Namaste Insights Winter 2012

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Brought to you by Namaste Publishing

Winter 2012

Seasons Greetings from Namaste Publishing

Constance Kellough President and Publisher Namaste Publishing

For those of us in the northern hemisphere, the days have grown short and the dark nights both long and chilly. Winter has arrived, in some places such as the East Coast of the United States on the heels of a devastating storm. For those in the southern hemisphere, the summer days with their longer evenings and more leisurely pace have returned. We are reminded afresh at this time of year of the ebb and flow of life, as the seasons touch not only our physical state but also our souls. Whether we are donning coats, scarves, and hats, or dressing in short sleeves and going to the beach, this is a time for celebration. Gathered around the hearth, huddled against the cold, or basking in sunshine, it’s a season to pause and be thankful for all that brings us joy. Gift giving, practiced in different cultures in a variety of ways and for a diversity of reasons, is at the heart of this season. Thanksgiving in the

United States—already past in Canada and Europe, as we again celebrated the bringing in of the harvest—along with Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, and other festivals in a plethora of cultures, is about gratitude. A gratitude that we not only experience personally but share with others as we bless them with some token we have selected especially for them during this season. As we traditionally do at this time of the year, we at Namaste Publishing wish to help you express your gratitude to those you care about—family and friends, your children’s teachers at school, those who have served you well throughout the year—in a meaningful manner. In this issue of Namaste Insights, we highlight some of our most well loved items from the Namaste Publishing online store. By helping make your gift selection easier, we also participate together in increasing the consciousness of our planet as we each share what we treasure with those who matter to us. Along with the items we have picked out, and the special descriptions provided for each item, you will find articles that point to the deeper meaning of the season—especially Christmas, which is celebrated by several billion people on the planet. Viewed in this deeper, more conscious mode, this festival transcends religious categories and becomes a powerful symbol of value to anyone. We are again offering special discounted pricing on the items in our store. This is your chance not only to spread the light of higher consciousness, but to pick gifts that won’t break the piggy bank— especially at a time when so many are struggling financially. We believe few gifts can be as meaningful as the books, DVDs, CDs, and other offerings from Namaste Publishing. May you enjoy a truly blessed holiday, in which your life and the lives of those you love are enriched in the most meaningful ways. Let the light in your eyes and the warmth in your soul burn brightly in this season of good cheer—and, indeed, through the coming new year.

Have you ever observed a cat watching a mousehole? As Eckhart Tolle points out in one of his talks, it’s an experience of intense and yet relaxed presence. The cat has infinite patience. Well, that’s not quite true. Patience is a concept the cat knows nothing of, a construct of the relentlessly thinking human mind. The cat is simply being. At such moments, there is an alert awareness in the cat’s manner. Yet it isn’t at all anxious. It’s not trying to “make something happen.” How wonderful it is to live life free of anxiety—free of having a need for this or that to happen. To live in such a way is at the heart of the message of Namaste Publishing—a message exemplified by Eckhart Tolle's teaching in his books, CDs, and DVDs. It

was to launch The Power of Now into the world that Namaste Publishing was was born. Christmas focuses on “peace on earth.” Peace begins in each of our hearts as individuals, when our anxious thoughts at last subside and we learn to rest in the present moment. In Eckhart Tolle’s teachings, you will find the keys to inner peace—and through this inner peace, the doorway to peace in your relationships, and indeed the whole of life.

