................................................27 Karutz,
junior, Telfemes, Texas. Major: Education. YWCA; Zetas, treas. 4; Pantherettes; R e c r u i t s ................................... 23 Keefe,
Kemp, Paul, freshman, Mullen, Basketball. Alfred, sophomore, York. Chorus; Y M C A ................................................27 Kilpatrick,
sophomore, York. YWCA; Z e t a s .................................................. 27 Kirkpatrick,
P a g e 106
freshman, Phillips. Foot .................................................................... 37
Mabon, Merlin,
Gerald, freshman, W oodward, O k l a h o m a ........................................................ 31 Malmstrom, Robert, sophomore, Scotia 27 Marquez, Cora, freshman, Santa Fe, New
Mexico. Pantherettes; PALS; Recruits; Y M C A ................................................................ 31 Martin, Jane, senior, Concordia,
Major: YMCA, Chorus, Student Chapel pres. 4;
Kansas. Chemistry. PALS, vice-pres. 1; chorister 1; Recruits, vice-pres. 1; pres. 2; Press Guild; Marathon; Council; Histrionics; Pantherettes; Choir; Girls Missionary Guild, class pres. 4; W ho's W ho 4 . 20
Joe, sophomore, Hagerstown, Maryland. Zetas; YMCA; Recruits; OBN; Chorus; F o o t b a l l ............................................. 27
Miller, Richard, sophomore, Ventura, Iowa.
Kendall, sophomore, Concordia, Kansas. PALS; YMCA; Tennis; Track; Cheer l e a d e r ..............................................27
PALS; YMCA, vice-pres. 2; Recruits; OBN; Chorus; Student Council, vice-pres. 2; Bas ketball; class pres. 1; Sandburr . . . 28
Martin, Ronald, freshman, Whittier, Cali
Marvel, Clair, sophomore, Yaleda, Kansas . 28
W anda, junior, Russell, Kansas. Major: Music. Zetas; YWCA; Recruits, vice-pres. 1; Chorus; Press Guild; WAA; Histrionics; Panther club; Lambda Phi; Pantherettes; Trio; Cheerleader; class pres. 1; Orchestra; Glee Club; Sandburr 23
McKimm, Norma, freshman, Mankato, Kan
fornia. YMCA; O B N ................................. 31 Alberto, sophomore, Vallecitas, New Mexico. Football; Basketball; Track . 28
Ivalee, junior, Dellvale, Kansas. Major: Sociology. Zetas; YWCA, pianist 2; Chorus; WAA, sec. 3; Histrionics; Pan therettes; Glee Club; Panther club . . 24
sas. YWCA; Zetas; Girls Missionary Guild; Pantherettes; C h o r u s ................................ 31 McCormick, Jim, freshman, York
.3 1
Winlred, junior, Aurora. Major: English. Track; Basketball . . . . 24
junior, York. Major: Mathematics. T r a c k ..................................23
Bessie, junior, Salina, Kansas. Major: Religion. Recruits, sec. 1; YWCA . 23
McMinn, Claude, junior, York. Major: Phil osophy. YMCA; Recruits; OBN; Chorus; Student C o u n c i l ........................................ 23 McVey, Errol, sophomore, York. Band
cial Science. Zetas; YMCA; Chorus; Y club; B a s k e t b a l l ......................................................... 24 Moran, John, freshman, York. Football Pandora, junior, York. Home Economics. Pantherettes.
freshman, Imperial. Girls' Glee; Recruits; Y W C A ............................32
Moomey, Robert, junior, York. Major: So
Munsinger, Galen, junior, Speed, Kansas. Major: History. Zetas; YMCA; Press Guild; B a s k e t b a l l ......................................................... 24
Frank, sophomore, Columbus, Kansas. YMCA; Recruits, treas. 2, vicepres. 2; Chorus; Football; Track; OBN; Y c l u b ................................................................28
Noll, Donald, sophomore, York. Football . 28
Meehan, Dennis, sophomore, York. Football
Nordlund, Kenneth, freshman, York. Bas
junior, York. Biological Science. Zetas; Golf .
