York Minster Risk Assessment for School Groups
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Please note this is only a guide to help you with your risk assessments and we strongly advise that if in doubt you pre-visit. Contact us at The Centre for School Visits to arrange a date and time: 01904 557224. York Minster is a medieval Cathedral open to the general public. Health and Safety policies are in place and are regularly reviewed. It is considered, by us, that visiting York Minster or York Minster Centre for School Visits is a very low risk activity.
York Minster Access/Egress steps are all in sound condition and fitted with hand rails. Wheel chair access is also possible. There is no public access to restricted high level areas of the building. The stone flooring is generally sound with no apparent trip hazards. If maintenance work is being carried out all hazardous areas are isolated and warning signs displayed. There are designated qualified first aiders on site. In the unlikely event of an emergency Minster Staff will supervise evacuation. Public liability for the Minster is ÂŁ20 Million.
The Central Tower Please note there are 275 steps to the top. Climbing the Tower may not be suitable for those with heart conditions, vertigo, claustrophobia, high blood pressure, angina, breathing trouble (asthma, hay fever, and bronchitis), poor mobility or who are pregnant. For health and safety reasons, no children under 8 are allowed to climb the Tower. Any school group with over 10 children (aged 16 and under) must be accompanied by a minimum of 3 adults. One adult is to lead both the climb and descent, one is to be in the middle of the party and one is to bring up the rear. It is the group leaders responsibility to ensure no children ascend / descend the Tower ahead of the lead adult. This is in order to control the ascent and descent and leaves one adult to escort anyone down the Tower who may need to leave. The three required adults will climb the Tower for free, and any extra adults will pay the standard rate. Groups of 10 or less may climb the Tower with two adults (one front one back) on the proviso that if anyone needs to be escorted down the Tower the whole group must come down. If in doubt please visit beforehand. Climbing the Tower does not form part of a visit conducted by our staff. It is always at the choice and risk of the individual group.
The Centre for School Visits – in St William’s College
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Groups using the Centre for School Visits are at no greater risk than in a supervised classroom. Centre staff will be with your group throughout your visit. Your accompanying staff must remain at all times. In the unlikely event of an emergency Centre Staff will supervise evacuation. Movement from the Minster to the Centre for School Visits does involve crossing one very quiet road. Accompanying staff must be in attendance. Safety Advice and Code of Conduct for Visiting Groups Before entering the Minster please switch all mobile phones off. We ask all visitors to respect this holy place and other visitors by not shouting, running or making unnecessary noise. Please ask men and boys to remove hats on entering the church. Eating or drinking in the Minster is not allowed, and please keep your belongings with you at all times. Be aware of anything that is likely to be of risk to your group, such as: areas which are roped off, or tripping or slipping hazards. Avoid causing bottlenecks and leaving no room for others to pass you and your group. Do not take your group into areas not normally accessible to the general public, unless you have permission to do so. The Minster Police control all emergency situations: fire, bomb alerts, ill health or injury to visitors, all direction goes through them unless or until emergency services takeover. If you see anything suspicious or dangerous, report it to a member of staff straightaway. If you hear the fire alarm, or an evacuation is announced, evacuate your group via the nearest available exit or as directed by a member of staff. If there is a medical emergency in your group, report it immediately to a member of staff or the Minster Police. ALL accidents must be reported and entered in the accident book. Approved by: Health and Safety Officer at York Minster.