The Book that Started It All Available in

Hardcover Softcover Audio CD Click here and make your selection in the carousel on the right of Eckhart’s page

You Could Call It

The Power of Now for

CHILDREN Gorgeously illustrated throughout in full color

32 pages Hardbound Soon to be a major motion picture The book that teaches youngsters how to handle bullying at school, talk about issues with their family, and cope with the trials and trauma of growing up

To Order: Click here and make your selection in the carousel on the right of Eckhart’s page

Share the Gift of the book OPRAH made famous, and with it share this inspirational set of cards

To Order: Click here and make your selection in the carousel on the right of Eckhart’s page

Silent night, holy night All is calm, all is bright Round yon Virgin Mother and Child Holy Infant so tender and mild

Sleep in heavenly peace Sleep in heavenly peace

“An Eckhart Tolle sleeper” To Order: Click here and make your selection in the carousel on the right of Eckhart’s page

“Perhaps the most powerful book Eckhart Tolle has written”

To Order: Click here and make your selection in the carousel on the right of Eckhart’s page

Essential highlights from The Power of Now. A great way to get Eckhart’s insights to


And you say you have trouble staying in the present moment? So where exactly are you?

FOUR YEARS after her groundbreaking webinar of 10 weeks live with Eckhart Tolle and A New Earth, Oprah talked with Eckhart again in a Super Soul Sunday on the Oprah Winfrey Network

Oneness with All Life is the book they discussed together Beautifully hardbound with a leather spine This may be the best seasonal gift you could ever give To Order: Click here and make your selection in the carousel on the right of Eckhart’s page

Designed to be read to very young children, and for those just learning to read Children are never too young to learn about what Eckhart Tolle calls the “ego” and the “pain-body”

Hardcover. Every page beautifully illustrated Order

A Season

for Children

What’s stopping you from being fully present in this moment NOW?

eBook Audiobook Softcover Order

Available as CD stocking stuffers or as instant downloads





Like The Presence Process, this book is a deliberately designed perceptual journey. It empowers us to transform the quality of our human experience by revealing the alchemical role of our heart. The perceptual journey it initiates inspires a movement of our awareness from revolutionary to effortless evolutionary behavior. By continuing to behave as if we can authentically transform our circumstances through imposing our will upon the outside world, we constantly enter revolutionary behavior. The very word “revolutionary” reveals the outcome—we inevitably revolve into similar circumstances from which we are attempting to extricate ourselves, and often worse. A revolutionary approach is born of a mentality that seeks to liberate itself with the same approach that it perceives to be the cause of its suppression. Alchemy of the Heart invites us to consider the option of evolutionary behavior, an approach to adjusting the quality of our human experience that doesn’t lead us back into the experiential circumstances from which we seek liberation, but takes us beyond. By embracing an inwardly-directed approach to adjusting outer experiences, evolutionary individuals navigate their experience according to a completely new paradigm. To communicate the perceptual shift that makes evolutionary behavior possible is at the heart of this book. From Alchemy of the Heart

Stocking stuffer CD format or instant download


Stocking stuffer DVD format or instant download


You read it as a child You read it to your children You knew there was “something” about it that was special

You see it quoted often especially the piece about “seeing with the eyes of the heart”

Now discover what one of the most amazing books ever written, The Little Prince, is really all about

A 5-CD audiobook exclusive from Namaste Publishing Click here to order



Click HERE to Watch

Dr Shefali Tsabary

at TED X, San Francisco

Christmas and Hanukkah are about CHILDREN and so is the rest of the year

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Eckhart Tolle with Dr Shefali

The Real Meaning of

Christmas Christmas is about the birthing of who we really are in a world that's been in darkness about our true nature. The ego likes to think it’s God. The irony of this is that while the ego isn’t God, human beings in their essential being actually are divine! When we become aware of our true nature, we realize we are expressions of the divine —the self-manifestation of God, which is the meaning of the statement the early