Major: . . 23
lyleeker, Clarolynn, sophomore, Enid, Okla
homa. Zetas, YWCA; Recruits; Chorus; WAA; Pantherettes, drum major 1, 2; Band; Student Council; class treas. 1 28 freshman, Arkansas City, Missouri. WAA; YWCA; Recruits; Chorus . 28
Marian, freshman, York. Zetas; C h o r u s .............................................................. 32
Eugene, sophomore, Benedict. PALS; YMCA; Chorus; Panther club; Foot ball; Basketball; Track; Y club . . . 28
Miller, Leland, senior, Ventura, Iowa. Ma
jor: Philosophy and Religion. PALS, pres. 4; YMCA; Recruits; OBN, pres. 4; Chorus; Student Council; Track; Y club; Football; Chapel C h o i r ................................................... 20 Lois, freshman, Dawson. PALS; AA; Pantherettes, YWCA, Recruits, Girls' Missionary Guild; class sec. . . . .3 2
Newton, Darwin, freshman, Polk, Nebraska. I R C ..................................................................... 32
Owens, Harry, freshman, Coffeyville, Kan sas. YMCA; PALS; Chapel Choir;' Chorus . 32 Patenaude, Robert, freshman, Indianapo
lis, Indiana. Poison, Maude Ruth, freshman, Dacoma,
Oklahoma. Recruits; Girls' Glee Club; WAA; Y W C A ................................................... 32 freshman, Aurora. Pan therettes; WAA; Chorus; Zetas; Recruits; M a r a t h o n .......................................................... 32 Porter, Frances,
Porter, Warren, sophomore, Aurora. Zetas;
YMCA; Recruits; OBN; Chorus; Tennis; Football; IRC, pres. 2; Press Guild, treas. 2; class pres. 2; Marathon 2 . . . . 28 Louis, senior, Strang, Major: Chemistry. PALS, treas. 2, sec. 3; YMCA; Press Guild, vice-pres. 4; Marathon; class sec. 1, 2, 3; S a n d b u r r .................................. 28 Rachow,
Rasmussen, Don, freshman, York
P a g e 107
Rasmussen. Floyd, freshman, Hampton
Sanchez, Ruth, senior, Holman, N. Mex.
Rasmussen, Richard, freshman, York
Major: Sociology. PALS, Chaplain 2, sec. 3, 4; YWCA; Recruits; Chorus; WAA, treas. 2; Histrionics; Pantherettes . . .2 1
Read, Jacqueline, sophomore, York. Pan-
therettes; P A L S ............................................... 2? Reger, John, sophomore, Amherst. OBN
Reger, Oren, junior, Amherst. Major: Eng-
list. Zetas; Chaplain 3; YMCA; Recruits; OBN; Chorus; IRC; Glee Club . . . 24 freshman, W aco. YWCA; O r c h e s t r a .......................................................... 32
Reisinger, Lois,
Clifford, junior, York. Major: Chemistry-Mathematics. Zetas; YMCA; Track; Panther club, vice-pres. 1; Y club; Football; Basketball; class vice-pres. 3 . 24
Richard, Glen, junior, York. Major: Sociol
Schark, Joan, senior, York. Major: Educa
tion. Zetas; YWCA; Chorus; Pantherettes
. 21
Schell, Max, freshman, Iola, Kansas. Pan
ther club; P A L S .............................................. 32 Schneider, Jean, senior, York. Major: Ex
pression. Zetas, sec.-treas. 2, vice-pres. 2; YWCA; Student Council; WAA; Histrionics, sec. 2; Panther club; class sec. 2; Alpha Psi O m e g a .............................................................. 21 Schneider, Robert, sophomore, York. Zetas;
Chorus; Track; Golf; Y club; Football; Bas ketball ....................................... ......
ogy. PALS; YMCA; Chorus; Orchestra
Schlueter, Clarence, freshman, York
Riddle, Lois, sophomore, Brookfield, Mis
Schultz, W ayne, freshman, York.
