1 minute read
Uplift or drift?
Property Forum debates housing and job growth
Businesses from Bradford and West Yorkshire heard about future land use planning at a recent Bradford Chamber Property Forum (BPF). The online event in March was part of a series of consultation exercises by Bradford Council on its review of the Local Plan, carried out every five years to re-assess demand and availability of land for housing and commercial development. Of particular interest to businesses in the property sector, Chamber events that discuss planning also attract those working in the property and construction supply chains. The event was opened by Cllr Alex Ross-Shaw, Executive Member for Regeneration, Planning & Transport, before senior Council planner Andrew Marshall set out the proposed allocations and distribution between housing and employment. This was followed by BPF Chair, Marianne McCallum, facilitating a question-and-answer session with Andrew, the Council’s Assistant Director for Planning, Julian Jackson, and two of the Forum’s Steering Group, Clive Brook and Steve McManus. Clive and Steve conveyed wider private sector concerns that the proposals are not ambitious enough, and skew future development plans towards the city centre instead of realising the full potential of the whole District. Failure to adhere to government advice to add 35% ‘urban uplift’ to housing need (applicable to the 20 largest UK cities) also raised concerns. For the Council’s part, they say the plan has to be realistic and achievable, and higher figures for employment sites and homes cannot be met without significant government funding to facilitate it. Marianne and the Steering Group are now in further discussions with senior Council officers and elected members on the issues raised from the meeting. The Steering Group is also looking for ‘new blood’ to come on-board and support the Chamber’s lobbying and representation in relation to property, regeneration, transport and planning. The group meets bimonthly (currently online). If interested, call 07827 318681 or email mike.cartwright@wnychamber.co.uk