disciples of Jesus made that we are “offspring” of God, sons and daughters of the creative Source of all. When the disciples of Jesus realized that his presence among them had shed new light on their own being, it took them into territory they had never traversed before. In that culture, the idea that a human is divine was for the majority blasphemous. Most thought of God as so “other,” so not like them. How were the disciples of Jesus to express this new sense of themselves that had arisen in them? What words could they use? The Roman Caesar was thought of as a god. Throughout the empire it was said, “Caesar is lord!” The disciples of Jesus responded, “Jesus is lord.” What they meant is that an ordinary human being, a carpenter turned teacher, contained all the fullness of the divine nature. But Jesus is representative of all humans—and in this he differs from the Caesar. The Caesar was considered a god, whereas the rest of humanity were mere mortals. But in the case of Jesus, it’s just the opposite. To say that Jesus is divine is to say that all humans are intrinsically divine. That’s the stunning insight that came to the disciples. It came as a revelation from within their own deepest being, not as head knowledge—not as a “belief.” The insight was so groundbreaking, changing utterly how they felt about themselves, that for a time they didn’t know what to do with it in terms of their mental understanding. The Jewish tradition as most practiced it had no name for what the disciples were experiencing. However, their experience was described in their ancient writings—the idea that humans are the “image and likeness of God.” But this wasn’t in the everyday awareness of the masses of that time. Jesus evoked in people a sense of the reality of God. Not just God all around them, the Presence of God in creation, but God as that infinite being in which our human beingness participates. Which is why St. Paul said that “in God we live, and move and have our being.” It’s also why he called us divine offspring, daughters and sons of our divine Source. At the heart of the Christmas stories is a simple word: “Emmanuel.” The word means “God with us.” This expression refers not just to the presence of Jesus on Earth, but to what he represents in all of us. Jesus recognized that the divine consciousness was the essence of his own being. What he sought to show people is that this same divine consciousness is also the essence of each and every person. Enjoy the insights about the Christmas stories in this issue of Namaste Insights. These ancient stories, long misunderstood, are all about you—not just about someone who lived 2,000 years ago. This truly changes the meaning of Christmas for all of us!

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Have You Experienced YOUR

Virgin Birth Yet? We have been taught that the Christmas stories are about how Jesus came into the world. But is this really true?

There are four gospels in the New Testament, yet only two of them contain Christmas stories—Matthew and Luke. If the most

important thing about Jesus was that he was born differently from you and me —that he was God’s son in a way you and I aren’t—why would two of the gospel writers completely omit the story of his miraculous birth? It’s quite unthinkable when you really think about it. The first of these four gospels to be written was composed around the year 70. Written by Mark, it begins with the story of Jesus as an adult of 30, coming to John to be baptized in the River Jordan. You would think that, if Jesus was what much of Christianity has assumed he was—the unique, one and only son of God, descended from heaven into a human body—then the most important fact to get across upfront in this gospel would be his virgin birth. After all, that’s what made him God, right? Except that all mention of

a virgin birth is absent from Mark. Not only that, but the last gospel to be written, generally called the Gospel of John, makes no mention of a virgin birth either. And to complicate things, it was widely assumed that Jesus was born out of wedlock—a terrible stigma in those times. The statement is never challenged in John’s Gospel. Can you in your wildest dreams imagine why Mark and John, the first and last to write, would leave out the most important thing of all about Jesus—that he was the son of God because he had a virgin birth? Unless of course there never was a virgin birth. In which case the stories were composed not as biography, but as symbolism that has deep meaning for you and me. Jesus, you see, represents who we truly are. In the Hebrew scriptures, the nation of Israel is likened

to God's wife. But there's a problem with the match. She continually gets involved with the gods of other nations, which spiritually is like committing adultery. Sometime, read the 16th

Despite all that transpires in this relationship, ultimately God forgives and restores Israel as his bride. When he does so, all memory of her past is wiped clean. She becomes his virgin bride.

chapter of the book of Ezekiel, where this analogy of Israel being unfaithful by involving herself with other nations and their gods is described.

There are several places in the Hebrew scriptures where Israel is referred to as "the virgin of Israel," often in the context of having committed adultery with other gods.