souri. Zetas; YWCA; Recruits; class sec. 2 . 2? sophomore, Mema. PALS; YWCA; R e c r u i t s .................................29 Riggs,
junior, Ames, Iowa. Major: Religious Education. PALS, Chap,lain 1, treas. 2; YWCA, sec. 2; Glee Club; Trio; Histrionics; Student Council, sec. 2; class pres. 3; S a n d b u r r .................................. 24 Riggs, Mary
Merl, sophomore, Merna. PALS; Football; YMCA; Student Council; Chapel C h o i r ..................................................................29
Riggs, Richard, senior, Ames, Iowa. Major:
Music. PALS; YMCA, vice-pres. 2 ; Recruits; Chorus; Press Guild; Student Council, sec. 4; Histrionics; Trio; IRC; Chapel Choir; Q u a r t e t ............................................................. 20 Willa, junior, Fairbury. Major: Sociology. PALS; YWCA; Recruits; Chorus; Student Council; WAA, treas. 3; Histrionics; Pantherettes; Girls' Glee Club; class sec. 3 . 24 Roberts,
Robson, Donald, senior, Thayer. Major: Po
litical Science. Zetas, pres. 2; YMCA; Stu dent Council; Track; Y club; Football; B a s k e t b a l l ......................................................... 21 Thomas, junior, Thayer. Major: Chemistry. Zetas; Class vice-pres. 2, pres. 3 ................................................................24 Robson,
Rockhold, Cecil, freshman, Salina, Kansas.
Football; Basketball; PALS; Track; Y club . 32 Rogers, John, freshman, York. Helen, freshman, Holman, N. Mex. YWCA; Recruits; PALS; Girls' Mis sionary Guild; WAA; Girls' Glee Club . 32 Sanchez,
P a g e 108
Seward, Wendell, freshman, Burwell. Re
cruits; OBN; YMCA; PALS
Seymour, Janice, freshman, Benedict. PALS;
P a n t h e r e t t e s ..................................................... 33 Shaneyfelt, Glen, junior, Aurora. Major: Mathematics. Football; Basketball; Track; Y club; Z e t a s ................................................... 24 Shaneyfelt, Lois, senior, Central City. Ma jor: Political Science. Zetas, Chaplain 2 ; YWCA; Chorus; Student Council, treas. 2; WAA, treas. 3, pres. 4; Histrionics; IRC, vice-pres. 3; Pantherettes, sec. 3, vice-pres. 4; class sec. 4 ...................................................21 Smeltzer, Pauline, sophomore, Fulton, Mis souri. PALS; YWCA; -Press Guild, treas. 2; WAA; Student Council; Chorus; Sandburr 29 Smith, Lynn, sophomore, York. Band; Zetas 29 Snow, Milton, junior, Des Moines, Iowa.
Major: Science. PALS, vice-pres. 3; YMCA; Recruits; Chorus; Student Council; Track; Panther Club; Football; cheerleader; Y club; Glee C l u b ..............................................24 Speece, Ross, senior, York. Major: Psychol
ogy. Track; Y club; Football
Stromberg, Charles, freshman, Polk. Strong, Dean, freshman, Garfield, Wash-
ton. Recruits; IRC; OBN; Chorus; PALS; Y M C A ................................................................ 33 Darlene, freshman, York. Zetas; Pantherettes, Y W C A ...................................... 33 Swartz,
Swartz, George, senior, York. Major: Po litical Science. Zetas; YMCA; Recruits; Chorus; I R C ..................................................... 21 Taylor, Iona, senior, York. Major: Speech. PALS, pres. 3; YWCA; Recruits; Chorus; WAA; Histrionics; Alpha Psi Omega, vicepres. 2, 3; Chapel Choir; Pantherettes . 21 Taylor, Martha Lee, freshman, York. Zetas;
sophomore, Santa Cruz, New Mexico. Zetas, pres. 2; YWCA; Chorus; Track; Y club; Football; Basketball; IRC, vice-pres. 2 ...................................................... 29 Walker, Harold,
Watson, Donald, sophomore, York. Zetas;
Track; Football; Basketball; Y club; YMCA . 29 W ay, Delmar, sophomore. Surprise. Track;
Basketball; Y club; YMCA; Football
Pantherettes; Y W C A ...................................... 33 Weaver, Eugene, freshman, Tulsa, Okla TeBell, Arthur, sophomore, York. Football,
Student Manager 2.
