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Trustees Initiatives
Social Welfare
Tsumeb Old Age Homes Christmas Project
As a tradition the trust hosts a year end gala dinner, where different stakeholders and beneficiaries come together to report on the year’s activities, give testimonies and interact with the Founder and the Trustees.
In 2019, the Trustees took a different approach to close off the year. They decided to embark on a goodwill project through giving Christmas hampers to both Old Age Homes in Tsumeb and by spending the day with the elders as the theme for 2019.
Date of event: 15th November 2019
1. Nomtsoub Old Age Home: 23 pensioners 2. Maroela Park Aftree Oord: 12 Pensioners In addition, the Trustees through consultation with the management board of the Nomtsoub Old Age Home and the Tsumeb Municipality, agreed to embark on minor renovations at the institution in order to improve the security and hygienic conditions through: 1. Fencing-off the Old Age Home for security purposes 2. Painting of the living quarters, kitchen and dining hall for improved hygienic conditions. The Trust partnered with Evaristus Shikongo Correctional Facility to provide the expertise and labour on the renovation project through the use of offenders. Offenders volunteer their time to community projects such as this one as part of the rehabilitation programme in place at the institution.
The Trust and Evaristus Shikongo Correctional Facility have both in the past extended goodwill support to the Nomtsoub Old Age Home through food donations and cleaning-up campaigns and for 2019 decided to invest resources in the fencing and painting project for a greater impact. Other companies and organisations have also expressed their interest and pledged their commitment to invest in improving in the areas that were not catered for by this project in 2020.

Painting and fencing of the Nomtsoub Old Age Home in November 2019
The Evaristus Shikongo Correctional Facility partnered to do the renovations on the Nomtsoub Old Age Home

Help to improve the quality of life of the elderly which enables them to retain their independence, identity and a sense of value.