When we come to Matthew's story of the nativity, we are told "the virgin will conceive." It isn't just a virgin. The Greek uses the definite article: the virgin. This is not Mary. Rather, it's the spiritually adulterous nation of Israel that undergoes a virginal conception, an entirely new beginning. Mary, found pregnant outside of marriage, is chosen by God to be a symbol of Israel's whoring past. This is brought out by the fact Mary, the mother of Jesus, is the fifth woman to be mentioned in Matthew's genealogy. All four of the other women in this genealogy were involved in sexually inappropriate relationships. These women aren't contrasted with Mary, as some have imagined. On the contrary, Mary, symbolizing Israel, caps the list. This would make sense of

the statement in St Paul’s letter to the Philippians that Jesus in his birth "was made of no reputation." He was known from the beginning as illegitimate in his culture, as the gospels clearly show. Mary pictures what Israel had become, a role she takes on willingly for the sake of the purpose being worked out in the birth of Jesus, who opens our eyes to our true nature. Mary's son Jesus symbolizes a new Israel, which is to include all the peoples of the world instead of just the Jewish people. It's the beginning of a new creation in which, St Paul tells us, "all old things are passed away, everything has become new." It isn't our physical origin that's of importance for who we are. The message of all of this symbolism is that in terms of our true self, our parents aren't important. They are just vehicles for the divinely conscious person

who is being formed through this physical experience we are all having. It's whether we have discovered who we are in our essential being that matters, not who our earthly parents were. Our lineage may be horrible, or it may be aristocratic. It doesn't matter. Both backgrounds are completely irrelevant. The question is: Are we conscious of who we truly are as the image and likeness of God? This essential aspect of ourselves has never been lost, only lost from view. This is why the third chapter of the Gospel of John says we all need to be born all over again if we are to experience divine consciousness. The first chapter also makes it clear that this birth needs to be "not of the will of a man, but of God." In other words, it’s a virgin birth —the birth of divine consciousness in each of us, the

same as Jesus experienced. No matter what your life has been like until now—no matter how big a mess— when you become conscious of your true self, long denied, you experience a virgin birth. You are born again. You are a brand new creation, with the past wiped clean. You are free to be. It’s to make us aware of the fact we have never been the unworthy individuals our upbringing and experiences may have caused us to believe we are that Namaste Publishing presents books such as those of Eckhart Tolle, Michael Brown’s The Presence Process, and David Robert Ord’s Your Forgotten Self. To discover the divine consciousness that’s the essence of our being is what the virgin birth is about. It’s what Namaste Publishing is about. May this insight transform the experience of Christmas for you.

Living as God is a book that awakens us to who we really are. It combines the best of Buddhism, Christianity, Zen, and other teachings to remind us of our divinity and our Oneness. In the process we discover God. Coined a “modern day Bible" by readers, Living as God is written somewhat as a collection of vignettes that invite meditation and reflection. Readers can open the book at the beginning or go to any section within the book.

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This is a book about consciousness, time, quantum science, and God, all woven into a series of practical, personal experiments in miraclemaking. It goes far beyond current teachings on the law of attraction and will sweep readers up in a collaborative experiment that pushes all the boundaries of human potential.

