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Buzzword by Kristy Bengivenga


Buzzword by Kristy Bengivenga


Covid Covid Covid…

I know you’ve heard that famous buzzword too many times.

The crimes that virus has done is many, from Boomer to Gen Z,

going from full life to empty, the isolation, depression, intrepidation, anger was plenty!

People had busy lives, lots to do and see

and all of that chaos


when the name Fauci and a grouchy President set the precedent

that we all needed to be masked and 6 feet apart. It’s a start, anyway,

and being at home is like a stay-cay;

it can be a break from the madness if you think positively

like me a

lthough I wouldn’t dare put that on Facebook or Instagram

for fear of getting slammed and damned

by someone who’s not a fan,

hiding behind a keyboard.

Oh Lord, here we go! This friend and that friend, going at it again.

They haven’t even talked since I don’t know when, if ever.

Lots to fight about I guess:

the disconnect, social unrest, the violence, the silence, Denialists, political detesting,

unjust arresting.

It’s unnerving, feels like I’m swerving to go a straight line.

I’m fine

but are you?

It’s a lot to go through, I know.

So many changes though.

The way we eat, shop, learn -

my guts churn going into any place.

Should I mask my face? Give a person more space?

All these different rules and I don’t wanna be THAT fool

who didn’t know. Even still, I go and overflow with anxiety of who I should be.

I mean, I want to fit in with society

even though they’re


d i s c o n n e c t e d

from C.

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