Weston, Ruth, junior, York. Major; Expres
Thomas, Harriet, junior, Topeka, Kansas.
Major: Expression-English. Zetas, sec. 2, pres. 2; YWCA; Recruits, treas. 1; Chorus; Press Guild, sec. 2, pres. 3; WAA; Histrion ics; Panther club; Pantherettes; Band; Alpha Psi Om ega; Student Council;, class sec. 3; Sandburr, e d i t o r .................................. 24 Thompson, Dale, freshman, Laurel. YMCA;
PALS; Recruits
homa. YWCfl; PALS; Chorus
........................................... 33
Thompson, James, freshman, Laurel. Unger, Allen, freshman, York.
sion. Zetas; YWCA; Chorus; Student Coun cil; WAA; Histrionics; Pantherettes; Mara thon; Alpha Psi O m ega . . . . . 29 White, David, freshman, Hamden, Missouri. Wiebe, Gordon, sophomore, Aurora. Charles, junior, Sierra Leone, Africa. Major: Science. PALS; YMCA; Re cruits, pres. 3; F o o t b a l l ................................ 25
Witham, Gerald, junior, York. YMCA; Re
cruits; Chorus; Y club; Football; Basketball 25
Urbach, Richard, freshman, Grand Island.
Catherine, freshman, Thayer. YWCA; Recruits; Pantherettes, PALS . 33
Van Buren, Catherine, freshman, Whittier,
Wochner, Rex, sophomore, York.
Calif. Panther Club; YWCA; Girls' Mission ary Guild; Zetas; W A A ................................ 33
Woelfle, Mary, freshman, Loveland, Colo
Van Pelt, Richard, senior, York. Major: So ciology. Track; Y c l u b .................................... 21 Vorce, Fred, sophomore,
Bookfield, Mis souri. Zetas, pianist 1; YMCA; Recruits; Chorus; Press Guild, sec. 1; Marathon; Stu dent Council; Tennis; Histrionics; Alpha Psi Omega; Y club; Football; Basketball; Sand burr, sports editor 2 ......................................... 29 sophomore, Enid, Oklahoma. Zetas, chorister 2; YWCA; Re cruits; Chorus; WAA; Chapel Choir; Pan therettes; cheerleader 2 ................................ 33
W ade,
Wagoner, Ralph, sophomore, York. Foot
Woelfle, Paul, freshman, Loveland, C olo
rado. Robert, sophomore, Garwin, I o w a ...................................................................27
Woods, Del Samuel, Cheyenne, W yom ing
Major: History. Tennis; Y club
Yates, Oren, sophomore, York. Boxing
Davidson, Oliver Embree, Helen
Walker, Catherine, freshman, Maize, Kan
Holst, Mrs. Joyce
sas. YWCA; Girls' Missionary Guild; Pan therettes; PALS; Chorus; Girls Glee . . 33
Koontz, Mrs. Margaret
Santa Cruz, New Mexico. Major: Chemistry. Zetas; YWCA; Chorus; WAA; Histrionics; Pantherettes; Band; Alpha Psi Om ega; Glee Club; class sec. 3 ................................................................. 24
Worthington, Paul, junior, Muscatine, Iowa.
Herrick, Mrs. Irma
Elsie, junior,
rado. Recruits; PALS; Girls' Missionary Guild; Y W C A ...................................................33
ball 2.
Light, Mrs. Shirley Morgan, Clifford Myers, Janet Witham, Dorothy
P a g e 109