Lynn Woodland

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To mark the canonization of a 12th century German Benedictine nun, Hildegard of Bingen, by Pope Benedict XVI in October, Namaste Publishing released this wonderful, warmly written, challenging new look at Hildegard. By internationally acclaimed author and teacher Rev. Matthew Fox—formerly a member of the Roman Catholic Dominican order and today an Episcopalian priest— the book examines what we can learn from this outstanding woman from the Middle Ages. In an era when women were marginalized, Hildegard was an outspoken, controversial Pigure. Yet so visionary was her insight that she was sought out by kings, popes, abbots, and bishops for advice. A sixteenth century follower of Martin Luther called her “the Pirst Protestant” because of her appeals to reform the church. For many centuries after her death Hildegard was ignored or even ridiculed and is only today being recognized for her immense contribution to our understanding of our spiritual relationship to the earth —a contribution that touches on key issues faced by our planet in the 21st century, particularly with regard to the environment and ecology. As a writer, composer, philosopher, Christian mystic, Benedictine abbess, healer, artist, and student of science, Hildegard was a pioneer in many Pields in her day. Although she is commonly referred to as Saint Hildegard, she has never been ofPicially canonized. Hildegard's canonization will include the conferring on her in October of the highest honor the Catholic Church can bestow, as she is made a Doctor of the Church—only the fourth woman in history to be honored in this way, joining Catherine of Siena, St Teresa of Avila, and St Therese of Lisieux. This is good news for the 1.2 billion Roman Catholics world-­‐wide and for the almost 80 million Catholics in the United States. Matthew Fox, a founder of the movement known as Creation Spirituality, has previously authored numerous books on how spirituality needs to grow out of our rootedness in nature, as well as on a deep ecumenism that embraces spiritual traditions from around the world such as Buddhism, Judaism, SuPism, and Native American teachings. A controversial Pigure himself, Fox is the ideal person to write on Hildegard, having already authored two books about her and having taught her work for over thirty years. He has been credited with Pirst bringing her work to the attention of the world today and Pigured prominently in a four-­‐hour DVD produced by the BBC that includes her opera and her paintings or “illuminations,” with Fox commenting on them. Like Hildegard, Fox has also found himself in conPlict with Catholic authorities who silenced him for a year before expelling him from his Order. His Pirst book, Original Blessing, directly contravened the Catholic teaching of Original Sin. Paradoxically, Benedict XVI has said of Hildegard, "She also explored the vital relationship between God and creation…" Comments Matthew Fox, "The Dalai Lama has stated that the world will be saved by women. I am tempted to say, 'Not if the Pope has his way.' Yet even though the Church has suppressed the feminine for centuries, the very institution that has most disregarded woman Pinds itself promoting a resurgence of Hildegard at this time. It's as if her truth were bursting out despite all attempts to silence her these long 900 years. In this era of global crisis, Hildegard represents and calls forth the healing power of the divine feminine in all of us."

Season’s Greetings from all of us at Namaste Publishing

Welcome to the


Books, CDs, and DVDs to Get Your Year off to a GREAT START

From the person who brought ECKHART TOLLE to the world...

...comes a book that will change your understanding of what’s happening in your world Click to order

IT HAS BECOME APPARENT that the rapid healing of divisons our world urgently needs will not come from stepping up our exising practices. Our species needs to take an evolutionary leap. If you are reading this now, I believe that, intuitively, you know we are the transition generation—the ones to go beyond humanity’s current repetitive insane acts and bridge to a more humane world. We don’t have the time to wait for a subsequent generation to turn things around. As the Hopi Elders have so clearly reminded us: “We are the ones we have been waiting for.” This book invites you to take an evolutionary leap. By “leap,” I mean a jump to a whole new level of functioning. Most of us have experienced taking a leap at some time in our lives. It might have been moving to a different community, launching into a new career, moving on from a toxic work environment with no immediate job to go to, or leaving an unhappy marriage with no secure arms to fall into. But what could this evolutionary leap be? I suggest that “be” is the germane word. As a species, we are being asked to take a leap in consciousness—to leave an unhealthy state of mind and ineffective practices that keep us stuck in our conditioned state, and to at last be what we are capable of be-ing as a species. Let me illustrate the kind of leap that is entailed. The Thin Red Line is a movie about the realities of combat in the South Pacific during the Second World War. In one scene, a soldier is surveying a field after the battle at Guadalcanal. He is stunned by the grim carnage. Many of his comrades—some dead, some with gaping wounds, still others writhing in their limbless bodies in excruciating pain—are strewn on the ground ike fodder for vultures. Some pitch in to help the survivors, others stand or sit, stunned by the horror of what has just happened, their faces showing the shock at such insanity. As the narrating and witnessing soldier looks at his surviving comrades, he says, “Maybe we only have one big soul that everyone is a part of. Each face the same, man—like on big Self. Each one looking for salvation on their own, like coals thrown from the fire.” The soldier’s words piece to the heart of our human tragedy. Our ability to solve our world’s problems and our refusal to do so is due to our failure to see that we are all part of “one big Self.” Instead, we are trapped in a belief that we are each separate individuals, pieces of coal thrown from the fire. Our failure to see our connectedness, our oneness, causes us to behave as though we were each worlds unto ourselves, needing to struggle and defend ourselves against others in order to survive. This is the cause of all conflict and suffering, of all unease and disease of mind and body. Because we have each participated in this unconscious state, we are each in some measure responsible for the mayhem of our world. We cannot simply blame others. Inasmuch as we have seen ourselves as separate, we have contributed our share to the insanity. If we do not see and accept that in some way we are part of the insanity, we can never hope to heal it.

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Super Storm Sandy, loss of your home, out of work, divorce, illness—whatever your loss or trauma in life— these offerings may be of significant help

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Tis the Season of Colds and Flu A team of judges selected Conscious Health, by Ron Garner, as winner in the Health & Healing category of the 2007 Nautilus Book Awards. The gold seal for first place can be seen on the book as Order pictured. The Nautilus Awards recognize and honor books that contribute significantly to conscious living and positive social change. The awards are named for the mollusk whose beautiful, pearllined shell contains chambers of increasing size which the sea creature constructs for itself as it grows. The nautilus symbolizes both ancient wisdom and expanding horizons—both the elegance of nature and a continual growth of understanding and awareness. Practical and comprehensive information on the natural health principles that must be followed in order for a person to restore or maintain health and become one's own primary health provider. Material is organized progressively around Five Keys that are needed to attain and maintain Optimum Health.

the book

Healing involves a restoration of the flow of conscious energy from our One Self. As such, rather than being a miracle in the sense of supernatural, to be made healthy is simply a natural result of opening fully to the divine flow of consciousness.

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In other words, to be healthy is to experience what St. Paul spoke of long ago when he stated that “in God we live, and move, and have our being.�

Newly Published Research

Brainwave Optimization® Has “Strong Effect” Relieving Insomnia BrainState Technologies™ is pleased to announce the publication of new research into their proprietary HIRREM technology in the peer reviewed interdisciplinary journal Brain and Behavior. The study, conducted by the Department of Neurology at Wake Forest School of Medicine, found that BrainState Technologies™ patented Brainwave Optimization® technique is highly effective in relieving Insomnia. According to the researchers, “use of HIRREM was associated with an improvement of insomnia symptoms…of subjects with moderate-to-severe insomnia”, with nine out of ten subjects showing significant improvement. One of several clinical studies currently underway at Wake Forest investigating the efficacy of Brainwave Optimization, the insomnia study is the first to be officially published in a peer-reviewed journal. With more expected to see publication in the coming months, this is a very exciting time for BrainState Technologies™ and our 200+ providers worldwide.

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A v a i l a b l e f o r H a n u k k a h a n d C h r i s t m a s

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Available Early December from

Namaste Publishing in Bookstores February 2013 This book will simply astonish you Diane Williams, Founder The Source of Synergy Foundation

Our world has become increasingly polarized, fragmented, and fractured. It hurts to be alive today. This magnificent book includes a sweeping diagnosis of our imbalanced condition and offers a powerful vision to heal the broken heart of humanity and unify the spirit of our species. Rafael Nasser, author Under One Sky

Profound heart and deep intellect inform every page of this rich and beautiful book. May it have the success it deserves and open the minds and hearts who come to it. Andrew Harvey The Hope: A Guide to Sacred Activism and Radical Passion

Dancing through millennia of human biological and spiritual evolution, The Coming Interspiritual Age offers a compelling and comprehensive peek towards a positive future: stories shared rather than dogmas dividing, consciousness expanding to include global compassion rather than globalized consumerism. This is a book for all who are looking beyond interfaith (bare) tolerance to a larger vision of what makes us all human. Neil Douglas-Klotz Desert Wisdom: A Nomad's Guide to Life's Big Questions from the Heart of the Native Middle East and The Sufi Book of Life

In the face of life on the precipice of unimaginable calamity, here is a book of authentic hope – a work of expansive, integrative scholarship woven through and through with heart and spirit; a visionary book with its feet on the ground. The Coming Interspiritual Age is a compelling read, an engaging experience; a book to be lived with; a book with the potential to change your life, to change our lives, and with them the future of humanity. If I were you, I’d start reading it today. Rev. Canon Charles P. Gibbs, Executive Director United Religions Initiative

The Coming Interspiritual Age by Kurt Johnson and David Robert Ord is simply extraordinary. This much-needed book will change the discourse on religion and spirituality. Especially for the younger generation, who no longer recognize themselves in the traditional narratives that world religions are offering them, this book provides hope. It offers a new vision of spirituality and addresses the personal and societal implications of the possibilities that arise from this new way. The future will be interspiritual and this will be our textbook. Adam Bucko, Founder, Reciprocity Foundation Co-author New Monasticism Manifesto and with Matthew Fox, Occupy Spirituality: A Radical Vision for a New Generation

The Coming Interspiritual Age is a masterful blend of science and heart. It serves as both a wake-up call to the urgency of our global predicament and a potent dose of hope in our ability to come together to repair the world. Kurt Johnson and David Robert Ord eloquently build a case not only for the evolutionary imperative of interspirituality but the great joy that comes when we remember that we already are interconnected, and ever shall be. Mirabai Starr God of Love, A Guide to the Heart of Judaism, Christianity and Islam

A new world needs a new worldview and Kurt Johnson and David Robert Ord's The Coming Interspiritual Age is just that. If you are looking for a map of the unfolding spiritual landscape of tomorrow, this is it. Read this book. Then read it again. Rabbi Rami Shapiro The Sacred Art of Lovingkindness and Rabbi Rami's Guide to God

The Coming Interspirtual Age identifies one of the most important evolutionary shifts in human religious life – the move away from doctrine and blind belief to the embrace of experiential knowledge, a turning inward to the source of knowledge. The book describes the shift from a paradigm of separation, exclusiveness and religious competition to one of unity, inclusiveness and cooperation, one that allows an integration of the practices of multiple religious traditions, without threatening any. This burgeoning spirituality brings great hope and promise for the future. Dena Merriam, Founder, The Global Peace Initiative of Women Founding Member and Convener, The Contemplative Alliance

This remarkable work both individually and collectively reminds us of where we came from and expressively de9ines where we are going. This book is a must read! Marshia Glazebrook Temple of Understanding and Founder, MetanoiaNow

The world religions bear witness to the experience of Ultimate Reality to which they give various names: Brahma, Allah, (the) Absolute, God, Great Spirit. Faith is opening, accepting, and responding to Ultimate Reality. Faith in this sense precedes every belief system. Ultimate Reality may be experienced not only through religious practices but also through nature, art, human relationships, and service to others. When we are in touch with Ultimate Reality, we may choose different paths that suit us individually, or no particular path. But whatever the differences in our expression of spirituality, the experience underlying all faith unites us in our diversity. To recognize this underlying experience and honor it in all humans is the essence of Interspirituality.

Dr Kurt Johnson

After billions of years, there's still a society on this planet participating in the decisions that will ultimately determine our destiny. This is why interspirituality is so important and so timely. This is ultimately what propels the tale—not this group or that, this citizen or that. The message is always about unity, ultimate togetherness—earth and cosmos, earth and animal, animal and animal, animal and human, human and human, religion and religion. In the end the message is about the end of separateness, as in all the myths and sacred texts. This is the heart of unity consciousness. The task of Interspirituality is to speak to the deepest urges of the heart, inviting people to experience the love, kindness, and essential oneness at the core of all authentic religion and spirituality. David Robert Ord

Namaste Publishing, Inc. PO Box 62084 Vancouver, British Columbia Canada V6J 4A3

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